Precedent has already been set by Ken Starr.
Yes. That is EXACTLY what I was saying.

If EVERYBODY, even sky-screaming Trump haters don't DEMAND that our government protect the attorney-client privilege, no-knock execution of search warrants (raids) will be commonplace and accepted. No one will be free to be candid with his/her lawyer.

Who does that REALLY hurt? Well, who is most likely to get charged with a crime?

No knock execution of search warrants is common place, and has been for years. Do you even know any black people?
The crime-fraud exception to the attorney-client communications privilege is a very narrow and rare exception. Courts tend to err on the side of the privilege.

The only way the DOJ got this warrant was providing enough evidence to convince a judge that one or more of Cohen's clients communicated with Cohen about:
  • a crime they were about to commit;
  • a crime they were in the process of committing; or
  • concealing or destroying evidence.
So, how would this relate to Trump?

If Trump ordered Cohen to pay off Stormy, that is not a crime.

If Cohen offered to pay off Stormy as a campaign contribution, and Trump agreed, that is a crime on both of them. FEC violation. According to the Federal Elections Commission:

"Most violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) result in civil penalties--fines arrived at through a conciliation process. Knowing and willful violations of certain FECA provisions can lead to imprisonment. The FEC has exclusive civil enforcement authority, and may refer criminal violations to the U.S. Department of Justice. For additional information see our page describing the complaint process. Note that sentencing guidelines for criminal violations of the law are set by the U.S. Sentencing Commission."

If that's true, why is the DOJ already involved? This went from 0-200 in less than a second. Is it unreasonable to believe that the DOJ/FBI is out to get Trump?

But, my point is this--does this type of offense WARRANT (pun intended) the invasion of confidential, protected communications?

Sure, there could be evidence of Trump and Cohen conspiring to destroy evidence in the Russia Collusion bullshit, but what evidence? I thought Mueller had the goods. I thought this was slam dunk.

I just want justification from the DOJ/FBI and the Court. WE THE PEOPLE deserve to know why our government is intruding on the rights of one of us. I don't care who the fuck it is.

Why are these power-hungry government dickheads (and they are ALL power-hungry, make no mistake) trashing very important civil liberties in a fashion that could affect each and every one of us, where we now must concern ourselves with the possibility that government twats could grab our communications with our lawyers and use it against us to feed the hungry private prison industry?

This reeks of the ambitious fucking with each other at our expense.
The search warrant could have nothing to do with Trump beyond being payoffs to his celebrity punch(s). Trump threw Cohen under the bus the other day when he said he knew nuzing nuzing nuzing about payments to Stormy, and it was all Cohen's doing. So, who's money went to the payoff and were bank withdrawls disclosed?

However, Cohen may have knowledge of Trump/Putin dealings too. Cohen may not disclose any facts he learned about possible crimes that occurred in the past with Trump, if those facts are part of his legal dealings with Trump do defend any charge ... even if Trump's guilty.

But what the Trumpbots want to avoid is the sad fact that if Cohen HIMSELF is part of any criminal conspiracy to cover up something ... then there's no attny-client privilege
yes, this is very rare.....now any lawyer can be raided
and this for what???MAYBE--POSSIBLY campaign violations!--not murder!!
there is no way they can prove they paid her off for a campaign contribution

Not the first time a lawyer has been hit with a search warrant.

Won't be the last.
Precedent has already been set by Ken Starr.
Yes. That is EXACTLY what I was saying.

If EVERYBODY, even sky-screaming Trump haters don't DEMAND that our government protect the attorney-client privilege, no-knock execution of search warrants (raids) will be commonplace and accepted. No one will be free to be candid with his/her lawyer.

Who does that REALLY hurt? Well, who is most likely to get charged with a crime?
What's this raid shit. And why the no-knock schtick?
Precedent has already been set by Ken Starr.
Yes. That is EXACTLY what I was saying.

If EVERYBODY, even sky-screaming Trump haters don't DEMAND that our government protect the attorney-client privilege, no-knock execution of search warrants (raids) will be commonplace and accepted. No one will be free to be candid with his/her lawyer.

Who does that REALLY hurt? Well, who is most likely to get charged with a crime?
What's this raid shit. And why the no-knock schtick?

Do you really think that is something new?
The idea that Stormy was paid for her vote for Trump is knuckleheadism to the nth degree
The idea that paying her to be quiet about a tryst from over a decade ago
is campaign related is knuckleheadism to the nth degree.
The idea that he paid her to be quiet is legally just fine despite the faked moral outrage from Libbies

Nothing illegal about a lawyer paying Stormy to keep quiet about her affair with married Donald Trump.
However- a lawyer paying Stormy to keep quiet about her affair just before the election- in order to prevent her story from influencing voters- is likely considered a campaign contribution- and would be waaay over the limits.

Now if the lawyer and Trump both lied about Trump knowing about the payoff- and if Trump actually paid the lawyer for doing it- then you may have a conspiracy to break campaign contribution laws.
Precedent has already been set by Ken Starr.
Yes. That is EXACTLY what I was saying.

If EVERYBODY, even sky-screaming Trump haters don't DEMAND that our government protect the attorney-client privilege, no-knock execution of search warrants (raids) will be commonplace and accepted. No one will be free to be candid with his/her lawyer.

Who does that REALLY hurt? Well, who is most likely to get charged with a crime?
What's this raid shit. And why the no-knock schtick?

It is the Trump narrative.
What's this raid shit. And why the no-knock schtick?
People are bitching about us calling it a raid, so I called it what the DOJ called it---no-knock execution, which means they show up unannounced, demand everyone leave immediately, then start grabbing things.

But, let us look at the definition from Google's dictionary:

noun: raid; plural noun: raids
  1. 1.
    a sudden attack on an enemy by troops, aircraft, or other armed forces in warfare.
    "a bombing raid"
    synonyms: attack, assault, descent, blitz, incursion, sortie; More
    • a surprise attack to commit a crime, especially to steal from business premises.
      "an early morning raid on a bank"
    • a surprise visit by police to arrest suspected people or seize illicit goods.
      synonyms: search; More

      a hostile attempt to buy a major or controlling interest in the shares of a company.
The difference between the bold text above and the surprise visit by the FBI to seize confidential communications is negligible.

It was a fucking raid.
What's this raid shit. And why the no-knock schtick?
People are bitching about us calling it a raid, so I called it what the DOJ called it---no-knock execution, which means they show up unannounced, demand everyone leave immediately, then start grabbing things.

But, let us look at the definition from Google's dictionary:

noun: raid; plural noun: raids
  1. 1.
    a sudden attack on an enemy by troops, aircraft, or other armed forces in warfare.
    "a bombing raid"
    synonyms: attack, assault, descent, blitz, incursion, sortie; More
    • a surprise attack to commit a crime, especially to steal from business premises.
      "an early morning raid on a bank"
    • a surprise visit by police to arrest suspected people or seize illicit goods.
      synonyms: search; More

      a hostile attempt to buy a major or controlling interest in the shares of a company.
The difference between the bold text above and the surprise visit by the FBI to seize confidential communications is negligible.

It was a fucking raid.

That's not a no knock warrant. I don't see that the FBI used the term raid. Rather it appears you pulled it out of Trump' fat ass.
That's not a no knock warrant. I don't see that the FBI used the term raid. Rather it appears you pulled it out of Trump' fat ass.
There are many asses from whence I could have pulled the term "raid."

F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen; Trump Calls It ‘Disgraceful’

Donald Trump: FBI Raid On Attorney’s Office “Disgraceful,” “Attack On Country”

Opinion | Trump melts down after Cohen raid — and only hurts himself

So, was it a FUCKING RAID or not?

Why do you care anyway? Does it somehow hurt your feelings when we point out that at times our government acts like a horde of Vikings?
yeah it appears the media called it "a raid." It was an executed search warrant. If raid makes you quiver with feigned outrage, go for it.

There was no no-knock.
That's not a no knock warrant. I don't see that the FBI used the term raid. Rather it appears you pulled it out of Trump' fat ass.
Here is a CNN panel calling it both a no-knock warrant AND a raid:

Panel debates no-knock warrant on Michael Cohen - CNN Video

Are you gonna admit you were wrong?
No will you admit you love CNN? Here's cyber clue.
No-Knock Warrant
Opinion | Trump melts down after Cohen raid — and only hurts himself

"In an extraordinary series of events, the FBI executed a no-knock raid on President Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen’s office, home and hotel."

How many times do have to beat your ass on this topic before you relent?

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