The Queen has Covid

You alone may change the course of the pro-life movement

Doubt he'll live much longer joey, he's been vaccinated as well.
Dear Gentlemen todays question ju jour is thus.
What is the Life Cycle of yer average Garden Variety Covid Vaccine.
Whether Potted or not.
I'm just being logical. Either vaccines normally offer 100% protection or they don't. Once that's established, everyone can take that as GIVEN and MOVE ON instead of constantly circling back to second guess everything like idiots. Another example: Are employers (public or private) normally allowed to fire employees for ignoring their stated work rules or not? Does that amount to "force" or is having a gun to one's head required for "force"?
If you open the Pandora's box on medical requirements for a customer service agent you violate hippa laws. I don't think medical records of working class people are any corporations business.
Since grumblenuts is just going to troll and not have any honesty in the discussion I am putting him on ignore. I don't choose to take in someone else's unwillingness to be vulnerable or honest.
And then called Golfing Gator "gullible" for quoting directly from it. So which is it, your compelling source of information or just something laughable?
What part of Covid being used { Manipulated } to change human behavior
are you unfamaliar with.The part where a thoroughly corrupt MSM and
nearly All Democrat States do not want you to Know let alone research.
Like for example the use of Hydroxychloraquine has a therapeutic.
That just One example.
How about the next example.The 6 foot distancing rule { mandated }.
It was just made up.The New York Times had to write an article stating that
it was " just made up ". They { who control the lies or the vaunted CDC }
found some obscure study done years ago explaining how certain flu virus
are reduced when there is a distancing rule.So many feet apart.
You are now just trolling people based on your own personal bias and desire to control other people on their narrative. This is narrow-minded.
So tell us how The Price of Roving Gnome Covid Trolls or Dr.Fauci
earned his $ 435,ooo salary { Most of anyone serving in U.S. Government }
By Trolling every network sometimes multiple times a day to make his
Covid pitch.
Caught Lying under oath before Congress.
Since grumblenuts is just going to troll and not have any honesty in the discussion I am putting him on ignore. I don't choose to take in someone else's unwillingness to be vulnerable or honest.
Trolling you? :eek-52:
I've never felt so violated!
Plus how many who got their Jab also previously had mild flu-like symptoms.
Therefore they developed Natural Immunity { Which we just learned last month
is 6 times more protective than a vaccine.}.

Here's a very good article for you and Golfing Gator on ADE, or Antibody-Dependent Enhancement. Yes, the article says at the end this is not happening with Covid. But note this is dated Nov 2, 2021 BEFORE Omicron and BEFORE we knew everyone was getting infected, even those who are vaccinated. Note, now, the percentages of those in the hospitals, ICUs and on ventilators who are now vaccinated and boosted. Is it definitely ADE? No, but it sure could be.

Secondly note in a NYT article out TODAY that the CDC does not want to release data that could be "misinterpreted"....yeah, sure. I'm sure that data says how wonderful the vaccines are, yes?

When the C.D.C. published the first significant data on the effectiveness of boosters in adults younger than 65 two weeks ago, it left out the numbers for a huge portion of that population: 18- to 49-year-olds, the group least likely to benefit from extra shots, because the first two doses already left them well-protected.

Kristen Nordlund, a spokeswoman for the C.D.C., said the agency has been slow to release the different streams of data “because basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time.” She said the agency’s “priority when gathering any data is to ensure that it’s accurate and actionable.”

Another reason is fear that the information might be misinterpreted, Ms. Nordlund said.

And then called Golfing Gator "gullible" for quoting directly from it. So which is it, your compelling source of information or just something laughable?

Yes, the govt scientists present the data and then try to explain the data away. Right, I'm not gullible enough to fall for the explanation. I don't need one. The data speaks for itself.

Btw, see the post I just made. The NYT--now, the NYT!!!--is wondering today why the CDC hasn't released a bunch of data on the shots. Gosh, it must because they're just so all-fired wonderful, yes?

How gullible you wanna be, and for how long?
Do you know how rare it is for British Monarchs to abdicate?

Edward VIII- Because of a marriage scandal and he was a Nazi
James II - who was driven off the throne by his daughter and an invasion
Richard II - who was forced off the throne and murdered
Edward II - who was forced off the throne and probably murdered
You can add Elizibeth II pretty soon, driven off the throne by a Chinese bioweapon.
Here's a very good article for you and Golfing Gator on ADE, or Antibody-Dependent Enhancement. Yes, the article says at the end this is not happening with Covid. But note this is dated Nov 2, 2021 BEFORE Omicron and BEFORE we knew everyone was getting infected, even those who are vaccinated. Note, now, the percentages of those in the hospitals, ICUs and on ventilators who are now vaccinated and boosted. Is it definitely ADE? No, but it sure could be.

Secondly note in a NYT article out TODAY that the CDC does not want to release data that could be "misinterpreted"....yeah, sure. I'm sure that data says how wonderful the vaccines are, yes?

When the C.D.C. published the first significant data on the effectiveness of boosters in adults younger than 65 two weeks ago, it left out the numbers for a huge portion of that population: 18- to 49-year-olds, the group least likely to benefit from extra shots, because the first two doses already left them well-protected.

Kristen Nordlund, a spokeswoman for the C.D.C., said the agency has been slow to release the different streams of data “because basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time.” She said the agency’s “priority when gathering any data is to ensure that it’s accurate and actionable.”

Another reason is fear that the information might be misinterpreted, Ms. Nordlund said.

IF this were happening, the vaccinate people would have a higher ER and death rate. But that is not the case
Yes, the govt scientists present the data and then try to explain the data away. Right, I'm not gullible enough to fall for the explanation. I don't need one. The data speaks for itself.

Actually it does not, but given your lack of any sort of math skills, I can understand why you think so.
You can add Elizibeth II pretty soon, driven off the throne by a Chinese bioweapon.
It may have something to do with her giving around a couple Million
to some Prince Andrew fund to help him with his court battles.
Or something truly nefarious like knowing something about her health
and that she doesn't have much time left.
Kinda like Betty White.Who got the Booster days before she got her
IF this were happening, the vaccinate people would have a higher ER and death rate. But that is not the case

Well here is another snapshot of what is happening in my state. Again, look at the % of hospitalization by vaccination. Nearly 50% vaxxed/unvaxxed. This will continue to get worse as the vaccines wear off, and the boosters too.

It will be fortunate for the vaccine lovers if they simply do not work. That's it; they're ineffective. Okay. Good (I mean that). But what we might be seeing is not only do they not work, but have a horrid side effect profile too.

I realize these sorts of stories and studies mean nothing to the true believers... it's all a conspiracy after all... and JEWS!

But hey, what the fuck...

Found this...from a clinical trial on multidrug therapy that includes ivermectin. IMO we should not be so quick to shoot down ivermectin.

" Results & conclusions: All subjects resolved symptoms (in 11 days on average), and oxygen saturation improved in 24 h (87.4% to 93.1%; p = 0.001). There were no hospitalizations or deaths, less than (p < 0.002 or 0.05, respectively) background-matched CDC database controls. Triple combination therapy is safe and effective even when used in outpatients with moderate to severe symptoms. Clinical Trial Registration: NCT04482686 ( "

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