The radicalization of the left

LIBERTY - so you support gay rights? non-christian religions? legal pot? atheism? islam? wicca? Liberals?
Gay “rights”? LOL! To my knowledge, a homosexual has never been denied a single constitutional right. I don’t know how that would even be possible since nobody could possibly know a person was homosexual unless they told everyone. Homosexuals have always been allowed to vote, carry a firearm, apply for a patent, etc. answer your question...I absolutely support a homosexual’s constitutional rights. Next? Any other stupid questions?

So you support their right to get married. Good for you.

if he actually does.

cons DO lie!

or....they will "believe" what they say today even though it contradicts what they said they believed yesterday...

true maroons....

cons STILL demonize gays
roy moore (supported for congress by herr trump) specifically stated he believes homosexuals should be criminalized (per his bible) and rounded up....

but I have no doubt our conservative enemies on this board will just deny reality....
So you support their right to get married. Good for you.
Is marriage one of the 18 enumerated powers of the federal government in the U.S. Constitution? No? Well there is your answer.

Can a homosexual vote? Yep. Can a homosexual carry a firearm? Yep. They have always enjoyed every single right that a heterosexual person has in the United States. It’s a shame that you feel the need to start with a false premise.
Gay “rights”? LOL! To my knowledge, a homosexual has never been denied a single constitutional right.
Then you have very limited knowledge. judge roy moore thinks they should be criminalized. trump supported him for congress millions of cons voted for him
Bwahahaha!!! So let me get this straight - in your bat-shit crazy mind, what “Judge Roy Moore” thinks (your word, snowflake) dictates constitutional rights?!? :lmao:

Snowflake, even by “normal” left-wing standards, you are making the most insane and desperate arguments. Roy Moore isn’t even on the Supreme Court. He has as much say in dictating what is constitutional as you do.

Either give us an example of homosexuals being denied constitutional rights or admit you’re a pathetic partisan hack who rejects facts, science, reality, and reason for a very fucked up ideology.
I can still find your friends all over the country calling them fags and perverts.....and pining for the old days when homosexuals Were HOUNDED, BEATEN, ARRESTED, VILIFIED, DEMONIZED.
And the irrational desperation continues. :eusa_doh:

Snowflake, people have a constitutional right to freedom of speech. If I call a homosexual a “fag” or “pervert”, I’m not stripping them of a single constitutional right. I’m merely exercising my constitutional rights.

How old are you? Seriously. I’m asking because you’re making arguments like a 4th grader. Claiming being called a “fag” is the loss of a constitutional right is a special kind of insanity (even for a left-winger).
Homosexuals have always been allowed to vote, carry a firearm, apply for a patent, etc.
as long as nobody knew they were gay.
Nope! Even if someone knew they were gay. They could still vote, carry a firearm, practice their religion, etc. They had full constitutional rights like the rest of us.
there are STILL sodomy laws on the books in some states
Are they enforced? ‘Nough said.
I can still find your friends all over the country calling them fags and perverts.....
And that is 100% constitutional. Both for the person making those assertions and for the homosexual being called those things.

Like all uneducated left-wing snowflakes, you think having your fragile ‘lil feelings hurt is unconstitutional. That is not the case. Being called “fag” is not a violation of your constitutional rights. At all. You should really try reading that critical document sometime. It’s sort of your responsibility as a U.S. citizen.
The left continues to reject science, facts, and reality in favor of their bizarre, bat-shit crazy ideology.
A Dutch self-help guru is breaking new ground by claiming age is just as fluid as gender—and he isn’t worried about offending the transgender community.

Emile Ratelband of Arnhem, southeast of Amsterdam, is asking a court in his hometown to change his age legally from 69 to 49 because he feels like he is in his 40s, The Washington Post reported.
Sickening to watch the left reject reality to force all of society to indulge the pure fantasy of unhinged left-wingers.

69-Year-Old Man Identifies as 49, Asks Court to Change His Age
The left continues to reject science, facts, and reality in favor of their bizarre, bat-shit crazy ideology.
A Dutch self-help guru is breaking new ground by claiming age is just as fluid as gender—and he isn’t worried about offending the transgender community.

Emile Ratelband of Arnhem, southeast of Amsterdam, is asking a court in his hometown to change his age legally from 69 to 49 because he feels like he is in his 40s, The Washington Post reported.
Sickening to watch the left reject reality to force all of society to indulge the pure fantasy of unhinged left-wingers.

69-Year-Old Man Identifies as 49, Asks Court to Change His Age

So a crazy right winger is making that claim to get attention, and try to make some sort of point. It's nuts, and a right winger is doing it. All is normal.
The left continues to reject science, facts, and reality in favor of their bizarre, bat-shit crazy ideology.
A Dutch self-help guru is breaking new ground by claiming age is just as fluid as gender—and he isn’t worried about offending the transgender community.

Emile Ratelband of Arnhem, southeast of Amsterdam, is asking a court in his hometown to change his age legally from 69 to 49 because he feels like he is in his 40s, The Washington Post reported.
Sickening to watch the left reject reality to force all of society to indulge the pure fantasy of unhinged left-wingers.

69-Year-Old Man Identifies as 49, Asks Court to Change His Age

So a crazy right winger is making that claim to get attention, and try to make some sort of point. It's nuts, and a right winger is doing it. All is normal.
It is nuts. And yet you left-wing assholes support this every single day. What does that say about you science-denying wing-nuts?
The left continues to reject science, facts, and reality in favor of their bizarre, bat-shit crazy ideology.
A Dutch self-help guru is breaking new ground by claiming age is just as fluid as gender—and he isn’t worried about offending the transgender community.

Emile Ratelband of Arnhem, southeast of Amsterdam, is asking a court in his hometown to change his age legally from 69 to 49 because he feels like he is in his 40s, The Washington Post reported.
Sickening to watch the left reject reality to force all of society to indulge the pure fantasy of unhinged left-wingers.

69-Year-Old Man Identifies as 49, Asks Court to Change His Age

So a crazy right winger is making that claim to get attention, and try to make some sort of point. It's nuts, and a right winger is doing it. All is normal.
It is nuts. And yet you left-wing assholes support this every single day. What does that say about you science-denying wing-nuts?

Generally, it means we can't understand how once sane people can actually believe the crap you are spouting. I'm sorry you lost your mind and chose to believe all those absurd stories, but I guess it was your choice.
The left continues to become more and more radicalized. Even their own ardent supporters are recognizing it.
The descendants of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels should have no place in the party of Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy. Given its horrific record of human suffering, it would be a moral disgrace for Democrats to embrace socialism just to win elections, as some suggest.
It can’t be stated any better. Socialism is a moral disgrace - as are those who support it. It results in unimaginable human suffering. Just ask the citizens of Venezuela.

My family escaped socialism, now my fellow Democrats think we should move the party in its direction
The left continues to become more and more radicalized. Even their own ardent supporters are recognizing it.
The descendants of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels should have no place in the party of Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy. Given its horrific record of human suffering, it would be a moral disgrace for Democrats to embrace socialism just to win elections, as some suggest.
It can’t be stated any better. Socialism is a moral disgrace - as are those who support it. It results in unimaginable human suffering. Just ask the citizens of Venezuela.

My family escaped socialism, now my fellow Democrats think we should move the party in its direction

Not sure why you would consider this list of socialist programs to be bad things. Care to explain?

Guaranteed public education

Public transportation

Fire departments

Police departments

Public libraries

Every branch of the US military

Roads & highways

Social Security


Public, not private prisons & jails

Public hospitals

The Veterans Affairs Administration

Public universities

Public parks

Public toilets

Public drinking fountains

Public parking

Public everything.
Not sure why you would consider this list of socialist programs to be bad things.
“Not sure” is your official tagline. You’re certainly not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
Care to explain?
Fire departments
Honestly, it’s fuck’n tragic that you don’t grasp two critical items here:
  1. There is no federal fire department (idiot)
  2. A fire department is not “socialism” (idiot)
The fact that you are so simple-minded that the left was able to dupe you with that idiotic talking-point is tragic. I’m not joking either. I can see why you are a low-IQ Dumbocrat voter. There is no way you could survive without government providing for you. None. You simply lack the necessary intellect.
Not sure why you would consider this list of socialist programs to be bad things.
“Not sure” is your official tagline. You’re certainly not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
Care to explain?
Police departments
Honestly, it’s fuck’n tragic that you don’t grasp two critical items here:
  1. There are no federal police departments (idiot)
  2. A police department is not “socialism” (idiot)
The fact that you are so simple-minded that the left was able to dupe you with that idiotic talking-point is tragic. I’m not joking either. I can see why you are a low-IQ Dumbocrat voter. There is no way you could survive without government providing for you. None. You simply lack the necessary intellect.
I cannot stress enough how flabbergasted I am that BULLDOG doesnt even know what a basic concept like socialism is.

Every time I meet someone who votes Dumbocrat, they turn out to have the IQ of an onion. Every time. :eusa_doh:

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