The radicalization of the left

You know the left has hit the absolute fringe of the political spectrum when even MaObama is denouncing them! :uhh:
ā€œAnd you canā€™t do it if you insist that those who arenā€™t like you because theyā€™re white, or because theyā€™re male ā€” that somehow thereā€™s no way they can understand what Iā€™m feeling, that somehow they lack standing to speak on certain matters,ā€ Obama said.
As if that one wasnā€™t shocking enough, he delivered a knockout blow to the core of the modern progressive...
Then Obama uttered a statement that would appear to dismantle transgender rights, which say that biological males and females can switch to the opposite genders ā€” and demand the rest of society treats them as such ā€” all because they say so.

ā€œIf I say, ā€˜This is a podium,ā€™ and you say, ā€˜This is an elephant,ā€™ itā€™s going to be hard for us to cooperate,ā€ Obama said, as the adoring crowd laughed.
Even Barack Insane Obama now acknowledges that there is simply no ā€œcooperatingā€ with the left. They are unhinged, science-denying, fascists.

Obama chastises those who silence whites, males because ā€˜somehow they lack standing to speakā€™
The far left openly hijacked the Democrat party in the late seventies when a Kennedy tried to take Carter for daring to question the far left.
I disgaree there. Even during the 90ā€™s under the Clinton Administration, the left still liked the U.S. They werenā€™t completely unhinged. It wasnā€™t until the second term of the Bush Administration that the left went completely and totally off of the cliff.
The left can't even accept free speech or the exchange of ideas, anymore.
Liberal Hollywood actor and filmmaker Mark Duplass was absolutely pummeled online for suggesting that his fellow liberals follow Ben Shapiro on Twitter. Duplass encouraged those who are genuinely interested in understanding what conservatives are saying across the aisle, to start with Ben Shapiro. Of course, they hated this idea. Absolute chaos and vitriol ensued and Duplass was basically forced to backtrack his statements -- if he ever wants to work in Hollywood again.
They have become full-fledged fascists. They aren't even willing to hear what the other side of the aisle is saying so they can denounce it (how can you denounce what you haven't even heard?!?).

Liberal filmmaker Mark Duplass endorses Ben Shapiro in a tweet, vitriol ensues and he backtracks
The radicalization of the left on full display. A bunch of fascist thugs trying to impose their fascist will through violence...
Trump supporters were attacked Thursday near President Donald Trumpā€™s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and a vicious brawl ensued.
Several items to note here:
  • The anti-American fascists are screaming ā€œfuck Donald Trumpā€. The Tea Party never chanted ā€œfuck Barack Obamaā€.
  • The fascist uses the word ā€œn*ggerā€. The left is the party of racism. Always has been. Always will be. He proudly uses the word multiple times and tells the others he will say whatever he wants to say.
  • The left engages in violence and then runs away like cowards. These thugs love their cheap shots in mobs. But the minute in comes time for a fair fight, they bail like typical fascist cowards.

VIDEO: Vicious brawl breaks out over Trumpā€™s star on Hollywood Walk of Fame
America was founded on liberalism and historians and most people are well aware of it. One only needs to read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution to know how the nation was founded on liberalism.
America was founded on liberalism...
Sweetie, by todayā€™s terms and todayā€™s standards, America was founded on the purest form of conservatism that has ever existed. The founders hated government and insisted on small, limited government. Does that sound like todayā€™s ā€œliberalismā€ to you? You may be the most disingenuous person on USMB. Youā€™re so shaken by reality not aligning with your ideology. Why donā€™t you chew on this ā€œliberalismā€ while you think about how youā€™re not fooling anyone with your nonsense:

This is the ā€œpolishedā€ way of saying that the extreme radicalization of the left has caused a huge disconnect with normal, rational Americans.
A University of North Texas sociology professor is warning his colleagues that ā€œacademics are much more politically progressive and irreligious than the general populationā€ and that this will only sew public distrust in academic research if it continues.
Academia has become the single largest embarrassment to the United States. The reject any and all science, reason, logic, and fact in favor of ā€œfeelzā€ (thank you Cecilie1200 for allowing me to borrow that phrase).

Prof calls out ā€˜politically progressive,ā€™ ā€˜irreligiousā€™ academics, says their ā€˜biasā€™ causes mistrust
The left has been completely, totally, thoroughly, and soundly defeated on the battlefield of ideas. Their ideology has failed and they know it. Places like Venezuela, Cuba, and Detroit have proven it.

With absolutely no leg left to stand on, but still completely unwilling to abandoned the ideology they foolishly bought into, the left is now lashing out with violence. Like a small child unable to use his words throwing a tantrum, the left is just assaulting, rioting, threatening, and looting now. Disgusting.

Massachusetts man arrested over what he said in this one tweet about ICE agents

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