The Quandary Christians Put Gays In

The Christians who support gay marriages are not true Christians. You have to be ashamed. Just because of people like you so many Americans turned away from Christianity.

Just so we're clear, not only have you set yourself up as a fair arbiter of who is and isn't Christian, but you also have a battery of links ready to post demonstrating that people are waxing in antipathy toward Christianity because it's becoming more accepting of homosexuals.....which I'm sure your next post will include.

The problem with the Christian Church at least in America is that Protestantism has taught you to see the Bible as a legal document that holds every religious concept prisoner to a narrow interpretation of eclectically chosen scriptures. You aren't pursuing the heart of God, nor his passion to reach sinners, nor his teachings that we build bridges and reach out to everyone, including homosexuals, for Christ. Instead you quote Leviticus and build walls, outside of which you fling fiery arrows, making enemies out of the very people Jesus told you to reach.

So Jesus is looking for other vessels, anyone who will build those bridges and become the face of Christ to those he wants to reach.

Does the Bible condemn homosexuality or not? It's a yes or no answer

The Bible condemns rampant, promiscuous, pagan homosexual orgies, yes. I don't believe it condemns a loving couple living in a committed, monogamous, relationship. In these women who are domestic partners getting ready to marry this month, I see touches of grace, evidence of God's love and presence. I don't think God condemns what they are doing in the least. We should all get to know people like this to get a better perspective on where God's heart is....

Which should be what's most important to us.

The bible condemns it in several versus. That's the point, a church can't vote on God's laws. You're either all in or you're out, there is no in between. Homosexuals are welcome in our Church as everyone is but there won't be any SSM or blessing of a same sex union. It's not happening

I fully support the right of your church and mine to preach what they believe to be true, not participate in anything they believe to be wrong, and to be free from coercion by government or any other force. There is no issue there and there's no doubt that my own Catholic religion will not budge on this issue one inch.

I haven't swung over to the "gay rights" side, I'm just expressing my honest opinion born of a wonderful relationship with a gay couple that God is not at odds with what they have together. My spiritual discernment is rarely off and I have no doubt at what I'm seeing, that gay Christians such as truly love the Lord as I do, live lives according to his commandments and teachings, and will be in heaven just as I will be.

I just don't know why so many Christians think to limit God's grace, I just don't....
Christians did not put homosexuals in a quandry in this context.

Gays put themselves there.

Or aberrations of Nature put them there.


Why the hell should the 97% of the population that identifies as Straight have to wear a metaphorical hair shirt about the discomfort of the 3% ?

Enough of this touchy-feely horseshit already.

A small percentage of people are also disabled to the point of being in a wheelchair. Why should we build elevators, ramps, and accessible facilities? Fuck 'em, right?

The character, decency, and charity of the majority is best evaluated by how it treats the minority. And all gays ask is for the same rights we have. I for one can no longer say no.
No, not 'fuck 'em'... never said that... but nice try, putting words into other people's mouths. Not.

The character, decency and charity of the majority is best evaluated by its ability to separate sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) from normal people, and to treat people charitably who do not manifest in such perverse ways, and to hold at arms' length, those who do.

As I said before: Enough of this touchy-feely horseshit.
Homosexuality is not a mental perversion. It appears in ever race, colour and creed throughout history, and in animal world as well.

It's as natural for gays to be attracted to their same sex as it is for straights to be attracted to the opposite sex.

It is not in the animal kingdom. Some daffy homosexual conned someone into paying for a grant and he came back shouting he had proof animals can be homosexual, the problem is he had no proof, no video, nothing. You clowns confuse what they call alpha male with homosexuality. Before you shout, bitch and moan be prepared to provide video proof of animals of the same sex mating. Word of warning: it doesn't exist.
That's a bunch of horseshit. Circa 8-10% of the animal Kingdom exhibits same-Sex sex. There are literally hundreds of studies over this phenomenom, SassyLesbiAsswipe.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

I was just laughing at how stupid you look hurling insults at Sassy from behind a silly clown face.

Go ahead, do it again. You're bringing an element of humor to this thread that's much in need.
Nice show of "christian" hubris. Thanks for sharing. It confirms what I've long suspected about "Christians".


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

OMG you did it again! Thank you!!
The Christians who support gay marriages are not true Christians. You have to be ashamed. Just because of people like you so many Americans turned away from Christianity.

Just so we're clear, not only have you set yourself up as a fair arbiter of who is and isn't Christian, but you also have a battery of links ready to post demonstrating that people are waxing in antipathy toward Christianity because it's becoming more accepting of homosexuals.....which I'm sure your next post will include.

The problem with the Christian Church at least in America is that Protestantism has taught you to see the Bible as a legal document that holds every religious concept prisoner to a narrow interpretation of eclectically chosen scriptures. You aren't pursuing the heart of God, nor his passion to reach sinners, nor his teachings that we build bridges and reach out to everyone, including homosexuals, for Christ. Instead you quote Leviticus and build walls, outside of which you fling fiery arrows, making enemies out of the very people Jesus told you to reach.

So Jesus is looking for other vessels, anyone who will build those bridges and become the face of Christ to those he wants to reach.

Does the Bible condemn homosexuality or not? It's a yes or no answer

The Bible condemns rampant, promiscuous, pagan homosexual orgies, yes. I don't believe it condemns a loving couple living in a committed, monogamous, relationship. In these women who are domestic partners getting ready to marry this month, I see touches of grace, evidence of God's love and presence. I don't think God condemns what they are doing in the least. We should all get to know people like this to get a better perspective on where God's heart is....

Which should be what's most important to us.

The bible condemns it in several versus. That's the point, a church can't vote on God's laws. You're either all in or you're out, there is no in between. Homosexuals are welcome in our Church as everyone is but there won't be any SSM or blessing of a same sex union. It's not happening

I fully support the right of your church and mine to preach what they believe to be true, not participate in anything they believe to be wrong, and to be free from coercion by government or any other force. There is no issue there and there's no doubt that my own Catholic religion will not budge on this issue one inch.

I haven't swung over to the "gay rights" side, I'm just expressing my honest opinion born of a wonderful relationship with a gay couple that God is not at odds with what they have together. My spiritual discernment is rarely off and I have no doubt at what I'm seeing, that gay Christians such as truly love the Lord as I do, live lives according to his commandments and teachings, and will be in heaven just as I will be.

I just don't know why so many Christians think to limit God's grace, I just don't....

Our opinions differ. I respect yours and hopefully you respect mine
Christians did not put homosexuals in a quandry in this context.

Gays put themselves there.

Or aberrations of Nature put them there.


Why the hell should the 97% of the population that identifies as Straight have to wear a metaphorical hair shirt about the discomfort of the 3% ?

Enough of this touchy-feely horseshit already.

A small percentage of people are also disabled to the point of being in a wheelchair. Why should we build elevators, ramps, and accessible facilities? Fuck 'em, right?

The character, decency, and charity of the majority is best evaluated by how it treats the minority. And all gays ask is for the same rights we have. I for one can no longer say no.
No, not 'fuck 'em'... never said that... but nice try, putting words into other people's mouths. Not.

The character, decency and charity of the majority is best evaluated by its ability to separate sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) from normal people, and to treat people charitably who do not manifest in such perverse ways, and to hold at arms' length, those who do.

As I said before: Enough of this touchy-feely horseshit.

People all around the globe agree with you.

The Christians who support gay marriages are not true Christians. You have to be ashamed. Just because of people like you so many Americans turned away from Christianity.

Just so we're clear, not only have you set yourself up as a fair arbiter of who is and isn't Christian, but you also have a battery of links ready to post demonstrating that people are waxing in antipathy toward Christianity because it's becoming more accepting of homosexuals.....which I'm sure your next post will include.

The problem with the Christian Church at least in America is that Protestantism has taught you to see the Bible as a legal document that holds every religious concept prisoner to a narrow interpretation of eclectically chosen scriptures. You aren't pursuing the heart of God, nor his passion to reach sinners, nor his teachings that we build bridges and reach out to everyone, including homosexuals, for Christ. Instead you quote Leviticus and build walls, outside of which you fling fiery arrows, making enemies out of the very people Jesus told you to reach.

So Jesus is looking for other vessels, anyone who will build those bridges and become the face of Christ to those he wants to reach.

Does the Bible condemn homosexuality or not? It's a yes or no answer

The Bible condemns rampant, promiscuous, pagan homosexual orgies, yes. I don't believe it condemns a loving couple living in a committed, monogamous, relationship. In these women who are domestic partners getting ready to marry this month, I see touches of grace, evidence of God's love and presence. I don't think God condemns what they are doing in the least. We should all get to know people like this to get a better perspective on where God's heart is....

Which should be what's most important to us.
Actually, the Tanakh condemns two specific sexual acts and uses two different verbs. It does not condemn a state of being. It spends far more time condemning and hanging the death penalty for masturbation or sleeping with another man's wife.

But I'm not really sure that "Christians" who show this much hubris are going to understand this...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Homosexuality is not a mental perversion. It appears in ever race, colour and creed throughout history, and in animal world as well.

It's as natural for gays to be attracted to their same sex as it is for straights to be attracted to the opposite sex.

It is not in the animal kingdom. Some daffy homosexual conned someone into paying for a grant and he came back shouting he had proof animals can be homosexual, the problem is he had no proof, no video, nothing. You clowns confuse what they call alpha male with homosexuality. Before you shout, bitch and moan be prepared to provide video proof of animals of the same sex mating. Word of warning: it doesn't exist.
That's a bunch of horseshit. Circa 8-10% of the animal Kingdom exhibits same-Sex sex. There are literally hundreds of studies over this phenomenom, SassyLesbiAsswipe.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

I was just laughing at how stupid you look hurling insults at Sassy from behind a silly clown face.

Go ahead, do it again. You're bringing an element of humor to this thread that's much in need.
Nice show of "christian" hubris. Thanks for sharing. It confirms what I've long suspected about "Christians".


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Christophobic hateful bigot.
Homosexuality is not a mental perversion. It appears in ever race, colour and creed throughout history, and in animal world as well.

It's as natural for gays to be attracted to their same sex as it is for straights to be attracted to the opposite sex.

It is not in the animal kingdom. Some daffy homosexual conned someone into paying for a grant and he came back shouting he had proof animals can be homosexual, the problem is he had no proof, no video, nothing. You clowns confuse what they call alpha male with homosexuality. Before you shout, bitch and moan be prepared to provide video proof of animals of the same sex mating. Word of warning: it doesn't exist.
That's a bunch of horseshit. Circa 8-10% of the animal Kingdom exhibits same-Sex sex. There are literally hundreds of studies over this phenomenom, SassyLesbiAsswipe.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

I was just laughing at how stupid you look hurling insults at Sassy from behind a silly clown face.

Go ahead, do it again. You're bringing an element of humor to this thread that's much in need.
Nice show of "christian" hubris. Thanks for sharing. It confirms what I've long suspected about "Christians".


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Christophobic hateful bigot.
Uhm, no. You seem grumpy
Did you miss your naptime, your milk bottle, or both??

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
It is not in the animal kingdom. Some daffy homosexual conned someone into paying for a grant and he came back shouting he had proof animals can be homosexual, the problem is he had no proof, no video, nothing. You clowns confuse what they call alpha male with homosexuality. Before you shout, bitch and moan be prepared to provide video proof of animals of the same sex mating. Word of warning: it doesn't exist.
That's a bunch of horseshit. Circa 8-10% of the animal Kingdom exhibits same-Sex sex. There are literally hundreds of studies over this phenomenom, SassyLesbiAsswipe.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

I was just laughing at how stupid you look hurling insults at Sassy from behind a silly clown face.

Go ahead, do it again. You're bringing an element of humor to this thread that's much in need.
Nice show of "christian" hubris. Thanks for sharing. It confirms what I've long suspected about "Christians".


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Christophobic hateful bigot.
Uhm, no. You seem grumpy
Did you miss your naptime, your milk bottle, or both??

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Christophobic hateful bigot.
I basically agree. But why isn't a civil contract enough.

You first.
Here's the problem gays put Christians in: Individual Christans cannot petition to redact the Bible to current trends and fads. In fact, the reason the Bible exists is to remind Christians how current trends and fads of their relative time frame can drag them down to the pit instead of entering the gates of Heaven.

You might want to visit this thread. BTW "Saint", I knew I had you pegged.

Christians are supposed to extend compassion to homosexuals. But their theft of marriage is forbidden. Whatever they do is whatever they do. But they cannot tell the rest of the world that it must like it and revere it as a commonly-held social value. That's where the Bible draws a very clear and distinct line.

Attention Episcopalians Christian Sects of All Denominations Worldwide. Pay Heed. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The Bible is mute on civil marriage.

You should do the same.

My point stands unrefuted.

Civil marriage is none of religion's business.
Marriage is Gods plan. Civil marriage is Caesar's plan. Render unto God the things that are Gods And unto Ceasar the things that are Caesars. Thus the controversy goes away. You could not stand that!
So...just get married in your god's house. Problem solved. No, wait....gays are getting married by god too. Oopsie, you aren't quite as exclusive as you thought.
Few things are perfect.
And for the record, Episcopalians have no affiliation with the Southern Baptist Convention, who consists of all Protestant Churches. Episcopalians and their churches are an arm of the Anglican denomination.

True enough. But the Episcopalians aren't the first denomination to have made this transition. Ask the Methodists which allow for LGBT clergy. Nor will they be the last. I suspect the Evangelical Lutherans will be next.

What you'll never see is the Catholic Church compromising on this issue. Protestant Churches, being severed from the vine that is the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church established by Christ himself, and is today represented by Catholic and Orthodox rites, lack the strength to maintain opposition against the popular tide of changing public opinion. This was made abundantly clear when Protestants dropped their opposition to birth control beginning with the Anglican Conference of 1930. Anglicans continue to lead the way in compromising with worldly values and because the See of Canterbury truly is the Protestant See, I anticipate the Protestant denominations will all follow suit.

But the Catholic Church will not, even if Jesus should tarry another 2000 years.
Amen brother...
Christians did not put homosexuals in a quandry in this context.

Gays put themselves there.

Or aberrations of Nature put them there.


Why the hell should the 97% of the population that identifies as Straight have to wear a metaphorical hair shirt about the discomfort of the 3% ?

Enough of this touchy-feely horseshit already.

A small percentage of people are also disabled to the point of being in a wheelchair. Why should we build elevators, ramps, and accessible facilities? Fuck 'em, right?

The character, decency, and charity of the majority is best evaluated by how it treats the minority. And all gays ask is for the same rights we have. I for one can no longer say no.
You realize that those ramps etc. didn't happen until handicapped people sued right?
The difference in my opinion on why your opinion is wrong is because you are obsessing about how others have sex.

Homosexuals were not targeted for arrest or for being fired or for being beaten up or murdered because of their 'pride in having sex'- they were targeted because they were different- and because they were attracted to the 'wrong gender'

Targeting people for abuse, in my opinion, is nothing to be proud about.

And it's in stark contrast with what Jesus taught us to be. It seems this message is being lost, that the Bible says Jesus did not come into the world to condemn the world, but that through Him, the world might be saved (John 3:17). Jesus built bridges and taught his disciples to build why to Christians today build walls and think by doing so they are good followers of Christ?

My family and I are building a bridge with two very dear ladies who are tying the knot this month. That bridge will be sturdy and enduring and will hopefully be but one of many as Christian embrace what Jesus really taught.

I would not have guessed you were a Christian. Thank goodness you are because I sure hate when liberals have to borrow someone else's faith to make their point.

I am glad that the couple you mention have a good friend such as you, good for them. But why is the forced compliance of anyone else so important to them?

I am exactly as I represented myself to be in the OP, a Catholic man married and with 4 children, and having two close friends who are gay women getting married. It's very personal to me and it's an opportunity to see another perspective that I think all Christians should seek out. Why don't all Christians have close gay friends? Could it be because we're better at repelling and condemning them than we are at building bridges as Christ taught us to?

And the better question is, why are we making it an issue of force?

It is an issue of force because the issue was decided by forced compliance.

Doesn't the RCC still oppose gay marriage and homosexuality in general? When a gay friend of mine got married, to the same gender, I congratulated them and wished them well. Since the issue of children won't arise it is hardly different then when I used to have room mates of the same gender, so them being married isn't really a big deal to me. What irks me is that twisted logic of some and states being forced to comply.

What also concerns me is that I believe that not all, but some, are born "that way."

There are so many directions that this issue can go. On this thread I'm not addressing what the Supreme Court did and I'm trying to keep it focused on our attitudes. Had I not had close gay friends who are getting married this month, I might not feel as I do, but having those friends has tempered my perception of this issue and allowed me another perspective. And I think that what your friend is experiencing with the person he married goes well beyond a roommate relationship. You should hang out with him more, get to know how he sees it.
And why do you think there is more acceptance of gays and gay marriage today?
And it's in stark contrast with what Jesus taught us to be. It seems this message is being lost, that the Bible says Jesus did not come into the world to condemn the world, but that through Him, the world might be saved (John 3:17). Jesus built bridges and taught his disciples to build why to Christians today build walls and think by doing so they are good followers of Christ?

My family and I are building a bridge with two very dear ladies who are tying the knot this month. That bridge will be sturdy and enduring and will hopefully be but one of many as Christian embrace what Jesus really taught.

I would not have guessed you were a Christian. Thank goodness you are because I sure hate when liberals have to borrow someone else's faith to make their point.

I am glad that the couple you mention have a good friend such as you, good for them. But why is the forced compliance of anyone else so important to them?

I am exactly as I represented myself to be in the OP, a Catholic man married and with 4 children, and having two close friends who are gay women getting married. It's very personal to me and it's an opportunity to see another perspective that I think all Christians should seek out. Why don't all Christians have close gay friends? Could it be because we're better at repelling and condemning them than we are at building bridges as Christ taught us to?

And the better question is, why are we making it an issue of force?

It is an issue of force because the issue was decided by forced compliance.

Doesn't the RCC still oppose gay marriage and homosexuality in general? When a gay friend of mine got married, to the same gender, I congratulated them and wished them well. Since the issue of children won't arise it is hardly different then when I used to have room mates of the same gender, so them being married isn't really a big deal to me. What irks me is that twisted logic of some and states being forced to comply.

What also concerns me is that I believe that not all, but some, are born "that way."

There are so many directions that this issue can go. On this thread I'm not addressing what the Supreme Court did and I'm trying to keep it focused on our attitudes. Had I not had close gay friends who are getting married this month, I might not feel as I do, but having those friends has tempered my perception of this issue and allowed me another perspective. And I think that what your friend is experiencing with the person he married goes well beyond a roommate relationship. You should hang out with him more, get to know how he sees it.
And why do you think there is more acceptance of gays and gay marriage today?
The same reason that there is less acceptance of Christianity. Indoctrination.
I would not have guessed you were a Christian. Thank goodness you are because I sure hate when liberals have to borrow someone else's faith to make their point.

I am glad that the couple you mention have a good friend such as you, good for them. But why is the forced compliance of anyone else so important to them?

I am exactly as I represented myself to be in the OP, a Catholic man married and with 4 children, and having two close friends who are gay women getting married. It's very personal to me and it's an opportunity to see another perspective that I think all Christians should seek out. Why don't all Christians have close gay friends? Could it be because we're better at repelling and condemning them than we are at building bridges as Christ taught us to?

And the better question is, why are we making it an issue of force?

It is an issue of force because the issue was decided by forced compliance.

Doesn't the RCC still oppose gay marriage and homosexuality in general? When a gay friend of mine got married, to the same gender, I congratulated them and wished them well. Since the issue of children won't arise it is hardly different then when I used to have room mates of the same gender, so them being married isn't really a big deal to me. What irks me is that twisted logic of some and states being forced to comply.

What also concerns me is that I believe that not all, but some, are born "that way."

There are so many directions that this issue can go. On this thread I'm not addressing what the Supreme Court did and I'm trying to keep it focused on our attitudes. Had I not had close gay friends who are getting married this month, I might not feel as I do, but having those friends has tempered my perception of this issue and allowed me another perspective. And I think that what your friend is experiencing with the person he married goes well beyond a roommate relationship. You should hang out with him more, get to know how he sees it.
And why do you think there is more acceptance of gays and gay marriage today?
The same reason that there is less acceptance of Christianity. Indoctrination.

So you think it was a failure of Christian indoctrination?

The majority of Americans are Christian. And guess what- attitudes of Christians have been changing also.


Now- why do you think the attitude towards mixed race marriages changed?
I am exactly as I represented myself to be in the OP, a Catholic man married and with 4 children, and having two close friends who are gay women getting married. It's very personal to me and it's an opportunity to see another perspective that I think all Christians should seek out. Why don't all Christians have close gay friends? Could it be because we're better at repelling and condemning them than we are at building bridges as Christ taught us to?

And the better question is, why are we making it an issue of force?

It is an issue of force because the issue was decided by forced compliance.

Doesn't the RCC still oppose gay marriage and homosexuality in general? When a gay friend of mine got married, to the same gender, I congratulated them and wished them well. Since the issue of children won't arise it is hardly different then when I used to have room mates of the same gender, so them being married isn't really a big deal to me. What irks me is that twisted logic of some and states being forced to comply.

What also concerns me is that I believe that not all, but some, are born "that way."

There are so many directions that this issue can go. On this thread I'm not addressing what the Supreme Court did and I'm trying to keep it focused on our attitudes. Had I not had close gay friends who are getting married this month, I might not feel as I do, but having those friends has tempered my perception of this issue and allowed me another perspective. And I think that what your friend is experiencing with the person he married goes well beyond a roommate relationship. You should hang out with him more, get to know how he sees it.
And why do you think there is more acceptance of gays and gay marriage today?
The same reason that there is less acceptance of Christianity. Indoctrination.

So you think it was a failure of Christian indoctrination?

The majority of Americans are Christian. And guess what- attitudes of Christians have been changing also.

View attachment 43954

Now- why do you think the attitude towards mixed race marriages changed?
It was successful indoctrination by the media and government school system.

Christianity has no doctrine against mixed marriage. Never. That's a cultural phenomenon.
Christians did not put homosexuals in a quandry in this context.

Gays put themselves there.

Or aberrations of Nature put them there.


Why the hell should the 97% of the population that identifies as Straight have to wear a metaphorical hair shirt about the discomfort of the 3% ?

Enough of this touchy-feely horseshit already.

A small percentage of people are also disabled to the point of being in a wheelchair. Why should we build elevators, ramps, and accessible facilities? Fuck 'em, right?

The character, decency, and charity of the majority is best evaluated by how it treats the minority. And all gays ask is for the same rights we have. I for one can no longer say no.

The character, decency and charity of the majority is best evaluated by its ability to separate sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) from normal people, .

Yeah- you tried for 200 years to discriminate and incarcerate persons because of who they were attracted to- no wonder you are so butt hurt now that you can no longer freely abuse homosexuals.

Your 'charity' is just another word for abuse.
It is an issue of force because the issue was decided by forced compliance.

Doesn't the RCC still oppose gay marriage and homosexuality in general? When a gay friend of mine got married, to the same gender, I congratulated them and wished them well. Since the issue of children won't arise it is hardly different then when I used to have room mates of the same gender, so them being married isn't really a big deal to me. What irks me is that twisted logic of some and states being forced to comply.

What also concerns me is that I believe that not all, but some, are born "that way."

There are so many directions that this issue can go. On this thread I'm not addressing what the Supreme Court did and I'm trying to keep it focused on our attitudes. Had I not had close gay friends who are getting married this month, I might not feel as I do, but having those friends has tempered my perception of this issue and allowed me another perspective. And I think that what your friend is experiencing with the person he married goes well beyond a roommate relationship. You should hang out with him more, get to know how he sees it.
And why do you think there is more acceptance of gays and gay marriage today?
The same reason that there is less acceptance of Christianity. Indoctrination.

So you think it was a failure of Christian indoctrination?

The majority of Americans are Christian. And guess what- attitudes of Christians have been changing also.

View attachment 43954

Now- why do you think the attitude towards mixed race marriages changed?
It was successful indoctrination by the media and government school system.

Christianity has no doctrine against mixed marriage. Never. That's a cultural phenomenon.

So you are saying that indoctrination against racial bias in marriage worked.

If that is how you think attitudes have changed regarding sexual orientation bias- okay with me.
Pity you had to blemish an otherwise rare cogent post with the following errant nonsense:

“I don't like the Supreme Court circumventing the constitutional and republican form of government that clearly puts this issue to the states to decide.”

The Supreme Court did not 'circumvent' the Constitution, it appropriately followed and applied settled and accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence consistent with a republican form of government, recognizing that citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not 'majority rule,' where residents of the states have no authority to decide who will or will not have his civil rights.

Otherwise, your post reflects the fact that 14th Amendment jurisprudence apples only to the states and local governments, not private citizens or organizations such as churches, who are at liberty to decide the matter for themselves in accordance with religious doctrine and dogma concerning marriage rituals.

It's also appropriate and important to understand that for gay Americans they are infinitely more than just their sexuality, and to focus only on that aspect of who they are is unwarranted and unproductive.

Yes, the SC's just did write law......which is not what the SC is designed for. They are to interpret law. You should know that but you're just showing your usual partisan hackery.
I basically agree. But why isn't a civil contract enough. Live together. Love together. Benefit together. But leave marriage intact. Perhaps your friends don't push the political agenda...but the political left does...and it has little to do with concern for gays.
It's a civil right that was denied because a bunch of religious people who have always been the worst gay-bashers didn't want it. Now the christian right is acting like an oppressed victim, maybe if they had been a little less hateful and oppressive for the last two thousand years someone would give a shit.

Marriage defined as a one man and one woman predates Christianity by a long shot... I really tire of you leftists morons blaming everything on Christianity. Please educate yourself just a little bit..

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