The Push to Censor Half of America is ON!!!!!

From the link..

What does this mean? It means CTH is being kicked-off the WordPress website hosting platform because the content of our research and discussion does not align with the ideology of those who define what is acceptable speech and what is not.

It means what it says apparently.. All animals are equal -- but some are more equal than others. And it's all about opinion and principles and incompatibility.. Used to be the default excuse for divorce when there were no specifics was just "incompatibility".. This marriage is heading for a divorce..

Get my drift here?
Exactly your thread title is correct they are going after the the software to kill free speech, clever.

Write your own software
From the link..

What does this mean? It means CTH is being kicked-off the WordPress website hosting platform because the content of our research and discussion does not align with the ideology of those who define what is acceptable speech and what is not.
Go start your own platform.

Easy to say that when your speech is not the one being censored. This is how the left has always historically operated, Free speech is the first thing to go, then freedom of religion, and then your guns. How many times do the lessons of history have to repeat themselves?
Are you being willfully ignorant? I am asking respectfully. Twitter, Facebook, Google and other left wing media platforms have been censoring speech like crazy. I know you are aware of this. Why play stupid?

And it's their right to. Go start your own platform. Do I agree with their censorship? No. I remember the Dixie Chicks getting the same crap over Bush. People didn't seem to mind censorship then (and please don't give me this BS it wasn't censorship - threatening peoples' livelihoods is the very definition of censorship).

Doesn't help when you have a president and a huge number of people (including many on this site) who just out and out lie. Constantly. I'm not even going to get into the conspiracy theory shit.
Easy to say that when your speech is not the one being censored. This is how the left has always historically operated, Free speech is the first thing to go, then freedom of religion, and then your guns. How many times do the lessons of history have to repeat themselves?

Nobody is stopping your freedom of speech. Go start your own platform. Go sit on the corner with a sign. Go write letters to editors. Go write a story and try and get it published. Go Xerox off a million copies and hand them out at the mall (or outside the mall if the security won't let you do it). There are several ways you can get your point across. Stop whining. Start doing.
Easy to say that when your speech is not the one being censored. This is how the left has always historically operated, Free speech is the first thing to go, then freedom of religion, and then your guns. How many times do the lessons of history have to repeat themselves?

Nobody is stopping your freedom of speech. Go start your own platform. Go sit on the corner with a sign. Go write letters to editors. Go write a story and try and get it published. Go Xerox off a million copies and hand them out at the mall (or outside the mall if the security won't let you do it). There are several ways you can get your point across. Stop whining. Start doing.

Wrong. Speech is largely controlled by far left wing social media platforms or main stream media. And they are censoring dissenting voices like crazy. And again, you all know this but choose to act ignorant.
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Are you being willfully ignorant? I am asking respectfully. Twitter, Facebook, Google and other left wing media platforms have been censoring speech like crazy. I know you are aware of this. Why play stupid?

And it's their right to. Go start your own platform. Do I agree with their censorship? No. I remember the Dixie Chicks getting the same crap over Bush. People didn't seem to mind censorship then (and please don't give me this BS it wasn't censorship - threatening peoples' livelihoods is the very definition of censorship).

Doesn't help when you have a president and a huge number of people (including many on this site) who just out and out lie. Constantly. I'm not even going to get into the conspiracy theory shit.

No they do not have the right to censorship. That is false. Not with the legal protections from liability social media platforms have been given. That needs to change immediately,
Wrong. Speech is largely controlled by far left wing social media platforms or main stream media. And they are censoring dissenting voices like crazy. And again, you all know this but choose to act ignorant.

Jaysus, how many times do I have to say this - start your own fucking platform. No, they are censoring fucking, provable liars. That is what they are doing. I wish they wouldn't. I love seeing people looking stupid on social media posting their easily provable lies.
No they do not have the right to censorship. That is false. Not with the legal protections from liability social media platforms have been given. That needs to change immediately,

Of course they do have that right. Oh, the irony of this sentence: "Not with the legal protections from liability social media platforms have been given."
So, let's get this straight. You say they should get rid of those protections because they will no longer need them because they are making sure all the liars (the ones that WOULD CAUSE THEM TO BE SUED BECAUSE THEY SLANDER AND LIBEL CONSTANTLY) are no longer posting, so why do they need the protection?

You might have a point....

If was the conservative's hero Ronnie Raygun who got rid of the Fairness Doctrine. Been discussed many times on this board. Conservatives thought it was great getting rid of it. What do they think now?
Wrong. Speech is largely controlled by far left wing social media platforms or main stream media. And they are censoring dissenting voices like crazy. And again, you all know this but choose to act ignorant.

Jaysus, how many times do I have to say this - start your own fucking platform. No, they are censoring fucking, provable liars. That is what they are doing. I wish they wouldn't. I love seeing people looking stupid on social media posting their easily provable lies.

Who is truth police? You? Who determines what is a "lie."
No they do not have the right to censorship. That is false. Not with the legal protections from liability social media platforms have been given. That needs to change immediately,

Of course they do have that right. Oh, the irony of this sentence: "Not with the legal protections from liability social media platforms have been given."
So, let's get this straight. You say they should get rid of those protections because they will no longer need them because they are making sure all the liars (the ones that WOULD CAUSE THEM TO BE SUED BECAUSE THEY SLANDER AND LIBEL CONSTANTLY) are no longer posting, so why do they need the protection?

You might have a point....

If was the conservative's hero Ronnie Raygun who got rid of the Fairness Doctrine. Been discussed many times on this board. Conservatives thought it was great getting rid of it. What do they think now?

Get rid of their legal protections. Then they can be what they already are: Censors that stifle speech they don't like or don't agree with.
From the link..

What does this mean? It means CTH is being kicked-off the WordPress website hosting platform because the content of our research and discussion does not align with the ideology of those who define what is acceptable speech and what is not.
Go start your own platform.

I just told you what happens if we fracture the media into equal competing parts.. It's the end of EVER recovering from the polarization your tribe is inciting.. Would be nice if you thought this thru a bit more.. I know it hurts -- but .......

And I gave you an example of how an independent website like THIS ONE could be strangled to death EVEN IF we have our own servers... You evidently don't get any of that -- do you? There are SO MANY HANDS on the neck of free expression now -- there's no choice but to split ways..
There is no definitive proof on containing this pandemic. In about 66 major international countries, they act as laboratory to TRY shit to keep the virus contained. Different approaches, different takes on priorities.. And to MY KNOWLEDGE -- all have failed.

indeed so.....

In the interest of "public health" -- the science ignorant left wants to round up and cause pain to anyone that disagrees with them.. USUALLY invoking "science" those warriors have little to no understanding of.. Only what the COMPLIANT MEDIA feeds them..

painfully evident.....

You looking for dangers to the "public health"?? That's happening MORE on USMB than on the Treehouse by your definition.. Should WE be CANCELED by all the hands strangling free expression in America right now? Who OWNS those "hands"??? And why are YOU -- not concerned at all?

selling false security comes to mind.....

section 230 of Internet Immunity

i have no clue.....

Now what is the interpretation of that? It's NOT that masks CANT reduce the transmission or spread.. Only that it's FAR MORE EFFECTIVE if the SYMPTOMATIC are the ones wearing a mask.. So -- the whole argument about EVERYONE WEARING one is misguided if you think that makes YOU immune to covid..

spot on, fwiw, this is currently being censored on FB.

i'm a former infection control officer for an ambulance crew, which was required when OSHA 1910-1039 came out.

i don't want anyone to think this is some prestigious position, it was more a short straw deal for me, and off to 'school' i was sent.

what did i learn? well aside from keeping the crew safe via PPE methods, i learned how a virus works via the 'chain of infection'....none of which is rocket science.

and so all i've seen is 1/4 the protocall at best ...... almost everything the 'gub'mit' is mandating has proven ineffective, the proof of which is actively being censored on FB

we're in the '3rd wave' now, which translates to flattening , but also extending the bell curve. point? unless you exist on some desert island, or are an astronaut, your chances of contracting this virus is around 70%

but only a minority will realize they have.....

these are images i saved from an article that no longer exists on FB>>>









And I gave you an example of how an independent website like THIS ONE could be strangled to death EVEN IF we have our own servers... You evidently don't get any of that -- do you?
yeah, still trying to get my head around it.....~S~
From the link..

What does this mean? It means CTH is being kicked-off the WordPress website hosting platform because the content of our research and discussion does not align with the ideology of those who define what is acceptable speech and what is not.
Go start your own platform.
Just as soon as the ones that are censoring lose their Government protection.
I just told you what happens if we fracture the media into equal competing parts.. It's the end of EVER recovering from the polarization your tribe is inciting.. Would be nice if you thought this thru a bit more.. I know it hurts -- but .......

And I gave you an example of how an independent website like THIS ONE could be strangled to death EVEN IF we have our own servers... You evidently don't get any of that -- do you? There are SO MANY HANDS on the neck of free expression now -- there's no choice but to split ways..

I work in the press. I know how it works. I have worked for established fourth estate publications, as well as start ups. That is your OPINION of what happens when it is fractured. And that STILL doesn't stop you starting your own platform. Zuckerberg did. Dorsey did. With very little money initially in both cases. There was a demand and it took off.

What example? Have you a link? I missed it.

Let me ask you this: How would you feel if somebody continually lied, all the time, and people believed those lies. And those lies lead to disruptions to society that totally fucked people over? It's a fine line between propaganda and truth. In the case of Trump, this 'fraud' business is nothing but a fraud itself. And Twitter being private enterprises has the right to do whatever it wants to on its own platform. End of story.
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Your constant use of the word "denier" attached to EVERY ISSUE and only one side of every OPINION -- greatly troubles me.. I remind you that SCIENCE is NEVER "settled".. Especially science that's in its infancy or not amenable to definitive proof.. There is no definitive proof on containing this pandemic. In about 66 major international countries, they act as laboratory to TRY shit to keep the virus contained. Different approaches, different takes on priorities.. And to MY KNOWLEDGE -- all have failed.
Well, let me enhance your knowledge. NZ and Australia have done a fantastic job at keeping the virus contained.
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