Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.


Imagine if this had happened to Hillary's lawyer. The left would have been screaming about it being a violation of her rights.

Lawyer/client confidentiality is sacred and this is totally unconstitutional. They are so desperate in their attempt to take down Trump that they have ignored laws and rights in order to dig up some dirt.

This is no different that feds randomly entering people's homes for no reason other than to see if they are doing something wrong. They are on a mission to find something to justify all the time spent on this investigation.
Imagine if this had happened to Hillary's lawyer. The left would have been screaming about it being a violation of her rights.

Lawyer/client confidentiality is sacred and this is totally unconstitutional. They are so desperate in their attempt to take down Trump that they have ignored laws and rights in order to dig up some dirt.

This is no different that feds randomly entering people's homes for no reason other than to see if they are doing something wrong. They are on a mission to find something to justify all the time spent on this investigation.

You know it.

There's a reason the Left is known for being notoriously "Double Standardized".

It should make one shudder to imagine these people back in power.

Lacking a moral compass is an understatement

Any surprise most crime is committed in their back yards?
Whenever the 4th Amendment is violated or certainly the attorney client privilege is violated there must be a crime that is being investigated. In this case there is no crime, Mueller is hoping to find a crime as a result of his investigation and that is what makes this unconstitutional.

Using this criteria, anyone could be investigated in the hope that a crime might be uncovered. That's what makes it wrong. Democrats want a crime so badly they are willing to forego the ordinary protection of our country because everyone knows that Trump is so disliked by democrats that there MUST be a crime somewhere and given enough investigation they will find it.

Trump has already committed a crime, he has obstructed justice, and continues to do so.

What's to like about Trump? He's a bully, a liar, a hypocrite, a cheater, and flips and flops more than a Tuna gaffed and tossed on a deck.
He threatens to use force against nations which have WMD's; he has not funded the State Department; he has placed a war monger as his National Security Adviser; he has divided our county further than at any time since the Civil War; he acts without thinking!
I agree with most of what you stated, but I'm going with the whole division being a phenom that has been getting increasingly worse since 1980. GW Bush did some dividing. Obama is not innocent either.
Whenever the 4th Amendment is violated or certainly the attorney client privilege is violated there must be a crime that is being investigated. In this case there is no crime, Mueller is hoping to find a crime as a result of his investigation and that is what makes this unconstitutional.

Using this criteria, anyone could be investigated in the hope that a crime might be uncovered. That's what makes it wrong. Democrats want a crime so badly they are willing to forego the ordinary protection of our country because everyone knows that Trump is so disliked by democrats that there MUST be a crime somewhere and given enough investigation they will find it.
And THAT is my main point on this whole thing.

If a warrant can be issued to seize attorney-client communications based on suspicion of criminal activity alone, no one's attorney communications are safe.

Talking to your lawyer about a past crime could be used against you as a confession. No more talking to your lawyer about such things in preparation for court. It could cost you your freedom.
I think more than anything, this thread shows just how big the canyon is that separates the Left from the Right today.

The UK has been battling with this problem for a long time. The recent vote to leave the EU was close, but the break away vote prevailed.
However, as is usually the case in "leftist societies, the will of the people has been put on a back burner.

Long ago, it didn't take rocket science to figure out that if the Left gained control of the schools and the entertainment industries, then it wouldn't be long until the number of people with Conservative values would diminish over time.

We've reached critical mass now and we're suffering the results. And please don't say it's better.
People are ruder, angrier and more self centered than ever. When I was a child I used to ride my bike 7 miles one way with several friends
to a dime store. The path was along a busy highway and noone ever thought it was dangerous and noone ever got hurt....not even close.
And this was in a MAJOR URBAN CITY that today is a Democrat stronghold.

People were respectful back then. I have to be extra careful today riding my bike in my own neighborhood. People, especially young people are out of control.
Trump has already committed a crime, he has obstructed justice, and continues to do so.
What's to like about Trump? He's a bully, a liar, a hypocrite, a cheater, and flips and flops more than a Tuna gaffed and tossed on a deck.

Hillary has committed far more "crimes" than Trump.....and obstruction? PLEASE !!!!
And ask the families of the Benghazi fiasco, I'm sure they;ll tell you about her obstruction. Or the illegal server. Or the tarmac meeting with the Lyncher.....or the Uranium One deal with Russia.
You don't' even QUESTION any of that.
Where's the outrage?

It'd be FAR easier to list Hillary's known crimes and obstructions than Trumps (if any)
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Trump has already committed a crime, he has obstructed justice, and continues to do so.
1. That is the biggest hunk of nonsensical bullshit I have ever heard.

2. Assume that he has obstructed justice in the performance of his constitutionally enumerated executive duties. How is that the continuance or furtherance of a crime, justifying the seizure of his confidential communications? And if you tell me that he continues to obstruct justice, I want some specifics.

Was firing Comey obstruction? (it wasn't) That is a singular past act. Crime-fraud does not apply

Was it refusing to turn over documents in the investigation? (it wasn't) Reports I have seen indicate that Cohen was cooperating with authorities. That's why this raid was such a shock.
Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.

Dershbag is now a Fox regular.He has to say its unconstitutional to keep his job.
Sorry. All the incriminating evidence on Cohen and the criminal president will stand.
executing a warrant of that magnitude required probable cause and having all the bases covered before gaining entry ..

"raid" is RW psychobabble horseshit just like the rest of their inane rhetoric.

big surprise.
Yes the bar is high. That's why I am extremely suspicious and want some answers. This effects me personally. I want to be reassured this bullshit will not be the norm.

And, the NYT WaPo and CNN all used the word "raid" to describe it, so take your RW psychobable conspiracy accusations and shove them up your communist ass.
Trump has already committed a crime, he has obstructed justice, and continues to do so.
1. That is the biggest hunk of nonsensical bullshit I have ever heard.

2. Assume that he has obstructed justice in the performance of his constitutionally enumerated executive duties. How is that the continuance or furtherance of a crime, justifying the seizure of his confidential communications? And if you tell me that he continues to obstruct justice, I want some specifics.

Was firing Comey obstruction? (it wasn't) That is a singular past act. Crime-fraud does not apply

Was it refusing to turn over documents in the investigation? (it wasn't) Reports I have seen indicate that Cohen was cooperating with authorities. That's why this raid was such a shock.
Hey dipshit. Many of the best constitutional minds in the country say Trump definitely committed obstruction of justice when he fired Comey “ for that Russian thing.”
But we know you’re not biased and are more experienced then they are.
executing a warrant of that magnitude required probable cause and having all the bases covered before gaining entry ..

"raid" is RW psychobabble horseshit just like the rest of their inane rhetoric.

big surprise.
Yes the bar is high. That's why I am extremely suspicious and want some answers. This effects me personally. I want to be reassured this bullshit will not be the norm.

And, the NYT WaPo and CNN all used the word "raid" to describe it, so take your RW psychobable conspiracy accusations and shove them up your communist ass.
“ communist ass”
Ding ding ding.
Time to take a shot of your favorite hard liquor.

You don’t realize how stupid you meatballs sound when you throw that COMMUNIST tag around.
Dershbag is now a Fox regular.He has to say its unconstitutional to keep his job.
He's been a fox contributor for how long? He's been saying this same stuff for 30 years.

Dershowitz is a true liberal. I know you don't understand the difference between a liberal and a leftist, so just remember, leftist = Authoritarian Statist.
Lol, blame autocorrect. That's new. Personal responsibility, i guess.

Nope....I didin't blame auto-correct or anyone else. Even I, the great BHU "occasionally" make a mistake.

BUT.......like a true Conservative, I stepped up, thanked you for the correction and moved on........
I didn't come back at the insult you threw at me or call you names....did I?

If only we could teach you lefties that OH SO ELUSIVE trick (called personal responsibility) we'd have a great country right now

On personal responsibility, that ship sailed long ago when you opposed the individual mandate in the ACA.

Thank you, a true winning post and an example that the RWNJ's are dishonest hypocrites.
You don’t realize how stupid you meatballs sound when you throw that COMMUNIST tag around.
There's a thread on this forum where the OP talks about wanting all property held in common. What do you call such a person?

a Co-Op, a Condominium, a City Hall, a public school? Oh, did you mean a Commie? Wrong, such a thing never existed; like a unicorn or a phoenix, or a compassionate conservative, communism has never existed and when tried, it always failed.

You want to know why? It's simple, human nature. It is an ideology unattainable, and yet promised by the demagogues who find enemies to blame for the lack of implementation. Soon the leadership begins to single out dissenters, first a free press is attacked and then political opponents and then the hoi polloi. As the man said:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemöller

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