The proposed senate immigration bill


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Now that it’s out, it has gotten a day and change of analysis.

In a prior thread of mine, I entered this post (slightly edited here for clarity):

[Under this new proposed bill], the secretary’s sole and unreviewable discretion isn’t discretionary anymore when the 7 day average goes over 5,000.

If you get an average per 7 day period of 4,999, the secretary isn’t legally required to do a damn thing.

1,824,635 of “encountered aliens”without this law requiring any action be taken.

And this is what the Dims want the Republicans to go along with.

The reason I make this a stand alone thread is simply to ask supporters and detractors whether there is any valid justification for permitting the Secretary to not declare a border emergency at a much lower number of the 7 day average of alien encounters (as they call it) at the border.

. ((Go to TITLE III, beginning around p.205 of the bill).
Now that it’s out, it has gotten a day and change of analysis.

In a prior thread of mine, I entered this post (slightly edited here for clarity):

The reason I make this a stand alone thread is simply to ask supporters and detractors whether there is any valid justification for permitting the Secretary to not declare a border emergency at a much lower number of the 7 day average of alien encounters (as they call it) at the border.

. ((Go to TITLE III, beginning around p.205 of the bill).
I haven’t read the entire bill yet but I must say that it looks like this section is the main point of attack from those who oppose the bill. I can understand if they want that number to be lower… but setting a standard and cap is a step in the right direction and better than what’s currently happening so why such the stanch pushback? Why not take a step and then push for another step?
I haven’t read the entire bill yet but I must say that it looks like this section is the main point of attack from those who oppose the bill. I can understand if they want that number to be lower… but setting a standard and cap is a step in the right direction and better than what’s currently happening so why such the stanch pushback? Why not take a step and then push for another step?
For god's sake, Slade...we can't handle what we have now! What the Democrats are demanding would give us another million and a half a year. That's idiotic! Cities and States around the country are already pleading with Washington for billions of dollars to bail them that we don't have. You want to add more illegals to what's already a crisis? Why not secure the border and let as few people in as possible until we've dealt with the mess we have now?
The bill should specify that asylum seekers should seek asylum in the first country they come to after leaving the one they are 'escaping.' All who are coming through Mexico should not be eligible for asylum but should be turned away at the border or deported if they evade the CBP to get here.
Why the fuck do we need any illegals in the country? They only make up a small percentage of the workforce, even in jobs the left claims “Americans don’t want to do”.

Most of them are here for the free handouts. The free hotel stays, the debit cards, and of course to scam our social security system. Most are probably committing crimes and theft because they aren’t working.
I haven’t read the entire bill yet but I must say that it looks like this section is the main point of attack from those who oppose the bill. I can understand if they want that number to be lower… but setting a standard and cap is a step in the right direction and better than what’s currently happening so why such the stanch pushback? Why not take a step and then push for another step?
Because it isn’t needed.

The President doesn’t need a single bit of authority to shut it down. Now. He already has it.

What we do arguably need is more funding. Not for Ukraine. But for our Border Pateol. And for the wall. And for lots more immigration “judges.” And for proper detention facilities.

And the President could as easily do what Trump did to keep the would be illegal immigrants (including most of the so-called asylum seekers) out of our country until their applications have been processed. If they are granted entry at that point, I’m fine with that. But if not, they simply don’t get entry.
Backdoor amnesty. Period. And turning America into a turd world hellhole.

If so many leftoids on this board and elsewhere are so desirous of living in the turd world, move there and leave the rest of us in peace.
I haven’t read the entire bill yet but I must say that it looks like this section is the main point of attack from those who oppose the bill. I can understand if they want that number to be lower… but setting a standard and cap is a step in the right direction and better than what’s currently happening so why such the stanch pushback? Why not take a step and then push for another step?

As if Biden r any Democrat President would abide by the figures.

FFS, Biden threw the border wide open on Day One of his Junta.
As if Biden r any Democrat President would abide by the figures.

FFS, Biden threw the border wide open on Day One of his Junta.
He sure did. He was told what to think and what to do.

Now his handlers are telling him to get reasonable people to believe that he would secure our border “if only he could.” Well, Newsflash, Brandon. You can. And you should. You took an oath. You oaf.
The bill should specify that asylum seekers should seek asylum in the first country they come to after leaving the one they are 'escaping.'
How about we instead just no longer accept any human on Earth who is seeking asylum?

Are you persecuted? We dont give a fuck. Are people going to kill you in your home nation? We still dont give a fuck. :dunno:
Now that it’s out, it has gotten a day and change of analysis.

In a prior thread of mine, I entered this post (slightly edited here for clarity):

The reason I make this a stand alone thread is simply to ask supporters and detractors whether there is any valid justification for permitting the Secretary to not declare a border emergency at a much lower number of the 7 day average of alien encounters (as they call it) at the border.

. ((Go to TITLE III, beginning around p.205 of the bill).
You don't need a seven day period, it has been a National Emergency for three years. This is all absurd.
I haven’t read the entire bill yet but I must say that it looks like this section is the main point of attack from those who oppose the bill. I can understand if they want that number to be lower… but setting a standard and cap is a step in the right direction and better than what’s currently happening so why such the stanch pushback? Why not take a step and then push for another step?

The push back is because the bill makes 2 million the new normal. It also is making catch and release the law.

I would love for someone to point out whats in this bill for US citizens!
So under the Senate Bill, we're to allow the equivalent of Patton's Third Army to cross into America on a monthly basis
To be fair; maybe just under. Then all of a sudden, stopping it becomes “mandatory.”

Except when they decide to allow exceptions.
Now that it’s out, it has gotten a day and change of analysis.

In a prior thread of mine, I entered this post (slightly edited here for clarity):

The reason I make this a stand alone thread is simply to ask supporters and detractors whether there is any valid justification for permitting the Secretary to not declare a border emergency at a much lower number of the 7 day average of alien encounters (as they call it) at the border.

. ((Go to TITLE III, beginning around p.205 of the bill).
This is the old "as the secretary shall determine...." game of 3-card Monte, ain't it?

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