The radicalization of the left

The left’s commitment to fascism is growing...
The left has power because it controls the social media platforms, most of the media and Hollywood and academia. How many articles did [the Weekly Standard] run decrying the goose-stepping fascists in academia
Fascism is exclusively left-wing. It is the refusal to tolerate anything outside of a rigid ideology - almost always through the use of force. Which is what left-wing academia has done. They stop conservatives from speaking on campus. And on the rare occasions they are incapable of achieving that - they resort to rioting and assaults to shut down the event.

Liberals And Their Lackies Hate You And Want You Silenced
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the gift that keeps on giving. She exposes what the left actually thinks and how the left actually thinks.
“I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right,” says Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.
Yes, stupid, we are absolutely more concerned with being precise, factual, and correct. Any rational person would be.

And for the record, psycho, we are morally right. You are morally left. It’s the most immoral type of “morality” that exists.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Won't Let Facts Get in the Way of Dire Narrative
The radicalization of the left. Can you imagine a single Kennedy Democrat voting against paying the Coast Guard with no other strings attached?

The radicalization of the left. They are committed to destroying the lives of Americans. Not Russians. Not North Koreans. Americans.
Isis Davis-Marks, the Yale Daily News opinion editor, published a piece advising minority students to spy on “white boy” students and ruin their lives later.
The racism from the left. The hate for America and Americans from the left. The insane radicalization of the left.

Yale Newspaper Prints Guide On How To Destroy 'White Boy' Lives Like Kavanaugh
This is why you don’t elect Dumbocrats...
A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously.

Do you know why the newspaper with the articles like 'Girl 12 raped by 14 men' sell so well? To what in us are they appealing?

Bernie Sanders is the quintessential disgusting leftist. He truly believes that women are turned on by being raped and he gets turned on by the idea of a 12-year old little girl being raped by 14 grown men. It’s no wonder “Occupy Wall Street” had such an extreme rape culture.

'She fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously': Bernie Sanders' bizarre 1972 essay about men, women and the 'typical fantasy'
Nothing ends in castrophic failure like ignorant left-wing policies...
The Democratic part is fine, the socialism part is not. It suggests a massive government intrusion in the economy that has not worked elsewhere - post-war Great Britain or that contemporary mess called Venezuela
The left’s absurd ideology ends in economic collapse, politcal collapse, and moral collapse every time.

Socialism talk will sink Democrats: How left-wing overreach could backfire big-time in 2020
As the left continues to become more radicalized, the cornerstones of their party continue to abandon them.
The largest organization of labor unions in the U.S. slammed the Green New Deal for combating climate change by threatening the livelihoods of millions of Americans.
Thank you, leftists!!! You continue to grow the Republican Party in ways conservatives could never have dreamed of doing themselves.

‘Immediate Harm to Millions’: AFL-CIO Tears Apart Green New Deal
The left is nothing but a bunch of anti-American lunatics.
Pat noted how many people on the left were actually disappointed that the president of the United States wasn't colluding with Russia. "They were rooting for the president to actually be a traitor," he said.
It’s unbelievable that the left is disappointed that the President of the United States wasn’t working with Russia to defraud U.S. elections.

'Vindicated': MSM's surprising reaction to Mueller report finding no collusion

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