The problem with republicans: too much emotion

What is very clear about republicans/tea baggers is that emotion rather than facts and critical thinking dictate their political views.

See when republicans hear the words "freedom" and "government" in the same sentence there is a strong chemical reaction that occurs in their brains that overwhelms their ability to think critically and realistically. Their thinking becomes very black and white. Government automatically means evil or oppression. Freedom is in jeopardy! Their tender sensibilities really start to show. Reality becomes distorted.

They fail to realize that government is about structure and regulation. It is vital to any nation to function. As long as it is within reason, government must come first. I know that sounds like a scary thought but if you just think about it critically you would understand why it is correct.

Let's break down some issues.

Capitalism, while a successful economic system, needs rules. Republicans have this distorted thinking that tells them liberals want to get rid of capitalism because they believe it should be regulated. Their thinking, as I said, becomes very black and white. Nuance escapes them. It's either libertarianism or it is totalitarianism. There is no inbetween because they put too much stock into the snowball fallacy. You start with small regulation and of course totalitarianism must be inevitable. That of course is just non sense. The truth is life needs rules. Corporations like anyone must follow rules that ensures the greater good. People need fair wages. They also must be protected from business practices that could harm them.

Republicans often are faced with juxtapositions that they are not smart enough to grasp objectively.

Let's examine something as fundamentally important as the first amendment. On the surface, a person could reason that there should be no limitations on freedom of speech. Republicans will of course accept that logic right alway. But, of course, even that amendment can't be that simple. Should we legalize libel or child pornography? Of course not. When you present such logic to republicans their brains simply can't handle the dissonance.

Government spending is another example. They understand that national debt is a bad thing yet aren't smart enough to understand the importance of taxation. They have convinced themselves they can have it both ways: no taxes and no national debt. They lack the maturity to understand that personal sacrifice serves an important purpose. Any functioning nation needs revenue and we all need to contribute.

What's my conclusion? The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.

The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.

I was going to write to really long response to your silliness , but I figured - hey - why waste my time- it's only a Liberal simpleton - a picture is worth a thousand words.....















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"Reactionaries" is the word. People who make up their mind for good in the first few moments of becoming aware of a new crisis or scandal and simply do not change it in light of new or contradictory information. Knee jerks are SOP in republican politics.

"Reactionaries" ... People who make up their mind for good in the first few moments of becoming aware of a new crisis or scandal ? HMMMM That sounds a lot like a Libtard to me ..However the term "Reactionary" was favored by 20th Century Communist idelogues Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Mao , Pol Pot ... I guess it's only fitting that the American Lefties should adopt it .

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:lol::lol::lol: Repubs too emotional! That's hilarious. If anything they are too un-emotional!

Is that why they stockpile weapons and make bunkers?

No, they do that to keep predators like you at bay...

They stock pile weapons and ammo and build bunkers cause they are scared to death of just about everything from what I read on here.

Is fear an emotion? By God I think it is.

So much for that "predator like you at bay" bullshit. Just more fear based emotion.
"Reactionaries" is the word. People who make up their mind for good in the first few moments of becoming aware of a new crisis or scandal and simply do not change it in light of new or contradictory information. Knee jerks are SOP in republican politics.

"Reactionaries" ... People who make up their mind for good in the first few moments of becoming aware of a new crisis or scandal ? HMMMM That sounds a lot like a Libtard to me ..However the term "Reactionary" was favored by 20th Century Communist idelogues Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Mao , Pol Pot ... I guess it's only fitting that the American Lefties should adopt it .

You can shove that commie crap back up the same orifice you pulled that factoid from.
Republicans think the word "Freedom" applies only to them
What is very clear about republicans/tea baggers is that emotion rather than facts and critical thinking dictate their political views.

See when republicans hear the words "freedom" and "government" in the same sentence there is a strong chemical reaction that occurs in their brains that overwhelms their ability to think critically and realistically. Their thinking becomes very black and white. Government automatically means evil or oppression. Freedom is in jeopardy! Their tender sensibilities really start to show. Reality becomes distorted.

They fail to realize that government is about structure and regulation. It is vital to any nation to function. As long as it is within reason, government must come first. I know that sounds like a scary thought but if you just think about it critically you would understand why it is correct.

Let's break down some issues.

Capitalism, while a successful economic system, needs rules. Republicans have this distorted thinking that tells them liberals want to get rid of capitalism because they believe it should be regulated. Their thinking, as I said, becomes very black and white. Nuance escapes them. It's either libertarianism or it is totalitarianism. There is no inbetween because they put too much stock into the snowball fallacy. You start with small regulation and of course totalitarianism must be inevitable. That of course is just non sense. The truth is life needs rules. Corporations like anyone must follow rules that ensures the greater good. People need fair wages. They also must be protected from business practices that could harm them.

Republicans often are faced with juxtapositions that they are not smart enough to grasp objectively.

Let's examine something as fundamentally important as the first amendment. On the surface, a person could reason that there should be no limitations on freedom of speech. Republicans will of course accept that logic right alway. But, of course, even that amendment can't be that simple. Should we legalize libel or child pornography? Of course not. When you present such logic to republicans their brains simply can't handle the dissonance.

Government spending is another example. They understand that national debt is a bad thing yet aren't smart enough to understand the importance of taxation. They have convinced themselves they can have it both ways: no taxes and no national debt. They lack the maturity to understand that personal sacrifice serves an important purpose. Any functioning nation needs revenue and we all need to contribute.

What's my conclusion? The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.

The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.

I was going to write to really long response to your silliness , but I figured - hey - why waste my time- it's only a Liberal simpleton - a picture is worth a thousand words.....
















Thank you for further proving my point.
The constant dishonesty of the right wing response is deafening. It's not that they have too much emotion, it's that they have no feeling. Their daft ideology has completely taken over their ability to reason. You see it in such nutty positions as "trickle down", their hatred of science and their hatred of a government most people on earth would love to have. They only stand for chaos and anarchy. Yet, when you point out that obvious fact, for some strange reason, they are insulted.
What is very clear about republicans/tea baggers is that emotion rather than facts and critical thinking dictate their political views.

See when republicans hear the words "freedom" and "government" in the same sentence there is a strong chemical reaction that occurs in their brains that overwhelms their ability to think critically and realistically. Their thinking becomes very black and white. Government automatically means evil or oppression. Freedom is in jeopardy! Their tender sensibilities really start to show. Reality becomes distorted.

They fail to realize that government is about structure and regulation. It is vital to any nation to function. As long as it is within reason, government must come first. I know that sounds like a scary thought but if you just think about it critically you would understand why it is correct.

Let's break down some issues.

Capitalism, while a successful economic system, needs rules. Republicans have this distorted thinking that tells them liberals want to get rid of capitalism because they believe it should be regulated. Their thinking, as I said, becomes very black and white. Nuance escapes them. It's either libertarianism or it is totalitarianism. There is no inbetween because they put too much stock into the snowball fallacy. You start with small regulation and of course totalitarianism must be inevitable. That of course is just non sense. The truth is life needs rules. Corporations like anyone must follow rules that ensures the greater good. People need fair wages. They also must be protected from business practices that could harm them.

Republicans often are faced with juxtapositions that they are not smart enough to grasp objectively.

Let's examine something as fundamentally important as the first amendment. On the surface, a person could reason that there should be no limitations on freedom of speech. Republicans will of course accept that logic right alway. But, of course, even that amendment can't be that simple. Should we legalize libel or child pornography? Of course not. When you present such logic to republicans their brains simply can't handle the dissonance.

Government spending is another example. They understand that national debt is a bad thing yet aren't smart enough to understand the importance of taxation. They have convinced themselves they can have it both ways: no taxes and no national debt. They lack the maturity to understand that personal sacrifice serves an important purpose. Any functioning nation needs revenue and we all need to contribute.

What's my conclusion? The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.

The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.

I was going to write to really long response to your silliness , but I figured - hey - why waste my time- it's only a Liberal simpleton - a picture is worth a thousand words.....
















Suggestion for future posts

When you post 14 images it clogs the page and just makes people jump over your whole post. One relevant image has more of an impact on you making a point than 14 irrelevant ones
What is very clear about republicans/tea baggers is that emotion rather than facts and critical thinking dictate their political views.

See when republicans hear the words "freedom" and "government" in the same sentence there is a strong chemical reaction that occurs in their brains that overwhelms their ability to think critically and realistically. Their thinking becomes very black and white. Government automatically means evil or oppression. Freedom is in jeopardy! Their tender sensibilities really start to show. Reality becomes distorted.

They fail to realize that government is about structure and regulation. It is vital to any nation to function. As long as it is within reason, government must come first. I know that sounds like a scary thought but if you just think about it critically you would understand why it is correct.

Let's break down some issues.

Capitalism, while a successful economic system, needs rules. Republicans have this distorted thinking that tells them liberals want to get rid of capitalism because they believe it should be regulated. Their thinking, as I said, becomes very black and white. Nuance escapes them. It's either libertarianism or it is totalitarianism. There is no inbetween because they put too much stock into the snowball fallacy. You start with small regulation and of course totalitarianism must be inevitable. That of course is just non sense. The truth is life needs rules. Corporations like anyone must follow rules that ensures the greater good. People need fair wages. They also must be protected from business practices that could harm them.

Republicans often are faced with juxtapositions that they are not smart enough to grasp objectively.

Let's examine something as fundamentally important as the first amendment. On the surface, a person could reason that there should be no limitations on freedom of speech. Republicans will of course accept that logic right alway. But, of course, even that amendment can't be that simple. Should we legalize libel or child pornography? Of course not. When you present such logic to republicans their brains simply can't handle the dissonance.

Government spending is another example. They understand that national debt is a bad thing yet aren't smart enough to understand the importance of taxation. They have convinced themselves they can have it both ways: no taxes and no national debt. They lack the maturity to understand that personal sacrifice serves an important purpose. Any functioning nation needs revenue and we all need to contribute.

What's my conclusion? The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.

The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.

I was going to write to really long response to your silliness , but I figured - hey - why waste my time- it's only a Liberal simpleton - a picture is worth a thousand words.....

Thank you for further proving my point.

To me, their most strange position of all are the references to liberals and communism. If they ever bothered with education, they would know when communists come to power, it's the educated, scientists and college professors they go after first. Those societies are built on the rural ignorant. Or as Republicans refer to them, our gullible base.
It's almost unbelievable to some of us, but there are people who really do want to live under tyranny. As long as the food, housing and medicine are provided, they are fine with having a despotic dictator and no freedom. We can try to reason with these people, but that's what they are content with. It's really as simple as that. They view our constitution and freedoms as the evil that has created a condition where some people have more than others. In their mind, it is far better for everyone to have less but everything be more equal.

There are several serious problems with their line of thinking. First of all, there is never going to be any scenario when all things are equal. As much as we may like to believe this possible, it's simply not. There will forever and always be people who have more than others and people who have less. You can equally distribute everything to everyone and within a generation, left to their own devices, a handful of those people will have most of the stuff and a handful will have nothing. So this is where they believe Government plays a role, sort of like a referee to keep things even. This brings us to the second major problem with their viewpoint, the Government serves its own self-interests. There has never been a government that didn't. The more expansive and powerful the government, the more corrupt and self-serving it becomes. Totalitarian regimes are the most corrupt.

The OP laughs at the conservatives 'emotive' response to 'government' and 'liberty' used together, but the simple fact remains, the more government you have the less personal freedom exists. Yes, it is good to have a government to provide certain collective functions for society and do certain things. That was the primary consideration undertaken when the founding fathers forged our nation. However, the due diligence was in establishing a functioning government which worked with personal liberty with as little interference as possible. Resting ultimate power with the people and granting only limited powers to government for the purpose of administration.

But of course, this was all done by slave-owning rich white men, don't you see? It's far better for us to abandon their principles of government and adopt a failed 19th century system of government that is responsible for over 150 million deaths and endless crippling poverty and oppression. Yes, let's abandon the free market capitalist system that is responsible for creating more millionaires and billionaires than any system ever devised by man, because it's better if we all have a pot to piss in... which we can rinse out before cooking our government issued chicken.
It's almost unbelievable to some of us, but there are people who really do want to live under tyranny. As long as the food, housing and medicine are provided, they are fine with having a despotic dictator and no freedom. We can try to reason with these people, but that's what they are content with. It's really as simple as that. They view our constitution and freedoms as the evil that has created a condition where some people have more than others. In their mind, it is far better for everyone to have less but everything be more equal.

There are several serious problems with their line of thinking. First of all, there is never going to be any scenario when all things are equal. As much as we may like to believe this possible, it's simply not. There will forever and always be people who have more than others and people who have less. You can equally distribute everything to everyone and within a generation, left to their own devices, a handful of those people will have most of the stuff and a handful will have nothing. So this is where they believe Government plays a role, sort of like a referee to keep things even. This brings us to the second major problem with their viewpoint, the Government serves its own self-interests. There has never been a government that didn't. The more expansive and powerful the government, the more corrupt and self-serving it becomes. Totalitarian regimes are the most corrupt.

The OP laughs at the conservatives 'emotive' response to 'government' and 'liberty' used together, but the simple fact remains, the more government you have the less personal freedom exists. Yes, it is good to have a government to provide certain collective functions for society and do certain things. That was the primary consideration undertaken when the founding fathers forged our nation. However, the due diligence was in establishing a functioning government which worked with personal liberty with as little interference as possible. Resting ultimate power with the people and granting only limited powers to government for the purpose of administration.

But of course, this was all done by slave-owning rich white men, don't you see? It's far better for us to abandon their principles of government and adopt a failed 19th century system of government that is responsible for over 150 million deaths and endless crippling poverty and oppression. Yes, let's abandon the free market capitalist system that is responsible for creating more millionaires and billionaires than any system ever devised by man, because it's better if we all have a pot to piss in... which we can rinse out before cooking our government issued chicken.

Thank you Capt Hyperbole, I notice you are overdosing on emotion
What is very clear about republicans/tea baggers is that emotion rather than facts and critical thinking dictate their political views.

See when republicans hear the words "freedom" and "government" in the same sentence there is a strong chemical reaction that occurs in their brains that overwhelms their ability to think critically and realistically. Their thinking becomes very black and white. Government automatically means evil or oppression. Freedom is in jeopardy! Their tender sensibilities really start to show. Reality becomes distorted.

They fail to realize that government is about structure and regulation. It is vital to any nation to function. As long as it is within reason, government must come first. I know that sounds like a scary thought but if you just think about it critically you would understand why it is correct.

Let's break down some issues.

Capitalism, while a successful economic system, needs rules. Republicans have this distorted thinking that tells them liberals want to get rid of capitalism because they believe it should be regulated. Their thinking, as I said, becomes very black and white. Nuance escapes them. It's either libertarianism or it is totalitarianism. There is no inbetween because they put too much stock into the snowball fallacy. You start with small regulation and of course totalitarianism must be inevitable. That of course is just non sense. The truth is life needs rules. Corporations like anyone must follow rules that ensures the greater good. People need fair wages. They also must be protected from business practices that could harm them.

Republicans often are faced with juxtapositions that they are not smart enough to grasp objectively.

Let's examine something as fundamentally important as the first amendment. On the surface, a person could reason that there should be no limitations on freedom of speech. Republicans will of course accept that logic right alway. But, of course, even that amendment can't be that simple. Should we legalize libel or child pornography? Of course not. When you present such logic to republicans their brains simply can't handle the dissonance.

Government spending is another example. They understand that national debt is a bad thing yet aren't smart enough to understand the importance of taxation. They have convinced themselves they can have it both ways: no taxes and no national debt. They lack the maturity to understand that personal sacrifice serves an important purpose. Any functioning nation needs revenue and we all need to contribute.

What's my conclusion? The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.

The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.

I was going to write to really long response to your silliness , but I figured - hey - why waste my time- it's only a Liberal simpleton - a picture is worth a thousand words.....
















Suggestion for future posts

When you post 14 images it clogs the page and just makes people jump over your whole post. One relevant image has more of an impact on you making a point than 14 irrelevant ones

Thanks for the advice Norton, If I ever decide to post irrelevant images I'll keep that in mind.

OT: How's everything going down in the Sewer - up here it's a beautiful day in the Neighborhood . See my avatar ? he's waving at you :lol:
It's almost unbelievable to some of us, but there are people who really do want to live under tyranny. As long as the food, housing and medicine are provided, they are fine with having a despotic dictator and no freedom. We can try to reason with these people, but that's what they are content with. It's really as simple as that. They view our constitution and freedoms as the evil that has created a condition where some people have more than others. In their mind, it is far better for everyone to have less but everything be more equal.

There are several serious problems with their line of thinking. First of all, there is never going to be any scenario when all things are equal. As much as we may like to believe this possible, it's simply not. There will forever and always be people who have more than others and people who have less. You can equally distribute everything to everyone and within a generation, left to their own devices, a handful of those people will have most of the stuff and a handful will have nothing. So this is where they believe Government plays a role, sort of like a referee to keep things even. This brings us to the second major problem with their viewpoint, the Government serves its own self-interests. There has never been a government that didn't. The more expansive and powerful the government, the more corrupt and self-serving it becomes. Totalitarian regimes are the most corrupt.

The OP laughs at the conservatives 'emotive' response to 'government' and 'liberty' used together, but the simple fact remains, the more government you have the less personal freedom exists. Yes, it is good to have a government to provide certain collective functions for society and do certain things. That was the primary consideration undertaken when the founding fathers forged our nation. However, the due diligence was in establishing a functioning government which worked with personal liberty with as little interference as possible. Resting ultimate power with the people and granting only limited powers to government for the purpose of administration.

But of course, this was all done by slave-owning rich white men, don't you see? It's far better for us to abandon their principles of government and adopt a failed 19th century system of government that is responsible for over 150 million deaths and endless crippling poverty and oppression. Yes, let's abandon the free market capitalist system that is responsible for creating more millionaires and billionaires than any system ever devised by man, because it's better if we all have a pot to piss in... which we can rinse out before cooking our government issued chicken.

[MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] - Hey Pal -how ya been ? I can you see you qouted me , but can't see what you posted because you've been on my ignore list for a long time now- I gave you months to post something intelligent - you failed - so basically - speak to the hand :eusa_hand: - In the words of Bon Jovi -"Have a Nice Day"
It's almost unbelievable to some of us, but there are people who really do want to live under tyranny. As long as the food, housing and medicine are provided, they are fine with having a despotic dictator and no freedom. We can try to reason with these people, but that's what they are content with. It's really as simple as that. They view our constitution and freedoms as the evil that has created a condition where some people have more than others. In their mind, it is far better for everyone to have less but everything be more equal.

There are several serious problems with their line of thinking. First of all, there is never going to be any scenario when all things are equal. As much as we may like to believe this possible, it's simply not. There will forever and always be people who have more than others and people who have less. You can equally distribute everything to everyone and within a generation, left to their own devices, a handful of those people will have most of the stuff and a handful will have nothing. So this is where they believe Government plays a role, sort of like a referee to keep things even. This brings us to the second major problem with their viewpoint, the Government serves its own self-interests. There has never been a government that didn't. The more expansive and powerful the government, the more corrupt and self-serving it becomes. Totalitarian regimes are the most corrupt.

The OP laughs at the conservatives 'emotive' response to 'government' and 'liberty' used together, but the simple fact remains, the more government you have the less personal freedom exists. Yes, it is good to have a government to provide certain collective functions for society and do certain things. That was the primary consideration undertaken when the founding fathers forged our nation. However, the due diligence was in establishing a functioning government which worked with personal liberty with as little interference as possible. Resting ultimate power with the people and granting only limited powers to government for the purpose of administration.

But of course, this was all done by slave-owning rich white men, don't you see? It's far better for us to abandon their principles of government and adopt a failed 19th century system of government that is responsible for over 150 million deaths and endless crippling poverty and oppression. Yes, let's abandon the free market capitalist system that is responsible for creating more millionaires and billionaires than any system ever devised by man, because it's better if we all have a pot to piss in... which we can rinse out before cooking our government issued chicken.

Thank you Capt Hyperbole, I notice you are overdosing on emotion

And I notice you are lacking any relevant point to make as usual.
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You're SOooo Special

Just stop.

You stop, you don't have Republicans/conservatives down as you believe you do
and you are the twisted emotional one , when you have to go around calling people vulgar name, teabagger
we get it you don't like or care for them. so just leave them the hell alone and get on with your pathetic life

So much drama

Who says conservatives are not emotional?
What is very clear about republicans/tea baggers is that emotion rather than facts and critical thinking dictate their political views.

See when republicans hear the words "freedom" and "government" in the same sentence there is a strong chemical reaction that occurs in their brains that overwhelms their ability to think critically and realistically. Their thinking becomes very black and white. Government automatically means evil or oppression. Freedom is in jeopardy! Their tender sensibilities really start to show. Reality becomes distorted.

They fail to realize that government is about structure and regulation. It is vital to any nation to function. As long as it is within reason, government must come first. I know that sounds like a scary thought but if you just think about it critically you would understand why it is correct.

Let's break down some issues.

Capitalism, while a successful economic system, needs rules. Republicans have this distorted thinking that tells them liberals want to get rid of capitalism because they believe it should be regulated. Their thinking, as I said, becomes very black and white. Nuance escapes them. It's either libertarianism or it is totalitarianism. There is no inbetween because they put too much stock into the snowball fallacy. You start with small regulation and of course totalitarianism must be inevitable. That of course is just non sense. The truth is life needs rules. Corporations like anyone must follow rules that ensures the greater good. People need fair wages. They also must be protected from business practices that could harm them.

Republicans often are faced with juxtapositions that they are not smart enough to grasp objectively.

Let's examine something as fundamentally important as the first amendment. On the surface, a person could reason that there should be no limitations on freedom of speech. Republicans will of course accept that logic right alway. But, of course, even that amendment can't be that simple. Should we legalize libel or child pornography? Of course not. When you present such logic to republicans their brains simply can't handle the dissonance.

Government spending is another example. They understand that national debt is a bad thing yet aren't smart enough to understand the importance of taxation. They have convinced themselves they can have it both ways: no taxes and no national debt. They lack the maturity to understand that personal sacrifice serves an important purpose. Any functioning nation needs revenue and we all need to contribute.

What's my conclusion? The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.

Republicans, emotion ??

you are a fucking idiot, when it comes to emotion it is you fucking demoscum who are the ones filled with emotion, in nearly every post you all make, you use the word "FEEL" rather than THINK or BELIEVE

"FEEL" is emotion, now please go :fu: yourself :lmao:
:lol::lol::lol: Repubs too emotional! That's hilarious. If anything they are too un-emotional!

Teabaggers 'feel' that Obama is not a citizen, that the IRS targeted them (victim mentality), that Obama isn't doing anything about illegals (he's deported twice as many as Bush), that he takes too many vacations (Bush and Reagan took much more), etc.

All based on their emotional, fact-free hatred of the president.

we BELIEVE he is an illegal alien, PERIOD !

your liberliar MSM just reported he is a citizen of Kenya, do you liberfools doubt your own media ?

you fucking people are just amazing. :lmao:

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