The radicalization of the left

The left has literally become the Nazis. Just a bunch of mindless fascists who will not tolerate even a simple question.
For all the predictable speechifying about ā€œdiversityā€ that I heard at cocktail parties and literary events, I became struck by just how politically monolithic this scene really is. Itā€™s not just that writers and editors have to be PC when it comes to their books and their public pronouncements: There also seems to be a crushing uniformity in regard to their privately held viewpoints.
There is nothing tolerant or ā€œdiverseā€ about the left. Absolutely nothing. They will not tolerate even the slightest deviation from their rigid and frightening doctrine. Case in point:
When I cut to the chase and asked why no one at the table seemed to feel aggrieved for women suffering under Islamic oppression, voices were raised and, well, I may or may not have been asked to leave. There were other experiences like this, and I learned to hold my tongue.
Chilling. The left will no longer engage in intellectualism. Not only will they not ask questions in the search for answers, solutions, or a better way, they wonā€™t even tolerate someone else asking questions.

A Glimpse Into the Ideological Monoculture of Literary New York - Quillette
Unless the left completely controls the content and every facet of this, they are going to freak out over it and resort to violence to shut it down.
ā€œWhat weā€™re interested in is giving people a voice,ā€ says Minerva, ā€œbecause if you donā€™t publish controversial things, then you might be missing something really important.ā€
Now that the left has embraced a strict fascist ideology that will not tolerate the slightest dissent or deviation from their narrative, a ā€œJournal of Controversial Ideasā€ is more important than ever. The facts, the truth, and the science must be pursued at all costs, despite the persecution from Antifa and other progressive groups.

Here Comes ā€˜The Journal of Controversial Ideas.ā€™ Cue the Outcry.
What a sad indictment on what the left has done to the United States...
These days, a paper thatā€™s deemed offensive can unleash an online mob and turn an academicā€™s career and life upside down. It can also cause a journal editor to tiptoe away from a potentially important paper or a scholar not to put fingers to keyboard in the first place.
The U.S. was built on freedom of speech, free thought, etc. Now, scholars are petrified to even create a paper. It's worse than Hitler's Germany. Exactly what the left wanted.

Here Comes ā€˜The Journal of Controversial Ideas.ā€™ Cue the Outcry.
The left resfuses to tolerate any view points outside of a strict adherence to their ideology.
A University of North Carolina at Asheville professor was charged with one count of removing a political sign, the Citizen Times reported, after the man who put up the Republican ā€œdrain the swampā€ signs said he caught her in the act.
They will break any law in their quest for power and control.

College prof charged for ā€˜removingā€™ Republican sign: ā€˜An intelligent person ā€¦ should know betterā€™
The left are pure fascists. Just running for office on a platform that they donā€™t agree with results in threats of rape and death threats from them.
A woman who is running for the House of Representatives in Vermont posted a death and rape threat letter that she received from a pro-socialism group last week in the mail. The letter states that the mother of two will be raped and killed and that there will be "no equal rights for Republicans."
But they didnā€™t just stop there.
My comrades will kill you and the Constitution
They proudly declare their intent to ā€œkillā€ the U.S. Constitution.

Vermont mother, GOP candidate says she received left-wing death, rape threat: ā€˜We are hunting youā€™
The only people who donā€™t get are the left-wing minions who worship at the feet of the elected Democrats in exchange for government table scraps. The fact that they still havenā€™t figured out why blue-collar middle America elected a billionaire New York businessman to the White House is comical.
ā€œIn doing so,ā€ he wrote, ā€œwe betrayed and insulted our primary constituency, and we squandered the opportunity to elect the first woman to the position of the presidency of the U.S.A. Then, instead of taking responsibility for our well-deserved failure and loss, we insisted upon vilifying those who defeated us appropriately and honestly in the honorable democratic process.ā€
Iā€™ve said it for the last decade now. The Democrat Party has been completely hijacked. They are made up of exclusively marxist/communists.

Jordan Peterson pens campaign pledge and apology for identity politics he wishes Dems would deliver about radicals huh??

This guy takes the cake
Wow...violating rights and invading privacy based solely on a political view they donā€™t agree with.
ā€œWhen I asked them why they were in my room to begin with, they each came up with completely contradicting stories (none of which made any sense), but one comment struck me in particular: ā€˜We saw that you had a MAGA hat and come on, youā€™re from Alabamaā€¦ so we just kind of assumed that you had something,'ā€ Pirnie told the Free Beacon.
Tell me how the left differs from Saddam Hussein in any capacity? They both believe in control. They both believe in achieving that control through violence. They both believe in spying on private citizens and then reporting the results of that spying. And both of them believe in all of that because they are pussies filled with paralyzing fear.
ā€œI asked why they didnā€™t just call me and ask me before intruding,ā€ she said. ā€œOne of the girls responded that fear took over her body and she felt compelled to search my room until she found proofā€¦ I cannot make this up.ā€
The left is absolutely disgusting. A bunch of anti-American, anti-liberty, cowards. So thankful President Trump is in the White House and has appointed two Supreme Court Justices. We just need him to replace that pig Ruth Bader Ginsburg now and the constitution will be protected from these filthy fascists for another couple of generations.

Landlord tells Harvard grad student she needs to move out because she has legally owned guns
Typical fascist leftist here. Sheā€™s ā€œappalledā€ by the classic ā€œBaby Itā€™s Cold Outsideā€ but thinks the misogyny and vulgar disrespect of woman as sexual objects to be used and abused is ok.
A pair of female students who said "Baby, It's Cold Outside" is "definitely" misogynistic and should be taken "off campus" sang a different tune when Phillips asked them if they would delete rap songs and tunes from other genres that demean women from their playlists.

"And so maybe it should be phased out a little bit more," she continued, "but, like, I also listen to a lot of rap, so there's that."

So in typical left-wing fascist fashion, they want everything they donā€™t like banned (no matter how benign it is) and they want everything they like legalized (no matter how vulgar, offensive, or obscene).

Students who say 'Baby, It's Cold Outside' is 'suggestive' are asked if misogynistic rap should be banned. The hypocrisy is glorious.
The left becoming more radical by the day.
ā€œI could explain the devastation, humiliation and tyranny that results from him having a philosophy that sees people not as individuals but only as part of groups, and that tries to interpret the Constitution apart from the values of the Declaration of Independence. Of course, progressives, liberals and the courts are doing that now! I wonder where that will lead? History clearly tells us ā€“ if only we still knew that history.ā€
I canā€™t tell if the left is too ignorant of history to know better, or so devious they are trying to cover their sad and ugly history. Itā€™s tough to say since the left is known for being both ignorant and devious.
ā€œThe city plans to pull down four statues, those of Jefferson Davis, PGT Beauregard, the Crescent City White League and Robert E. Lee,ā€ he noted. ā€œI hope they tell the folks in New Orleans that all of these monuments honor Democrats, and that the Confederacy was led solely by Southern leaders of the Democrat Party. In a Democrat city like New Orleans, I canā€™t understand why Democrat leaders want old venerated Democrat heroes taken down!ā€
The left has become so unhinged
The left is driven by a desire to interpret all of history through the eyes of 21st century progressive dogma. In their eyes, everything about the American past is bad and shameful and must be driven into the dirt.ā€
Yet another sad and disgusting era in the leftā€™s long history of being sad and disgusting.

Democrats erasing history in American South - WND - WND
More proof of the radicalization of the left...

In less than a decade, little old Chuck went from supporting the US and upholding our laws to an anti-American position that advocates violating our laws.
More proof of the radicalization of the left...

Little old Timmy went from supporting the US and upholding our laws to an anti-American position that advocates violating our laws.
More proof of the radicalization of the left...

In less than a decade, little old Nancy went from supporting the US and upholding our laws to an anti-American position that advocates violating our laws.
Even more proof of the radicalization of the left...
Speaking with CNN's Alisyn Camerota on Friday, Merkley was forced to explain why he opposes a border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border when, in 2006, Democrats supported erecting a border fence. At the time, the likes of Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and then-Sens. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) and Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) supported border fencing.
All of them supported a fence at the border. Funny how all of them were adamant that it would work back then. Now it suddenly wonā€™t ā€œworkā€.

Dems voted for border fence in 2006. Just wait until you hear why one top Dem opposes border wall now.

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