The real problem with this virus is not that it is dangerous

BREAKING: 5 members of the French parliament are now infected with Corona virus.

If politicians are being infected, maybe America needs to cancel the 2020 elections and reschedule them for 2022?

See if President Trump is willing to continue to serve in the meantime until it is safe to reachedule?
Why are democrats still campaigning?

the same reason donny is. i did hear biden say that if the CDC says to cease - he will. i suppose bernie will comply as well, but not until it's an official recommendation.

the bigger question is - will tribblehead? & will his deplorables?
Large conventions, gatherings, etc. need to be recommended to cease now. The sooner the better to get this slowed down until plans and means are in place to take care of what is coming down the road in a few months. Schools should also be preparing to home school or give lessons online if they haven't began already.
BREAKING: 5 members of the French parliament are now infected with Corona virus.

If politicians are being infected, maybe America needs to cancel the 2020 elections and reschedule them for 2022?

See if President Trump is willing to continue to serve in the meantime until it is safe to reachedule?
Why are democrats still campaigning?

What people are failing to consider here is that people get sick all of the time. Sick people get on to city buses, subways, planes, 365 days a year. Large groups gather for concerts, sporting events, sermons, political rallies. Crowded venues like bars and bathhouses do tremendous business. And if someone is medically fragile, they should be careful, wash their hands if they go to these places. I don't see the point of his hysteria
It is not hysteria but common sense. If people are made aware of what it is and choose to continue to fly, have events, etc. that is on them but at least warn them and everyone needs to quit with the political bs until we ALL get through this.
If it isn't dangerous, why is it a problem at all? Viruses come through populations all of the time.

IMHO, the coronavirus is a political dirty trick cooked up the Dems and their Chi-com allies in Beijing to try and fuck up the US economy and take down Trump.

Just another mild illness, if B. Hussein O were president, we wouldn't even know about it. It would still be happening, but the Media wouldn't be invested so much in making it seem like modern version of the Plague of Justinian. BTW, that plague didn't take down Justinian and this one won't take down Trump.
Wow, you’re quite the idiot.
Notice how Far Left musical acts like Taylor Swift and Bon Jovi aren't canceling out their events for the public health? Why doesn't the Socialist led NBA ban fans and just telecast their games from their arenas until the end of this "public health emergency"

they are reporting that we are now moving from mere testing & confinement into a 'mitigation' stage - where there probably will be more than just suggestions to not hold large crowd gatherings - maybe at least for indoor events.
This is the way to end the constitutional right of assembly. No gatherings.
If it isn't dangerous, why is it a problem at all? Viruses come through populations all of the time.

IMHO, the coronavirus is a political dirty trick cooked up the Dems and their Chi-com allies in Beijing to try and fuck up the US economy and take down Trump.

Just another mild illness, if B. Hussein O were president, we wouldn't even know about it. It would still be happening, but the Media wouldn't be invested so much in making it seem like modern version of the Plague of Justinian. BTW, that plague didn't take down Justinian and this one won't take down Trump.
Wow, you’re quite the idiot.

You disagree? Do you really think that this scheme will take down the Trumpster?
Notice how Far Left musical acts like Taylor Swift and Bon Jovi aren't canceling out their events for the public health? Why doesn't the Socialist led NBA ban fans and just telecast their games from their arenas until the end of this "public health emergency"

they are reporting that we are now moving from mere testing & confinement into a 'mitigation' stage - where there probably will be more than just suggestions to not hold large crowd gatherings - maybe at least for indoor events.
This is the way to end the constitutional right of assembly. No gatherings.
Recommendations are not forced restrictions but cooperative measures.
BREAKING: 5 members of the French parliament are now infected with Corona virus.

If politicians are being infected, maybe America needs to cancel the 2020 elections and reschedule them for 2022?

See if President Trump is willing to continue to serve in the meantime until it is safe to reachedule?
Why are democrats still campaigning?

What people are failing to consider here is that people get sick all of the time. Sick people get on to city buses, subways, planes, 365 days a year. Large groups gather for concerts, sporting events, sermons, political rallies. Crowded venues like bars and bathhouses do tremendous business. And if someone is medically fragile, they should be careful, wash their hands if they go to these places. I don't see the point of his hysteria
A lot of people are very cautious when it comes to sexually transmitted diseases, no? This virus has HIV markers in it.
Does everyone recall the federal regs concerning asbestos? This how that works. The feds make recommendations for best practices. The states create their own regulations and restrictions, etc. The feds had no enforcement arm in it all but the states did have and each state determine what and how asbestos would be treated with the exception that the feds required a standard for all commercial asbestos removal personal. They all had to have that same standard license to remove asbestos commercially.
If it isn't dangerous, why is it a problem at all? Viruses come through populations all of the time.

IMHO, the coronavirus is a political dirty trick cooked up the Dems and their Chi-com allies in Beijing to try and fuck up the US economy and take down Trump.

Just another mild illness, if B. Hussein O were president, we wouldn't even know about it. It would still be happening, but the Media wouldn't be invested so much in making it seem like modern version of the Plague of Justinian. BTW, that plague didn't take down Justinian and this one won't take down Trump.

Only in the mind of a Trump Humper.

All I know is that this kind of hysteria was never ginned up during the Obama Regime and the Ebola plague which seemed to be a lot more dangerous than coronavirus

How many countries were affected by Ebola?

How many Americans were affected by Ebola?
Notice how Far Left musical acts like Taylor Swift and Bon Jovi aren't canceling out their events for the public health? Why doesn't the Socialist led NBA ban fans and just telecast their games from their arenas until the end of this "public health emergency"

they are reporting that we are now moving from mere testing & confinement into a 'mitigation' stage - where there probably will be more than just suggestions to not hold large crowd gatherings - maybe at least for indoor events.
This is the way to end the constitutional right of assembly. No gatherings.

^ ^^ another basket dwelling idiot. ^^^
If it isn't dangerous, why is it a problem at all? Viruses come through populations all of the time.

IMHO, the coronavirus is a political dirty trick cooked up the Dems and their Chi-com allies in Beijing to try and fuck up the US economy and take down Trump.

Just another mild illness, if B. Hussein O were president, we wouldn't even know about it. It would still be happening, but the Media wouldn't be invested so much in making it seem like modern version of the Plague of Justinian. BTW, that plague didn't take down Justinian and this one won't take down Trump.

Trump and Fox News scared you very well.
That is not true prince. Only Trumpet humpers believe that.

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If it isn't dangerous, why is it a problem at all? Viruses come through populations all of the time.

IMHO, the coronavirus is a political dirty trick cooked up the Dems and their Chi-com allies in Beijing to try and fuck up the US economy and take down Trump.

Just another mild illness, if B. Hussein O were president, we wouldn't even know about it. It would still be happening, but the Media wouldn't be invested so much in making it seem like modern version of the Plague of Justinian. BTW, that plague didn't take down Justinian and this one won't take down Trump.

Only in the mind of a Trump Humper.

All I know is that this kind of hysteria was never ginned up during the Obama Regime and the Ebola plague which seemed to be a lot more dangerous than coronavirus

True Ebola was dangerous. Obama handled the Ebola crisis very well. He was able to calm the Americans. Stocks barely even noticed remained almost the same.

Trump is handling this crisis very inept,
dishonest and ignorant. He is not helping but feeding the country a buffet of misinformation against CDC advice.
People are getting sick and dying but he is very tweeting here and there. Blaming Obama and others here and there. Playing golf last Saturday.
If it isn't dangerous, why is it a problem at all? Viruses come through populations all of the time.

IMHO, the coronavirus is a political dirty trick cooked up the Dems and their Chi-com allies in Beijing to try and fuck up the US economy and take down Trump.

Just another mild illness, if B. Hussein O were president, we wouldn't even know about it. It would still be happening, but the Media wouldn't be invested so much in making it seem like modern version of the Plague of Justinian. BTW, that plague didn't take down Justinian and this one won't take down Trump.
Wow, you’re quite the idiot.

You disagree? Do you really think that this scheme will take down the Trumpster?

These are not scheme to take down Trump. Get a life dude. Don’t make yourself an idiot.
Notice how Far Left musical acts like Taylor Swift and Bon Jovi aren't canceling out their events for the public health? Why doesn't the Socialist led NBA ban fans and just telecast their games from their arenas until the end of this "public health emergency"

Geee! Is Trump boy plan on cancelling any his rallies?

last i heard, donny said his march 19th circlejerk is still gonna go on. he also said he wasn't gonna stop shaking hands & his bible thumping VP defended the notion that it's 'politics & if people wanna shake hands - they will oblige ' . what leadership! so much fortrmp being a self proclaimed a 'germaphobe'.... #peepeetape.
Cancel the elections.... can't risk it.
That is, if you all are serious about it.
Close everything, collapse the economy into a 2nd great depression... just don't run out of toilet paper.
Cancel the elections.... can't risk it.
That is, if you all are serious about it.
Close everything, collapse the economy into a 2nd great depression... just don't run out of toilet paper.
The Great Toilet paper riots will burn the cities as mud butt will
affect millions in the shortage created by panicky idiots.
Toilet paper will become so valuable the Federal Reserve will adopt it as the new American currency.
Notice how Far Left musical acts like Taylor Swift and Bon Jovi aren't canceling out their events for the public health? Why doesn't the Socialist led NBA ban fans and just telecast their games from their arenas until the end of this "public health emergency"

Geee! Is Trump boy plan on cancelling any his rallies?

last i heard, donny said his march 19th circlejerk is still gonna go on. he also said he wasn't gonna stop shaking hands & his bible thumping VP defended the notion that it's 'politics & if people wanna shake hands - they will oblige ' . what leadership! so much fortrmp being a self proclaimed a 'germaphobe'.... #peepeetape.

He even complimented himself how smart he is .......

He said to himself ...... how do I know so much about this? I should have been a doctor not a president. That is so funny.

He should have just stayed in Trump tower and save this country from all these chaos and discombobulations.
Notice how Far Left musical acts like Taylor Swift and Bon Jovi aren't canceling out their events for the public health? Why doesn't the Socialist led NBA ban fans and just telecast their games from their arenas until the end of this "public health emergency"

Geee! Is Trump boy plan on cancelling any his rallies?

last i heard, donny said his march 19th circlejerk is still gonna go on. he also said he wasn't gonna stop shaking hands & his bible thumping VP defended the notion that it's 'politics & if people wanna shake hands - they will oblige ' . what leadership! so much fortrmp being a self proclaimed a 'germaphobe'.... #peepeetape.

He even complimented himself how smart he is .......

He said to himself ...... how do I know so much about this? I should have been a doctor not a president. That is so funny.

He should have just stayed in Trump tower and save this country from all these chaos and discombobulations.

Do you really think that America would be better under Hillary Clinton and a Democrat Congress?

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