The Race Is On!

"Fact Checker" is another word for Con Jobber.
Translation facts that you don't like, you ignore, but lies that tell you what you want to hear, you try and promote as fact.

It is being revealed that these so called "sources" of hearsay voter fraud are all fake. These people just told lies, then Fox news and News Max told you those lies, then you believed them. You are gullible and believe lies.

Now all the Trump lawyers who told the lies of election fraud to the courts, the cases that they lost and the judges said there was no evidence, are all getting censured or disbarred. Jenna Ellis is the first to plead guilty and admit she lied to the courts and there was no election fraud.
Your whole case has gone up in smoke as even the lawyers are now admitting they lied about election fraud, Giuliani and Ellis are next. they are in big trouble for lying about election fraud that didn't happen

I don't care if you respond or not after you already claimed mute when I crushed you then unmuted me, then remuted me. But you have been totally debunked and will be known as gullible fake news.

PS and don't forget about all the questions I keep asking you and you keep dodging because they destroyed you.... Not a good day for the Surrenderist
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If you criticize Dem liars like stolen valor Dick Blumenthal, your post may be worth a shit.

Call Dick a liar for stealing valor or GTFO.
If you want to nominate Blumenthal to vie with Santos and Trump for the first to be indicted, that's fine with me.
Who is the Bigger Liar??
Santos or Trump?
Whichever achieves indictment first should be awarded the prestigious Householder Award.

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