The radicalization of the left

The left continues to reject science, facts, and reality in favor of their bizarre, bat-shit crazy ideology.
A Dutch self-help guru is breaking new ground by claiming age is just as fluid as gender—and he isn’t worried about offending the transgender community.

Emile Ratelband of Arnhem, southeast of Amsterdam, is asking a court in his hometown to change his age legally from 69 to 49 because he feels like he is in his 40s, The Washington Post reported.
Sickening to watch the left reject reality to force all of society to indulge the pure fantasy of unhinged left-wingers.

69-Year-Old Man Identifies as 49, Asks Court to Change His Age

"Miss Universe Pageant Embroiled In Controversy As All Losers Identify As Winners

BANGKOK—The Miss Universe pageant is once again embroiled in controversy, this time because all contest losers have identified as winners, demanding that the pageant's organizers recognize their subjective identities as objective truth.

Dozens of contestants came out as winners, but the allegedly open and inclusive pageant organizers refused to crown all of them champions in keeping with their internally felt reality.

"It's bigoted and disgusting," said one woman from South America. "Despite the fact that I have declared myself to be a winner, as my feelings have dictated, they have thus far refused to crown me Miss Universe along with Miss Philippines. "It's 2018, people."

"I am Miss Universe—I was born this way," she added.

The contest drew international attention for featuring the first transgender contestant, Angela Ponce of Spain this year. Despite its supposed progressivism and inclusive agenda, it looks like the pageant won't allow everybody's emotions to determine objective fact."
Miss Universe Pageant Embroiled In Controversy As All Losers Identify As Winners
The left has become more radicalized with each passing year...
The left officially has become the largest hate group in U.S. history. … The ‘left’ comprises about 25 percent of the population, and all people who do not support their (often radical) views are harassed, intimidated, and excluded,” writes Anthony Alafero.
President Trump should properly label Antifa as the hate group / terrorist group that they are and bring the full resources of the federal government against them. They illegally shut down streets and highways. They vandalize property. They assault people.

We Hear You: How to 'Wield the Most Effective Weapon Against Tyranny'
The left has become extremely radicalized...
In 2018, the prophets of wokeness called for progressives to “wake up” to the reality that America, at its core, is racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, and economically unjust. The system, they said, is “rigged.”
I came from a long line of Democrats. Those that are still alive have become conservatives. They all say, “I didn’t leave the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party left me”. This is a prime example. Democrats of the Kennedy-era didn’t hate America.

Pulling Young Americans Back From the Brink
This is how rational people think...
"Our all is at stake, and the little conveniences and comforts of life, when set in competition with our liberty, ought to be rejected not with reluctance but with pleasure." - Col. George Mason in a letter to George Washington
In contrast, the left would rather reject liberty in order to get “conveniences” and “comforts” handed to them by government (after they confiscate it from others).
The left refuses to accept that We the People have spoken...
Thanks to the left’s control of the House of Representatives and the news media, Americans will be kept in a fevered state throughout 2019—with innumerable hearings, exposes, criminal investigations, and possible indictments of those around the president and the president himself. Truth will not be the point. Defamation will. Anything that might muddy the president, no matter how spurious, no matter how thin the evidence, will be pursued with gusto. The media will drop “bombshell” after “bombshell.” If lives and careers are ruined, so much the better; no one should be associating with this president anyway, as far as the left is concerned.
Fascists cannot tolerate opposition or deviation from their ideology.

The Left Will Make 2019 a Dark Year
Once again we see the left denying science, biology, and reality. Rachel Dolezal not only “identifies” as being black, she also apparently “identifies” as being poor.

Rachel Dolezal, former NAACP leader exposed as white, charged with welfare fraud
Oh please...I did not even bother reading your link.
We know. The left doesn’t believe in being informed. They prefer blind ignorance to a failed ideology.
But no matter what she person does not make the left (as much as you obviously wish it would).
No argument there. But tens of thousands of people do make up the left and we have endless material from them that supports how bat-shit crazy your side of the aisle has become.
The left has become so radicalized that they view some of the finest charitable organizations in the world as “extreme”.
Senators who dismiss the Knights of Columbus as “extreme” show just how little they know about the organization. The Knights mostly focus on charity work for the poor, disabled, and orphaned, while raising money to educate underprivileged students who come from all religious affiliations.
In the day of JFK, almost every Democrat would have been a member of the Knights of Columbus. And those that weren’t would have supported it. But that was before the left became so radicalized.

These 2 Democrats Are Finally Standing Up to Anti-Christian Bigotry in Their Party
Hundreds of millions around the world have woken up to the reality that is the left-wing ideology...
Because let’s face it, for all their talk against colonialism, today’s left has never been great at the live-and-let-live attitude. Instead, they’ve regularly pushed their agenda in schools, in red states, and through the courts and a host of other aggressive stratagems.
The left will cannot stomach liberty and will not tolerate any deviance from their bat-shit crazy ideology.

John Allen Chau's Crime Was Wanting to Promote 'Wrong' Beliefs

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