The Push to Censor Half of America is ON!!!!!

I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.
Your fact checking link is biased as hell

. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

^^ this statement is true
And you never apparently discuss anything that people assert.. Or answer questions like -- If GOOGLE cuts off the USMB ad stream to USMB -- what GOOD did it do to "start your own site"??

They could strangle us WITHOUT any rights or access to our platform code or servers..

I'll wait for you to spend 35 brain calories answering that...

And you act like Twitter and Facebook are just randomly shutting people out. I don't like censorship - I like watching people make fools of themselves. However, it is their platform. Don't like Google, use Yahoo...

Still did not answer the simple question..
I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Total Bullshit..; "THE SITE Says"????? You and your fucking brain substitute fact checkers..

BACK THAT UP !!! GO to CTH and show me where "THE SITES SAYS" -- any of that..
I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Total Bullshit..; "THE SITE Says"????? You and your fucking brain substitute fact checkers..

BACK THAT UP !!! GO to CTH and show me where "THE SITES SAYS" -- any of that..

It isn’t total bullshit. It is a source like any other source, no less valid.
I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.
Your fact checking link is biased as hell

. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

^^ this statement is true

From her fact checker..

Analysis / Bias

In review, The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) reports news with a strong conservative bias with all stories favoring the right and denigrating the left
I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Total Bullshit..; "THE SITE Says"????? You and your fucking brain substitute fact checkers..

BACK THAT UP !!! GO to CTH and show me where "THE SITES SAYS" -- any of that..

It isn’t total bullshit. It is a source like any other source, no less valid.
And they are trying to wipe it out
First off -- I've never logged on to Conservative Treehouse blog.. Never actually even lurked there. I know about it only because my wife is a member there and spends 2 or 3 hours a day on that site.. Today the blogger who runs with name Sundance announced that CTH will be deplatformed by 1st week December.

CTH is one of highest volume Conservative blog sites in the country. They like to be a "refuge" for conservative speech and opinion.. They do PRUNE their members. That's their RIGHT to do so.. Of all the stuff I've read from there -- it's high quality research and analysis and the members are FAR BETTER behaved and civil than on USMB.. :stir: The excuse given was completely nebulous.. It reads like "we're not compatible with your content and opinions". And the move was announced after Sundance pulled together some strings on the strength of "one world" globalists that NOW feel empowered to act..

They have a HUGE PROBLEM.. Which is the Wordpress business model.. Their site is DESIGNED to suck in wantabee bloggers with low rent and services -- but like Hotel California -- "You can never leave".. Because their site is based on open sourced S/ware that incompatible with most other hosting.. I looked into WordPress -- and I would never make that mistake..

So now with decades of content and discussion -- the left is moving them to wander towards Siberia and the "camps".. And essentially confiscating their work.

IMO -- half of America is NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE.. I imagine the right will learn to protest and organize and WHINE about free speech that makes THEM uncomfortable. Good possibility that WordPress will have several thousand people picketing and protest.. It's the last stand before the war goes hot.., The doxxing and canceling and deplatforming and shadow banning and fact checking goes both ways.. It's just that the OTHER HALF is gonna have to invest in their OWN resources.. And there's plenty of money and skill to do just that... With THAT effort -- the polarization reaches nuclear warfare potential...

So much for Biden's plea that NOW the left wants to heal the country.. I'm CERTAIN that high elements of the left power elite are involved in selecting the targets here.. And we'll SEE THAT when Biden packs his "potential" administration with same tyrannical high tech oligarchs..

Ignorant nonsense.

No one is ‘playing Nazi.’

Private websites, hosting platforms, and blogging software developers are at liberty to edit their content as they see fit – where such editing is in no manner ‘censorship.’

The internet is infinite; conservatives have ample other online opportunities to spread their ignorance, fear, hate, and lies – this being one of many examples.

Such name calling is foolish.

Why would they be deplatformed ? If you can start with the answer to that question, it would be useful.
No name calling – the thread premise is ignorant nonsense.

Why Conservative Treehouse is being deplatformed has nothing to do with ‘censorship’ or ‘Nazis.’

As a private entity WordPress is not required to provide an explanation as to why – however wrong, capricious, or unwarranted that decision might be perceived to be by conservatives.

The remedy is for conservatives to find another hosting site.

Of course, conservatives will continue to pursue the false narrative of rightwing victimhood.
Ok bright BOY, name ONE left leaning site that has ever been shut down, deplatformed or censored. One will do.
There have been quite a few.

Facebook shutdown these sites:
Its Going Down
PNW Youth Liberation Front

Here is an article about Google censorship of left wing sites.

Twitter purged a number of left wing accounts as well.

Did ya read your own link?? 1500 accounts suspended were NOT SUSPENDED for being OCCUPY sites. Instead we find a DIFFERENT reason (excuse)'

The mass suspension of accounts linked to the Occupy movement comes as Twitter steps up efforts to clean up its platform. The company has reportedly suspended 1,500 accounts over the past week that were suspected of being run by members of pro-Trump 4chan members masquerading as liberal activists, according to anonymous source speaking to The New York Times.

So they caught up some ACTUAL Occupy veterans in their ZEAL to find and purge the opposition. Just collateral man in the war,..

I'm so positive that twitter goes out of its way to PURGE imposters from Tea Party, Republican or Libertarian sites -- RIGHT??
You claim all the russia hoax was true? That the claims that Comey did not lie are true and all the bull shit about trump for the last 4 years? Good god you are delusional.

No. I don't claim the Russia accusations were true. Nobody does. Did Russia try and interfere in your elections. Absolutely. Did Trump know about it? No idea. Maybe. Maybe not. As for the 'bullshit' about Trump - most of his bullshit (and it IS bullshit) has come straight from the Ass's mouth. It's not my fault he can't stop tweeting BS and lies almost 24/7. And if YOU want to believe that crap, you have no right calling anybody delusional.
And yet ALL the left wing sites for 4 years continue to claim not only did Trump know but he colluded. Even after 2 seperate investigations proved he did not. And you don't see ANY of them censored EVER for that. The Senate concluded the Ukraine thing was false yet the left continues to lie about that and NO censor for that. All the personal attacks on Trump and his young son, NOT a peep about it. No threats no bannings no action at all. But the right says something and that is a lie even though there is NO ACTUAL science to back up the claim it is not true.

The right-wing Senate concluded that? Blow me down! Unbelievable!
And no, if one of those two investigations is the Mueller report it did not such thing (exonerate him). Barr holding back information is not evidence. Even Mueller (who wrote the fucking thing) said it did not exonerate Trump.
What personal attacks? By who? Give examples....
Be VERY SPECIFIC and list the EVIDENCE the House presented to the Senate. What they did is demand the Senate do their job and FIND evidence.
I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Wow -- Your substitute brain at Media Bias takes points off to nit pick the strangest shit about CTHouse ---

The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

Wow.,. Was COMPLETELY UNAWARE YOU CAN FACT-CHECK OPINION !!!! If you fall this analysis you're a mental midget.. Such DANGEROUS talk eh? You want to compare to a day at Demo Underground about "unsourced opinion..

But WAIT -- it gets better.. Evidently you can get points off for juicing a title.. EVEN A LITTLE BIT..

There is considerable use of loaded language in headlines such as this: Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein… Although this particular article is written well and utilizes sourcing, it ends in big bold letters LIES!, conveying strong support for Judge Kavanaugh without evidence.

Wow.. Now ain't that kindergarden level picky. WELL WRITTEN -- WELL SOURCED -- But "Sketchy Business in the TITLE??? Burn 'em.

Need to nuke some fact checkers.. They piss me off posing as objective judges OF ANYTHING.. Especially when they fancy themselves important at all to "free expression" or "free speech"..
Here is one example of false reporting:

Martin Gugino was the elderly protester shoved by police, who sustained head injuries and a fracture. CTH claims he is a professional Antifa Provocateur.

Based on what? Nowhere in the blog is a link to anything tying him to Antifa. In fact, a search for his name, a look at his blog, indicate he is a regular, protester who has been Involved in a number of protests over the years.

In an even weaker attempt to try to link him to Antifa, they make a big production as to how they *think* he is using his cellphone...with a supporting link ... not to any outside source, but back to their own blog. Nowhere is there any indication or affirmation that his cellphone is anything but a cellphone.

That Isn’t good investigative journalism, that is crap.
I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Wow -- Your substitute brain at Media Bias takes points off to nit pick the strangest shit about CTHouse ---

The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

Wow.,. Was COMPLETELY UNAWARE YOU CAN FACT-CHECK OPINION !!!! If you fall this analysis you're a mental midget.. Such DANGEROUS talk eh? You want to compare to a day at Demo Underground about "unsourced opinion..

But WAIT -- it gets better.. Evidently you can get points off for juicing a title.. EVEN A LITTLE BIT..

There is considerable use of loaded language in headlines such as this: Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein… Although this particular article is written well and utilizes sourcing, it ends in big bold letters LIES!, conveying strong support for Judge Kavanaugh without evidence.

Wow.. Now ain't that kindergarden level picky. WELL WRITTEN -- WELL SOURCED -- But "Sketchy Business in the TITLE??? Burn 'em.

Need to nuke some fact checkers.. They piss me off posing as objective judges OF ANYTHING.. Especially when they fancy themselves important at all to "free expression" or "free speech"..
A day at the Dem Underground? That is kind of funny...they, deservedly have a similarly low rating.

I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Wow -- Your substitute brain at Media Bias takes points off to nit pick the strangest shit about CTHouse ---

The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

Wow.,. Was COMPLETELY UNAWARE YOU CAN FACT-CHECK OPINION !!!! If you fall this analysis you're a mental midget.. Such DANGEROUS talk eh? You want to compare to a day at Demo Underground about "unsourced opinion..

But WAIT -- it gets better.. Evidently you can get points off for juicing a title.. EVEN A LITTLE BIT..

There is considerable use of loaded language in headlines such as this: Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein… Although this particular article is written well and utilizes sourcing, it ends in big bold letters LIES!, conveying strong support for Judge Kavanaugh without evidence.

Wow.. Now ain't that kindergarden level picky. WELL WRITTEN -- WELL SOURCED -- But "Sketchy Business in the TITLE??? Burn 'em.

Need to nuke some fact checkers.. They piss me off posing as objective judges OF ANYTHING.. Especially when they fancy themselves important at all to "free expression" or "free speech"..
Any possibility of selective quotes here?

That goes for all of yas. Thanks.

So they caught up some ACTUAL Occupy veterans in their ZEAL to find and purge the opposition. Just collateral man in the war,..

I'm so positive that twitter goes out of its way to PURGE imposters from Tea Party, Republican or Libertarian sites -- RIGHT??

Actually they have. They removed fake antiTrump accounts tied to Iran for example.
Last edited:
First off -- I've never logged on to Conservative Treehouse blog.. Never actually even lurked there. I know about it only because my wife is a member there and spends 2 or 3 hours a day on that site.. Today the blogger who runs with name Sundance announced that CTH will be deplatformed by 1st week December.

CTH is one of highest volume Conservative blog sites in the country. They like to be a "refuge" for conservative speech and opinion.. They do PRUNE their members. That's their RIGHT to do so.. Of all the stuff I've read from there -- it's high quality research and analysis and the members are FAR BETTER behaved and civil than on USMB.. :stir: The excuse given was completely nebulous.. It reads like "we're not compatible with your content and opinions". And the move was announced after Sundance pulled together some strings on the strength of "one world" globalists that NOW feel empowered to act..

They have a HUGE PROBLEM.. Which is the Wordpress business model.. Their site is DESIGNED to suck in wantabee bloggers with low rent and services -- but like Hotel California -- "You can never leave".. Because their site is based on open sourced S/ware that incompatible with most other hosting.. I looked into WordPress -- and I would never make that mistake..

So now with decades of content and discussion -- the left is moving them to wander towards Siberia and the "camps".. And essentially confiscating their work.

IMO -- half of America is NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE.. I imagine the right will learn to protest and organize and WHINE about free speech that makes THEM uncomfortable. Good possibility that WordPress will have several thousand people picketing and protest.. It's the last stand before the war goes hot.., The doxxing and canceling and deplatforming and shadow banning and fact checking goes both ways.. It's just that the OTHER HALF is gonna have to invest in their OWN resources.. And there's plenty of money and skill to do just that... With THAT effort -- the polarization reaches nuclear warfare potential...

So much for Biden's plea that NOW the left wants to heal the country.. I'm CERTAIN that high elements of the left power elite are involved in selecting the targets here.. And we'll SEE THAT when Biden packs his "potential" administration with same tyrannical high tech oligarchs..

Ignorant nonsense.

No one is ‘playing Nazi.’

Private websites, hosting platforms, and blogging software developers are at liberty to edit their content as they see fit – where such editing is in no manner ‘censorship.’

The internet is infinite; conservatives have ample other online opportunities to spread their ignorance, fear, hate, and lies – this being one of many examples.

Right on man.. EVERYBODY knows how civil and unthreatening the left is on the web.. When they're not calling names, they are doxxing, canceling, threatening, shadow banning, and destroying objectivity.. You're forcing a hand here. Half of America is not gonna sit back and be cleaved into WWW Siberia..
The right has no monopoly on being non-violent, nor do they have angel wings and harps.

THe right doesn't have members IN CONGRESS CALLING FOR REVENGE.. Or resisting the outcome of the LAST election for 4 fucking years of eardrum blowinjg whining..

The right doesn't have CORPORATIONS or MEDIA tossing people out of their sites or threatening you..

THe EXTREME moronic anarchists on EITHER side have NOTHING TO DO with this attack on free speech and creating the permanent FATAL polarization of this country.. THAT CABAL IS the Dem leadership and their political action committees in SoshMedia and MSTream Media AND IN High Tech.. That's a force that WILL BE reckoned with or the country is toast..
The right went after Bill Clinton for six years and you want to complain about Trump and four years?
I agree that the wealthy and corporations are trying to implement their own form of fascism yet when I complained about it for twenty years I was told I have a bad attitude and that was during the era of plutocracy...Yes our capitalist overlords want to put the squeeze on us which is why they have us so divided and polarized currently... many months did they investigate Ben-Gotcha?
Here is one example of false reporting:

Martin Gugino was the elderly protester shoved by police, who sustained head injuries and a fracture. CTH claims he is a professional Antifa Provocateur.

Based on what? Nowhere in the blog is a link to anything tying him to Antifa. In fact, a search for his name, a look at his blog, indicate he is a regular, protester who has been Involved in a number of protests over the years.

In an even weaker attempt to try to link him to Antifa, they make a big production as to how they *think* he is using his cellphone...with a supporting link ... not to any outside source, but back to their own blog. Nowhere is there any indication or affirmation that his cellphone is anything but a cellphone.

That Isn’t good investigative journalism, that is crap.
Any story geared to make you feel something isn't journalism.

It's validation.
I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Wow -- Your substitute brain at Media Bias takes points off to nit pick the strangest shit about CTHouse ---

The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

Wow.,. Was COMPLETELY UNAWARE YOU CAN FACT-CHECK OPINION !!!! If you fall this analysis you're a mental midget.. Such DANGEROUS talk eh? You want to compare to a day at Demo Underground about "unsourced opinion..

But WAIT -- it gets better.. Evidently you can get points off for juicing a title.. EVEN A LITTLE BIT..

There is considerable use of loaded language in headlines such as this: Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein… Although this particular article is written well and utilizes sourcing, it ends in big bold letters LIES!, conveying strong support for Judge Kavanaugh without evidence.

Wow.. Now ain't that kindergarden level picky. WELL WRITTEN -- WELL SOURCED -- But "Sketchy Business in the TITLE??? Burn 'em.

Need to nuke some fact checkers.. They piss me off posing as objective judges OF ANYTHING.. Especially when they fancy themselves important at all to "free expression" or "free speech"..
A day at the Dem Underground? That is kind of funny...they, deservedly have a similarly low rating.

Yah know how many times I have been banned at the democrat underground? At least 10 times for life

The last time they got pissed off by me saying poor people subsidize rich people for electric cars. .

From your link

Overall, we rate Democratic Underground Left Biased based on story selection and political affiliation with the Democratic Party. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources and a few failed fact checks.

Forum List
