The Problem with the Trinity

Fem, pour un fait.

You UK'ers are so ... intriguing ~
the accent;
the different world view;
the foreskins ...

ummm, PLEASE tell me that you're American, AND circumcised?

As a nurse, I was truly HORRIFIED to learn of the uncircumsized masses,
and if you aren't,
enjoy those three seconds of air that make you

hey. i don't think i'm allowed to talk about this, like this,
so PM me for further developments, okay?

Monotheism advocates found themselves in big trouble when they had to decide how can God be both the Father and the Son, as well as the Creator, so they came up with the Trinity, which said, in effect, that there are three Gods, but they are one. Amazingly enough, Christians bought into this oxymoron in a big way, and today, it is carved in stone. Personally, it reminds me of the old song, with these lyrics:
"...It rain'd all night the day I left, The weather it was dry, The sun so hot I froze to death..."

Dear Vandalshandle:
If this was just one group that came up with the Trinity, to explain the Father/Son paradigm,

can you please explain why this same Trinity pattern is found in
ALL religions and systems of law made by man? Could it be that since human nature has three parts body/mind/spirit, then ANY system we make up trying to explain human relations with the whole of the world and the collective level of truth or humanity,
follows this same 3 part pattern (as in man's self-awareness made in the image of God)

Buddhism; Three Refuges
Buddha (perfect spiritual awareness), Dharma (the law), Sangha (peaceful order)

Christianity: Holy Trinity
God the Father, Christ the Son or Word/Laws of God fulfilled by Jesus or Justice
made incarnate in man, Holy Spirit or healing grace spiritual peace and Comfort

Jen (supreme Virtue or goodness) Yi (highest principles embodied in man)
Li (outward expression of moral standards and virtue in society)

Taoism: body/mind/spirit

Psychology: Superego/ego/id

Constitutional law: Judicial/legislative/executive

Hinduism: Creator, Destroyer of evil, Preserver of Peace

And one I find particular interesting because the UU came out of Unitarian traditions
rejecting the Trinity

3 of the 7 Unitarian Universalist principles
4. A free and responsible search for TRUTH and meaning;
5. The right of CONSCIENCE and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;
6. The goal of world COMMUNITY with peace, liberty, and justice for all;

It makes sense to me that because human nature and experiences
are on three levels, from the physical to the mental/relationship level
to the spiritual or "collective" level that is abstract,
then any system we use to describe life and relations and process
is going to reflect these same three levels:

if each person individually is "body/mind/spirit"
then collectively for all humanity, over all time and space, the whole is what we
are trying to symbolize using religious terms like God/Christ/Holyspirit.

And regardless if God exists first, and these are reflections of God where man is made in God's image; OR if it is the other way around, that all religions are made up by man and are a PROJECTION of our human nature onto God or whatever else we think we are defining, these systems remain the same; they follow the same patterns, even though culturally and historically they all developed independently from each other.
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Mais il est ma chère.
The Irish Ram is the name of a great great grandfather's ship. And my disposition, according to my Dad.
Bonjour, mon ami/e?

Zut alors! Qu'est ce que c'est?
Que sera sera!

I took 3 years of French in college but have forgotten it all.
I finally decided it was not for me when I had to take a history class in French.
I was too scared to try to take a history class in English, so what the heck
was I doing taking one in French? With the textbook written in a foreign language? Reality check!

Bonjour, Mes Amis!

As for <<Le Trinity en Francais>> let's give three cheers for

All for ONE
and ONE for all
united we stand
divided we fall...


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God specifically Commands us to follow ONLY one God. If Jesus and the holy spirit are also god he violates his own commandment.

God doesn't violate His own commandment if THEY are GOD. It is ridiculus to suggest that making God out to be a triune is to limit God and yet to shove Him in a box labelled one person isn't. God is what God is. And we need to worship only Him no matter His character. The Holy Spirit, Christ Jesus, and God the Father are one and are all worthy of our adoration. Can we not adore Jesus since he is the one who suffered and remained perfect. Can we not adore the Comforter whom Jesus sent to fill whosoever will. Can we not adore God the Father who gave us Jesus? THEY ARE ONE GOD. Even the greatest of counterfieters, Lucifer, has a trinty. Satan, the Anti Christ, the False Prophet. This is his attempt to mimic God.
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Monotheism advocates found themselves in big trouble when they had to decide how can God be both the Father and the Son, as well as the Creator, so they came up with the Trinity, which said, in effect, that there are three Gods, but they are one. Amazingly enough, Christians bought into this oxymoron in a big way, and today, it is carved in stone. Personally, it reminds me of the old song, with these lyrics:
"...It rain'd all night the day I left, The weather it was dry, The sun so hot I froze to death..."

One could call it the ultimate rationalization

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