The REAL eason why climate change is political

You don't need anybody to sell you oil. Oil sells itself. And if we don't want oil any longer, there are plenty of other countries that would be glad to take our share.

And yet there is a future of different energy sources. If pollution is a problem, if global warming is a problem, then people will push for different energy sources.

If global warming is a hoax, then people will carry on buying oil.

Simple as.

Why do you think they're pushing global warming as a hoax?

It's like this: Politicians (particularly Democrats) have been trying to gain more and more control over the people. The two vestiges left that stops them are healthcare and energy. Why? Because nobody lives without either.

Once our government (or other governments) have control over those two things, they will have the tools to have total control over the people.

Yes, people can reject more expensive, less reliable fuel, but if representatives don't give us that choice, we will be forced into it against our will.

No, it's not like that.

The simple FACT is that oil companies don't want to see people using less oil.

The cigarette companies did it, and many other companies will do it, regardless of the impact to people's health, they simply don't care about your health, they care about their profits.
CO2 isn't a health issue, dumbass. It isn't pollution. You exhale it with every breath.

How many times do you morons have to be told that?
Did you know there is cyanide in apples?

Even more in peaches.

It's like this: Politicians (particularly Democrats) have been trying to gain more and more control over the people. The two vestiges left that stops them are healthcare and energy. Why? Because nobody lives without either.

Once our government (or other governments) have control over those two things, they will have the tools to have total control over the people.

Yes, people can reject more expensive, less reliable fuel, but if representatives don't give us that choice, we will be forced into it against our will.

No, it's not like that.

The simple FACT is that oil companies don't want to see people using less oil.

The cigarette companies did it, and many other companies will do it, regardless of the impact to people's health, they simply don't care about your health, they care about their profits.
CO2 isn't a health issue, dumbass. It isn't pollution. You exhale it with every breath.

How many times do you morons have to be told that?
Did you know there is cyanide in apples?
Of what relevance to this discussion is that?
Because the point is, a substance can be deadly in some forms while safe in others. CO2 acidifies our oceans and kills fish. Now I know you don't care about the lives of fish, but they are a source of human food supply.
CO2 is safe at any concentration below 1%. that's about 25 times its current concentration.

It's not a pollutant.
No, it's not like that.

The simple FACT is that oil companies don't want to see people using less oil.

The cigarette companies did it, and many other companies will do it, regardless of the impact to people's health, they simply don't care about your health, they care about their profits.
CO2 isn't a health issue, dumbass. It isn't pollution. You exhale it with every breath.

How many times do you morons have to be told that?
Did you know there is cyanide in apples?

Of what relevance to this discussion is that?
Because the point is, a substance can be deadly in some forms while safe in others. CO2 acidifies our oceans and kills fish. Now I know you don't care about the lives of fish, but they are a source of human food supply.

So now there were no fish in the dinosaur era when C02 was five times as high?


Ya gotta love these snowflakes. They think they know everything yet the demonstrate their ignorance of the past every time they open their mouths.
No, it's not like that.

The simple FACT is that oil companies don't want to see people using less oil.

The cigarette companies did it, and many other companies will do it, regardless of the impact to people's health, they simply don't care about your health, they care about their profits.
CO2 isn't a health issue, dumbass. It isn't pollution. You exhale it with every breath.

How many times do you morons have to be told that?
Did you know there is cyanide in apples?
Of what relevance to this discussion is that?
Because the point is, a substance can be deadly in some forms while safe in others. CO2 acidifies our oceans and kills fish. Now I know you don't care about the lives of fish, but they are a source of human food supply.
CO2 is safe at any concentration below 1%. that's about 25 times its current concentration.

It's not a pollutant.
And over the course of decades, that CO2 caused warming of the planet and the acidification of the oceans.
CO2 isn't a health issue, dumbass. It isn't pollution. You exhale it with every breath.

How many times do you morons have to be told that?
Did you know there is cyanide in apples?
Of what relevance to this discussion is that?
Because the point is, a substance can be deadly in some forms while safe in others. CO2 acidifies our oceans and kills fish. Now I know you don't care about the lives of fish, but they are a source of human food supply.
CO2 is safe at any concentration below 1%. that's about 25 times its current concentration.

It's not a pollutant.
And over the course of decades, that CO2 caused warming of the planet and the acidification of the oceans.

The dinosaurs were on this planet for 150 million years, moron.

There were plenty of coral reefs when the dinosaurs roamed the earth. Life flourished. There is simply no evidence to indicate concentrations of CO2 25 times greater than current levels are harmful to life. The evidence all runs in the other direction.
No, it's not like that.

The simple FACT is that oil companies don't want to see people using less oil.

The cigarette companies did it, and many other companies will do it, regardless of the impact to people's health, they simply don't care about your health, they care about their profits.

Of course they care about profits. Find me one company that doesn't.

We all know what petroleum products do to our air, but oil products fuel our main source of transportation in this country. It's not leaving no matter how hard you try because the resistance is less the oil companies than it is the public.

I don't want a $300.00 electric bill because I'm forced to drive an electric car instead of a gasoline car where I spent $100.00 a month on gasoline. I don't want to have to call my boss in the morning and tell him I can't make it to work because we had a power outage in my area and my car couldn't charge. I don't want to be stuck in a traffic jam for three hours in an electric car that drains the electricity to produce the heat or AC in the vehicle. And if I could get out of that without the thing going dead, I don't want to have to find the nearest recharging station and sit there for another two hours so my car could charge enough to make it home.

And what happens when you use more of something? The price goes up. Do you know how many billions it would take to upgrade our grids to handle all that extra needed power? We would be having power outages all the time.
The Earth didn't stop warming you fucking moron. The name became 'Climate Change' because low IQ dumb asses "had to shovel 6 inches of global warming off their driveway"
Not true global temps have been stable for 17 years...look it up dupe...


So how do you twist this into thinking that global temperatures haven't risen in the last 17 years?
So, Mr. Geology, how did earth melt out of the snowball earth phase? Let's see you try to explain it without bringing in the effects of CO2.

Got any actual evidence for a snowball earth beyond a highly controversial hypothesis? Never mind...of course you don't.
No need to speculate. It is inevitable and coming soon.

You Ice Age cultists have been constantly predicting IceAgeRealSoonNow for the past 40 years. Your HolyIceAge never gets here, but that never shakes your faith. After each failed ice age prediction, you simply pretend it never happened, and then immediately make another prediction of IceAgeRealSoonNow.

In contrast, the good scientists have been predicting warming all that time, and have been proven right. That's why mainstream climate science has such credibility, because it's been getting everything right for 40 years now.
No need to speculate. It is inevitable and coming soon.

You Ice Age cultists have been constantly predicting IceAgeRealSoonNow for the past 40 years. Your HolyIceAge never gets here, but that never shakes your faith. After each failed ice age prediction, you simply pretend it never happened, and then immediately make another prediction of IceAgeRealSoonNow.

In contrast, the good scientists have been predicting warming all that time, and have been proven right. That's why mainstream climate science has such credibility, because it's been getting everything right for 40 years now.

No...they haven't been proven right, we keep finding out they keep changing the data......

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