The radicalization of the left

Not sure why you would consider this list of socialist programs to be bad things.
“Not sure” is your official tagline. You’re certainly not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
Care to explain?
Fire departments
Honestly, it’s fuck’n tragic that you don’t grasp two critical items here:
  1. There is no federal fire department (idiot)
  2. A fire department is not “socialism” (idiot)
The fact that you are so simple-minded that the left was able to dupe you with that idiotic talking-point is tragic. I’m not joking either. I can see why you are a low-IQ Dumbocrat voter. There is no way you could survive without government providing for you. None. You simply lack the necessary intellect.

Most fire departments are locally run, even though I'm pretty sure the federal government gives them some support in some way, but they are socialism in it's purest form. Would you care to explain the capitalistic model that produced fire departments?
Think about that next time you take your kids to the park or school; pass a police station or public health clinic, or even drive down the road, or pick someone up at the airport.
Do me a favor, snowflake. The next time you “pass” a public library, stop. Then turn around. Then go on in. Ask the librarian to help you find books on political science. Then look up “socialism”. Because, well, you cleary have no idea what it is. Not even in the most basic, rudimentary sense.
Not sure why you would consider this list of socialist programs to be bad things.
“Not sure” is your official tagline. You’re certainly not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
Care to explain?
Police departments
Honestly, it’s fuck’n tragic that you don’t grasp two critical items here:
  1. There are no federal police departments (idiot)
  2. A police department is not “socialism” (idiot)
The fact that you are so simple-minded that the left was able to dupe you with that idiotic talking-point is tragic. I’m not joking either. I can see why you are a low-IQ Dumbocrat voter. There is no way you could survive without government providing for you. None. You simply lack the necessary intellect.

Law enforcement in the United States is one of three major components of the criminal justice system of the United States, along with courts and corrections. Although each component operates semi-independently, the three collectively form a chain leading from investigation of suspected criminal activity to administration of criminal punishment.

Law enforcement operates primarily through governmental police agencies. There are 17,985 U.S. police agencies in the United States which include college campus police, sheriff departments, local police, and federal agencies. The law-enforcement purposes of these agencies are the investigation of suspected criminal activity, referral of the results of investigations to the courts, and the temporary detention of suspected criminals pending judicial action. Law enforcement agencies, to varying degrees at different levels of government and in different agencies, are also commonly charged with the responsibilities of deterring criminal activity and preventing the successful commission of crimes in progress. Other duties may include the service and enforcement of warrants, writs, and other orders of the courts.

Law enforcement agencies are also involved in providing first response to emergencies and other threats to public safety; the protection of certain public facilities and infrastructure; the maintenance of public order; the protection of public officials; and the operation of some correctional facilities (usually at the local level)
Most fire departments are locally run, even though I'm pretty sure the federal government gives them some support in some way, but they are socialism in it's purest form. Would you care to explain the capitalistic model that produced fire departments?
Most fire departments are locally run, even though I'm pretty sure the federal government gives them some support in some way, but they are socialism in it's purest form. Would you care to explain the capitalistic model that produced fire departments?
This poor little confused puppy thinks government means socialism... :laughing0301:
Most fire departments are locally run, even though I'm pretty sure the federal government gives them some support in some way, but they are socialism in it's purest form. Would you care to explain the capitalistic model that produced fire departments?
Stop....I can’t....I just.....I can’t breathe :laughing0301:
I cannot stress enough how flabbergasted I am that BULLDOG doesnt even know what a basic concept like socialism is.

Every time I meet someone who votes Dumbocrat, they turn out to have the IQ of an onion. Every time. :eusa_doh:

Is that what they tell you in that RWNJ bubble? If socialism was anything like you claim, I would be against any form of it too. The fact is that we already have a combination of capitalistic and socialistic programs that serve our country. Sorry if that doesn't match what the voices in your head are telling you.
Not sure why you would consider this list of socialist programs to be bad things.
“Not sure” is your official tagline. You’re certainly not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
Care to explain?
Public universities
Honestly, it’s fuck’n tragic that you don’t grasp two critical items here:
  1. There are no federal public universities (idiot)
  2. A public universities is not “socialism” (idiot)
The fact that you are so simple-minded that the left was able to dupe you with that idiotic talking-point is tragic. I’m not joking either. I can see why you are a low-IQ Dumbocrat voter. There is no way you could survive without government providing for you. None. You simply lack the necessary intellect.
Most fire departments are locally run, even though I'm pretty sure the federal government gives them some support in some way, but they are socialism in it's purest form. Would you care to explain the capitalistic model that produced fire departments?
This poor little confused puppy thinks government means socialism... :laughing0301:

Where did I say that? Is that what those voices told you I said?
Most fire departments are locally run, even though I'm pretty sure the federal government gives them some support in some way, but they are socialism in it's purest form. Would you care to explain the capitalistic model that produced fire departments?
Stop....I can’t....I just.....I can’t breathe :laughing0301:

Then answer the question. What capitalistic model has produced our fire departments?
If socialism was anything like you claim, I would be against any form of it too.
Oh much as I’ve enjoyed this hearty laugh...I suppose it is time to move on and educate you. Snowflake, there are two basic tenets of socialism:
  1. Redistribution of wealth
  2. Public control of all goods and services produced
Does a police department redistribute wealth? No? Not socialism!
Does a police department indicate public control of goods and services produced? No? Not socialism!
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If socialism was anything like you claim, I would be against any form of it too.
Oh much as I’ve enjoyed this hearty laugh...I suppose it is time to move on and educate you. Snowflake, there are two basic tenets of socialism:
  1. Redistribution of wealth
  2. Public control of all goods and services produced
Does a fire department redistribute wealth? No? Not socialism!
Does a fire department indicate public control of goods and services produced? No? Not socialism!
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Most fire departments are locally run, even though I'm pretty sure the federal government gives them some support in some way, but they are socialism in it's purest form. Would you care to explain the capitalistic model that produced fire departments?
This poor little confused puppy thinks government means socialism... :laughing0301:
Where did I say that?
Literally in every post you’ve made! You keep listing basic LOCAL government functions (police, fire, libraries) as “socialism”. :laugh:

You’re literally not even bright enough to grasp the difference between entries run by local government (libraries) and those run by the federal government (military).

This is civics 101 son!
Not sure why you would consider this list of socialist programs to be bad things.
“Not sure” is your official tagline. You’re certainly not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
Care to explain?
Public universities
Honestly, it’s fuck’n tragic that you don’t grasp two critical items here:
  1. There are no federal public universities (idiot)
  2. A public universities is not “socialism” (idiot)
The fact that you are so simple-minded that the left was able to dupe you with that idiotic talking-point is tragic. I’m not joking either. I can see why you are a low-IQ Dumbocrat voter. There is no way you could survive without government providing for you. None. You simply lack the necessary intellect.

State run universities are still socialism. There is a long list of them here. List of state universities in the United States - Wikipedia
The left continues to get more radicalized and more violent...
Video sent to The Federalist’s Emily Jashinsky from Young America’s Foundation showed protesters outside the venue where Shapiro was set to speak, chanting “Reagan is dead” and “John McCain is dead,”
So the left is celebrating and chanting the death of one of America’s greatest presidents and one of America’s bravest military heroes. Classy.

Protesters chant ‘John McCain is dead,’ ‘F*** Ben Shapiro’ at Shapiro’s Ohio State lecture
Most fire departments are locally run, even though I'm pretty sure the federal government gives them some support in some way, but they are socialism in it's purest form. Would you care to explain the capitalistic model that produced fire departments?
This poor little confused puppy thinks government means socialism... :laughing0301:
Where did I say that?
Literally in every post you’ve made! You keep listing basic LOCAL government functions (police, fire, libraries) as “socialism”. :laugh:

You’re literally not even bright enough to grasp the difference between entries run by local government (libraries) and those run by the federal government (military).

This is civics 101 son!

Socialism has nothing to do with transferring wealth, even though some unethical rulers have used it as an excuse to do that. Obviously I'm not going to convince you of anything, You hang on to that RWNJ definition of socialism if you want to. You're wrong, but that never mattered before.
The left has gone completely off of the sanity rails. They are truly a train wreck.
A secondary school in northwestern England is barring expensive designer coats in an effort to eliminate “poverty-shaming” for students whose parents can’t afford the items.
It makes 0 sense to force others to settle for less than what they want simply because others are incapable of achieving that same level.

British school bans expensive coats – including Christmas gifts – to avoid ‘poverty shaming’

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