The radicalization of the left

The facist thugs continue their repulsive ways.
Antifa also targeted media and police officers with violence during weekend demonstrations.
I hope all conservatives attending rallies are carrying firearms to protect themselves. I also hope that President Trump will classify Antifa as the terrorist organization that it is and treat them as such.

Secret Service confirms it is ‘aware,’ taking a look at Antifa after weekend violence. Here’s why.
Antifa = Al Qaeda
This is just fantastic. The left has become so violent and extreme, that they are brutally assaulting themselves for not being fascist enough.
Progressive Bernie Sanders supporter Paul Welch showed up at a Portland, Oregon, rally on Aug. 4 to demonstrate his liberal political leanings — but he left with a busted head after Antifa protesters attacked him. It was all because he dared to carry an American flag
Hopefully this opened up the eyes of this Sanders supporter and turns him into a constitutional conservative. He’s already showing reverence for the American flag. That means the left won’t tolerate him. He might as well join the right. :laugh:

Antifa assault liberal Bernie Sanders supporter who dared to carry ‘fascist’ US flag at protest
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The facist thugs continue their repulsive ways.
A California high school student was arrested and may face battery charges after allegedly yanking off a fellow classmate’s “Make America Great Again” hat while in class.
So glad to see that they are considering properly charging this unhinged left-wing lunatic with battery.

Student yanks MAGA hat off another’s head, calls it ‘a racist and hateful symbol.’ Cops arrest her.
Yes young people can do crazy things and should be charged if they commit a crime, even if it hurts them later in life. All crimes are not the same, however, and attempted rape is probably more serious than even pulling off a cap.
The left has been so radicalized, that they now want to consider the U.S. Constitution to be “racist”.
But, when I think of originalism, I think this: Many of the founders owned slaves; in the Constitution they viewed black people as less than fully human; they didn’t want women or poor white men to vote. The founders, a bunch of rich, powerful white men, didn’t want true democracy in this country, and in fact were dreadfully afraid of it.
Of course, that’s useful when wants to implement communism and the U.S. Constitution prevents it. Just convince everyone it is an “evil” document that should be ignored.

Opinion | Liberals, This Is War
Note what he says here. As a straight, white, veteran, male he was NOT welcomed by the Dumbocrat Party. So much for their claims of “inclusion” and “big tents”.

I cannot thank that party enough for becoming so radicalized. What seemed like an unimaginable nightmare at first has actually been one of the greatest blessings. People are fleeing the instantly of progressivism in droves. Conservatism is growing larger and stronger by the hour.

Democrat vet came home and didn't recognize his country. HERE'S what he did.
I cannot thank the Dumbocrats enough for becoming so radicalized. They took a communist and turned him into a conservative. Incredible.
When Hillary Clinton referred to Donald Trump supporters as a “basket of deplorables,” Rectenwald felt disgust: His father had been an independent contractor, remodeling homes in Pittsburgh, a Reagan Democrat and father of nine; the kind of hard-working, blue-collar man that Clinton discarded as “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.”
The #WalkAway movement continues. And it is growing. Welcome aboard to all of those who have finally woken up and realized the incredible insanity of the left.

In-Depth: Michael Rectenwald Crosses the Street

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