The REAL eason why climate change is political

The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to. That's it. And yes, I am referring to independent conservatives as well. The rightwing listens to anything those Neanderthals in office say.

Once republicans in office denied climate change because they were bought off by the fossil fuel industry, the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News ran with it. From there, their simple minded stupid audience bought into it too.

If the fossil fuel industry never made the GOP their bitch in the first place, this wouldn't even be a political issue.

Then we have Trump in his typical 5 year old boy fashion, pulled the US from the Paris Accord and cited a made-up global conspiracy to undermine the US economically. God he is a moron. Oh and just in case you didn't know Trumpsters, the man you now worship used to publicly criticize Obama for not doing enough about climate change. Further proof that Trump has no core principles. Why do Trumpsters not see that by now?

When literally every government on earth says that climate change is real and the republicans are still in denial, you have to wonder if it is simply because repubs are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about this issue all along. Maybe they are scared of the truth?

These 22 Republican Senators Got Paid By Exxon To Urge Trump To Ditch Paris Climate Accords

Oil and gas industry has pumped millions into Republican campaigns

Donald Trump once backed urgent climate action. Wait, what?

Taking over energy is strength. Handing over that strength to any government is pure stupidity, so of course many governments now back this farce.

Throughout the years, we Republicans watched as tens of millions of jobs moved overseas--many of them to countries that didn't have as stringent regulations as ours. Why? Because regulations and restrictions are costly.

Democrats are not stupid. They pump you up full of BS telling you how they are trying to save the planet when in fact, they are trying to empower themselves even more than they are now, you are just too myopic to even consider it.

God created this planet and all it's resources. God doesn't need liberals to save the planet from something that isn't there. Man has polluted the planet from day one. We rode horses that crapped all over the place, bred other animals for feed and clothing, burned fires to stay warm and cook food. This planet was created for (and cared for) by God specifically for us humans.
" that isn't there." Your whole post is null and void with that lie.
God created scientists to educate the masses. Some refuse to learn.
When a liberal speaks for God a liberals thread cred goes to hell.
When you open your mouth you stick your foot in it.
The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to. That's it. And yes, I am referring to independent conservatives as well. The rightwing listens to anything those Neanderthals in office say.

Once republicans in office denied climate change because they were bought off by the fossil fuel industry, the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News ran with it. From there, their simple minded stupid audience bought into it too.

If the fossil fuel industry never made the GOP their bitch in the first place, this wouldn't even be a political issue.

Then we have Trump in his typical 5 year old boy fashion, pulled the US from the Paris Accord and cited a made-up global conspiracy to undermine the US economically. God he is a moron. Oh and just in case you didn't know Trumpsters, the man you now worship used to publicly criticize Obama for not doing enough about climate change. Further proof that Trump has no core principles. Why do Trumpsters not see that by now?

When literally every government on earth says that climate change is real and the republicans are still in denial, you have to wonder if it is simply because repubs are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about this issue all along. Maybe they are scared of the truth?

These 22 Republican Senators Got Paid By Exxon To Urge Trump To Ditch Paris Climate Accords

Oil and gas industry has pumped millions into Republican campaigns

Donald Trump once backed urgent climate action. Wait, what?

Taking over energy is strength. Handing over that strength to any government is pure stupidity, so of course many governments now back this farce.

Throughout the years, we Republicans watched as tens of millions of jobs moved overseas--many of them to countries that didn't have as stringent regulations as ours. Why? Because regulations and restrictions are costly.

Democrats are not stupid. They pump you up full of BS telling you how they are trying to save the planet when in fact, they are trying to empower themselves even more than they are now, you are just too myopic to even consider it.

God created this planet and all it's resources. God doesn't need liberals to save the planet from something that isn't there. Man has polluted the planet from day one. We rode horses that crapped all over the place, bred other animals for feed and clothing, burned fires to stay warm and cook food. This planet was created for (and cared for) by God specifically for us humans.
" that isn't there." Your whole post is null and void with that lie.
God created scientists to educate the masses. Some refuse to learn.

He also created the scientists that say MMGW is nothing but a farce.

Tell us, why did libs go from Global Warming to Climate Change? Because the climate has been changing since God created this planet. We have evidence that GW was bullshit, and when that evidence was made public, you leftists switched to Climate Change.

Now here's the funny question: If we went ahead with the Paris Agreement, do you think we humans have the ability to stop the climate from changing--something the climate has been doing for millions of years?

Every global warming denier constantly babbles that kind of mind-numbing stupidity. Flat Earthers, JFK assassination conspiracists, 9/11 Truthers and Antivaxxers look calm and rational compared to global warming deniers. Deniers are almost all just astonishingly stupid human beings. No grown human should be that gullible, yet they are.

The real science, it crosses all political boundaries all across the world. That's because it's science.

Global warming denialism, OTOH, is restricted to a small right wing fringe cult. It's mostly political, with a strong streak of end-times religion added in.

And not a single denier addressed the OP. They never do. The millions of bribes paid out by fossil fuel companies? Inconvenient to the denier religion, so ignored.
The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to. That's it. And yes, I am referring to independent conservatives as well. The rightwing listens to anything those Neanderthals in office say.

Once republicans in office denied climate change because they were bought off by the fossil fuel industry, the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News ran with it. From there, their simple minded stupid audience bought into it too.

If the fossil fuel industry never made the GOP their bitch in the first place, this wouldn't even be a political issue.

Then we have Trump in his typical 5 year old boy fashion, pulled the US from the Paris Accord and cited a made-up global conspiracy to undermine the US economically. God he is a moron. Oh and just in case you didn't know Trumpsters, the man you now worship used to publicly criticize Obama for not doing enough about climate change. Further proof that Trump has no core principles. Why do Trumpsters not see that by now?

When literally every government on earth says that climate change is real and the republicans are still in denial, you have to wonder if it is simply because repubs are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about this issue all along. Maybe they are scared of the truth?

These 22 Republican Senators Got Paid By Exxon To Urge Trump To Ditch Paris Climate Accords

Oil and gas industry has pumped millions into Republican campaigns

Donald Trump once backed urgent climate action. Wait, what?

Taking over energy is strength. Handing over that strength to any government is pure stupidity, so of course many governments now back this farce.

Throughout the years, we Republicans watched as tens of millions of jobs moved overseas--many of them to countries that didn't have as stringent regulations as ours. Why? Because regulations and restrictions are costly.

Democrats are not stupid. They pump you up full of BS telling you how they are trying to save the planet when in fact, they are trying to empower themselves even more than they are now, you are just too myopic to even consider it.

God created this planet and all it's resources. God doesn't need liberals to save the planet from something that isn't there. Man has polluted the planet from day one. We rode horses that crapped all over the place, bred other animals for feed and clothing, burned fires to stay warm and cook food. This planet was created for (and cared for) by God specifically for us humans.
" that isn't there." Your whole post is null and void with that lie.
God created scientists to educate the masses. Some refuse to learn.

He also created the scientists that say MMGW is nothing but a farce.

Tell us, why did libs go from Global Warming to Climate Change? Because the climate has been changing since God created this planet. We have evidence that GW was bullshit, and when that evidence was made public, you leftists switched to Climate Change.

Now here's the funny question: If we went ahead with the Paris Agreement, do you think we humans have the ability to stop the climate from changing--something the climate has been doing for millions of years?
Not the experts that study the phenomenon. Climate scientists all over the world agree. Your definition of how the phrase climate science came about is pure gibberish
Tell us, why did libs go from Global Warming to Climate Change?

The Bush admin did that, because he thought "global warming" sounded too scary. Don't you know history?

We have evidence that GW was bullshit,

Then maybe you should present it, as nobody has seen it.

and when that evidence was made public, you leftists switched to Climate Change

It was made public? When? Show us! Back on this planet, the world keeps acting just as the science predicted, which is why the science has such credibility.

Now here's the funny question: If we went ahead with the Paris Agreement, do you think we humans have the ability to stop the climate from changing--something the climate has been doing for millions of years?

Yes, obviously. That is, we can definitely stop it from changing so quickly. If you don't understand that rate of change matters, you shouldn't be wasting the time of the grownups.[
it's hooey to say people "believe in" climate change. belief is an issue of faith. People review the evidence and weigh it and consider and argue and finally come to the understanding of what's going on. We dont "believe in" climate change. We recognize the reality of climate change, how serious it is, and how we have to do something about it..

The ones who don't... BELIEVE the lies from the propaganda mills.
It's one of the tenets of their philosophy.
The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to. That's it. And yes, I am referring to independent conservatives as well. The rightwing listens to anything those Neanderthals in office say.

Once republicans in office denied climate change because they were bought off by the fossil fuel industry, the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News ran with it. From there, their simple minded stupid audience bought into it too.

If the fossil fuel industry never made the GOP their bitch in the first place, this wouldn't even be a political issue.

Then we have Trump in his typical 5 year old boy fashion, pulled the US from the Paris Accord and cited a made-up global conspiracy to undermine the US economically. God he is a moron. Oh and just in case you didn't know Trumpsters, the man you now worship used to publicly criticize Obama for not doing enough about climate change. Further proof that Trump has no core principles. Why do Trumpsters not see that by now?

When literally every government on earth says that climate change is real and the republicans are still in denial, you have to wonder if it is simply because repubs are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about this issue all along. Maybe they are scared of the truth?

These 22 Republican Senators Got Paid By Exxon To Urge Trump To Ditch Paris Climate Accords

Oil and gas industry has pumped millions into Republican campaigns

Donald Trump once backed urgent climate action. Wait, what?

Taking over energy is strength. Handing over that strength to any government is pure stupidity, so of course many governments now back this farce.

Throughout the years, we Republicans watched as tens of millions of jobs moved overseas--many of them to countries that didn't have as stringent regulations as ours. Why? Because regulations and restrictions are costly.

Democrats are not stupid. They pump you up full of BS telling you how they are trying to save the planet when in fact, they are trying to empower themselves even more than they are now, you are just too myopic to even consider it.

God created this planet and all it's resources. God doesn't need liberals to save the planet from something that isn't there. Man has polluted the planet from day one. We rode horses that crapped all over the place, bred other animals for feed and clothing, burned fires to stay warm and cook food. This planet was created for (and cared for) by God specifically for us humans.
" that isn't there." Your whole post is null and void with that lie.
God created scientists to educate the masses. Some refuse to learn.

He also created the scientists that say MMGW is nothing but a farce.

Tell us, why did libs go from Global Warming to Climate Change? Because the climate has been changing since God created this planet. We have evidence that GW was bullshit, and when that evidence was made public, you leftists switched to Climate Change.

Now here's the funny question: If we went ahead with the Paris Agreement, do you think we humans have the ability to stop the climate from changing--something the climate has been doing for millions of years?
Not the experts that study the phenomenon. Climate scientists all over the world agree. Your definition of how the phrase climate science came about is pure gibberish

List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming - Wikipedia


New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

World's top climate scientists confess: Global warming is just QUARTER what we thought - and computers got the effects of greenhouse gases wrong | Daily Mail Online
The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to. That's it. And yes, I am referring to independent conservatives as well. The rightwing listens to anything those Neanderthals in office say.

Once republicans in office denied climate change because they were bought off by the fossil fuel industry, the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News ran with it. From there, their simple minded stupid audience bought into it too.

If the fossil fuel industry never made the GOP their bitch in the first place, this wouldn't even be a political issue.

Then we have Trump in his typical 5 year old boy fashion, pulled the US from the Paris Accord and cited a made-up global conspiracy to undermine the US economically. God he is a moron. Oh and just in case you didn't know Trumpsters, the man you now worship used to publicly criticize Obama for not doing enough about climate change. Further proof that Trump has no core principles. Why do Trumpsters not see that by now?

When literally every government on earth says that climate change is real and the republicans are still in denial, you have to wonder if it is simply because repubs are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about this issue all along. Maybe they are scared of the truth?

These 22 Republican Senators Got Paid By Exxon To Urge Trump To Ditch Paris Climate Accords

Oil and gas industry has pumped millions into Republican campaigns

Donald Trump once backed urgent climate action. Wait, what?

Its the height of arrogance to think that we have any significance to climate change. Im trying to figure out how you'll blame Shell or Conoco or cow farts when the meteors start coming down.
The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to. That's it. And yes, I am referring to independent conservatives as well. The rightwing listens to anything those Neanderthals in office say.

Once republicans in office denied climate change because they were bought off by the fossil fuel industry, the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News ran with it. From there, their simple minded stupid audience bought into it too.

If the fossil fuel industry never made the GOP their bitch in the first place, this wouldn't even be a political issue.

Then we have Trump in his typical 5 year old boy fashion, pulled the US from the Paris Accord and cited a made-up global conspiracy to undermine the US economically. God he is a moron. Oh and just in case you didn't know Trumpsters, the man you now worship used to publicly criticize Obama for not doing enough about climate change. Further proof that Trump has no core principles. Why do Trumpsters not see that by now?

When literally every government on earth says that climate change is real and the republicans are still in denial, you have to wonder if it is simply because repubs are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about this issue all along. Maybe they are scared of the truth?
You sound like just another climategate denier.
The Bush admin did that, because he thought "global warming" sounded too scary. Don't you know history?


Then maybe you should present it, as nobody has seen it.

I posted it many times.

It was made public? When? Show us! Back on this planet, the world keeps acting just as the science predicted, which is why the science has such credibility.

DailyTech - Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling


Yes, obviously. That is, we can definitely stop it from changing so quickly. If you don't understand that rate of change matters, you shouldn't be wasting the time of the grownups.[

Oh, so we moved the goalposts, did we? Now it's not that the climate is changing, it's how fast it's changing?
The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to. That's it. And yes, I am referring to independent conservatives as well. The rightwing listens to anything those Neanderthals in office say.

Once republicans in office denied climate change because they were bought off by the fossil fuel industry, the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News ran with it. From there, their simple minded stupid audience bought into it too.

If the fossil fuel industry never made the GOP their bitch in the first place, this wouldn't even be a political issue.

Then we have Trump in his typical 5 year old boy fashion, pulled the US from the Paris Accord and cited a made-up global conspiracy to undermine the US economically. God he is a moron. Oh and just in case you didn't know Trumpsters, the man you now worship used to publicly criticize Obama for not doing enough about climate change. Further proof that Trump has no core principles. Why do Trumpsters not see that by now?

When literally every government on earth says that climate change is real and the republicans are still in denial, you have to wonder if it is simply because repubs are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about this issue all along. Maybe they are scared of the truth?

These 22 Republican Senators Got Paid By Exxon To Urge Trump To Ditch Paris Climate Accords

Oil and gas industry has pumped millions into Republican campaigns

Donald Trump once backed urgent climate action. Wait, what?


Oil companies, like Chevron and rival ExxonMobil, recently argued that the Paris Agreement gives their firms a more predictable future, and therefore more manageable one. It also helps maintain U.S. influence over future talks.

Hundreds of Businesses Urge Trump to Stay in Paris Climate Deal

Major dumbass fail!!!!!!!!!!!

So? I can show you a list of scientists who said Einstein was wrong. There are always a few scientists who get it very badly wrong.

2003? The solar trend since then has been down. So why did the world warm even more strongly?

Propaganda from very handsomely paid denier shill James Taylor, pretending Spencer's botched satellite model was correct.

And a tabloid piece.

That all doesn't quite reach the level of overthrowing the scientific knowledge of the whole planet.

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