The Pursuit of "Pussy"

Nope. Not advertising. She thinks she looks good in that get up is all. She probably enjoys the attention that she gets from guys because of it (which is normal for ALL people - to like to get attention from the opposite sex). That still doesn't mean that she is telling you she wants sex. Women are not all consumed by sex like most men are. That is an IMPORTANT difference to take into account. Looking beautiful and being recognized for it is completely different than wanting to fuck whomever.

If all that is true, why aren't men advertising? Why don't they all go shirtless, wear open shirts, big beltbuckles, tight jeans, I don't know how men look sexy, they mostly have better sense than to dress like homosexuals! Who of course are definitely advertising --- to other men.

I'd say women dress sexy to signal availability, but we don't mean it. What we mean is that we want to pick and choose. The clothes on women are all about men. I hate that. Unfortunately, a lot of men don't like it that we don't choose them, and this leads to trouble: rape, stalking, harassment, etc. We could probably derail a lot of that by not signaling availability with sexy clothes! Let's do that.

Which is not to say we should go into disguise, like burkas and librarian spectacles and such. THAT becomes all about men, too --- inconvenient purdahs of male-repellants.

You can wear anything you like, Chris, but it makes sense to know what you are doing. If you are wearing a black low-cut evening gown in January while all the men around you are in warm comfy suits, know why you are cold and breaking out in goosebumps. God, I hate the Star Trek uniforms, both series: the women with their bare legs up to the bottom but the males get to wear warm clothes like normal people.

Original Star Trek uniforms were just right! :D
I do find it interesting that women dress sexy, then, expect men to not flirt or want them.... most sexy clothing is not even comfortable...

Yeah, what worries me is the news programs with all the older, grey-haired, balding white men being interviewed, and the very young sexpots with the low-cut dresses and the long blonde hair interviewing them. Why not normal women? And then these girls wonder why they have all this trouble with sexual harassment from the males at the TV company. So they sue them --- pretty much every second male anchor who isn't homosexual has been ousted for harassment by now.

Something is deadly wrong with the whole TV news system, root and branch.
Insist we just have to get used to it in modern times, chics.
So basically, if a woman doesn't want to FUCK a guy, she should just ignore him completely, don't even look in his direction, definitely no flirting or talking to him. He might get the wrong idea, especially if she is dressed sexy.

A good thing for you guys to do is to try to look at women as if they are people. Start with that.
then talk with us, not at us; chics.
This is a real problem for men. They seem to think that everything women do is just for them. :rolleyes-41:

Bingo! Not all men see to have this ignorant mindset that women are just here to cater to them and that we have their opinions at the top of our minds at all times.

When I was in college, we wore halter tops with jeans or shorts in the summer, in the same weather that made the guys take their shirts off. We weren't doing it to show off for the guys, although several of the idiots thought we did. We wore halters for the same reason that they stripped: because it was f##king HOT out there.

Ah, to go back to the short-shorts and halter/tube top days. :)

You see? You like it, but you will then turn around and complain about it at the same time. Why?

I never complained! :tongue-44:
Maybe clothing that is attractive to men is also attractive to women? Women can dress however they want, and it doesn't mean they are advertising to you or anyone else.

Of course it does. Consider that men normally wear a uniform, day in and out. A uniform for work (suits or an actual uniform, called that) and a uniform for home, some sort of typical weather-appropriate casual clothing.

But women wear wildly varying clothing of bright colors, seductive cuts, individualized styles --- take a look at the red carpet at any Hollywood event, and if that's not advertising, what in the world is?

I think we should stop that. At least normal people doing normal jobs. Hollywood starlets are selling their sex appeal, but news girls don't have to dress like prostitutes --- I assume the networks require it in their contracts. But that is wrong.
I watch the Naked News for the, bare truth.
So is it okay to assume that if a guy smiles at or talks to any women, then he is signalling that he is sexually interested in those women?

Sure, if she is over 5 or under 85. (I read those limits in an article once. Probably about right.....)

They are just like that. Like horses fight with each other at the feeding trough so you have to feed them separately. We have to work with Nature, not against it.

If I had it to do over, the Number One change in attitude I'd make is not to suppose men are interested in me because of my mind!! Boy, was that stupid. I was slim and blonde and yet managed to go for years supposing men were interested in what I was SAYING. I think it's pretty important to understand what the world is really doing, what is really going on. We tell ourselves all these fantasies!
So women should look like crap or NOT try to look their best because they might hurt your feelings, and that makes them bitches? I don't think so, bud. Just because women want to look their best doesn't mean they are advertising to you.

Let me give you a bit of insight into the male psyche. Men like it when women look good (sexy). Women who look good and snub a man, become a bitch in that man’s eyes; women who look good and snub a man for another man become a slut. Hope that helps.
I would go out and use women, but I have very little practice and very low numbers and am too bashful, as a result.

Who's fault is that, chics. :p
Low numbers? Ugh, thats too much information studly.

Not to worry! No need to be bashful! I heard some women say that size doesn't matter, even if a few might chuckle.
I would go out and use women, but I have very little practice and very low numbers and am too bashful, as a result.

Who's fault is that, chics. :p
Low numbers? Ugh, thats too much information studly.

Not to worry! No need to be bashful! I heard some women say that size doesn't matter, even if a few might chuckle.
If Only, I could find nice girls who are willing to help me practice get really really good at full body massage, in modern times.

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