The Queen has Covid

I provided the link in this thread. Yes, case counts are HIGHER among the vaccinated. Probably because the vax destroys your ability to build up good natural immunity, even if you get Covid

If the natural immunity is destroyed, why do the vaccinated have such a lower rate of ER admissions and death?
I'm just being logical. Either vaccines normally offer 100% protection or they don't. Once that's established, everyone can take that as GIVEN and MOVE ON instead of constantly circling back to second guess everything like idiots. Another example: Are employers (public or private) normally allowed to fire employees for ignoring their stated work rules or not? Does that amount to "force" or is having a gun to one's head required for "force"?
Work rules ? ROTFLMBO... It's hilarious how you leftist change the definitions of everything so that it will somehow fit a narrative or agenda.. Work rules ROTFLMBO... Bawahawahawahaeahawahahahahawahaha..
If the natural immunity is destroyed, why do the vaccinated have such a lower rate of ER admissions and death?
Huh ? You said if the natural immunity is destroyed ? What destroys natural immunity ? And of course you can't actually back up a claim that the vaccinated have less ER visits and death, because it's absolutely not allowed or required to give out medical information pertaining to individual patient's one way or the other to the public right ??

If information is being released it is against the law right ?? Medical privacy is supposed to be a big deal, so how is anyone getting the personal medical data of those who enter the Er's across America ??
Work rules ? ROTFLMBO... It's hilarious how you leftist change the definitions of everything so that it will somehow fit a narrative or agenda.. Work rules ROTFLMBO... Bawahawahawahaeahawahahahahawahaha..
They try and push it as normal. Never in my life have I ever been asked my vaccine status for a job.
If the natural immunity is destroyed, why do the vaccinated have such a lower rate of ER admissions and death?

The vaccines do not stimulate a good enough T and B cell response. They are just factories of antibodies. The antibodies offer some protection for a short time, but seem to have a "boomerang" effect where you end up in worse shape than you started. Hence more Covid infections in the vaccinated.

The vaccines do not stimulate a good enough T and B cell response. They are just factories of antibodies. The antibodies offer some protection for a short time, but seem to have a "boomerang" effect where you end up in worse shape than you started. Hence more Covid infections in the vaccinated.

That does not explain why the vaccinated have such a lower rate of ER admissions and death, according to the link you provided.
The vaccines do not stimulate a good enough T and B cell response. They are just factories of antibodies. The antibodies offer some protection for a short time, but seem to have a "boomerang" effect where you end up in worse shape than you started. Hence more Covid infections in the vaccinated.

Plus how many who got their Jab also previously had mild flu-like symptoms.
Therefore they developed Natural Immunity { Which we just learned last month
is 6 times more protective than a vaccine.}.
Didn't even click the link. Pathetic. Hey, get another 10 boosters! I'm sure your body will love it
Plus there a reason why Fauci and Dr.Francis Collins are no longer
out and about pushing { Plugging } their Covid hysteria.
Because they've been caught making up most everything they plugged.
They've run out of Plugs to plug.
You mean a 96 year old woman isn't going to have a great immune system? Who'd have thunk it, Islamophobic Twat!
You alone may change the course of the pro-life movement

Maybe the old bat will finally kick off. Poor Prince Charles has been waiting for years to be King.
Doubt he'll live much longer joey, he's been vaccinated as well.
You mean a 96 year old woman isn't going to have a great immune system? Who'd have thunk it, Islamophobic Twat!

Maybe the old bat will finally kick off. Poor Prince Charles has been waiting for years to be King.
I think she has been deliberately trying to outlive him, so third banana could take the throne.. Moms always like their grandsons more than their sons.

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