The Queen has Covid

They just keep spouting the propaganda, but the truth cannot be hidden forever

Read the article. Try that.

So 25% do not want to get the booster, and those are more import to you than the 75% that did or will.

Also the article does not say who is not willing to get them. Is it nurses or doctors? is it other staff? Is it the ICU nurses as you claimed?
Yep, my elderly family members in their mid to late 80s had COVID and lived, then they got something that was almost as bad, and lived again, and nope they weren't vaxed. Most survive it, but just like a bad strain of the flu, some don't make it.

Most cases, not even a particularly bad strain of flu. Just a normal flu/cold-like illness, not remarkable at all in duration or severity.

And look what the irrational, exaggerated fear of it has led us to allow our corrupt governments to do to us.
Do you know how rare it is for British Monarchs to abdicate?

Edward VIII- Because of a marriage scandal and he was a Nazi

There's no evidence that he was a Nazi...

James II - who was driven off the throne by his daughter and an invasion

His daughter did not drive him from the throne. She was declared Queen in James' absence after he'd fled to France...

Richard II - who was forced off the throne and murdered

It's believed he died of starvation in prison...

Edward II - who was forced off the throne and probably murdered

He was all but forced to abdicate.

Only Edward VIII left the throne willingly...
About 70% of Americans are fully vaccinated...there are not massive amounts of people dropping dead from the vaccine.

Did you get that?
Well, as equipped as you are with all the facts and your own case study on the vaccinations.
Can you be more transparent with what "there are not massive amounts" break down to in actual
numbers? Maybe you could find the CDC's study on this subject, I'm sure they have numbers out
by now.
I'll wait for your numbers.
About 70% of Americans are fully vaccinated...there are not massive amounts of people dropping dead from the vaccine.

Did you get that?
The only reason I question your authority on the subject is that I've had both spikes and a booster.
After the first two spikes, my kidneys took quite a hit from them. Then they somewhat recovered.
My own doctor didn't think there was any correlation between the two. Then I got the booster, and yes, they took another hit, even worse.
My doctor documented and now is not so sure that it's not from the vaccination.
Who am I to believe? You?
Well, as equipped as you are with all the facts and your own case study on the vaccinations.
Can you be more transparent with what "there are not massive amounts" break down to in actual
numbers? Maybe you could find the CDC's study on this subject, I'm sure they have numbers out
by now.
I'll wait for your numbers.

Maybe you can find some right wing kook site that will report the millions of deaths of fully vaccinated people since that is the fairy tale you guys want us to believe.

I'll wait for your numbers.
The only reason I question your authority on the subject is that I've had both spikes and a booster.
After the first two spikes, my kidneys took quite a hit from them. Then they somewhat recovered.
My own doctor didn't think there was any correlation between the two. Then I got the booster, and yes, they took another hit, even worse.
My doctor documented and now is not so sure that it's not from the vaccination.
Who am I to believe? You?
Yet here you are...alive. Incredible. You should be dead by now.... Did you put your affairs in order?
So it takes "millions" of deaths to deem the vaccination a failure? Really? That's your benchmark number?
oh brother :rolleyes-41:

When about a billion people have taken them world wide and a over 200M have taken them domestically...yeah, you'd expect about a million deaths from covid vaccinations if the vaccinations actually killed people

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