The REAL eason why climate change is political

2016.. warmest year on record- fact
2015- warmest year before that- fact
2014- warmest year before that- fact.

The propaganda mills: The earth isn't warming.

Dopey Trumpsters: the earth isn't warming.
So? I can show you a list of scientists who said Einstein was wrong. There are always a few scientists who get it very badly wrong.

2003? The solar trend since then has been down. So why did the world warm even more strongly?

Propaganda from very handsomely paid denier shill James Taylor, pretending Spencer's botched satellite model was correct.

And a tabloid piece.

That all doesn't quite reach the level of overthrowing the scientific knowledge of the whole planet.

You leftists think you are smarter than everybody else. I posted three links, and you took the time to quote and respond to each one in about four minutes. That tells me you didn't read one of them, or perhaps quickly scanned each one.

In other words, four minutes would only allow you enough time to quote each link and respond to each quote--not read them.

Don't bother asking me for proof you will not read. It only wastes my time and I have better things to do.
The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to. That's it. And yes, I am referring to independent conservatives as well. The rightwing listens to anything those Neanderthals in office say.

Once republicans in office denied climate change because they were bought off by the fossil fuel industry, the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News ran with it. From there, their simple minded stupid audience bought into it too.

If the fossil fuel industry never made the GOP their bitch in the first place, this wouldn't even be a political issue.

Then we have Trump in his typical 5 year old boy fashion, pulled the US from the Paris Accord and cited a made-up global conspiracy to undermine the US economically. God he is a moron. Oh and just in case you didn't know Trumpsters, the man you now worship used to publicly criticize Obama for not doing enough about climate change. Further proof that Trump has no core principles. Why do Trumpsters not see that by now?

When literally every government on earth says that climate change is real and the republicans are still in denial, you have to wonder if it is simply because repubs are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about this issue all along. Maybe they are scared of the truth?

These 22 Republican Senators Got Paid By Exxon To Urge Trump To Ditch Paris Climate Accords

Oil and gas industry has pumped millions into Republican campaigns

Donald Trump once backed urgent climate action. Wait, what?

I stopped reading after the first paragraph. That was sufficient to prove you are an idiot. I've been calling global warming a con for at least 15 years - long before any politicians ever mentioned it. I call it a con because it obviously is a con.
The problem with this whole argument is that pretty much every scientist involved will admit that we just do not have the scientific tools to definitively state what part of any change is manmade. The thing that bothers me the most is listening to people state that either side of the debate is "settled" science. Were working on it and strides have been made but scientifically the jury is still out.
The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to. That's it. And yes, I am referring to independent conservatives as well. The rightwing listens to anything those Neanderthals in office say.

Once republicans in office denied climate change because they were bought off by the fossil fuel industry, the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News ran with it. From there, their simple minded stupid audience bought into it too.

If the fossil fuel industry never made the GOP their bitch in the first place, this wouldn't even be a political issue.

Then we have Trump in his typical 5 year old boy fashion, pulled the US from the Paris Accord and cited a made-up global conspiracy to undermine the US economically. God he is a moron. Oh and just in case you didn't know Trumpsters, the man you now worship used to publicly criticize Obama for not doing enough about climate change. Further proof that Trump has no core principles. Why do Trumpsters not see that by now?

When literally every government on earth says that climate change is real and the republicans are still in denial, you have to wonder if it is simply because repubs are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about this issue all along. Maybe they are scared of the truth?

These 22 Republican Senators Got Paid By Exxon To Urge Trump To Ditch Paris Climate Accords

Oil and gas industry has pumped millions into Republican campaigns

Donald Trump once backed urgent climate action. Wait, what?
Everything republicans do is because they have been bought off by the power elites. They're willing to risk the safety, health and welfare of their own grandkids and great grandkids.
It just doesn't get any worse than that.

The so-called "climate scientists" are the ones who have been bought off. If you look at where all the money is going, they are in the front of the line at the federal feeding trough.
You leftists think you are smarter than everybody else.

No, we just think we're smarter than you. After talking to conservatives, it's nearly impossible to not develop a superiority complex.

I posted three links, and you took the time to quote and respond to each one in about four minutes. That tells me you didn't read one of them, or perhaps quickly scanned each one.

In other words, four minutes would only allow you enough time to quote each link and respond to each quote--not read them.

Did you really think that was the first time I'd seen that nonsense? Your cult has a limited repertoire. I've seen all of its propaganda before, and I keep up with whatever new propaganda it creates.
The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to. That's it. And yes, I am referring to independent conservatives as well. The rightwing listens to anything those Neanderthals in office say.

Once republicans in office denied climate change because they were bought off by the fossil fuel industry, the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News ran with it. From there, their simple minded stupid audience bought into it too.

If the fossil fuel industry never made the GOP their bitch in the first place, this wouldn't even be a political issue.

Then we have Trump in his typical 5 year old boy fashion, pulled the US from the Paris Accord and cited a made-up global conspiracy to undermine the US economically. God he is a moron. Oh and just in case you didn't know Trumpsters, the man you now worship used to publicly criticize Obama for not doing enough about climate change. Further proof that Trump has no core principles. Why do Trumpsters not see that by now?

When literally every government on earth says that climate change is real and the republicans are still in denial, you have to wonder if it is simply because repubs are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about this issue all along. Maybe they are scared of the truth?

These 22 Republican Senators Got Paid By Exxon To Urge Trump To Ditch Paris Climate Accords

Oil and gas industry has pumped millions into Republican campaigns

Donald Trump once backed urgent climate action. Wait, what?
The last time it reached 90 degrees here in Burley was August 31 of last year
The only thing heatig up is your imagination
The so-called "climate scientists" are the ones who have been bought off. If you look at where all the money is going, they are in the front of the line at the federal feeding trough.

Keep chanting that cult myth, Bri. I know your how mantras lend you comfort in these dark days. Don't worry that you have no evidence to support your cult's teachings. The important thing is how you stay devoted your to faith, and that you reject heretical concepts like data and reason.
The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to. That's it. And yes, I am referring to independent conservatives as well. The rightwing listens to anything those Neanderthals in office say.

Once republicans in office denied climate change because they were bought off by the fossil fuel industry, the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News ran with it. From there, their simple minded stupid audience bought into it too.

If the fossil fuel industry never made the GOP their bitch in the first place, this wouldn't even be a political issue.

Then we have Trump in his typical 5 year old boy fashion, pulled the US from the Paris Accord and cited a made-up global conspiracy to undermine the US economically. God he is a moron. Oh and just in case you didn't know Trumpsters, the man you now worship used to publicly criticize Obama for not doing enough about climate change. Further proof that Trump has no core principles. Why do Trumpsters not see that by now?

When literally every government on earth says that climate change is real and the republicans are still in denial, you have to wonder if it is simply because repubs are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about this issue all along. Maybe they are scared of the truth?

These 22 Republican Senators Got Paid By Exxon To Urge Trump To Ditch Paris Climate Accords

Oil and gas industry has pumped millions into Republican campaigns

Donald Trump once backed urgent climate action. Wait, what?

I stopped reading after the first paragraph. That was sufficient to prove you are an idiot. I've been calling global warming a con for at least 15 years - long before any politicians ever mentioned it. I call it a con because it obviously is a con.
So you've been dumber longer than most. That's not an achievement bro.
What's your science background?
2016.. warmest year on record- fact
2015- warmest year before that- fact
2014- warmest year before that- fact.

The propaganda mills: The earth isn't warming.

Dopey Trumpsters: the earth isn't warming.
None of those claims are facts.

You're a con man.
The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to. That's it. And yes, I am referring to independent conservatives as well. The rightwing listens to anything those Neanderthals in office say.

Once republicans in office denied climate change because they were bought off by the fossil fuel industry, the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News ran with it. From there, their simple minded stupid audience bought into it too.

If the fossil fuel industry never made the GOP their bitch in the first place, this wouldn't even be a political issue.

Then we have Trump in his typical 5 year old boy fashion, pulled the US from the Paris Accord and cited a made-up global conspiracy to undermine the US economically. God he is a moron. Oh and just in case you didn't know Trumpsters, the man you now worship used to publicly criticize Obama for not doing enough about climate change. Further proof that Trump has no core principles. Why do Trumpsters not see that by now?

When literally every government on earth says that climate change is real and the republicans are still in denial, you have to wonder if it is simply because repubs are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about this issue all along. Maybe they are scared of the truth?

These 22 Republican Senators Got Paid By Exxon To Urge Trump To Ditch Paris Climate Accords

Oil and gas industry has pumped millions into Republican campaigns

Donald Trump once backed urgent climate action. Wait, what?

I stopped reading after the first paragraph. That was sufficient to prove you are an idiot. I've been calling global warming a con for at least 15 years - long before any politicians ever mentioned it. I call it a con because it obviously is a con.
So you've been dumber longer than most. That's not an achievement bro.
What's your science background?
I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering. What's your science background?
The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to.
Wrong it's because every prediction the left makes just doesn't pan out. The earth stops warming and you change the name to global climate change to cover all of the bases. At some point we have to ask wheres the beef?
Yes prediction models have been faulty thankfully. That happens in science. It's not perfect.
The so-called "climate scientists" are the ones who have been bought off. If you look at where all the money is going, they are in the front of the line at the federal feeding trough.

Keep chanting that cult myth, Bri. I know your how mantras lend you comfort in these dark days. Don't worry that you have no evidence to support your cult's teachings. The important thing is how you stay devoted your to faith, and that you reject heretical concepts like data and reason.

Quick, save the world, donate all your money to Al Gore. I'm sure he's got an arrangement similar to Hillary's where he'll forward 10% of your donation directly to the cause.
The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to.
Wrong it's because every prediction the left makes just doesn't pan out. The earth stops warming and you change the name to global climate change to cover all of the bases. At some point we have to ask wheres the beef?
Yes prediction models have been faulty thankfully. That happens in science. It's not perfect.
So-called "climate science" has been singularly unable to make any predictions that are accurate. That isn't the sign of a valid theory. it's the sign that you are barking up the wrong tree. The ability to predict outcomes is the sin qua non of sound science.

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