The Queen has Covid

So you can't name "any vaccine in history that has claimed to be 100% effective at preventing infection." Fine admission. Thanks.

Nave the ones that allowed you to catch it and spread it like mRNA........that didn't train long term B cell memory.......and made people who had it FEAR FOR THEIR LIVES FROM THE DREADED UNVACCINATED.

Also show how in the past we just IGNORED NATURAL IMMUNITY......and SAY GET THE JAB..........That has spike proteins in it that leave the injection site and fuck thousands of people up.

Great vaccine huh........

Oh .......BTW.......we have the worst stats on planet earth........because of people like you who kiss the gov'ts ass.

Why? What did I claim anything even remotely to the contrary? First, think.. Quote an example.. Try to have a point..
I've put thousands of points and studies on these boards that say our gov't and you are ignorant people......Now the gov't does it for money...........So what made you ignorant? Are you watching too much CNN...........MSDNC..................You know those sites are garbage and fry your brain.

Anyway........Read this shit for the next week........take some Ivermectin........find your balls on covid and call it a day on mandates.

Here ya go........Reading assignment.

These countries didn't suck at covid..........WE DID......Now learn gov't tool
Same. Also, try defining vague, weasel terms like "unproven" and "forced."
Have a little trouble understanding English, do you?

This is what happens when we allow hysterical leftists in skinny jeans with rainbow dildos hanging out their back pockets start changing the language.
Same. Also, try defining vague, weasel terms like "unproven" and "forced."
Let's start with FORCE..........The use of force is also COHERSION............OBEY ME OR WE WILL DESTROY YOU.......

ISIS used it with a different style.....Convert to Islam or we will behead you and stick your head on a pike............Now for the Gov't cohersion.........Show me the vaccine passport from a vaccine that doesn't fucking work...........or we will get you can't shop..........since you can't make money or kiss or ass we will throw you and your family out on to the streets and STARVE YOU TO DEATH.

Going on all over the world right now and in Dem Blue shitholes in this country.....

Unproven...........mRNA were UNPROVEN before this plannedemic.........No long term studies........No clue the problems down the road.......but approved because it made gov't money launderers FILTY RICH from Pfizer and Moderna.

Now..........glad I could help you out.........

don't act smug.
I'm just being logical. Either vaccines normally offer 100% protection or they don't. Once that's established, everyone can take that as GIVEN and MOVE ON instead of constantly circling back to second guess everything like idiots. Another example: Are employers (public or private) normally allowed to fire employees for ignoring their stated work rules or not? Does that amount to "force" or is having a gun to one's head required for "force"?
Is this how you do it in stats? "Nevermind what the data say, listen to my EXPLANATION?"


If all that mattered were the raw numbers there would be no jobs for statisticians nor data analyst.

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