The problem with republicans: too much emotion

Hey staph, I just noticed something.

Why do you have a comma after "a place called, Liberty.
Makes it read weird. What place, who's place, were they calling Liberty?
Yea, get rid of that comma.
I have to say the rightwing response to my thread has only confirmed the thread.

so that's your goal here? to piss off people so you can beat your chest like some ape
you are the emotional loser in life if this is what gets your jollies off
but you're a typical leftie just a hater

Man Steph. You need to relax. You're so angry. Life is short. Enjoy it, my dear!

I can't stand ugly people who makes up threads about others that are lies
so why don't you take your own advice
this thread was for flaming and nothing more
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You don't even recognize the historical and philosophical motifs of your own nation's founding. Hence, you haven't the faintest clue about what you're even arguing against.

As I have said before, the statist will never understand anything about the rights of others or the pragmatic limits of government except at the business end of a loaded gun pointed at his stupid head.


No, Dorothy. That's a fact.

You see. This is what I'm talking about. When confronted with the truth, when confronted with his hypocrisy, when stripped of his pretensions, we see, once again, that lefty is nothing more than a sneer and a shoeshine, an endless litany of slogans without a real counterargument anywhere in sight.

It's sad, pathetic even, but what can one do but slap him around a bit.

So is that the end of your thread, Billy Boy? Huhhhhh? Whaaaa?


I'm sorry. I wasn't listening. Say again?

Which is probably why you are wrong about so much.

easy for you to judge others .... emotional much?

the RW's are being controlled by their emotions, and their emotions insist they have the LAST word.

Republicans think the word "Freedom" applies only to them


You're SOooo Special

Just stop.

I'm havin fun.....

:lol::lol::lol: Repubs too emotional! That's hilarious. If anything they are too un-emotional!

Teabaggers 'feel' that Obama is not a citizen, that the IRS targeted them (victim mentality), that Obama isn't doing anything about illegals (he's deported twice as many as Bush), that he takes too many vacations (Bush and Reagan took much more), etc.

All based on their emotional, fact-free hatred of the president.

we BELIEVE he is an illegal alien, PERIOD !

your liberliar MSM just reported he is a citizen of Kenya, do you liberfools doubt your own media ?

you fucking people are just amazing. :lmao:

You may believe it -but as for myself I know it -and am willing to bet the farm on it.

Teabaggers 'feel' that Obama is not a citizen, that the IRS targeted them (victim mentality), that Obama isn't doing anything about illegals (he's deported twice as many as Bush), that he takes too many vacations (Bush and Reagan took much more), etc.

All based on their emotional, fact-free hatred of the president.

we BELIEVE he is an illegal alien, PERIOD !

your liberliar MSM just reported he is a citizen of Kenya, do you liberfools doubt your own media ?

you fucking people are just amazing. :lmao:

You may believe it -but as for myself I know it -and am willing to bet the farm on it.

Yet another example of emotion over facts. You want it to be true so therefore you believe it.
What is very clear about republicans/tea baggers is that emotion rather than facts and critical thinking dictate their political views.

See when republicans hear the words "freedom" and "government" in the same sentence there is a strong chemical reaction that occurs in their brains that overwhelms their ability to think critically and realistically. Their thinking becomes very black and white. Government automatically means evil or oppression. Freedom is in jeopardy! Their tender sensibilities really start to show. Reality becomes distorted.

They fail to realize that government is about structure and regulation. It is vital to any nation to function. As long as it is within reason, government must come first. I know that sounds like a scary thought but if you just think about it critically you would understand why it is correct.

Let's break down some issues.

Capitalism, while a successful economic system, needs rules. Republicans have this distorted thinking that tells them liberals want to get rid of capitalism because they believe it should be regulated. Their thinking, as I said, becomes very black and white. Nuance escapes them. It's either libertarianism or it is totalitarianism. There is no inbetween because they put too much stock into the snowball fallacy. You start with small regulation and of course totalitarianism must be inevitable. That of course is just non sense. The truth is life needs rules. Corporations like anyone must follow rules that ensures the greater good. People need fair wages. They also must be protected from business practices that could harm them.

Republicans often are faced with juxtapositions that they are smart enough to grasp objectively.

Let's examine something as fundamentally important as the first amendment. On the surface, a person could reason that there should be no limitations on freedom of speech. Republicans will of course accept that logic right alway. But, of course, even that amendment can't be that simple. Should we legalize libel or child pornography? Of course not. When you present such logic to republicans their brains simply can't handle the dissonance.

Government spending is another example. They understand that national debt is a bad thing yet aren't smart enough to understand the importance of taxation. They have convinced themselves they can have it both ways: no taxes and no national debt. They lack the maturity to understand that personal sacrifice serves an important purpose. Any functioning nation needs revenue and we all need to contribute.

What's my conclusion? The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.
Excellent discourse! Very well summed up!

That's rich coming from a leftwing hack who soils himself over everything and nothing, simultaneously. You lefties exist in a heightened state of hypersensitivity 24/7, freaking out over everything from phony global warming/cooling or whatever to the price of butter.

What’s interesting is that Billy makes an assertions that ‘republicans/tea baggers’ are all emotion without fact and then launches into a monologue doing EXACTLY what he claimed the republicans did.

Truly ironic how emotional and completely devoid of fact Billy is while demanding that is what others are doing.

If we wanted to make Billy’s assertion a little closer to truth the first sentence would read:
“What is very clear about partisan hacks is that emotion rather than facts and critical thinking dictate their political views.”

A group that Billy clearly belongs in.

Why don’t you take those straw men somewhere else, you didn’t articulate a single republican ‘position’ on anything.

I have to say the rightwing response to my thread has only confirmed the thread.


Point out the single fact you used in your rand again....

Thought so.

Well, I do know that one end of the spectrum is obsessed with "feelings" and "fairness" and "self esteem" and "self awareness" and "participation medals", and constantly chastises the other end for being "mean" and "greedy" and "unfair". Seems pretty emotional to me, a fairly simplistic, elementary, almost child-like emotion at that.

So that's the conservatives doing that, right?

This was an amusing thread, I'll give it that.
Once you cut through all the bull though, we all know which side is ruled by out of control emotions, and there's a reason that side is commonly referred to as "bleeding hearts".

Let's be clear though, and these videos give you a clear picture.

Obviously here's the conservative:

Obviously here's the liberal:

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we BELIEVE he is an illegal alien, PERIOD !

your liberliar MSM just reported he is a citizen of Kenya, do you liberfools doubt your own media ?

you fucking people are just amazing. :lmao:

You may believe it -but as for myself I know it -and am willing to bet the farm on it.

Yet another example of emotion over facts. You want it to be true so therefore you believe it.

No - not really -I do however get emotional [enraged] when the facts prove out that greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the Anerican People -Barrack Obama occupies our white Hiuse as a defacto [as opposed to De Jure] President.

He is not qualified legally to serve, He is not competent to serve, he is a front man for a bigger and more sinister socio-fascist machine. And he IS an Illegal Alien. I am ashamed to say that I actually voted for this shit bag socialist in sheeps clothing - The first time- [but not the second - Fool me once shame on you] - I even more ashamed that so many of my countrymen actually voted for him the second time around [Fool me twice shame on me].

You betcha I get emotional - but only after the facts have been exposed and the evidence weighed ... Wake the Fuck Up People - this isn't Spy vs. Spy - this isn't about Liberal vs. Conservative . This is about the future of our country , our childrens and grand childrens future - all being thrown in the trash because "WE THE PEOPLE" can't see past the end of our fucking noses when it comes to our partisan politics !

If you consider my rant to be emotional then I guess you're fucking right - yes I do get Emotional . Regards and have a Nice Day .
Oh I get it now... the thread was a lampoon! Or maybe a spoof? I get those two mixed up. Like if I wrote an essay about how Liberals really couldn't care less about people, they just use them as pawns to enable their mean-spirited name calling and accusations toward the right.... then I wait for the barrage of name calling and accusations to fly? ...Of course, that wouldn't exactly be a lampoon or spoof as much as it would be the truth, but you get my point.

Well, I do know that one end of the spectrum is obsessed with "feelings" and "fairness" and "self esteem" and "self awareness" and "participation medals", and constantly chastises the other end for being "mean" and "greedy" and "unfair". Seems pretty emotional to me, a fairly simplistic, elementary, almost child-like emotion at that.

So that's the conservatives doing that, right?


you'll burst their bubbles

Well, I do know that one end of the spectrum is obsessed with "feelings" and "fairness" and "self esteem" and "self awareness" and "participation medals", and constantly chastises the other end for being "mean" and "greedy" and "unfair". Seems pretty emotional to me, a fairly simplistic, elementary, almost child-like emotion at that.

So that's the conservatives doing that, right?


There is no more primal and unreasoning emotion than fear. I tell conservatives all of the time to quit letting people scare them and they just do not understand.
What is very clear about republicans/tea baggers is that emotion rather than facts and critical thinking dictate their political views.

See when republicans hear the words "freedom" and "government" in the same sentence there is a strong chemical reaction that occurs in their brains that overwhelms their ability to think critically and realistically. Their thinking becomes very black and white. Government automatically means evil or oppression. Freedom is in jeopardy! Their tender sensibilities really start to show. Reality becomes distorted.

They fail to realize that government is about structure and regulation. It is vital to any nation to function. As long as it is within reason, government must come first. I know that sounds like a scary thought but if you just think about it critically you would understand why it is correct.

Let's break down some issues.

Capitalism, while a successful economic system, needs rules. Republicans have this distorted thinking that tells them liberals want to get rid of capitalism because they believe it should be regulated. Their thinking, as I said, becomes very black and white. Nuance escapes them. It's either libertarianism or it is totalitarianism. There is no inbetween because they put too much stock into the snowball fallacy. You start with small regulation and of course totalitarianism must be inevitable. That of course is just non sense. The truth is life needs rules. Corporations like anyone must follow rules that ensures the greater good. People need fair wages. They also must be protected from business practices that could harm them.

Republicans often are faced with juxtapositions that they are not smart enough to grasp objectively.

Let's examine something as fundamentally important as the first amendment. On the surface, a person could reason that there should be no limitations on freedom of speech. Republicans will of course accept that logic right alway. But, of course, even that amendment can't be that simple. Should we legalize libel or child pornography? Of course not. When you present such logic to republicans their brains simply can't handle the dissonance.

Government spending is another example. They understand that national debt is a bad thing yet aren't smart enough to understand the importance of taxation. They have convinced themselves they can have it both ways: no taxes and no national debt. They lack the maturity to understand that personal sacrifice serves an important purpose. Any functioning nation needs revenue and we all need to contribute.

What's my conclusion? The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.

The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.
I was going to write to really long response to your silliness , but I figured - hey - why waste my time- it's only a Liberal simpleton - a picture is worth a thousand words.....

And all your pictures are strawmen.

For instance: who criticizes women for being stay-home moms?

Not Liberals.

Of course, if conservatives didn't lie they would have nothing to say.
What is very clear about republicans/tea baggers is that emotion rather than facts and critical thinking dictate their political views.

See when republicans hear the words "freedom" and "government" in the same sentence there is a strong chemical reaction that occurs in their brains that overwhelms their ability to think critically and realistically. Their thinking becomes very black and white. Government automatically means evil or oppression. Freedom is in jeopardy! Their tender sensibilities really start to show. Reality becomes distorted.

They fail to realize that government is about structure and regulation. It is vital to any nation to function. As long as it is within reason, government must come first. I know that sounds like a scary thought but if you just think about it critically you would understand why it is correct.

Let's break down some issues.

Capitalism, while a successful economic system, needs rules. Republicans have this distorted thinking that tells them liberals want to get rid of capitalism because they believe it should be regulated. Their thinking, as I said, becomes very black and white. Nuance escapes them. It's either libertarianism or it is totalitarianism. There is no inbetween because they put too much stock into the snowball fallacy. You start with small regulation and of course totalitarianism must be inevitable. That of course is just non sense. The truth is life needs rules. Corporations like anyone must follow rules that ensures the greater good. People need fair wages. They also must be protected from business practices that could harm them.

Republicans often are faced with juxtapositions that they are not smart enough to grasp objectively.

Let's examine something as fundamentally important as the first amendment. On the surface, a person could reason that there should be no limitations on freedom of speech. Republicans will of course accept that logic right alway. But, of course, even that amendment can't be that simple. Should we legalize libel or child pornography? Of course not. When you present such logic to republicans their brains simply can't handle the dissonance.

Government spending is another example. They understand that national debt is a bad thing yet aren't smart enough to understand the importance of taxation. They have convinced themselves they can have it both ways: no taxes and no national debt. They lack the maturity to understand that personal sacrifice serves an important purpose. Any functioning nation needs revenue and we all need to contribute.

What's my conclusion? The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.

The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.
I was going to write to really long response to your silliness , but I figured - hey - why waste my time- it's only a Liberal simpleton - a picture is worth a thousand words.....

And all your pictures are strawmen.

For instance: who criticizes women for being stay-home moms?

Not Liberals.

Of course, if conservatives didn't lie they would have nothing to say.

there's that projection again. libs are famous for it
What is very clear about republicans/tea baggers is that emotion rather than facts and critical thinking dictate their political views.

See when republicans hear the words "freedom" and "government" in the same sentence there is a strong chemical reaction that occurs in their brains that overwhelms their ability to think critically and realistically. Their thinking becomes very black and white. Government automatically means evil or oppression. Freedom is in jeopardy! Their tender sensibilities really start to show. Reality becomes distorted.

They fail to realize that government is about structure and regulation. It is vital to any nation to function. As long as it is within reason, government must come first. I know that sounds like a scary thought but if you just think about it critically you would understand why it is correct.

Let's break down some issues.

Capitalism, while a successful economic system, needs rules. Republicans have this distorted thinking that tells them liberals want to get rid of capitalism because they believe it should be regulated. Their thinking, as I said, becomes very black and white. Nuance escapes them. It's either libertarianism or it is totalitarianism. There is no inbetween because they put too much stock into the snowball fallacy. You start with small regulation and of course totalitarianism must be inevitable. That of course is just non sense. The truth is life needs rules. Corporations like anyone must follow rules that ensures the greater good. People need fair wages. They also must be protected from business practices that could harm them.

Republicans often are faced with juxtapositions that they are not smart enough to grasp objectively.

Let's examine something as fundamentally important as the first amendment. On the surface, a person could reason that there should be no limitations on freedom of speech. Republicans will of course accept that logic right alway. But, of course, even that amendment can't be that simple. Should we legalize libel or child pornography? Of course not. When you present such logic to republicans their brains simply can't handle the dissonance.

Government spending is another example. They understand that national debt is a bad thing yet aren't smart enough to understand the importance of taxation. They have convinced themselves they can have it both ways: no taxes and no national debt. They lack the maturity to understand that personal sacrifice serves an important purpose. Any functioning nation needs revenue and we all need to contribute.

What's my conclusion? The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.

The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.
I was going to write to really long response to your silliness , but I figured - hey - why waste my time- it's only a Liberal simpleton - a picture is worth a thousand words.....

And all your pictures are strawmen.

For instance: who criticizes women for being stay-home moms?

Not Liberals.

Of course, if conservatives didn't lie they would have nothing to say.

You're Funny -you were trying tobe funny weren't you ? I know you can't possibly be typing that with a straight face .

Liberal Fascists and their useful idiots ridicule, insult, degrade and demean stay-at-home moms on a continual basis.
Democrat Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema has said,
"These women who act like staying at home, leeching off their husbands or boyfriends, and just cashing the checks is some sort of feminism because they’re choosing to live that life. That’s bull****. I mean, what the f*** are we really talking about here?"

Writer Amy Glass whole ahighlky insultin article not only mocking Mothers everywhere , but demeaning the entire Family Structure "I look down on young women with husbands and kids and I’m not sorry."

Democrat strategist Hillary Rosen attacked Ann Romney for being a stay-at-home mom while Barack Obama himself said [quote]staying at home to raise children isn't real "work." [/quote]

Strong willed, Independent minded women such as Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin.... Liberals pratically foam at the mouth when these girls are mentioned , and the Liberal Press works overtime to demean them anyway they can feasibly devise.

They've attacked Palin's family and children
They've attacked Bachmann's husband,
They've attacked Coulter and tried to claim she was a transvestite
They've attacked Michelle Malkin with racial slurs .
Ms. Malkin had to sell her nome and change her residence because of serious threats against her and her Family -

This is America people -what the Fuck are you People you doing !!!!
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