The REAL eason why climate change is political

The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to. That's it. And yes, I am referring to independent conservatives as well. The rightwing listens to anything those Neanderthals in office say.

Once republicans in office denied climate change because they were bought off by the fossil fuel industry, the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News ran with it. From there, their simple minded stupid audience bought into it too.

If the fossil fuel industry never made the GOP their bitch in the first place, this wouldn't even be a political issue.

Then we have Trump in his typical 5 year old boy fashion, pulled the US from the Paris Accord and cited a made-up global conspiracy to undermine the US economically. God he is a moron. Oh and just in case you didn't know Trumpsters, the man you now worship used to publicly criticize Obama for not doing enough about climate change. Further proof that Trump has no core principles. Why do Trumpsters not see that by now?

When literally every government on earth says that climate change is real and the republicans are still in denial, you have to wonder if it is simply because repubs are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about this issue all along. Maybe they are scared of the truth?

These 22 Republican Senators Got Paid By Exxon To Urge Trump To Ditch Paris Climate Accords

Oil and gas industry has pumped millions into Republican campaigns

Donald Trump once backed urgent climate action. Wait, what?
Man-made climate change is a Ponzi scheme, it makes progressive asswipes rich. Only arrogant assholes think that mankind can change the world.
Um no only repubs get rich denying it.
The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to. That's it. And yes, I am referring to independent conservatives as well. The rightwing listens to anything those Neanderthals in office say.

Once republicans in office denied climate change because they were bought off by the fossil fuel industry, the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News ran with it. From there, their simple minded stupid audience bought into it too.

If the fossil fuel industry never made the GOP their bitch in the first place, this wouldn't even be a political issue.

Then we have Trump in his typical 5 year old boy fashion, pulled the US from the Paris Accord and cited a made-up global conspiracy to undermine the US economically. God he is a moron. Oh and just in case you didn't know Trumpsters, the man you now worship used to publicly criticize Obama for not doing enough about climate change. Further proof that Trump has no core principles. Why do Trumpsters not see that by now?

When literally every government on earth says that climate change is real and the republicans are still in denial, you have to wonder if it is simply because repubs are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about this issue all along. Maybe they are scared of the truth?

These 22 Republican Senators Got Paid By Exxon To Urge Trump To Ditch Paris Climate Accords

Oil and gas industry has pumped millions into Republican campaigns

Donald Trump once backed urgent climate action. Wait, what?

Fail, it's political because many globalist fat cats gain power and funding at the expense of the citizenry.

What, you actually thought that the Paris accord is designed to combat climate change rather than for spreading the influence of the UN? Good one!!
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Which is why the republicans keep backing this climate change crap despite what the base tells them.

This world is just getting stupid
That happens in science. It's not perfect.

You're forgetting the second part. When your predictive models fail, you MUST revise your theory. The perfection of science is that, if allowed to operate free of political intervention, it is self-perfecting.

Once science is 'settled' it is no longer science. As Galileo, Newton, and even Einstein know full well.
2016.. warmest year on record- fact
2015- warmest year before that- fact
2014- warmest year before that- fact.

The propaganda mills: The earth isn't warming.

Dopey Trumpsters: the earth isn't warming.

Bullshit, the medieval warm period was much warmer, but you folks don't want to talk about that do ya? Plus all three of those years were within the margin of error, so the hoax continues.

The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to.
Wrong it's because every prediction the left makes just doesn't pan out. The earth stops warming and you change the name to global climate change to cover all of the bases. At some point we have to ask wheres the beef?
Yes prediction models have been faulty thankfully. That happens in science. It's not perfect.
So-called "climate science" has been singularly unable to make any predictions that are accurate. That isn't the sign of a valid theory. it's the sign that you are barking up the wrong tree. The ability to predict outcomes is the sin qua non of sound science.
You don't know shit about science. That's part of being a Trump supporter. Climate is complicated. Nothing changes the fact that the earth's rate of warming increased dramatically starting from the industrial revolution
The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to. That's it. And yes, I am referring to independent conservatives as well. The rightwing listens to anything those Neanderthals in office say.

Once republicans in office denied climate change because they were bought off by the fossil fuel industry, the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News ran with it. From there, their simple minded stupid audience bought into it too.

If the fossil fuel industry never made the GOP their bitch in the first place, this wouldn't even be a political issue.

Then we have Trump in his typical 5 year old boy fashion, pulled the US from the Paris Accord and cited a made-up global conspiracy to undermine the US economically. God he is a moron. Oh and just in case you didn't know Trumpsters, the man you now worship used to publicly criticize Obama for not doing enough about climate change. Further proof that Trump has no core principles. Why do Trumpsters not see that by now?

When literally every government on earth says that climate change is real and the republicans are still in denial, you have to wonder if it is simply because repubs are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about this issue all along. Maybe they are scared of the truth?

These 22 Republican Senators Got Paid By Exxon To Urge Trump To Ditch Paris Climate Accords

Oil and gas industry has pumped millions into Republican campaigns

Donald Trump once backed urgent climate action. Wait, what?
The last time it reached 90 degrees here in Burley was August 31 of last year
The only thing heatig up is your imagination

Yep. It's the first week in June here in Cleveland and I had to turn on my furnace when I got home; it's still on now.
That happens in science. It's not perfect.

You're forgetting the second part. When your predictive models fail, you MUST revise your theory. The perfection of science is that, if allowed to operate free of political intervention, it is self-perfecting.

Once science is 'settled' it is no longer science. As Galileo, Newton, and even Einstein know full well.

The consensus was against Galileo before it supported Galileo. IN the end the consensus always comes around to supporting the irrefutable evidence, but the snowflakes think the consensus is what determined whether the actual scientists are right or wrong. In their minds the fact that we all now support Galileo means the consensus is always right.
You leftists think you are smarter than everybody else.

No, we just think we're smarter than you. After talking to conservatives, it's nearly impossible to not develop a superiority complex.

I posted three links, and you took the time to quote and respond to each one in about four minutes. That tells me you didn't read one of them, or perhaps quickly scanned each one.

In other words, four minutes would only allow you enough time to quote each link and respond to each quote--not read them.

Did you really think that was the first time I'd seen that nonsense? Your cult has a limited repertoire. I've seen all of its propaganda before, and I keep up with whatever new propaganda it creates.

In other words, you're a fraud. You responded to links you never read as if you did. But given the fact liberals are so FOS, you thought I'd buy into the idea that you actually read the links you responded to.

Like I said, don't bother asking me to support my claims if you're not going to read them and just call them propaganda because you seen the title. If you want to put the palms of your hands to your ears and sing aloud to avoid the truth, then you're wasting my time. The problem with you Socialist/ Communists is that you refuse to intelligently look at counter-claims to yours. :trolls:
The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to.
Wrong it's because every prediction the left makes just doesn't pan out. The earth stops warming and you change the name to global climate change to cover all of the bases. At some point we have to ask wheres the beef?
Yes prediction models have been faulty thankfully. That happens in science. It's not perfect.
So-called "climate science" has been singularly unable to make any predictions that are accurate. That isn't the sign of a valid theory. it's the sign that you are barking up the wrong tree. The ability to predict outcomes is the sin qua non of sound science.
You don't know shit about science. That's part of being a Trump supporter. Climate is complicated. Nothing changes the fact that the earth's rate of warming increased dramatically starting from the industrial revolution

That's funny. You claim that I don't know anything about science, but you don't even know that the Earth started warming in the 18th Century - long before the beginning of the Industrial revolution.


Look at all the ice in the painting of Washington crossing the Delaware. Do you ever see ice like that today? Keep in mind the event depicted occurred on Christmas day, the beginning of Winter. The Deleware hasn't iced over like that for over 100 years.

Here's a reenactment done on the same day of the year:

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You leftists think you are smarter than everybody else.

No, we just think we're smarter than you. After talking to conservatives, it's nearly impossible to not develop a superiority complex.

I posted three links, and you took the time to quote and respond to each one in about four minutes. That tells me you didn't read one of them, or perhaps quickly scanned each one.

In other words, four minutes would only allow you enough time to quote each link and respond to each quote--not read them.

Did you really think that was the first time I'd seen that nonsense? Your cult has a limited repertoire. I've seen all of its propaganda before, and I keep up with whatever new propaganda it creates.

No kidding, I wondered where all the supremacy folks were.
The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to. That's it. And yes, I am referring to independent conservatives as well. The rightwing listens to anything those Neanderthals in office say.

Once republicans in office denied climate change because they were bought off by the fossil fuel industry, the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News ran with it. From there, their simple minded stupid audience bought into it too.

If the fossil fuel industry never made the GOP their bitch in the first place, this wouldn't even be a political issue.

Then we have Trump in his typical 5 year old boy fashion, pulled the US from the Paris Accord and cited a made-up global conspiracy to undermine the US economically. God he is a moron. Oh and just in case you didn't know Trumpsters, the man you now worship used to publicly criticize Obama for not doing enough about climate change. Further proof that Trump has no core principles. Why do Trumpsters not see that by now?

When literally every government on earth says that climate change is real and the republicans are still in denial, you have to wonder if it is simply because repubs are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about this issue all along. Maybe they are scared of the truth?

These 22 Republican Senators Got Paid By Exxon To Urge Trump To Ditch Paris Climate Accords

Oil and gas industry has pumped millions into Republican campaigns

Donald Trump once backed urgent climate action. Wait, what?


Oil companies, like Chevron and rival ExxonMobil, recently argued that the Paris Agreement gives their firms a more predictable future, and therefore more manageable one. It also helps maintain U.S. influence over future talks.

Hundreds of Businesses Urge Trump to Stay in Paris Climate Deal

Major dumbass fail!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol I love this paradox you're in. Your simple mind probably can't handle it. "Businesses have urged Trump to remain in the accord!....wait a minute. Those businesses are supposed to like Trump! Derp! Doesn't compute. System overload!"

The truth of the matter is that repubs got paid fat by Exxon. They just publicly stated they liked the accord to save face.
The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to.
Wrong it's because every prediction the left makes just doesn't pan out. The earth stops warming and you change the name to global climate change to cover all of the bases. At some point we have to ask wheres the beef?
Yes prediction models have been faulty thankfully. That happens in science. It's not perfect.
So-called "climate science" has been singularly unable to make any predictions that are accurate. That isn't the sign of a valid theory. it's the sign that you are barking up the wrong tree. The ability to predict outcomes is the sin qua non of sound science.
You don't know shit about science. That's part of being a Trump supporter. Climate is complicated. Nothing changes the fact that the earth's rate of warming increased dramatically starting from the industrial revolution

That's funny. You claim that I don't know anything about science, but you don't even know that the Earth started warming in the 18th Century - long before the beginning of the Industrial revolution.


Look at all the ice in the painting of Washington crossing the Delaware. Do you ever see ice like that today? Keep in mind the event depicted occurred on Christmas day, the beginning of Winter. The Deleware hasn't iced over like that for over 100 years.

Yeah just as I thought - you don't know science. It's evident by you using a fucking painting with ice in it. And sure there probably was ice on the river, but you're a moron if you think this artist was on the river painting this in real time lol. Good god dude. It's an interpretation
Wrong it's because every prediction the left makes just doesn't pan out. The earth stops warming and you change the name to global climate change to cover all of the bases. At some point we have to ask wheres the beef?
Yes prediction models have been faulty thankfully. That happens in science. It's not perfect.
So-called "climate science" has been singularly unable to make any predictions that are accurate. That isn't the sign of a valid theory. it's the sign that you are barking up the wrong tree. The ability to predict outcomes is the sin qua non of sound science.
You don't know shit about science. That's part of being a Trump supporter. Climate is complicated. Nothing changes the fact that the earth's rate of warming increased dramatically starting from the industrial revolution

That's funny. You claim that I don't know anything about science, but you don't even know that the Earth started warming in the 18th Century - long before the beginning of the Industrial revolution.


Look at all the ice in the painting of Washington crossing the Delaware. Do you ever see ice like that today? Keep in mind the event depicted occurred on Christmas day, the beginning of Winter. The Deleware hasn't iced over like that for over 100 years.

Yeah just as I thought - you don't know science. It's evident by you using a fucking painting with ice in it. And sure there probably was ice on the river, but you're a moron if you think this artist was on the river painting this in real time lol. Good god dude. It's an interpretation
No, I don't think he was on the river painting in real time. He based the painting on accounts by the people who were involved. They, including Washington, all reported a heavy load of ice on the river..

The Delaware hasn't iced over in well over 100 years. The fact that winter was much colder during the Revolution than it was by the Civil War is simply undeniable, and it was colder during the Civil War than it is was during WW II.

Those are facts. They simply can't be denied by any rational intelligent person.

You made an ass of yourself claiming I don't know shit about science and then claiming the Earth started heating up at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to. That's it. And yes, I am referring to independent conservatives as well. The rightwing listens to anything those Neanderthals in office say.

Once republicans in office denied climate change because they were bought off by the fossil fuel industry, the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News ran with it. From there, their simple minded stupid audience bought into it too.

If the fossil fuel industry never made the GOP their bitch in the first place, this wouldn't even be a political issue.

Then we have Trump in his typical 5 year old boy fashion, pulled the US from the Paris Accord and cited a made-up global conspiracy to undermine the US economically. God he is a moron. Oh and just in case you didn't know Trumpsters, the man you now worship used to publicly criticize Obama for not doing enough about climate change. Further proof that Trump has no core principles. Why do Trumpsters not see that by now?

When literally every government on earth says that climate change is real and the republicans are still in denial, you have to wonder if it is simply because repubs are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about this issue all along. Maybe they are scared of the truth?

These 22 Republican Senators Got Paid By Exxon To Urge Trump To Ditch Paris Climate Accords

Oil and gas industry has pumped millions into Republican campaigns

Donald Trump once backed urgent climate action. Wait, what?

Actually that is NOT the only reason. The other reason is it's bad science.

You think you're informed on climate? Answer these 3 questions, and if you have to look up the answer to any of them then you haVe no standing in discussing climate change.

1) why is it hotter in the Summer than winter?
2) what caused the Little Ice Age?
3) what caused the Sahara desert to become a desert when 6000 years ago it was a green forested land with many mammals?
Yes prediction models have been faulty thankfully. That happens in science. It's not perfect.
So-called "climate science" has been singularly unable to make any predictions that are accurate. That isn't the sign of a valid theory. it's the sign that you are barking up the wrong tree. The ability to predict outcomes is the sin qua non of sound science.
You don't know shit about science. That's part of being a Trump supporter. Climate is complicated. Nothing changes the fact that the earth's rate of warming increased dramatically starting from the industrial revolution

That's funny. You claim that I don't know anything about science, but you don't even know that the Earth started warming in the 18th Century - long before the beginning of the Industrial revolution.


Look at all the ice in the painting of Washington crossing the Delaware. Do you ever see ice like that today? Keep in mind the event depicted occurred on Christmas day, the beginning of Winter. The Deleware hasn't iced over like that for over 100 years.

Yeah just as I thought - you don't know science. It's evident by you using a fucking painting with ice in it. And sure there probably was ice on the river, but you're a moron if you think this artist was on the river painting this in real time lol. Good god dude. It's an interpretation
No, I don't think he was on the river painting in real time. He based the painting on accounts by the people who were involved. They, including Washington, all reported a heavy load of ice on the river..

The Delaware hasn't iced over in well over 100 years. The fact that winter was much colder during the Revolution than it was by the Civil War is simply undeniable, and it was colder during the Civil War than it is was during WW II.

Those are facts. They simply can't be denied by any rational intelligent person.

You made an ass of yourself claiming I don't know shit about science and then claiming the Earth started heating up at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
Lol oh wow. So just so we are clear, you think winter was colder in the 1700s than the 1800s because there were chunks of ice in the Delaware?
So-called "climate science" has been singularly unable to make any predictions that are accurate. That isn't the sign of a valid theory. it's the sign that you are barking up the wrong tree. The ability to predict outcomes is the sin qua non of sound science.
You don't know shit about science. That's part of being a Trump supporter. Climate is complicated. Nothing changes the fact that the earth's rate of warming increased dramatically starting from the industrial revolution

That's funny. You claim that I don't know anything about science, but you don't even know that the Earth started warming in the 18th Century - long before the beginning of the Industrial revolution.


Look at all the ice in the painting of Washington crossing the Delaware. Do you ever see ice like that today? Keep in mind the event depicted occurred on Christmas day, the beginning of Winter. The Deleware hasn't iced over like that for over 100 years.

Yeah just as I thought - you don't know science. It's evident by you using a fucking painting with ice in it. And sure there probably was ice on the river, but you're a moron if you think this artist was on the river painting this in real time lol. Good god dude. It's an interpretation
No, I don't think he was on the river painting in real time. He based the painting on accounts by the people who were involved. They, including Washington, all reported a heavy load of ice on the river..

The Delaware hasn't iced over in well over 100 years. The fact that winter was much colder during the Revolution than it was by the Civil War is simply undeniable, and it was colder during the Civil War than it is was during WW II.

Those are facts. They simply can't be denied by any rational intelligent person.

You made an ass of yourself claiming I don't know shit about science and then claiming the Earth started heating up at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
Lol oh wow. So just so we are clear, you think winter was colder in the 1700s than the 1800s because there were chunks of ice in the Delaware?
Hmmm, yeah, a river freezing over in the 1700s that never freezes in the 1800s indicates the climate was colder, but that isn't the only evidence. Even your douche bag "climate scientists" will admit exactly what I'm saying.


The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to. That's it. And yes, I am referring to independent conservatives as well. The rightwing listens to anything those Neanderthals in office say.

Once republicans in office denied climate change because they were bought off by the fossil fuel industry, the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News ran with it. From there, their simple minded stupid audience bought into it too.

If the fossil fuel industry never made the GOP their bitch in the first place, this wouldn't even be a political issue.

Then we have Trump in his typical 5 year old boy fashion, pulled the US from the Paris Accord and cited a made-up global conspiracy to undermine the US economically. God he is a moron. Oh and just in case you didn't know Trumpsters, the man you now worship used to publicly criticize Obama for not doing enough about climate change. Further proof that Trump has no core principles. Why do Trumpsters not see that by now?

When literally every government on earth says that climate change is real and the republicans are still in denial, you have to wonder if it is simply because repubs are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about this issue all along. Maybe they are scared of the truth?

These 22 Republican Senators Got Paid By Exxon To Urge Trump To Ditch Paris Climate Accords

Oil and gas industry has pumped millions into Republican campaigns

Donald Trump once backed urgent climate action. Wait, what?


Oil companies, like Chevron and rival ExxonMobil, recently argued that the Paris Agreement gives their firms a more predictable future, and therefore more manageable one. It also helps maintain U.S. influence over future talks.

Hundreds of Businesses Urge Trump to Stay in Paris Climate Deal

Major dumbass fail!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol I love this paradox you're in. Your simple mind probably can't handle it. "Businesses have urged Trump to remain in the accord!....wait a minute. Those businesses are supposed to like Trump! Derp! Doesn't compute. System overload!"

The truth of the matter is that repubs got paid fat by Exxon. They just publicly stated they liked the accord to save face.

Note to the ignorant ass, even Tillerson (former CEO of Exxon) wanted to stay in. It seems reality is just beyond your grasp. LMAO


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