The questions, doubt & so called fog of war surrounding Benghazi are enough to

Makes up phony issue about scandal
Conducts investigation into made up scandal
Finds nothing from investigation into made up scandal
Concludes that there are still to many questions from phony issue that werent found in every investigation to be president.

Its like the old game we use to pull on people:

Does your mama know you're gay? Theres no right way to answer that one.

No - Why didnt you tell her yet?
Yes - LOL
I am going to defend Mrs. Clinton from the defamation I read in one of the posts. The post stated that Mrs. Clinton would have sent a rescue mission into Benghazi if Chelsea was in the compound. I find this statement to be profoundly ignorant based on past history. Mrs. Clinton braved sniper fire with Chelsea in tow, and apparently without regard to the danger, stopping several times on the tarmac before running with their heads down, the last part not caught on video. So no, if Chelsea had been sent into a country we just bombed the crap out of and helped to kill their leader. Mrs. Clinton would have done nothing differently.
We've smeared her with false information but we're still smearing so she cant be president while we smear...and we HAVE to smear.
Screws up royaly by sending in an Ambassor to trade guns into a country we just bombed the crap out of leading to the murder of their leader.

Invent a story about a video

Get others to lie about the video

Line up left wing lemmings to spread the story of the video and back all the BS coming from the State Department

Get drunk, fall down and get a concussion.

Testify before congress screeching like a barn owl until no one can stand to listen any more.

Direct that emails not be given to the FBI or congress.

Delete emails claiming they were about Mrs. Clinton and Chelsea getting massages together.
If you are still ignorant about what happened, perhaps you should read the conclusions of the 7 investigations,13 hearings or 50 briefings that congress has issued on the matter.
The findings based on the testimony of people trying to cya? Yeah I'll pass on that one.

Lol. Actually, because it involves reading nonfiction :rolleyes:
If you choose to Blindly believe everything a politician says that is your problem not mine.

Actually, I read findings issued by rival politicians, and saw that there was absolutely nothing there.
Then you have the answers?

Why weren't our men rescued? Why didn't Leon Panetta & Hillary Clinton speak to each other? How could a rescue plan even be formulated if they didn't speak? How could a decision to do nothing be the outcome if they didn't speak?

Perhaps you can be familiarized with the Pentagon's timeline of events:
Disqualify Hillary Clinton from being potus imo.

The attack took place over many hours & there is simply no excuse for leaving Americans out to hang like that. Unless Hillary wants to point to a definitive order from Obama to stand down then she will continue to be surrounded by the deaths of those American men. That doubt about a lack of leadership when it is needed the most is insurmountable. She missed that 3am phone call that she claimed Obama wasn't prepared for.
If Chelsea was in that compound you know there would have been a rescue attempt.

Maybe if the Bush kin was in New Orleans ,president Bush would have put a fire under his ass to leave his vacation.
The governor and the mayor both democrats, screwed that up. What would you want Bush to do, take rescuers away from doing their job. To give him protection? At least he didn't lie about it and rush off to Vegas to fundraise and play golf. Compared to Obama I miss Bush, back then at least we had a leader that followed the constitution.

I am trying not to respond because I was asked to stay on topic and respecting that.......sorry no reply

Your first response was off topic so what did you expect? Good for you to get us back on topic.
Disqualify Hillary Clinton from being potus imo.

The attack took place over many hours & there is simply no excuse for leaving Americans out to hang like that. Unless Hillary wants to point to a definitive order from Obama to stand down then she will continue to be surrounded by the deaths of those American men. That doubt about a lack of leadership when it is needed the most is insurmountable. She missed that 3am phone call that she claimed Obama wasn't prepared for.
If Chelsea was in that compound you know there would have been a rescue attempt.

Maybe if the Bush kin was in New Orleans ,president Bush would have put a fire under his ass to leave his vacation.
The governor and the mayor both democrats, screwed that up. What would you want Bush to do, take rescuers away from doing their job. To give him protection? At least he didn't lie about it and rush off to Vegas to fundraise and play golf. Compared to Obama I miss Bush, back then at least we had a leader that followed the constitution.

I am trying not to respond because I was asked to stay on topic and respecting that.......sorry no reply

Your first response was off topic so what did you expect? Good for you to get us back on topic.
Like I said about him.
Ben Gazi? Never heard of him.

That's what you're up against. The U.S. is thoroughly propagandized and dumbed-down. And that benefits the Democrat Party more than the Republican Party. A vast percentage of its voter-base is made up of very dumb freeloaders. They just want their Freebies.

Hillary Clinton is a corrupt lying piece of shite. But most Americans don't care. It's all about the Freebies now. So don't get too caught up thinking so many people care about Benghazi. Because very few actually do. That's the sad reality.
It is self evident the left support an unaccountable and lawless government. The latest from the email trickle: Hillary ordered classified documents to have the classification removed and sent on an unsecure email. Direct violation of Federal law.

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