The Protest

It will be the winning parties fault if they are only going to criticize, belittle, and persecute, those that were at the protest or were in support of the protest.

this is totally reasonable...

so although i agree with the fact that first step has to come from the winning party, for that to occur the losing party have to acknowledge the winner first...

the question is, are they gonna do that...

so thats the first gridlock there...

if you think that can be resolved, great...
if not, thats a blocker to begin with...

What makes you think they're going to get cooperation even if that's acknowledged at this point and time?

The shooting of the female vet spoke loudly to those who were there and others who weren't.

secret service shot her...
i dont know what to do about that...
it can mean anything for anyone depending on their perspective...
i watched that video dozen times...

i have my own opinion but doesnt have to fit with yours for any understanding to occur in between that we dont want people getting shot over the election anymore...

in my opinion of course...

Defunding the capitol police and secret service and replacing them with social workers might help.

When the new team is inaugurated they're going to have to deal with that and I don't see many wanting to cooperate after they've lost nearly everything to looting, burnt out buildings from riots, and mandated lockdowns.

ok, looting/rioting is understood...
thats not even a fraction of the cost compared to the damage covid has caused, so easy to compensate if it already has not been by trump, which i would find weird if not...

but if we get to the covid, we will have to agree on one thing here; if it aint the fault of trump, then it aint the fault of anyone...

so lets say it is not the fault of trump...
why would the crowd expect anything from others then?...
they think its others fault?...

lets put the mask mandate aside, because it would be silly to take the country to civil war because of a silly piece of cloth, which i bet you will agree...

shut downs were a result of covid, which is not the fault of anyone...
trump himself had to shut down the whole country...
if the crowd has an opinion that shutdowns are not necessary, sorry, but thats their own opinion...

if the new party want to follow a policy to follow science, thats how it is gonna be...
thats what the elections are made for...
to determine the policies...

obviously government has a responsibility to the people, hence why there are stimulus checks and variety of loans available for the people...

beyond that is nobodies fault nor responsibility, hence the crowd has nobody to be frustrated at...

does that transpire to a peaceful resolution from your perspective?...

Don't be surprised when cooperation with a policy that has a track record of not working isn't going to be followed and opposed by those that disagree with it. Especially when those who create those rules won't lead by example.





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