Do you subscribe to some conspiracy theory that the FBI conspired to "get" Trump? If so, make the case.

All I can say to this comment is......

(And let's see what happens over the next month or two)

Impeachment, I hope. It will make America SAFE again.

An American with an FBI that spies on people and denies them an attorney

  • Does the term Due Process ring a bell?
  • Does the 4th Amendment make Donald Trump the first POTUS to be above the law?
  • By all accounts, Trump's lawyer is not and never was a defense attorney
  • Donald can apply for a Public Defender if the needs one [a benefit to all Americans, or so it used to be]
Do you subscribe to some conspiracy theory that the FBI conspired to "get" Trump? If so, make the case.

All I can say to this comment is......

(And let's see what happens over the next month or two)

Impeachment, I hope. It will make America SAFE again.

An American with an FBI that spies on people and denies them an attorney

  • Does the term Due Process ring a bell?
  • Does the 4th Amendment make Donald Trump the first POTUS to be above the law?
  • By all accounts, Trump's lawyer is not and never was a defense attorney
  • Donald can apply for a Public Defender if the needs one [a benefit to all Americans, or so it used to be]

What amendment allows the government to illegally obtain a warrant to spy on a Presidential candidate? Had Bush done this to Obama you would have thrown yourself off the roof of the tallest building in protest
Impeachment, I hope. It will make America SAFE again.

Not that I give a rat fuck about Trump, but why will it make us safe? What is he doing or not doing that is dangerous?

He threatens to use force against nations which have WMD's; he has not funded the State Department; he has placed a war monger as his National Security Adviser; he has divided our county further than at any time since the Civil War; he acts without thinking!
Do you subscribe to some conspiracy theory that the FBI conspired to "get" Trump? If so, make the case.

All I can say to this comment is......

(And let's see what happens over the next month or two)

Impeachment, I hope. It will make America SAFE again.

An American with an FBI that spies on people and denies them an attorney

  • Does the term Due Process ring a bell?
  • Does the 4th Amendment make Donald Trump the first POTUS to be above the law?
  • By all accounts, Trump's lawyer is not and never was a defense attorney
  • Donald can apply for a Public Defender if the needs one [a benefit to all Americans, or so it used to be]

What amendment allows the government to illegally obtain a warrant to spy on a Presidential candidate? Had Bush done this to Obama you would have thrown yourself off the roof of the tallest building in protest

None, read the 4th Amendment, it does not include the phrase:

A candidate for President, the President Elect or the President shall not have his liberty infringed, and no warrant will be issued to search his person, house, papers and effects/records in his custody, the custody of his attorney or his local book maker.
Fk Trump and his pissant Cartel. None of those sorry sob's are above the laws of this country.

Of course.....

but EVERYONE who agrees with you IS above the law.....

Got it.

Wow, is this TRUE ["EVERYONE who agrees with you IS above the law...."]? I suppose you were going to provide evidence of this heinous truth, and simply forgot. Please do, the readers really want to know
4th Amendment: You can swear out a fake FISA Warrant to spy on a Presidential candidate and then have the FBI raid his lawyer office
Whenever the 4th Amendment is violated or certainly the attorney client privilege is violated there must be a crime that is being investigated. In this case there is no crime, Mueller is hoping to find a crime as a result of his investigation and that is what makes this unconstitutional.

Using this criteria, anyone could be investigated in the hope that a crime might be uncovered. That's what makes it wrong. Democrats want a crime so badly they are willing to forego the ordinary protection of our country because everyone knows that Trump is so disliked by democrats that there MUST be a crime somewhere and given enough investigation they will find it.
Fk Trump and his pissant Cartel. None of those sorry sob's are above the laws of this country.

Of course.....

but EVERYONE who agrees with you IS above the law.....

Got it.
No you don't. Trump isn't above the law but according to democrats he is way below the law. The laws and protections available to democrats just aren't available to him and soon, to anyone that isn't a "party" acolyte.
Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.


Yeah, it's against the constitution for the US govt to gain a warrant to search for illegal activity.

You heard it here first guys.

Yes, it is illegal for the government to gain a warrant to search for illegal activity. The government needs probable cause that a specific illegal activity is, or has occurred, and that the search is likely to turn up evidence of that specific crime. The government has no right to search your property in search of a crime.
executing a warrant of that magnitude required probable cause and having all the bases covered before gaining entry ..

"raid" is RW psychobabble horseshit just like the rest of their inane rhetoric.

big surprise.
In order to get the OK to raid Cohen's office, prosecutors would have had to get approval from high up — in this case from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — and demonstrate to a federal magistrate both probable cause and the need for a warrant instead of a subpoena (such as a concern that Cohen might destroy evidence), Litman explained.

In addition, the probable cause would have to relate to a crime centered on Cohen, not Trump or someone else. "You can’t use it as end run around to get to the client,"

nothing to see here folks but a bunch of RW dumbasses showcasing their bullshit gland ..
uh, yeah, I've heard of defense lawyers. LOL

ok. Then try to see both sides.

Don't hate Mr. Trump because you are told to. Find the truth for yourself. Don't be a lemming just following the herd.

The raid on Trump's lawyers office is NOT a common type occurrence.
It was a bad move....but exponentially so considering it was the Presidents Lawyer. How would you have reacted if a Special Council investigator had raided Obamas Lawyers office? Cohen was already cooperating with the investigation. What they did was self serving and should alarm ALL Lawyers.
Follow the news for the next few weeks and this will become apparent.
for fucks sake, you condescending prick.

at least try to get the term right. it is counsel not council.

That’s it don’t take no shit, we can’t have folks misspelling words, damn auto correct.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
uh, yeah, I've heard of defense lawyers. LOL

ok. Then try to see both sides.

Don't hate Mr. Trump because you are told to. Find the truth for yourself. Don't be a lemming just following the herd.

The raid on Trump's lawyers office is NOT a common type occurrence.
It was a bad move....but exponentially so considering it was the Presidents Lawyer. How would you have reacted if a Special Council investigator had raided Obamas Lawyers office? Cohen was already cooperating with the investigation. What they did was self serving and should alarm ALL Lawyers.
Follow the news for the next few weeks and this will become apparent.
for fucks sake, you condescending prick.

at least try to get the term right. it is counsel not council.

That’s it don’t take no shit, we can’t have folks misspelling words, damn auto correct.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Lol, blame autocorrect. That's new. Personal responsibility, i guess.
Lol, blame autocorrect. That's new. Personal responsibility, i guess.

Nope....I didin't blame auto-correct or anyone else. Even I, the great BHU "occasionally" make a mistake.

BUT.......like a true Conservative, I stepped up, thanked you for the correction and moved on........
I didn't come back at the insult you threw at me or call you names....did I?

If only we could teach you lefties that OH SO ELUSIVE trick (called personal responsibility) we'd have a great country right now.

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4th Amendment: You can swear out a fake FISA Warrant to spy on a Presidential candidate and then have the FBI raid his lawyer office

Grow up Frank, why would someone risk their career, retirement and benefits to lie. LE / Peace Officers are held to a higher standard, members of Congress and the current President, not at all..
Trump being investigated for a crime when there is no evidence of one but instead just search and search and search to try and find one. Get rid of Mueller and his embarrassing, grasping for straws witch hunt
Sorry bout that,

1. But you have great understanding.
2. I can see these folks here can learn a lot from you.

Lol, blame autocorrect. That's new. Personal responsibility, i guess.

Nope....I didin't blame auto-correct or anyone else. Even I, the great BHU "occasionally" make a mistake.

BUT.......like a true Conservative, I stepped up, thanked you for the correction and moved on........
I didn't come back at the insult you threw at me or call you names....did I?

If only we could teach you lefties that OH SO ELUSIVE trick (called personal responsibility) we'd have a great country right now

On personal responsibility, that ship sailed long ago when you opposed the individual mandate in the ACA.

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