The Question Every LIB Can't Answer

All over this forum there are dozens of threads and hundreds of posts screaming about what a national disaster a Trump Presidency would be.
Under normal circumstances both sides would be attempting to 'flip' voters.
Not this time.
I have yet to read a thoughtful honest LIB state why Hillary would be a better President than Trump.
Hillary is dragging so much BS lies and worse behind her even half the LIBs are pretending not to notice. The other half are supporting a white 74 year old Socialist who makes delusional promises to politically nubiles who are gambling Bernie will be able to score enough money from the rich so the nubiles don't have to worry about ever finding a decent job.
The LIBs don't want to talk about the Clintons because most of them are ashamed of the Clintons.
Bill has had to go back to his friend's 'Lolita Island'.
Trump has about 4 billions dollars worth of 'questions' for Hillary.
What she refuses to answer on the debate stage Trump will ask the questions to the millions of voters on every news outlet in the country.
Ok this is my worry. Trump will have to deal on an international lvl. Say an american airliner gets shot down over te Ukrain or theres a destroyer wich gets holed by a terrorists speedboat, or a hundred and one other scenarios, where he will have to act as a commander in chief.As a candidate I've seen him get into pissing contests with journalists, spend debate time about his dick and publicly insult one of his allies (christie). Not even mentioning his willingness; even eagerness to insult large groups of ppl. Any one of these traits on an international lvl can cause war or at the very least will cause serious tentions and polarize the world as a whole.The point is I have no idea how rational this guy will react when he runs into trouble. On a domestic lvl I fear that his divisive style as a politician will increase further the inabilty of the government to actually get anything done. Politicians need to be able to compromise. Does that sound like something Trump is capable of doing?
Took my answer from another thread, hope it's toughtfull enough.
OK. You brought up some good points. Not in any order allow me to reply.
You must try to understand what goes on in Trump's boardroom every day.The best of the best are working for Trump and thousands have been happily working for him for years.
Trump did not get where he is today by making reckless, indiscriminate decisions based on his 'ego'. He would not have survived in NYC a year if that was his way of doing business.
What we see is precisely what Trump wants us to see. Never forget that fact.
The most ruthless hard-ass take no prisoners businessmen on the planet have a great deal of respect for Trump.
Trump is a world class negotiator. His record proves it.
Right now he is literally 'rope-a-doping' the media and the DNC.
"Look at me. I'm out of control. I'm a clown. Don't anyone take me seriously."
Look back on Trump's achievements. Compare them with Hillary's. There is no comparison.
I trust President Trump to be a man of his word.
What has the DNC and the Washington establishment apoplectic is they know he will do what he says he will do.
Trump has played three dimensional chess his whole business life with the help of the best experts in every field.
This bullshit that Trump will fire off a nuclear bomb at the first country that pisses him off is coming from children AKA LIB 'Man-Bun' pussies.
The middle class is gasping for help. Stagnant wages for years. Good jobs going overseas. The Mexican government aiding and abetting smuggling in hard drugs which are literally destroying entire US towns. The Mexican government hiring hundreds of buses to take thousands of criminals direct from Mexican prisons and the mentally insane within a mile of the US border. "Here's a jug of water. The US is just over that hill. And remember. Don't come back!"
Well, allow me to play out a scenario. Since he is a man of his word,president Trump in his 54 day in office succeeds in banning Muslims entering the country, ISIS who already used candidate Trumps video of him saying he would in a recruitment video, convince some idiot that its a good idea to blow himself up in a mall. President Trump saying Muslims in the country are a danger forces them to wear a green sash. The rest of the world is appalled and Muslim countries decide to boycott the us taking out most of the foreign oil supply. At thiss point president Trump decides he probably just take the oil, wich he can. Bottom line Trumps beiing a man of his word is something to fear
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All over this forum there are dozens of threads and hundreds of posts screaming about what a national disaster a Trump Presidency would be.
Under normal circumstances both sides would be attempting to 'flip' voters.
Not this time.
I have yet to read a thoughtful honest LIB state why Hillary would be a better President than Trump.
Hillary is dragging so much BS lies and worse behind her even half the LIBs are pretending not to notice. The other half are supporting a white 74 year old Socialist who makes delusional promises to politically nubiles who are gambling Bernie will be able to score enough money from the rich so the nubiles don't have to worry about ever finding a decent job.
The LIBs don't want to talk about the Clintons because most of them are ashamed of the Clintons.
Bill has had to go back to his friend's 'Lolita Island'.
Trump has about 4 billions dollars worth of 'questions' for Hillary.
What she refuses to answer on the debate stage Trump will ask the questions to the millions of voters on every news outlet in the country.
Ok this is my worry. Trump will have to deal on an international lvl. Say an american airliner gets shot down over te Ukrain or theres a destroyer wich gets holed by a terrorists speedboat, or a hundred and one other scenarios, where he will have to act as a commander in chief.As a candidate I've seen him get into pissing contests with journalists, spend debate time about his dick and publicly insult one of his allies (christie). Not even mentioning his willingness; even eagerness to insult large groups of ppl. Any one of these traits on an international lvl can cause war or at the very least will cause serious tentions and polarize the world as a whole.The point is I have no idea how rational this guy will react when he runs into trouble. On a domestic lvl I fear that his divisive style as a politician will increase further the inabilty of the government to actually get anything done. Politicians need to be able to compromise. Does that sound like something Trump is capable of doing?
Took my answer from another thread, hope it's toughtfull enough.
OK. You brought up some good points. Not in any order allow me to reply.
You must try to understand what goes on in Trump's boardroom every day.The best of the best are working for Trump and thousands have been happily working for him for years.
Trump did not get where he is today by making reckless, indiscriminate decisions based on his 'ego'. He would not have survived in NYC a year if that was his way of doing business.
What we see is precisely what Trump wants us to see. Never forget that fact.
The most ruthless hard-ass take no prisoners businessmen on the planet have a great deal of respect for Trump.
Trump is a world class negotiator. His record proves it.
Right now he is literally 'rope-a-doping' the media and the DNC.
"Look at me. I'm out of control. I'm a clown. Don't anyone take me seriously."
Look back on Trump's achievements. Compare them with Hillary's. There is no comparison.
I trust President Trump to be a man of his word.
What has the DNC and the Washington establishment apoplectic is they know he will do what he says he will do.
Trump has played three dimensional chess his whole business life with the help of the best experts in every field.
This bullshit that Trump will fire off a nuclear bomb at the first country that pisses him off is coming from children AKA LIB 'Man-Bun' pussies.
The middle class is gasping for help. Stagnant wages for years. Good jobs going overseas. The Mexican government aiding and abetting smuggling in hard drugs which are literally destroying entire US towns. The Mexican government hiring hundreds of buses to take thousands of criminals direct from Mexican prisons and the mentally insane within a mile of the US border. "Here's a jug of water. The US is just over that hill. And remember. Don't come back!"
And i just noticed you didn't answer some key points. His style has polarised the political climate so much that I don't see any democrat making any deal.Second if you honesty believe Mexico is delibaratly sending criminals to the US, you are just as crazy as those lib man bun pussies you so eloquently mentioned. Lets look at that Mexico statement next. I will build a wall and mexico will pay for it.How? Trade tariffs, economic sanctions if they don't? And even if you do, the Mexican American border is to long to secure and a wall no matter how long or high will be able to stop desperate ppl. Ppl btw, you have made more desperate because you just impoverished an already impoverished nation to pay for your wall.
All over this forum there are dozens of threads and hundreds of posts screaming about what a national disaster a Trump Presidency would be.
Under normal circumstances both sides would be attempting to 'flip' voters.
Not this time.
I have yet to read a thoughtful honest LIB state why Hillary would be a better President than Trump.
Hillary is dragging so much BS lies and worse behind her even half the LIBs are pretending not to notice. The other half are supporting a white 74 year old Socialist who makes delusional promises to politically nubiles who are gambling Bernie will be able to score enough money from the rich so the nubiles don't have to worry about ever finding a decent job.
The LIBs don't want to talk about the Clintons because most of them are ashamed of the Clintons.
Bill has had to go back to his friend's 'Lolita Island'.
Trump has about 4 billions dollars worth of 'questions' for Hillary.
What she refuses to answer on the debate stage Trump will ask the questions to the millions of voters on every news outlet in the country.
Ok this is my worry. Trump will have to deal on an international lvl. Say an american airliner gets shot down over te Ukrain or theres a destroyer wich gets holed by a terrorists speedboat, or a hundred and one other scenarios, where he will have to act as a commander in chief.As a candidate I've seen him get into pissing contests with journalists, spend debate time about his dick and publicly insult one of his allies (christie). Not even mentioning his willingness; even eagerness to insult large groups of ppl. Any one of these traits on an international lvl can cause war or at the very least will cause serious tentions and polarize the world as a whole.The point is I have no idea how rational this guy will react when he runs into trouble. On a domestic lvl I fear that his divisive style as a politician will increase further the inabilty of the government to actually get anything done. Politicians need to be able to compromise. Does that sound like something Trump is capable of doing?
Took my answer from another thread, hope it's toughtfull enough.
OK. You brought up some good points. Not in any order allow me to reply.
You must try to understand what goes on in Trump's boardroom every day.The best of the best are working for Trump and thousands have been happily working for him for years.
Trump did not get where he is today by making reckless, indiscriminate decisions based on his 'ego'. He would not have survived in NYC a year if that was his way of doing business.
What we see is precisely what Trump wants us to see. Never forget that fact.
The most ruthless hard-ass take no prisoners businessmen on the planet have a great deal of respect for Trump.
Trump is a world class negotiator. His record proves it.
Right now he is literally 'rope-a-doping' the media and the DNC.
"Look at me. I'm out of control. I'm a clown. Don't anyone take me seriously."
Look back on Trump's achievements. Compare them with Hillary's. There is no comparison.
I trust President Trump to be a man of his word.
What has the DNC and the Washington establishment apoplectic is they know he will do what he says he will do.
Trump has played three dimensional chess his whole business life with the help of the best experts in every field.
This bullshit that Trump will fire off a nuclear bomb at the first country that pisses him off is coming from children AKA LIB 'Man-Bun' pussies.
The middle class is gasping for help. Stagnant wages for years. Good jobs going overseas. The Mexican government aiding and abetting smuggling in hard drugs which are literally destroying entire US towns. The Mexican government hiring hundreds of buses to take thousands of criminals direct from Mexican prisons and the mentally insane within a mile of the US border. "Here's a jug of water. The US is just over that hill. And remember. Don't come back!"
Well, allow me to play out a scenario. Since he is a man of his word,president Trump in his 54 day in office succeeds in banning Muslims entering the country, ISIS who already used candidate Trumps video of him saying he would in a recruitment video, convince some idiot that its a good idea to blow himself up in a mall. President Trump saying Muslims in the country are a danger forces them to wear a green sash. The rest of the world is appalled and Muslim countries decide to boycott the us taking out most of the foreign oil supply. At thiss point president Trump decides he probably just take the oil, wich he can. Bottom line Trumps beiing a man of his word is something to fear
Your scenario is based on some very childish notions.
How old are you seriously?
President Trump NEVER EVER EVER EVER!!!!! said he would "ban Muslims from the country". In Fact he said he would stop the flow of Muslims into the country UNTIL THEY HAD BEEN PROPERLY VETTED!!!! What is there about that idea you find so repulsive?
The last time I looked Trump wasn't the President when a couple of Muslims UNDER OBAMA's watch blew up bombs in Boston right? Under obama how many innocents did the Muslims shoot on the West Coast lately????
Do you actually believe ISIS gives a shit about who is in the Oval Office! Really? The fucking insane Muslim lunatics were never and will never be influenced by who the US President is. Fucking THINK!
Name one "muslim country" which would decide to not sell oil to the US because Trump wants to properly vet Muslims coming into the country. Go ahead. Just one. You can't.
The reason the world oil markets have collapsed is because US technology has advanced to the point where the US is very close to being oil self-sufficient.
When President Trump forces Muslims to wear a green sash? You are fucking delusional i you believe that could possibly happen. I do mean that.
Finally, if actually knew fuck all about the diverse Muslim countries you would know they have been warring against each other for thousands or years.
I have yet to read a thoughtful honest LIB state why Hillary would be a better President than Trump.
She has 40 years experience in politics, she's a lawyer, and has actually been elected to public office (the Senate no less), not mention being Sec. of State and living in the White House, with the President, for eight years. Did you think she was just hanging around baking cookies? God you people are complete fucking morons.

She's the most qualified person in the race, by miles and miles. Trump is completely unqualified for the highest political office in the land.

I don't like her but agree she is more qualified than Trump. I know someone who actually worked for her about 10 years ago. He doesn't like her either but acknowledged that she was very smart and "extremely hard working".

You're getting ahead of yourself, there won't be a Trump presidency because the GOP spent six years alienating the two biggest voting blocs they need to secure a win, women and minorities. The GOP is also fractured right now it is the Tea Party types and the religious evangelicals against the rest of the party. You can't win with negatives that glaring.

Trump is a terrible candidate, he has strong support among specific groups, but he is alienating the rest of the party and the entire purpose of politics is to be a unifying force so you can get the party's ideology advanced. None of that will happen with Trump.
The only women supporting Hillary are over 65.
That is a fact. By the time Trump gets finished exposing Hillary as an enabler for her sexual predator husband she'll be lucky to get 10% of female voters.
Yes the negroes will 'block-vote' for anyone with a D behind their names. But the serious Negro voter .

The 'negroes' know that anyone who calls them a 'negro' is a rabid Trump supporter.

And they know why.
They have wanted to be referred to in all sorts of ways over the years. 'Non-White/African Americans/ 'People of color'/Afro-Americans or as they all habitually refer to each other daily: N****ERS.
I gave up years ago trying to keep up.
Negroes are what they are.

That you call them Negroes- and that you are a Trump supporter is not only completely expected- but understood by African Americans, who do not support Trump.
But but but a few years ago they insisted on being called "people of color". Then "Afro-Americans". Then "Blacks".
Pretty fucking pathetic they can't even settle on what people should refer to them as don't you think?

Pretty fucking pathetic that it bothers you.

That you call them Negroes- and that you are a Trump supporter is not only completely expected- but understood by African Americans, who do not support Trump.
All over this forum there are dozens of threads and hundreds of posts screaming about what a national disaster a Trump Presidency would be.
Under normal circumstances both sides would be attempting to 'flip' voters.
Not this time.
I have yet to read a thoughtful honest LIB state why Hillary would be a better President than Trump.
Hillary is dragging so much BS lies and worse behind her even half the LIBs are pretending not to notice. The other half are supporting a white 74 year old Socialist who makes delusional promises to politically nubiles who are gambling Bernie will be able to score enough money from the rich so the nubiles don't have to worry about ever finding a decent job.
The LIBs don't want to talk about the Clintons because most of them are ashamed of the Clintons.
Bill has had to go back to his friend's 'Lolita Island'.
Trump has about 4 billions dollars worth of 'questions' for Hillary.
What she refuses to answer on the debate stage Trump will ask the questions to the millions of voters on every news outlet in the country.
Ok this is my worry. Trump will have to deal on an international lvl. Say an american airliner gets shot down over te Ukrain or theres a destroyer wich gets holed by a terrorists speedboat, or a hundred and one other scenarios, where he will have to act as a commander in chief.As a candidate I've seen him get into pissing contests with journalists, spend debate time about his dick and publicly insult one of his allies (christie). Not even mentioning his willingness; even eagerness to insult large groups of ppl. Any one of these traits on an international lvl can cause war or at the very least will cause serious tentions and polarize the world as a whole.The point is I have no idea how rational this guy will react when he runs into trouble. On a domestic lvl I fear that his divisive style as a politician will increase further the inabilty of the government to actually get anything done. Politicians need to be able to compromise. Does that sound like something Trump is capable of doing?
Took my answer from another thread, hope it's toughtfull enough.
OK. You brought up some good points. Not in any order allow me to reply.
You must try to understand what goes on in Trump's boardroom every day.The best of the best are working for Trump and thousands have been happily working for him for years.
Trump did not get where he is today by making reckless, indiscriminate decisions based on his 'ego'. He would not have survived in NYC a year if that was his way of doing business.
What we see is precisely what Trump wants us to see. Never forget that fact.
The most ruthless hard-ass take no prisoners businessmen on the planet have a great deal of respect for Trump.
Trump is a world class negotiator. His record proves it.
Right now he is literally 'rope-a-doping' the media and the DNC.
"Look at me. I'm out of control. I'm a clown. Don't anyone take me seriously."
Look back on Trump's achievements. Compare them with Hillary's. There is no comparison.
I trust President Trump to be a man of his word.
What has the DNC and the Washington establishment apoplectic is they know he will do what he says he will do.
Trump has played three dimensional chess his whole business life with the help of the best experts in every field.
This bullshit that Trump will fire off a nuclear bomb at the first country that pisses him off is coming from children AKA LIB 'Man-Bun' pussies.
The middle class is gasping for help. Stagnant wages for years. Good jobs going overseas. The Mexican government aiding and abetting smuggling in hard drugs which are literally destroying entire US towns. The Mexican government hiring hundreds of buses to take thousands of criminals direct from Mexican prisons and the mentally insane within a mile of the US border. "Here's a jug of water. The US is just over that hill. And remember. Don't come back!"
Well, allow me to play out a scenario. Since he is a man of his word,president Trump in his 54 day in office succeeds in banning Muslims entering the country, ISIS who already used candidate Trumps video of him saying he would in a recruitment video, convince some idiot that its a good idea to blow himself up in a mall. President Trump saying Muslims in the country are a danger forces them to wear a green sash. The rest of the world is appalled and Muslim countries decide to boycott the us taking out most of the foreign oil supply. At thiss point president Trump decides he probably just take the oil, wich he can. Bottom line Trumps beiing a man of his word is something to fear
Your scenario is based on some very childish notions.
How old are you seriously?
President Trump NEVER EVER EVER EVER!!!!! said he would "ban Muslims from the country". In Fact he said he would stop the flow of Muslims into the country UNTIL THEY HAD BEEN PROPERLY VETTED!!!! What is there about that idea you find so repulsive?
The last time I looked Trump wasn't the President when a couple of Muslims UNDER OBAMA's watch blew up bombs in Boston right? Under obama how many innocents did the Muslims shoot on the West Coast lately????
Do you actually believe ISIS gives a shit about who is in the Oval Office! Really? The fucking insane Muslim lunatics were never and will never be influenced by who the US President is. Fucking THINK!
Name one "muslim country" which would decide to not sell oil to the US because Trump wants to properly vet Muslims coming into the country. Go ahead. Just one. You can't.
The reason the world oil markets have collapsed is because US technology has advanced to the point where the US is very close to being oil self-sufficient.
When President Trump forces Muslims to wear a green sash? You are fucking delusional i you believe that could possibly happen. I do mean that.
Finally, if actually knew fuck all about the diverse Muslim countries you would know they have been warring against each other for thousands or years.

Just randomly picking thru your meltdown, yes I think ISIS cares very much who gets elected POTUS, if it means more drone strikes or their region being carpet-bombed into oblivion.

For one thing all of their women sex slaves will be killed and no one will be able to send them their monthly shipment of Gauloises and Kentucky bourbon
The only women supporting Hillary are over 65.
That is a fact. By the time Trump gets finished exposing Hillary as an enabler for her sexual predator husband she'll be lucky to get 10% of female voters.
Yes the negroes will 'block-vote' for anyone with a D behind their names. But the serious Negro voter .

The 'negroes' know that anyone who calls them a 'negro' is a rabid Trump supporter.

And they know why.
They have wanted to be referred to in all sorts of ways over the years. 'Non-White/African Americans/ 'People of color'/Afro-Americans or as they all habitually refer to each other daily: N****ERS.
I gave up years ago trying to keep up.
Negroes are what they are.

That you call them Negroes- and that you are a Trump supporter is not only completely expected- but understood by African Americans, who do not support Trump.
But but but a few years ago they insisted on being called "people of color". Then "Afro-Americans". Then "Blacks".
Pretty fucking pathetic they can't even settle on what people should refer to them as don't you think?

Pretty fucking pathetic that it bothers you.

That you call them Negroes- and that you are a Trump supporter is not only completely expected- but understood by African Americans, who do not support Trump.

Is this guy Clive Bundy's nephew or something?
All over this forum there are dozens of threads and hundreds of posts screaming about what a national disaster a Trump Presidency would be.
Under normal circumstances both sides would be attempting to 'flip' voters.
Not this time.
I have yet to read a thoughtful honest LIB state why Hillary would be a better President than Trump.
Hillary is dragging so much BS lies and worse behind her even half the LIBs are pretending not to notice. The other half are supporting a white 74 year old Socialist who makes delusional promises to politically nubiles who are gambling Bernie will be able to score enough money from the rich so the nubiles don't have to worry about ever finding a decent job.
The LIBs don't want to talk about the Clintons because most of them are ashamed of the Clintons.
Bill has had to go back to his friend's 'Lolita Island'.
Trump has about 4 billions dollars worth of 'questions' for Hillary.
What she refuses to answer on the debate stage Trump will ask the questions to the millions of voters on every news outlet in the country.
Ok this is my worry. Trump will have to deal on an international lvl. Say an american airliner gets shot down over te Ukrain or theres a destroyer wich gets holed by a terrorists speedboat, or a hundred and one other scenarios, where he will have to act as a commander in chief.As a candidate I've seen him get into pissing contests with journalists, spend debate time about his dick and publicly insult one of his allies (christie). Not even mentioning his willingness; even eagerness to insult large groups of ppl. Any one of these traits on an international lvl can cause war or at the very least will cause serious tentions and polarize the world as a whole.The point is I have no idea how rational this guy will react when he runs into trouble. On a domestic lvl I fear that his divisive style as a politician will increase further the inabilty of the government to actually get anything done. Politicians need to be able to compromise. Does that sound like something Trump is capable of doing?
Took my answer from another thread, hope it's toughtfull enough.
OK. You brought up some good points. Not in any order allow me to reply.
You must try to understand what goes on in Trump's boardroom every day.The best of the best are working for Trump and thousands have been happily working for him for years.
Trump did not get where he is today by making reckless, indiscriminate decisions based on his 'ego'. He would not have survived in NYC a year if that was his way of doing business.
What we see is precisely what Trump wants us to see. Never forget that fact.
The most ruthless hard-ass take no prisoners businessmen on the planet have a great deal of respect for Trump.
Trump is a world class negotiator. His record proves it.
Right now he is literally 'rope-a-doping' the media and the DNC.
"Look at me. I'm out of control. I'm a clown. Don't anyone take me seriously."
Look back on Trump's achievements. Compare them with Hillary's. There is no comparison.
I trust President Trump to be a man of his word.
What has the DNC and the Washington establishment apoplectic is they know he will do what he says he will do.
Trump has played three dimensional chess his whole business life with the help of the best experts in every field.
This bullshit that Trump will fire off a nuclear bomb at the first country that pisses him off is coming from children AKA LIB 'Man-Bun' pussies.
The middle class is gasping for help. Stagnant wages for years. Good jobs going overseas. The Mexican government aiding and abetting smuggling in hard drugs which are literally destroying entire US towns. The Mexican government hiring hundreds of buses to take thousands of criminals direct from Mexican prisons and the mentally insane within a mile of the US border. "Here's a jug of water. The US is just over that hill. And remember. Don't come back!"
Well, allow me to play out a scenario. Since he is a man of his word,president Trump in his 54 day in office succeeds in banning Muslims entering the country, ISIS who already used candidate Trumps video of him saying he would in a recruitment video, convince some idiot that its a good idea to blow himself up in a mall. President Trump saying Muslims in the country are a danger forces them to wear a green sash. The rest of the world is appalled and Muslim countries decide to boycott the us taking out most of the foreign oil supply. At thiss point president Trump decides he probably just take the oil, wich he can. Bottom line Trumps beiing a man of his word is something to fear
Your scenario is based on some very childish notions.
How old are you seriously?
President Trump NEVER EVER EVER EVER!!!!! said he would "ban Muslims from the country". In Fact he said he would stop the flow of Muslims into the country UNTIL THEY HAD BEEN PROPERLY VETTED!!!! What is there about that idea you find so repulsive?
The last time I looked Trump wasn't the President when a couple of Muslims UNDER OBAMA's watch blew up bombs in Boston right? Under obama how many innocents did the Muslims shoot on the West Coast lately????
Do you actually believe ISIS gives a shit about who is in the Oval Office! Really? The fucking insane Muslim lunatics were never and will never be influenced by who the US President is. Fucking THINK!
Name one "muslim country" which would decide to not sell oil to the US because Trump wants to properly vet Muslims coming into the country. Go ahead. Just one. You can't.
The reason the world oil markets have collapsed is because US technology has advanced to the point where the US is very close to being oil self-sufficient.
When President Trump forces Muslims to wear a green sash? You are fucking delusional i you believe that could possibly happen. I do mean that.
Finally, if actually knew fuck all about the diverse Muslim countries you would know they have been warring against each other for thousands or years.

Terror recruitment video has Trump excerpt -
there i showed you videos for every one of my assertions. The only thing I can't prove of course is the reaction of the Muslim world to his identifying badges or papers. But i think it's a safe bet it wouldn't be favorable. And you are missing the point, being a strong leader of the type you seem to prefer, will take the US to a new and scary road and by extention the rest of the world. This america would look scary to the rest of the world I promise you that much. It would drive away your allies for instance.
1973 oil crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This shows my point that arab countries can, if you piss them off enough embargo oil. Because they've done it before.
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All over this forum there are dozens of threads and hundreds of posts screaming about what a national disaster a Trump Presidency would be.
Under normal circumstances both sides would be attempting to 'flip' voters.
Not this time.
I have yet to read a thoughtful honest LIB state why Hillary would be a better President than Trump.
Hillary is dragging so much BS lies and worse behind her even half the LIBs are pretending not to notice. The other half are supporting a white 74 year old Socialist who makes delusional promises to politically nubiles who are gambling Bernie will be able to score enough money from the rich so the nubiles don't have to worry about ever finding a decent job.
The LIBs don't want to talk about the Clintons because most of them are ashamed of the Clintons.
Bill has had to go back to his friend's 'Lolita Island'.
Trump has about 4 billions dollars worth of 'questions' for Hillary.
What she refuses to answer on the debate stage Trump will ask the questions to the millions of voters on every news outlet in the country.
Ok this is my worry. Trump will have to deal on an international lvl. Say an american airliner gets shot down over te Ukrain or theres a destroyer wich gets holed by a terrorists speedboat, or a hundred and one other scenarios, where he will have to act as a commander in chief.As a candidate I've seen him get into pissing contests with journalists, spend debate time about his dick and publicly insult one of his allies (christie). Not even mentioning his willingness; even eagerness to insult large groups of ppl. Any one of these traits on an international lvl can cause war or at the very least will cause serious tentions and polarize the world as a whole.The point is I have no idea how rational this guy will react when he runs into trouble. On a domestic lvl I fear that his divisive style as a politician will increase further the inabilty of the government to actually get anything done. Politicians need to be able to compromise. Does that sound like something Trump is capable of doing?
Took my answer from another thread, hope it's toughtfull enough.
OK. You brought up some good points. Not in any order allow me to reply.
You must try to understand what goes on in Trump's boardroom every day.The best of the best are working for Trump and thousands have been happily working for him for years.
Trump did not get where he is today by making reckless, indiscriminate decisions based on his 'ego'. He would not have survived in NYC a year if that was his way of doing business.
What we see is precisely what Trump wants us to see. Never forget that fact.
The most ruthless hard-ass take no prisoners businessmen on the planet have a great deal of respect for Trump.
Trump is a world class negotiator. His record proves it.
Right now he is literally 'rope-a-doping' the media and the DNC.
"Look at me. I'm out of control. I'm a clown. Don't anyone take me seriously."
Look back on Trump's achievements. Compare them with Hillary's. There is no comparison.
I trust President Trump to be a man of his word.
What has the DNC and the Washington establishment apoplectic is they know he will do what he says he will do.
Trump has played three dimensional chess his whole business life with the help of the best experts in every field.
This bullshit that Trump will fire off a nuclear bomb at the first country that pisses him off is coming from children AKA LIB 'Man-Bun' pussies.
The middle class is gasping for help. Stagnant wages for years. Good jobs going overseas. The Mexican government aiding and abetting smuggling in hard drugs which are literally destroying entire US towns. The Mexican government hiring hundreds of buses to take thousands of criminals direct from Mexican prisons and the mentally insane within a mile of the US border. "Here's a jug of water. The US is just over that hill. And remember. Don't come back!"
And i just noticed you didn't answer some key points. His style has polarised the political climate so much that I don't see any democrat making any deal.Second if you honesty believe Mexico is delibaratly sending criminals to the US, you are just as crazy as those lib man bun pussies you so eloquently mentioned. Lets look at that Mexico statement next. I will build a wall and mexico will pay for it.How? Trade tariffs, economic sanctions if they don't? And even if you do, the Mexican American border is to long to secure and a wall no matter how long or high will be able to stop desperate ppl. Ppl btw, you have made more desperate because you just impoverished an already impoverished nation to pay for your wall.

A 2000 mile wall x 50 feet high? And Vincente Fox is going to pay for it. Yeah. Sure. I can't believe anyone believes this bullshit
All over this forum there are dozens of threads and hundreds of posts screaming about what a national disaster a Trump Presidency would be.
Under normal circumstances both sides would be attempting to 'flip' voters.
Not this time.
I have yet to read a thoughtful honest LIB state why Hillary would be a better President than Trump.
Hillary is dragging so much BS lies and worse behind her even half the LIBs are pretending not to notice. The other half are supporting a white 74 year old Socialist who makes delusional promises to politically nubiles who are gambling Bernie will be able to score enough money from the rich so the nubiles don't have to worry about ever finding a decent job.
The LIBs don't want to talk about the Clintons because most of them are ashamed of the Clintons.
Bill has had to go back to his friend's 'Lolita Island'.
Trump has about 4 billions dollars worth of 'questions' for Hillary.
What she refuses to answer on the debate stage Trump will ask the questions to the millions of voters on every news outlet in the country.
Ok this is my worry. Trump will have to deal on an international lvl. Say an american airliner gets shot down over te Ukrain or theres a destroyer wich gets holed by a terrorists speedboat, or a hundred and one other scenarios, where he will have to act as a commander in chief.As a candidate I've seen him get into pissing contests with journalists, spend debate time about his dick and publicly insult one of his allies (christie). Not even mentioning his willingness; even eagerness to insult large groups of ppl. Any one of these traits on an international lvl can cause war or at the very least will cause serious tentions and polarize the world as a whole.The point is I have no idea how rational this guy will react when he runs into trouble. On a domestic lvl I fear that his divisive style as a politician will increase further the inabilty of the government to actually get anything done. Politicians need to be able to compromise. Does that sound like something Trump is capable of doing?
Took my answer from another thread, hope it's toughtfull enough.
OK. You brought up some good points. Not in any order allow me to reply.
You must try to understand what goes on in Trump's boardroom every day.The best of the best are working for Trump and thousands have been happily working for him for years.
Trump did not get where he is today by making reckless, indiscriminate decisions based on his 'ego'. He would not have survived in NYC a year if that was his way of doing business.
What we see is precisely what Trump wants us to see. Never forget that fact.
The most ruthless hard-ass take no prisoners businessmen on the planet have a great deal of respect for Trump.
Trump is a world class negotiator. His record proves it.
Right now he is literally 'rope-a-doping' the media and the DNC.
"Look at me. I'm out of control. I'm a clown. Don't anyone take me seriously."
Look back on Trump's achievements. Compare them with Hillary's. There is no comparison.
I trust President Trump to be a man of his word.
What has the DNC and the Washington establishment apoplectic is they know he will do what he says he will do.
Trump has played three dimensional chess his whole business life with the help of the best experts in every field.
This bullshit that Trump will fire off a nuclear bomb at the first country that pisses him off is coming from children AKA LIB 'Man-Bun' pussies.
The middle class is gasping for help. Stagnant wages for years. Good jobs going overseas. The Mexican government aiding and abetting smuggling in hard drugs which are literally destroying entire US towns. The Mexican government hiring hundreds of buses to take thousands of criminals direct from Mexican prisons and the mentally insane within a mile of the US border. "Here's a jug of water. The US is just over that hill. And remember. Don't come back!"
And i just noticed you didn't answer some key points. His style has polarised the political climate so much that I don't see any democrat making any deal.Second if you honesty believe Mexico is delibaratly sending criminals to the US, you are just as crazy as those lib man bun pussies you so eloquently mentioned. Lets look at that Mexico statement next. I will build a wall and mexico will pay for it.How? Trade tariffs, economic sanctions if they don't? And even if you do, the Mexican American border is to long to secure and a wall no matter how long or high will be able to stop desperate ppl. Ppl btw, you have made more desperate because you just impoverished an already impoverished nation to pay for your wall.

A 2000 mile wall x 50 feet high? And Vincente Fox is going to pay for it. Yeah. Sure. I can't believe anyone believes this bullshit
The wall will also extend into the ocean all they from San Diego to Florida. Trump has consulted the best engineers in the world and they said the wall is great and Trump is great.
All over this forum there are dozens of threads and hundreds of posts screaming about what a national disaster a Trump Presidency would be.
Under normal circumstances both sides would be attempting to 'flip' voters.
Not this time.
I have yet to read a thoughtful honest LIB state why Hillary would be a better President than Trump.
Hillary is dragging so much BS lies and worse behind her even half the LIBs are pretending not to notice. The other half are supporting a white 74 year old Socialist who makes delusional promises to politically nubiles who are gambling Bernie will be able to score enough money from the rich so the nubiles don't have to worry about ever finding a decent job.
The LIBs don't want to talk about the Clintons because most of them are ashamed of the Clintons.
Bill has had to go back to his friend's 'Lolita Island'.
Trump has about 4 billions dollars worth of 'questions' for Hillary.
What she refuses to answer on the debate stage Trump will ask the questions to the millions of voters on every news outlet in the country.
Ok this is my worry. Trump will have to deal on an international lvl. Say an american airliner gets shot down over te Ukrain or theres a destroyer wich gets holed by a terrorists speedboat, or a hundred and one other scenarios, where he will have to act as a commander in chief.As a candidate I've seen him get into pissing contests with journalists, spend debate time about his dick and publicly insult one of his allies (christie). Not even mentioning his willingness; even eagerness to insult large groups of ppl. Any one of these traits on an international lvl can cause war or at the very least will cause serious tentions and polarize the world as a whole.The point is I have no idea how rational this guy will react when he runs into trouble. On a domestic lvl I fear that his divisive style as a politician will increase further the inabilty of the government to actually get anything done. Politicians need to be able to compromise. Does that sound like something Trump is capable of doing?
Took my answer from another thread, hope it's toughtfull enough.
OK. You brought up some good points. Not in any order allow me to reply.
You must try to understand what goes on in Trump's boardroom every day.The best of the best are working for Trump and thousands have been happily working for him for years.
Trump did not get where he is today by making reckless, indiscriminate decisions based on his 'ego'. He would not have survived in NYC a year if that was his way of doing business.
What we see is precisely what Trump wants us to see. Never forget that fact.
The most ruthless hard-ass take no prisoners businessmen on the planet have a great deal of respect for Trump.
Trump is a world class negotiator. His record proves it.
Right now he is literally 'rope-a-doping' the media and the DNC.
"Look at me. I'm out of control. I'm a clown. Don't anyone take me seriously."
Look back on Trump's achievements. Compare them with Hillary's. There is no comparison.
I trust President Trump to be a man of his word.
What has the DNC and the Washington establishment apoplectic is they know he will do what he says he will do.
Trump has played three dimensional chess his whole business life with the help of the best experts in every field.
This bullshit that Trump will fire off a nuclear bomb at the first country that pisses him off is coming from children AKA LIB 'Man-Bun' pussies.
The middle class is gasping for help. Stagnant wages for years. Good jobs going overseas. The Mexican government aiding and abetting smuggling in hard drugs which are literally destroying entire US towns. The Mexican government hiring hundreds of buses to take thousands of criminals direct from Mexican prisons and the mentally insane within a mile of the US border. "Here's a jug of water. The US is just over that hill. And remember. Don't come back!"
Well, allow me to play out a scenario. Since he is a man of his word,president Trump in his 54 day in office succeeds in banning Muslims entering the country, ISIS who already used candidate Trumps video of him saying he would in a recruitment video, convince some idiot that its a good idea to blow himself up in a mall. President Trump saying Muslims in the country are a danger forces them to wear a green sash. The rest of the world is appalled and Muslim countries decide to boycott the us taking out most of the foreign oil supply. At thiss point president Trump decides he probably just take the oil, wich he can. Bottom line Trumps beiing a man of his word is something to fear
Your scenario is based on some very childish notions.
How old are you seriously?
President Trump NEVER EVER EVER EVER!!!!! said he would "ban Muslims from the country". In Fact he said he would stop the flow of Muslims into the country UNTIL THEY HAD BEEN PROPERLY VETTED!!!! What is there about that idea you find so repulsive?
The last time I looked Trump wasn't the President when a couple of Muslims UNDER OBAMA's watch blew up bombs in Boston right? Under obama how many innocents did the Muslims shoot on the West Coast lately????
Do you actually believe ISIS gives a shit about who is in the Oval Office! Really? The fucking insane Muslim lunatics were never and will never be influenced by who the US President is. Fucking THINK!
Name one "muslim country" which would decide to not sell oil to the US because Trump wants to properly vet Muslims coming into the country. Go ahead. Just one. You can't.
The reason the world oil markets have collapsed is because US technology has advanced to the point where the US is very close to being oil self-sufficient.
When President Trump forces Muslims to wear a green sash? You are fucking delusional i you believe that could possibly happen. I do mean that.
Finally, if actually knew fuck all about the diverse Muslim countries you would know they have been warring against each other for thousands or years.
Oh and btw the reason oil prices collapsed is because the chinese economy slowed down, sanctions on Iran have lifted, increasing supply and lowering demand.
I have yet to read a thoughtful honest LIB state why Hillary would be a better President than Trump.
She has 40 years experience in politics, she's a lawyer, and has actually been elected to public office (the Senate no less), not mention being Sec. of State and living in the White House, with the President, for eight years. Did you think she was just hanging around baking cookies? God you people are complete fucking morons.

She's the most qualified person in the race, by miles and miles. Trump is completely unqualified for the highest political office in the land.

I don't like her but agree she is more qualified than Trump. I know someone who actually worked for her about 10 years ago. He doesn't like her either but acknowledged that she was very smart and "extremely hard working".
Trump is extremely smart and I bet he has worked a lot harder than Hillary has in the last fifty years.
I know someone who has actually sat in board room meetings a number of times with Trump at the business she worked for.
She said Trump and his team showed up before the meeting. When the meeting was set to begin Trump and his team were already seated.
Trump very calmly and sincerely introduced himself and his team. He thanked everyone for their hard work.
Then he sat for over an hour and just listened. When the meeting was over he again sincerely thanked everyone for attending the meetings.
After everyone had left the meetings Trump and his team left.
After each meeting Trump sent a large bouquet of fresh cut flowers to the reception desk.
All over this forum there are dozens of threads and hundreds of posts screaming about what a national disaster a Trump Presidency would be.
Under normal circumstances both sides would be attempting to 'flip' voters.
Not this time.
I have yet to read a thoughtful honest LIB state why Hillary would be a better President than Trump.
Hillary is dragging so much BS lies and worse behind her even half the LIBs are pretending not to notice. The other half are supporting a white 74 year old Socialist who makes delusional promises to politically nubiles who are gambling Bernie will be able to score enough money from the rich so the nubiles don't have to worry about ever finding a decent job.
The LIBs don't want to talk about the Clintons because most of them are ashamed of the Clintons.
Bill has had to go back to his friend's 'Lolita Island'.
Trump has about 4 billions dollars worth of 'questions' for Hillary.
What she refuses to answer on the debate stage Trump will ask the questions to the millions of voters on every news outlet in the country.
Ok this is my worry. Trump will have to deal on an international lvl. Say an american airliner gets shot down over te Ukrain or theres a destroyer wich gets holed by a terrorists speedboat, or a hundred and one other scenarios, where he will have to act as a commander in chief.As a candidate I've seen him get into pissing contests with journalists, spend debate time about his dick and publicly insult one of his allies (christie). Not even mentioning his willingness; even eagerness to insult large groups of ppl. Any one of these traits on an international lvl can cause war or at the very least will cause serious tentions and polarize the world as a whole.The point is I have no idea how rational this guy will react when he runs into trouble. On a domestic lvl I fear that his divisive style as a politician will increase further the inabilty of the government to actually get anything done. Politicians need to be able to compromise. Does that sound like something Trump is capable of doing?
Took my answer from another thread, hope it's toughtfull enough.
OK. You brought up some good points. Not in any order allow me to reply.
You must try to understand what goes on in Trump's boardroom every day.The best of the best are working for Trump and thousands have been happily working for him for years.
Trump did not get where he is today by making reckless, indiscriminate decisions based on his 'ego'. He would not have survived in NYC a year if that was his way of doing business.
What we see is precisely what Trump wants us to see. Never forget that fact.
The most ruthless hard-ass take no prisoners businessmen on the planet have a great deal of respect for Trump.
Trump is a world class negotiator. His record proves it.
Right now he is literally 'rope-a-doping' the media and the DNC.
"Look at me. I'm out of control. I'm a clown. Don't anyone take me seriously."
Look back on Trump's achievements. Compare them with Hillary's. There is no comparison.
I trust President Trump to be a man of his word.
What has the DNC and the Washington establishment apoplectic is they know he will do what he says he will do.
Trump has played three dimensional chess his whole business life with the help of the best experts in every field.
This bullshit that Trump will fire off a nuclear bomb at the first country that pisses him off is coming from children AKA LIB 'Man-Bun' pussies.
The middle class is gasping for help. Stagnant wages for years. Good jobs going overseas. The Mexican government aiding and abetting smuggling in hard drugs which are literally destroying entire US towns. The Mexican government hiring hundreds of buses to take thousands of criminals direct from Mexican prisons and the mentally insane within a mile of the US border. "Here's a jug of water. The US is just over that hill. And remember. Don't come back!"
Well, allow me to play out a scenario. Since he is a man of his word,president Trump in his 54 day in office succeeds in banning Muslims entering the country, ISIS who already used candidate Trumps video of him saying he would in a recruitment video, convince some idiot that its a good idea to blow himself up in a mall. President Trump saying Muslims in the country are a danger forces them to wear a green sash. The rest of the world is appalled and Muslim countries decide to boycott the us taking out most of the foreign oil supply. At thiss point president Trump decides he probably just take the oil, wich he can. Bottom line Trumps beiing a man of his word is something to fear
Your scenario is based on some very childish notions.
How old are you seriously?
President Trump NEVER EVER EVER EVER!!!!! said he would "ban Muslims from the country". In Fact he said he would stop the flow of Muslims into the country UNTIL THEY HAD BEEN PROPERLY VETTED!!!! What is there about that idea you find so repulsive?
The last time I looked Trump wasn't the President when a couple of Muslims UNDER OBAMA's watch blew up bombs in Boston right? Under obama how many innocents did the Muslims shoot on the West Coast lately????
Do you actually believe ISIS gives a shit about who is in the Oval Office! Really? The fucking insane Muslim lunatics were never and will never be influenced by who the US President is. Fucking THINK!
Name one "muslim country" which would decide to not sell oil to the US because Trump wants to properly vet Muslims coming into the country. Go ahead. Just one. You can't.
The reason the world oil markets have collapsed is because US technology has advanced to the point where the US is very close to being oil self-sufficient.
When President Trump forces Muslims to wear a green sash? You are fucking delusional i you believe that could possibly happen. I do mean that.
Finally, if actually knew fuck all about the diverse Muslim countries you would know they have been warring against each other for thousands or years.
Oh and btw the reason oil prices collapsed is because the chinese economy slowed down, sanctions on Iran have lifted, increasing supply and lowering demand.
Another naive lack of understanding on your part.
The US has about doubled it's oil production in the last decade.
The world's oil producing countries have increased production which has driven down the price per barrel. Modern technology in the US and globally has allowed oil companies who had shut down low producing wells to go back and be able to recover much more oil than a few decades ago. These existing wells cost fuck-all to reopen. It's like someone invented a way to recover 80% of placer gold today on a claim that decades ago had to be left in the ground for lack of technology.
Read this from the NYTs. Then you can drop the very simplistic notion that China's slowing economy has caused the drop in oil prices.
All over this forum there are dozens of threads and hundreds of posts screaming about what a national disaster a Trump Presidency would be.
Under normal circumstances both sides would be attempting to 'flip' voters.
Not this time.
I have yet to read a thoughtful honest LIB state why Hillary would be a better President than Trump.
Hillary is dragging so much BS lies and worse behind her even half the LIBs are pretending not to notice. The other half are supporting a white 74 year old Socialist who makes delusional promises to politically nubiles who are gambling Bernie will be able to score enough money from the rich so the nubiles don't have to worry about ever finding a decent job.
The LIBs don't want to talk about the Clintons because most of them are ashamed of the Clintons.
Bill has had to go back to his friend's 'Lolita Island'.
Trump has about 4 billions dollars worth of 'questions' for Hillary.
What she refuses to answer on the debate stage Trump will ask the questions to the millions of voters on every news outlet in the country.

Hillary would be better than Trump because despite her arrogance and criminal behavior, the actual Democrat candidate is irrelevant since they all have the same position on every issue. Democrat primaries are just beauty pageants anyway. Bernie would be better than Trump for the same reason. As would any other Democrat you want to name.

Do I win?
All over this forum there are dozens of threads and hundreds of posts screaming about what a national disaster a Trump Presidency would be.
Under normal circumstances both sides would be attempting to 'flip' voters.
Not this time.
I have yet to read a thoughtful honest LIB state why Hillary would be a better President than Trump.
Hillary is dragging so much BS lies and worse behind her even half the LIBs are pretending not to notice. The other half are supporting a white 74 year old Socialist who makes delusional promises to politically nubiles who are gambling Bernie will be able to score enough money from the rich so the nubiles don't have to worry about ever finding a decent job.
The LIBs don't want to talk about the Clintons because most of them are ashamed of the Clintons.
Bill has had to go back to his friend's 'Lolita Island'.
Trump has about 4 billions dollars worth of 'questions' for Hillary.
What she refuses to answer on the debate stage Trump will ask the questions to the millions of voters on every news outlet in the country.

Hillary would be better than Trump because despite her arrogance and criminal behavior, the actual Democrat candidate is irrelevant since they all have the same position on every issue. Democrat primaries are just beauty pageants anyway. Bernie would be better than Trump for the same reason. As would any other Democrat you want to name.

Do I win?
How do you think George Wallace would have worked out as a DEM President?
Cynthia McKinney?
Al Franken?
All over this forum there are dozens of threads and hundreds of posts screaming about what a national disaster a Trump Presidency would be.
Under normal circumstances both sides would be attempting to 'flip' voters.
Not this time.
I have yet to read a thoughtful honest LIB state why Hillary would be a better President than Trump.
Hillary is dragging so much BS lies and worse behind her even half the LIBs are pretending not to notice. The other half are supporting a white 74 year old Socialist who makes delusional promises to politically nubiles who are gambling Bernie will be able to score enough money from the rich so the nubiles don't have to worry about ever finding a decent job.
The LIBs don't want to talk about the Clintons because most of them are ashamed of the Clintons.
Bill has had to go back to his friend's 'Lolita Island'.
Trump has about 4 billions dollars worth of 'questions' for Hillary.
What she refuses to answer on the debate stage Trump will ask the questions to the millions of voters on every news outlet in the country.

Hillary would be better than Trump because despite her arrogance and criminal behavior, the actual Democrat candidate is irrelevant since they all have the same position on every issue. Democrat primaries are just beauty pageants anyway. Bernie would be better than Trump for the same reason. As would any other Democrat you want to name.

Do I win?
How do you think George Wallace would have worked out as a DEM President?
Cynthia McKinney?
Al Franken?
Hey GQ, can’t find any crazy Democrats? Here are 16 | New York Post

George Wallace was in another era. Cynthia "using my son is fine for me but not you" McKinney and Frankennut? They'd be like any other Democrat today. Franken already proved that as a Senator
Ok this is my worry. Trump will have to deal on an international lvl. Say an american airliner gets shot down over te Ukrain or theres a destroyer wich gets holed by a terrorists speedboat, or a hundred and one other scenarios, where he will have to act as a commander in chief.As a candidate I've seen him get into pissing contests with journalists, spend debate time about his dick and publicly insult one of his allies (christie). Not even mentioning his willingness; even eagerness to insult large groups of ppl. Any one of these traits on an international lvl can cause war or at the very least will cause serious tentions and polarize the world as a whole.The point is I have no idea how rational this guy will react when he runs into trouble. On a domestic lvl I fear that his divisive style as a politician will increase further the inabilty of the government to actually get anything done. Politicians need to be able to compromise. Does that sound like something Trump is capable of doing?
Took my answer from another thread, hope it's toughtfull enough.
OK. You brought up some good points. Not in any order allow me to reply.
You must try to understand what goes on in Trump's boardroom every day.The best of the best are working for Trump and thousands have been happily working for him for years.
Trump did not get where he is today by making reckless, indiscriminate decisions based on his 'ego'. He would not have survived in NYC a year if that was his way of doing business.
What we see is precisely what Trump wants us to see. Never forget that fact.
The most ruthless hard-ass take no prisoners businessmen on the planet have a great deal of respect for Trump.
Trump is a world class negotiator. His record proves it.
Right now he is literally 'rope-a-doping' the media and the DNC.
"Look at me. I'm out of control. I'm a clown. Don't anyone take me seriously."
Look back on Trump's achievements. Compare them with Hillary's. There is no comparison.
I trust President Trump to be a man of his word.
What has the DNC and the Washington establishment apoplectic is they know he will do what he says he will do.
Trump has played three dimensional chess his whole business life with the help of the best experts in every field.
This bullshit that Trump will fire off a nuclear bomb at the first country that pisses him off is coming from children AKA LIB 'Man-Bun' pussies.
The middle class is gasping for help. Stagnant wages for years. Good jobs going overseas. The Mexican government aiding and abetting smuggling in hard drugs which are literally destroying entire US towns. The Mexican government hiring hundreds of buses to take thousands of criminals direct from Mexican prisons and the mentally insane within a mile of the US border. "Here's a jug of water. The US is just over that hill. And remember. Don't come back!"
Well, allow me to play out a scenario. Since he is a man of his word,president Trump in his 54 day in office succeeds in banning Muslims entering the country, ISIS who already used candidate Trumps video of him saying he would in a recruitment video, convince some idiot that its a good idea to blow himself up in a mall. President Trump saying Muslims in the country are a danger forces them to wear a green sash. The rest of the world is appalled and Muslim countries decide to boycott the us taking out most of the foreign oil supply. At thiss point president Trump decides he probably just take the oil, wich he can. Bottom line Trumps beiing a man of his word is something to fear
Your scenario is based on some very childish notions.
How old are you seriously?
President Trump NEVER EVER EVER EVER!!!!! said he would "ban Muslims from the country". In Fact he said he would stop the flow of Muslims into the country UNTIL THEY HAD BEEN PROPERLY VETTED!!!! What is there about that idea you find so repulsive?
The last time I looked Trump wasn't the President when a couple of Muslims UNDER OBAMA's watch blew up bombs in Boston right? Under obama how many innocents did the Muslims shoot on the West Coast lately????
Do you actually believe ISIS gives a shit about who is in the Oval Office! Really? The fucking insane Muslim lunatics were never and will never be influenced by who the US President is. Fucking THINK!
Name one "muslim country" which would decide to not sell oil to the US because Trump wants to properly vet Muslims coming into the country. Go ahead. Just one. You can't.
The reason the world oil markets have collapsed is because US technology has advanced to the point where the US is very close to being oil self-sufficient.
When President Trump forces Muslims to wear a green sash? You are fucking delusional i you believe that could possibly happen. I do mean that.
Finally, if actually knew fuck all about the diverse Muslim countries you would know they have been warring against each other for thousands or years.
Oh and btw the reason oil prices collapsed is because the chinese economy slowed down, sanctions on Iran have lifted, increasing supply and lowering demand.
Another naive lack of understanding on your part.
The US has about doubled it's oil production in the last decade.
The world's oil producing countries have increased production which has driven down the price per barrel. Modern technology in the US and globally has allowed oil companies who had shut down low producing wells to go back and be able to recover much more oil than a few decades ago. These existing wells cost fuck-all to reopen. It's like someone invented a way to recover 80% of placer gold today on a claim that decades ago had to be left in the ground for lack of technology.
Read this from the NYTs. Then you can drop the very simplistic notion that China's slowing economy has caused the drop in oil prices.
K I read your article. Now tell me both my reasons where mentioned and yours to. But whay I said is simplistic and what you said is the truth, why is that?
Also contributing to the glut was Iran’s return to the international oil market after sanctions were lifted against the country under an international agreement with major world powers to restrict its nuclear work that took effect in January.
On the demand side, the economies of Europe and developing countries are weak
And another thing I at least mentioned both an uptick on supply and a drop on demand. You just mentioned the doubling of US oil production as a reason. Wich is the more simplistic view?
Now about my assertions about Trump vs Hilary. I've noticed you didn't go into, what you called my childish scenario.As I showed I didn't take any of my assertions out of the clear blue sky. I used direct quotes from your candidate and real life examples of it's consequences. If you feel Trump is a man of his word, are you willing to accept the consequences of his actions no matter how far it would go, and become, what in the eyes of the rest of the world would be a major distabilizing dangerous country.
Last edited:
All over this forum there are dozens of threads and hundreds of posts screaming about what a national disaster a Trump Presidency would be.
Under normal circumstances both sides would be attempting to 'flip' voters.
Not this time.
I have yet to read a thoughtful honest LIB state why Hillary would be a better President than Trump.
Hillary is dragging so much BS lies and worse behind her even half the LIBs are pretending not to notice. The other half are supporting a white 74 year old Socialist who makes delusional promises to politically nubiles who are gambling Bernie will be able to score enough money from the rich so the nubiles don't have to worry about ever finding a decent job.
The LIBs don't want to talk about the Clintons because most of them are ashamed of the Clintons.
Bill has had to go back to his friend's 'Lolita Island'.
Trump has about 4 billions dollars worth of 'questions' for Hillary.
What she refuses to answer on the debate stage Trump will ask the questions to the millions of voters on every news outlet in the country.

Clinton doesn't demonstrate any plans to order the military to commit war crimes. That makes her supremely better for the job than Trump. That Clinton would still be a disaster of a President makes it quite sad that there are people who actually want Trump to be the opposing candidate.

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