The Real Donald Trump


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Trump can lie to his worshippers, but this is what blacks have seen. Which is why sane intelligent blacks say that any black person supporting Trump is n idiot. And given that even Dick Cheney will vote for Harris, sane intelligent whites are telling other whites the same thing.

Donald Trump: A Racist With Racist Policies

If Trump is everything the Leftist say he is then why do they have to rely on the same tired debunked story where he WAS taken out of context?

Someone have the balls to actually read Trumps actual words.

Two days later, on Aug. 14, 2017, Trump issued a statement from the White House, and referred to “KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”

Trump, Aug. 14, 2017: As I said on Saturday, we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
And as I have said many times before: No matter the color of our skin, we all live under the same laws, we all salute the same great flag, and we are all made by the same almighty God. We must love each other, show affection for each other, and unite together in condemnation of hatred, bigotry, and violence. We must rediscover the bonds of love and loyalty that bring us together as Americans.
Racism is evil. And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.
We are a nation founded on the truth that all of us are created equal. We are equal in the eyes of our Creator. We are equal under the law. And we are equal under our Constitution. Those who spread violence in the name of bigotry strike at the very core of America.
During a press conference the following day, Aug. 15, 2017, Trump explained his initial “many sides” comment.

“You had a group on one side that was bad,” Trump said. “And you had a group on the other side that was also very violent.” He added, “I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups, but not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch.”

Here’s the relevant portion when the president said some in the group protesting the removal of the Lee statue were “very fine people”:

Reporter, Aug. 15, 2017: You said there was hatred, there was violence on both sides …
Trump: Well, I do think there’s blame – yes, I think there’s blame on both sides. You look at, you look at both sides. I think there’s blame on both sides, and I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either. And, and, and, and if you reported it accurately, you would say.
Reporter: The neo-Nazis started this thing. They showed up in Charlottesville. …
Trump: Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo — and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name. …
Doesn't surprise me one bit, you actually took what Trump said out of context. Of course, since you hate Trump with a passion, it makes sense.
How can you take unintelligible gibberish out of context? His absurd stream of thought rants defy context. How do you contextualize his silly ranting about sharks, electric boats, and wet magnets?
If Trump is everything the Leftist say he is then why do they have to rely on the same tired debunked story where he WAS taken out of context?

Someone have the balls to actually read Trumps actual words.

Two days later, on Aug. 14, 2017, Trump issued a statement from the White House, and referred to “KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”

During a press conference the following day, Aug. 15, 2017, Trump explained his initial “many sides” comment.

“You had a group on one side that was bad,” Trump said. “And you had a group on the other side that was also very violent.” He added, “I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups, but not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch.”

Here’s the relevant portion when the president said some in the group protesting the removal of the Lee statue were “very fine people”:
The fact he was defending confederate statues seems to bypass you dishonest pricks. And that was not everything this video showed.
Look in the mirror!

It is YOU that use the said racism card day after day after day!!!!!

pleasssseeeeeeeeee :auiqs.jpg:
Whites invented the card. You have used it every day of your life.

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