The 'Real' Black Man in Politics

Obviously you have no clue what racist means.

....just making a joke. When anyone criticizes a black man that's what the response is supposed to be, right?! (At least according to Liberals and ONLY if the black guy you criticized is a Liberal) does it feel when someone calls you a 'racist' when someone calls you one for disagreeing with what you're saying instead of 'skin color'?! :p
He reminds me off a jazz cat.

The calm demeanor, the goatee. All he needs is a pair sunglasses and a sax hanging around hi neck to complete the image.
Ahahahaha go ahead tell us what qualified that idiot moron Obama to be president, his do nothing accomplish nothing career resume? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

He had 'connections':
- Tutored by Communist Frank Marshal Davis

- Studied Socialist Saul Alynski

- Mentored by racist hate-spewing anti-American 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright

- Best Buds with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers

- Studied Law (how to break it) with Tony Rezco

- Derived his Drug Policy from his time with the Chumba Gang

- Acquired his foreign policy from daddy and the Muslims in his Indonesian school

- Built his anti-gun agenda from frustration regarding the out-of-control Chicago Gun Violence....
Obviously you have no clue what racist means.

....just making a joke. When anyone criticizes a black man that's what the response is supposed to be, right?! (At least according to Liberals and ONLY if the black guy you criticized is a Liberal) does it feel when someone calls you a 'racist' when someone calls you one for disagreeing with what you're saying instead of 'skin color'?! :p
Wrong. Anyone can be criticized. Its actually helpful to be criticized so you can shore up your weaknesses. I am a liberal...I guess.

I dont mind really. Matter of fact its sorta funny.. I dont let what people call me effect me in a negative way.
Ben Carson is no token, but he is not qualified to be President.

Ahahahaha go ahead tell us what qualified that idiot moron Obama to be president, his do nothing accomplish nothing career resume? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
He worked with and led people. He was also a senator if I recall. What has Carson ever done working with the public?

Look up the word "accomplishment" then tell us what Obama's career accomplishments were, I'll save you some time they don't exist. As for being a senator you skipped over 20+ years of his career since college and he didn't accomplish one damn thing as a senator either.
Liberals, who constantly screamed 'racism' every time someone criticized any one of the President's failed policies, policies or Un-Constitution / Law - violating acts have insisted that Ben Carson is a 'token' black while Barak Obama is the 'real' black man in politics.

A Review of the facts and each man's bio proves differently:

Barak Obama was raised by an all-white mother and all-white grandparents.
Ben Carson was raised by his single mother.
EDGE: Ben Carson

Barak Obama was raised in a Hawaii suburb neighborhood and attended expensive, exclusive private schools.
Ben Carson grew up poor in inner-city Detroit where he went to Southwestern High School, a public school
EDGE: Ben Carson

Ben Carson ensures disadvantaged black students can get scholarships
Barak Obama has created no program to help blacks succeed or to improve their status, praised President LBJ - calling the man who created the DNC agenda of 'Economic Slavery' and who once declared, "I'll have these ni@@ers voting 'Democrat' the next 200 years", the black people's 'best friend'.
EDGE: Ben Carson

Ben Carson received the Spingarn Medal - the highest honor bestowed by the NAACP
Barak Obama was honored for 'Lie of the Year'
EDGE: Ben Carson

Ben Carson graduated high School with honors.
Barak Obama: We have no idea what kind of high school or college student Barak Obama was because he had all of his records SEALED
EDGE: Ben Carson

Ben Carson's mother and father liked the United States.
Barak Obama's parents disliked the United States.
EDGE: Ben Carson

Ben Carson's father was a Baptist Minister
Barak Obama was mentored by a racist hate-spewing Anti-American 'pastor' for decades
EDGE: Ben Carson

Ben Carson's wife has always been proud of her country.
Barak Obama's wife was only ever proud of her country after her husband won the Presidency.
EDGE: Ben Carson (and Lacrena Rustin Carson)

Ben Carson never used drugs.
Barak Obama was an admitted (almost bragging) drug user (Pot, cocaine...)
EDGE: Ben Carson

Ben Carson has always wanted to SAVE lives.
Barak Obama argued for the right to kill living, breathing babies outside the womb who had survived a failed abortion.
EDGE: Ben Carson

Ben Carson gave a speech at the national Prayer Breakfast.
President Obama CANCELLED the National Prayer Breakfast.
EDGE: Ben Carson

Ben Carson was named one of the nation's 20 foremost physicians and scientists by Time Magazine, one of 89 "Living Legends" by the Library of Congress, received the Spingarn Medal - the highest honor bestowed by the NAACP, and was awarded the Ford's Theater Lincoln Medal and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the U.S. highest civilian honors.
Barak Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize and was awarded for the 'lie of the Year'
EDGE: Ben Carson

(Let the liberal foaming at the mouth begin.... :laugh:...)
Thank you for your delightful thread. I always enjoy when people tell us what a real (fill in the blank) is.
Ben Carson is no token, but he is not qualified to be President.

Ahahahaha go ahead tell us what qualified that idiot moron Obama to be president, his do nothing accomplish nothing career resume? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
He worked with and led people. He was also a senator if I recall. What has Carson ever done working with the public?

Look up the word "accomplishment" then tell us what Obama's career accomplishments were, I'll save you some time they don't exist. As for being a senator you skipped over 20+ years of his career since college and he didn't accomplish one damn thing as a senator either.
I already know what "accomplishment" means but I will post it for you. I already told you a couple of accomplishments. You can look up the rest if necessary.

  1. something that has been achieved successfully.
I see you totally deflected from telling us what Carson has done.
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Ben Carson is no token, but he is not qualified to be President.

Ahahahaha go ahead tell us what qualified that idiot moron Obama to be president, his do nothing accomplish nothing career resume? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
He worked with and led people. He was also a senator if I recall. What has Carson ever done working with the public?

Look up the word "accomplishment" then tell us what Obama's career accomplishments were, I'll save you some time they don't exist. As for being a senator you skipped over 20+ years of his career since college and he didn't accomplish one damn thing as a senator either.
I already know what "accomplishment" means but I will post it for you. I already told you a couple of accomplishments. You can look up the rest if necessary.

  1. something that has been achieved successfully.
Well, they've got you there....they don't think getting OBL was a good thing. They were very depressed when that happened.
Ben Carson is no token, but he is not qualified to be President.

Ahahahaha go ahead tell us what qualified that idiot moron Obama to be president, his do nothing accomplish nothing career resume? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
He worked with and led people. He was also a senator if I recall. What has Carson ever done working with the public?

Look up the word "accomplishment" then tell us what Obama's career accomplishments were, I'll save you some time they don't exist. As for being a senator you skipped over 20+ years of his career since college and he didn't accomplish one damn thing as a senator either.
I already know what "accomplishment" means but I will post it for you. I already told you a couple of accomplishments. You can look up the rest if necessary.

  1. something that has been achieved successfully.

Those are not accomplishments. He accomplished what exactly as a senator? You say he led people which I doubt but okay what did he accomplish leading people? Anything? Is the guy's career so pathetic that its this difficult to come up with even one noteworthy accomplishment?
Ben Carson is no token, but he is not qualified to be President.

Ahahahaha go ahead tell us what qualified that idiot moron Obama to be president, his do nothing accomplish nothing career resume? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
He worked with and led people. He was also a senator if I recall. What has Carson ever done working with the public?

Look up the word "accomplishment" then tell us what Obama's career accomplishments were, I'll save you some time they don't exist. As for being a senator you skipped over 20+ years of his career since college and he didn't accomplish one damn thing as a senator either.
I already know what "accomplishment" means but I will post it for you. I already told you a couple of accomplishments. You can look up the rest if necessary.

  1. something that has been achieved successfully.

Those are not accomplishments. He accomplished what exactly as a senator? You say he led people which I doubt but okay what did he accomplish leading people? Anything? Is the guy's career so pathetic that its this difficult to come up with even one noteworthy accomplishment?
Yes those are accomplishments. Your denial that they are not is risible. He accomplished being a senator which is something Carson cannot say. He was a community organizer which means he lead people. I'm not really concerned with what you doubt. You dont have enough credibility to deny the accomplishments and be taken seriously. Again please focus on telling us what Carson has done with the public and stop stalling.
I'm guessing Carson's race is very important to conservatives.
So you're saying that the OP is a progressive?
Na, I am saying all the progressives in Washington have the same crutch... Race. If you disagree with them you have to be racist/sexist that is the card they have left. They have made those terms meaningless, it's sad being a minority myself.

Odd, in a thread about a lie Carson told in the last debate a couple of wingnuts are calling everyone a racist for pointing out said lie.

Now, I'm treated to comparing the blackness of Carson to Obama in the OP.

You guys are pathetic.
Political correctness never takes in to account for the individual, it just says you have act and say what you are told depending on your race...

You don't have to reply to my post if you don't want to. If you do, I don't know....maybe read it and then base your response on the words contained within it.
Says the politicially correct...

You're trolling.
Ahahahaha go ahead tell us what qualified that idiot moron Obama to be president, his do nothing accomplish nothing career resume? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
He worked with and led people. He was also a senator if I recall. What has Carson ever done working with the public?

Look up the word "accomplishment" then tell us what Obama's career accomplishments were, I'll save you some time they don't exist. As for being a senator you skipped over 20+ years of his career since college and he didn't accomplish one damn thing as a senator either.
I already know what "accomplishment" means but I will post it for you. I already told you a couple of accomplishments. You can look up the rest if necessary.

  1. something that has been achieved successfully.

Those are not accomplishments. He accomplished what exactly as a senator? You say he led people which I doubt but okay what did he accomplish leading people? Anything? Is the guy's career so pathetic that its this difficult to come up with even one noteworthy accomplishment?
Yes those are accomplishments. Your denial that they are not is risible. He accomplished being a senator which is something Carson cannot say. He was a community organizer which means he lead people. I'm not really concerned with what you doubt. You dont have enough credibility to deny the accomplishments and be taken seriously. Again please focus on telling us what Carson has done with the public and stop stalling.

LMAO even with a degree from Harvard Law this do nothing clown Obama has no career accomplishments between graduation and going on the public dole as a state senator. Newsflash getting hire for a job is not a career accomplishment. Why the double standard, why aren't you people praising Carly Fiorina for landing the job of HP CEO why are you so focused on her actually performance on the job? OH SNAP!
How about the original concept that any natural born citizen who meets the criteria laid out in the constitution can become president..... But now we appear to have an aristocracy of the electable........ Or is it just partisan politics to deem someone "unqualified"?
Seems ya missed my point Jill.
In order to become president people have to vote for you. The "unqualified" part comes in when its common knowledge there is no way that enough people are that out touch to put him in office.
That's one excuse that works for you.
I'm not advocating, just making a point.........

how about I disagree with everything he says. that has nothing to do with the color of his skin. :thup:
Never said otherwise but you also know I'm a political agnostic, that I know both sides are so full of shit that administering an enema would constitute murder........... :D

the o/p seems to think if we don't vote for a rightwinger who happens to be black, it's a race issue.

and yes, they're all FOS. so i'll stick to voting for the POS's who share most of my views. I don't understand why the nutter o/p thinks we should do otherwise. I suspect he's projecting his own bigotry onto others. he is also a troll who clearly only likes carson because he thinks he ticks off the left.

heck, I think they should run him. they'll get creamed.
Ya see I already knew that about you. My point is to get people to question not only their politicians but also themselves and their sociopolitical beliefs, question the "whys" so that they're absolutely sure they're simply not giving into political rhetoric for lazy expediency reasons.
In order to become president people have to vote for you. The "unqualified" part comes in when its common knowledge there is no way that enough people are that out touch to put him in office.
That's one excuse that works for you.
I'm not advocating, just making a point.........

how about I disagree with everything he says. that has nothing to do with the color of his skin. :thup:
Never said otherwise but you also know I'm a political agnostic, that I know both sides are so full of shit that administering an enema would constitute murder........... :D

the o/p seems to think if we don't vote for a rightwinger who happens to be black, it's a race issue.

and yes, they're all FOS. so i'll stick to voting for the POS's who share most of my views. I don't understand why the nutter o/p thinks we should do otherwise. I suspect he's projecting his own bigotry onto others. he is also a troll who clearly only likes carson because he thinks he ticks off the left.

heck, I think they should run him. they'll get creamed.
Ya see I already knew that about you. My point is to get people to question not only their politicians but also themselves and their sociopolitical beliefs, question the "whys" so that they're absolutely sure they're simply not giving into political rhetoric for lazy expediency reasons.

I always question.

but until the GOP dumps it's right flank, I can't cast a vote for anti-choice, anti-government whiners....

I miss republicans like George Pataki... but the GOP has no interest in people who don't toe the party line.
He worked with and led people. He was also a senator if I recall. What has Carson ever done working with the public?

Look up the word "accomplishment" then tell us what Obama's career accomplishments were, I'll save you some time they don't exist. As for being a senator you skipped over 20+ years of his career since college and he didn't accomplish one damn thing as a senator either.
I already know what "accomplishment" means but I will post it for you. I already told you a couple of accomplishments. You can look up the rest if necessary.

  1. something that has been achieved successfully.

Those are not accomplishments. He accomplished what exactly as a senator? You say he led people which I doubt but okay what did he accomplish leading people? Anything? Is the guy's career so pathetic that its this difficult to come up with even one noteworthy accomplishment?
Yes those are accomplishments. Your denial that they are not is risible. He accomplished being a senator which is something Carson cannot say. He was a community organizer which means he lead people. I'm not really concerned with what you doubt. You dont have enough credibility to deny the accomplishments and be taken seriously. Again please focus on telling us what Carson has done with the public and stop stalling.

LMAO even with a degree from Harvard Law this do nothing clown Obama has no career accomplishments between graduation and going on the public dole as a state senator. Newsflash getting hire for a job is not a career accomplishment. Why the double standard, why aren't you people praising Carly Fiorina for landing the job of HP CEO why are you so focused on her actually performance on the job? OH SNAP!
So now youre claiming a degree from Harvard is not an accomplishment? This is after you told me to look up what accomplishment means and me providing it to you? Again your small opinion doesnt change anything. Youre no one. I could give 2 shits about Carly Fiorina. All I know is that she was the CEO of HP and a lot of my buddies lost jobs when working there.
Liberals, who constantly screamed 'racism' every time someone criticized any one of the President's failed policies, policies or Un-Constitution / Law - violating acts have insisted that Ben Carson is a 'token' black while Barak Obama is the 'real' black man in politics.

A Review of the facts and each man's bio proves differently:

Barak Obama was raised by an all-white mother and all-white grandparents.
Ben Carson was raised by his single mother.
EDGE: Ben Carson

Barak Obama was raised in a Hawaii suburb neighborhood and attended expensive, exclusive private schools.
Ben Carson grew up poor in inner-city Detroit where he went to Southwestern High School, a public school
EDGE: Ben Carson

Ben Carson ensures disadvantaged black students can get scholarships
Barak Obama has created no program to help blacks succeed or to improve their status, praised President LBJ - calling the man who created the DNC agenda of 'Economic Slavery' and who once declared, "I'll have these ni@@ers voting 'Democrat' the next 200 years", the black people's 'best friend'.
EDGE: Ben Carson

Ben Carson received the Spingarn Medal - the highest honor bestowed by the NAACP
Barak Obama was honored for 'Lie of the Year'
EDGE: Ben Carson

Ben Carson graduated high School with honors.
Barak Obama: We have no idea what kind of high school or college student Barak Obama was because he had all of his records SEALED
EDGE: Ben Carson

Ben Carson's mother and father liked the United States.
Barak Obama's parents disliked the United States.
EDGE: Ben Carson

Ben Carson's father was a Baptist Minister
Barak Obama was mentored by a racist hate-spewing Anti-American 'pastor' for decades
EDGE: Ben Carson

Ben Carson's wife has always been proud of her country.
Barak Obama's wife was only ever proud of her country after her husband won the Presidency.
EDGE: Ben Carson (and Lacrena Rustin Carson)

Ben Carson never used drugs.
Barak Obama was an admitted (almost bragging) drug user (Pot, cocaine...)
EDGE: Ben Carson

Ben Carson has always wanted to SAVE lives.
Barak Obama argued for the right to kill living, breathing babies outside the womb who had survived a failed abortion.
EDGE: Ben Carson

Ben Carson gave a speech at the national Prayer Breakfast.
President Obama CANCELLED the National Prayer Breakfast.
EDGE: Ben Carson

Ben Carson was named one of the nation's 20 foremost physicians and scientists by Time Magazine, one of 89 "Living Legends" by the Library of Congress, received the Spingarn Medal - the highest honor bestowed by the NAACP, and was awarded the Ford's Theater Lincoln Medal and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the U.S. highest civilian honors.
Barak Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize and was awarded for the 'lie of the Year'
EDGE: Ben Carson

(Let the liberal foaming at the mouth begin.... :laugh:...)

Winner- President Obama.
Look up the word "accomplishment" then tell us what Obama's career accomplishments were, I'll save you some time they don't exist. As for being a senator you skipped over 20+ years of his career since college and he didn't accomplish one damn thing as a senator either.
I already know what "accomplishment" means but I will post it for you. I already told you a couple of accomplishments. You can look up the rest if necessary.

  1. something that has been achieved successfully.

Those are not accomplishments. He accomplished what exactly as a senator? You say he led people which I doubt but okay what did he accomplish leading people? Anything? Is the guy's career so pathetic that its this difficult to come up with even one noteworthy accomplishment?
Yes those are accomplishments. Your denial that they are not is risible. He accomplished being a senator which is something Carson cannot say. He was a community organizer which means he lead people. I'm not really concerned with what you doubt. You dont have enough credibility to deny the accomplishments and be taken seriously. Again please focus on telling us what Carson has done with the public and stop stalling.

LMAO even with a degree from Harvard Law this do nothing clown Obama has no career accomplishments between graduation and going on the public dole as a state senator. Newsflash getting hire for a job is not a career accomplishment. Why the double standard, why aren't you people praising Carly Fiorina for landing the job of HP CEO why are you so focused on her actually performance on the job? OH SNAP!
So now youre claiming a degree from Harvard is not an accomplishment? This is after you told me to look up what accomplishment means and me providing it to you? Again your small opinion doesnt change anything. Youre no one. I could give 2 shits about Carly Fiorina. All I know is that she was the CEO of HP and a lot of my buddies lost jobs when working there.

LMAO so you had to go all the way back to his college days to come up with an accomplishment? lol I said "career accomplishments" you know after you finish school and make something of yourself. Don't feel bad no liberal in the last 7 years has been able to answer this challenge because the guy's resume reeks of loser.

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