The real reason Democrats wont allow children back to school:

Mayors and governors are trying to find a legal means to bar Trump from sending in this troops without their permission. Congress is looking at passing a law
Every locality in the U.S. has a "mayor" with absolute authority in his district. You need the official mother-may-I permission of the mayor to swing a hammer or pick up a nail from the ground anywhere. Licensed union electrician with an approved electrical work permit, licensed, bonded and insured just to change a light bulb.

The mayors and governors, whose permission is required to keep and bear arms or to assert any other rights in their district, of course have never obtained "permission" as such from the girls and women they mutilate and coerce into prostitution, or from the boys they mutilate as infants as if under the old testament levitical priesthood, or still in bondage to Egypt, as it were.
But seriously, if this is your argument, go back to sleep. You're a true believer. And not very believable.
It hasn't happened yet, shit for brains.
I always love how idiot leftist tards lose at everything, constantly proven wrong, yet blissfully argue on as if they had the higher, superior position. It really is true, liberalism IS a mental disorder.
Boy Cuomo and De Blasio call all the shots in NY including the schools
Broken record...must...move...needle....same thing...over and over.

What's wrong, GarageFloorJack? Getting tired of trying to argue against the facts?
The solution is:

1. Get the virus under control BEFORE opening anything;

2. Get testing, and contract tracing up to snuff. A testing system that takes two weeks to get results is no testing system at all. Reagents and testing supplies are still in short supply and there is no effective contract tracing set up in most states.

3. Re-opening pursuant to the guidelines, not just rushing to open.

We're all excited where I live. We go to Stage 3 on Friday, with masks being mandated when in closed spaces. Our biggest issue right now is teaching children to wear masks, and learning to carry them with us, although most stores are giving them out at the moment.

My grandkids are having typical kid issues. The kids hate wearing them just as much as the rest of us, but they see their parents modelling wearing the masks, and understand they're now necessary. We have four babies under the age of 3 in our family at the moment, so these little ones don't understand and the almost 3 year old is having no part of it, except he wants to go with the rest of the family. Let's just say it ain't easy, but this little guy is better at wearing his mask than the President of the United States.

It's really amazing how you can hear, "Oh, please, share your wisdom with us about how to run our country!" no matter WHAT the person actually said.

Well put. Dragon is like a gas station owner planning to call the CEO of Exxon to share some of his good ideas with the boss

I keep telling her, "If we ever want to learn to be an insignificant pissant country that leeches off of its neighbors, we'll call you."

Finally, something Dragon would actually know about
Trump cultists, good luck with the whole "I DEMAND THAT WE GET TO KILL YOUR CHILDREN!" line. That's going to be real popular with parents.

What they should do is have class and video so the parents that choose not to send their kids to school can watch the teacher at home instead. But I think most parents want their kids back in school because if they don't go, somebody has to stay home and watch them. That's not feasible for most working parents.

True. And Democrats know that. They want to force parents to stay at home so they don't work and help the economy. It's part of their hate filled, anti-American November 3 strategy. It's stick

Many households are check to check families. Government can't support people forever as we are approaching 30 trillion dollars in debt if we don't stop these giveaways. It's a struggle enough for a couple, but how are single parents supposed to stay home if they got called back to work and therefore can't get on unemployment?

If we are to be totally honest, school mostly serves us as a government baby sitter.

Educationally, yes. But it is better for younger kids still to be in socially as well. Certainly to your point it'd be far better for parents to have put them in private schools so they can get a real education as well.

Whether kids need to go back to school in the fall (they do) and what schools they are going to go to are important discussions, but they are separate discussions.

What cracks me up is when leftists say schools are terrible, so they don't need to go back!

I can remember last year, when the official line was still that homeschooling children was "child abuse", and how DARE anyone keep their children away from leftist public schools, who REALLY know what's best for them and REALLY care about them.

This isn't last year fool, and things haven't changed in regards to the reasons why homeschooling to keep your children from mixing with minorities, getting liberal ideas or learning critical thinking skills is a form of child abuse. When your belief system is so flawed that they only way you can keep your children from abandoning your principles, is to exclude ideas, or people from their lives, that's not a religion, it's a cult.
Which is not the primary reason for homeschooling.

The old bat is just letting you know what a bigot she is
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Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.

You need to keep searching under the bed and in those closets for the boogeyman. No one wants to see kids not in school. But no administrator is going to hang their jobs and their livelyhood on sending kids back without infection rates going down and strict and clear guidelines from federal and state agencies. No teacher is going to want to go back into the classroom knowing that a kid could get them sick. And parents are not going to want to send their kids back knowing they could come home infected and make other members of their family sick, especially the more vulnerable. Contrary to right wingers popular belief, this virus does affect all age groups.
Al the European countries already have their kids in school. They're following the science, unlike the leftwing douchebags.
Al the European countries already have their kids in school. They're following the science, unlike the leftwing douchebags.
All the European countries have far less virus than we do.
Their positivity rates are all at 1% or less.
The US average is over 10% while some regions are as high as 20%.

Introducing the virus to so many US households is the last thing we should do.

Comparing countries with different methods for counting and collecting coronavirus data as if they are the same is still retarded
Comparing countries with different methods for counting and collecting coronavirus data as if they are the same is still retarded
There's only one way to calculate the positivity rate, dope.
It's simply the rate of positives in a given test sample group. The more positives, the more virus in the community.

You're a waste of time. You're completely ignorant about this
You're a waste of time. You're completely ignorant about this
Sure, dope. Tell us some more about the "different" arithmetic in Europe while I give you the actual numbers. You should be grateful that there are people paying attention while you lose your mind.

Once again showing what an ignorant retard you are.

I've said repeatedly they have different standards for identifying cases and deaths.

You in your half brain dumb ass idiocy think it was arithmetic I said was different.

You're stupid as shit
Once again showing what an ignorant retard you are.

I've said repeatedly they have different standards for identifying cases and deaths.

You in your half brain dumb ass idiocy think it was arithmetic I said was different.

You're stupid as shit
I was talking about arithmetic to which you responded that other countries did it differently, dope.
Obviously you had no idea of what the positivity rate is or what it measures.

You've contributed nothing but moronic ramblings and insults.

kaz: Different countries have different standards for determining which patients died of coronavirus

Starsky: Duh, dar, arithmetic is the same everywhere kaz, drool, drool, drool

You're stupid as shit. While you're a government school failure, you're so incredibly stupid that I don't know if private schools could have helped you
Trump cultists, good luck with the whole "I DEMAND THAT WE GET TO KILL YOUR CHILDREN!" line. That's going to be real popular with parents.

What they should do is have class and video so the parents that choose not to send their kids to school can watch the teacher at home instead. But I think most parents want their kids back in school because if they don't go, somebody has to stay home and watch them. That's not feasible for most working parents.

True. And Democrats know that. They want to force parents to stay at home so they don't work and help the economy. It's part of their hate filled, anti-American November 3 strategy. It's stick

Many households are check to check families. Government can't support people forever as we are approaching 30 trillion dollars in debt if we don't stop these giveaways. It's a struggle enough for a couple, but how are single parents supposed to stay home if they got called back to work and therefore can't get on unemployment?

If we are to be totally honest, school mostly serves us as a government baby sitter.


So domestic abuse, suicides, depression don't matter. People losing their jobs, retirement funds, businesses doesn't matter. Locking up our children and stunting their social development doesn't matter. All that matters is if we breathe or not. Our quality of life and incredible harm from caging the people in our own homes doesn't matter.

Until November 3, huh bigot?
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Trump cultists, good luck with the whole "I DEMAND THAT WE GET TO KILL YOUR CHILDREN!" line. That's going to be real popular with parents.

What they should do is have class and video so the parents that choose not to send their kids to school can watch the teacher at home instead. But I think most parents want their kids back in school because if they don't go, somebody has to stay home and watch them. That's not feasible for most working parents.

True. And Democrats know that. They want to force parents to stay at home so they don't work and help the economy. It's part of their hate filled, anti-American November 3 strategy. It's stick

Many households are check to check families. Government can't support people forever as we are approaching 30 trillion dollars in debt if we don't stop these giveaways. It's a struggle enough for a couple, but how are single parents supposed to stay home if they got called back to work and therefore can't get on unemployment?

If we are to be totally honest, school mostly serves us as a government baby sitter.

Educationally, yes. But it is better for younger kids still to be in socially as well. Certainly to your point it'd be far better for parents to have put them in private schools so they can get a real education as well.

Whether kids need to go back to school in the fall (they do) and what schools they are going to go to are important discussions, but they are separate discussions.

What cracks me up is when leftists say schools are terrible, so they don't need to go back!

I can remember last year, when the official line was still that homeschooling children was "child abuse", and how DARE anyone keep their children away from leftist public schools, who REALLY know what's best for them and REALLY care about them.

This isn't last year fool, and things haven't changed in regards to the reasons why homeschooling to keep your children from mixing with minorities, getting liberal ideas or learning critical thinking skills is a form of child abuse. When your belief system is so flawed that they only way you can keep your children from abandoning your principles, is to exclude ideas, or people from their lives, that's not a religion, it's a cult.

More race whoring. Pass. You know leftists know yourselves that you're losing badly when you start pulling out the racism crap. It's the only card in your deck. You play it to end any conversation you're getting your head handed to you. Fuck you, bitch. Seriously

I was laughing my ass off at America's Hat haranguing us about racism, as if she doesn't live in one of the whitest damned countries on Earth. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that LizardTwat has never even SEEN a black person who wasn't on television.

I tried looking up the demographics of Canada. There is no study on it because the government doesn't like to count people in that way. But I did find another article where a Canadian did some research himself, and concluded that Canada has between 2% and 3% of blacks in their population.

I can't imagine a government so fragile and dishonest that they refuse to count people by race or ethnicity. My Lord, and I thought we had such snowflakes in our own government.

Great point, but we do have that dishonesty in our own government. For example, you can't get data on how many illegal aliens are in our prison system. Trump ordered the Federal government to count them, and it was 23%. Those weren't "immigrants" born in other countries, those were actual illegal aliens here illegally. 23 freaking percent. But how many people know that? And there is no data on State prisons you'll find at all
Trump cultists, good luck with the whole "I DEMAND THAT WE GET TO KILL YOUR CHILDREN!" line. That's going to be real popular with parents.

What they should do is have class and video so the parents that choose not to send their kids to school can watch the teacher at home instead. But I think most parents want their kids back in school because if they don't go, somebody has to stay home and watch them. That's not feasible for most working parents.

True. And Democrats know that. They want to force parents to stay at home so they don't work and help the economy. It's part of their hate filled, anti-American November 3 strategy. It's stick

Many households are check to check families. Government can't support people forever as we are approaching 30 trillion dollars in debt if we don't stop these giveaways. It's a struggle enough for a couple, but how are single parents supposed to stay home if they got called back to work and therefore can't get on unemployment?

If we are to be totally honest, school mostly serves us as a government baby sitter.


How do you propose to "shut the virus down"? They don't have an on/off switch.

The best way to "shut the virus down" is for everyone to wear a mask in public.

She means to continue to lock us down in our own homes
Trump cultists, good luck with the whole "I DEMAND THAT WE GET TO KILL YOUR CHILDREN!" line. That's going to be real popular with parents.

What they should do is have class and video so the parents that choose not to send their kids to school can watch the teacher at home instead. But I think most parents want their kids back in school because if they don't go, somebody has to stay home and watch them. That's not feasible for most working parents.

True. And Democrats know that. They want to force parents to stay at home so they don't work and help the economy. It's part of their hate filled, anti-American November 3 strategy. It's stick

Many households are check to check families. Government can't support people forever as we are approaching 30 trillion dollars in debt if we don't stop these giveaways. It's a struggle enough for a couple, but how are single parents supposed to stay home if they got called back to work and therefore can't get on unemployment?

If we are to be totally honest, school mostly serves us as a government baby sitter.


No, because we don't know what the possible economic damage that could take place if it's shutdown too long. It may make post housing collapse look like a walk in the park.

Keep in mind that's her goal. Do as much economic damage as possible until November 3
Trump cultists, good luck with the whole "I DEMAND THAT WE GET TO KILL YOUR CHILDREN!" line. That's going to be real popular with parents.

What they should do is have class and video so the parents that choose not to send their kids to school can watch the teacher at home instead. But I think most parents want their kids back in school because if they don't go, somebody has to stay home and watch them. That's not feasible for most working parents.

True. And Democrats know that. They want to force parents to stay at home so they don't work and help the economy. It's part of their hate filled, anti-American November 3 strategy. It's stick

Many households are check to check families. Government can't support people forever as we are approaching 30 trillion dollars in debt if we don't stop these giveaways. It's a struggle enough for a couple, but how are single parents supposed to stay home if they got called back to work and therefore can't get on unemployment?

If we are to be totally honest, school mostly serves us as a government baby sitter.


No, because we don't know what the possible economic damage that could take place if it's shutdown too long. It may make post housing collapse look like a walk in the park.

We know the virus curve was flattened in most states by the middle-end of May. Then comes Memorial Day and everybody forgets the past two months. Instead of a slow open back up like NY, NJ, and CT, it's everybody back in! Back to normal.
This is what is so maddening. Cause=>Effect. Virus spikes, shutdowns threatened, economy back on the road to collapse, jobs lost, children can't go to school.

What is it that people are hoping for here? This isn't rocket science. It's just science.

Mask wearing has obviously dramatically increased. Why don't you give credit for that?
It's really amazing how you can hear, "Oh, please, share your wisdom with us about how to run our country!" no matter WHAT the person actually said.

It's a public message board, bitch. People are free to speak their minds, regardless of where they're from. I'm always open to new ideas and learning things from others because I'm not a closed minded, selfish, snot who thinks my shit doesn't stink. YMMV.

I thought you were all for freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. "Freedom" means EVERYONE is free to speak their minds. Even the people YOU don't like.

Gotcha. So you're free to share your stupid ideas, but Cecile is not free to tell you they are stupid ideas. Got it. Wow, that's a stupid idea ...

Cecile is NOT free to tell me I can’t post or I shouldn’t post. What she thinks of my posts is neither here nor there.

Cecilie most certainly IS free to tell you whatever the hell Cecilie wants to tell you. That's what freedom of speech is, not that you would know about that in America's Hat, no matter how much your foreign ass likes to keep trying to lecture us about OUR laws.

However, Cecilie has never told you that you CAN'T post. What Cecilie has told you is that you're a fucking moron for doing so, or for thinking that what your posting about is any of your damned business. Getting your wittle feelings hurt is not the same as being silenced, snowflake.

Keep in mind that to DragonLady the bigot, only the left has free speech
Trump needs to carefully examine the tradeoffs of every single move he makes in dealing with covid

with 120K DEAD! DEAD! DEAD!, Trump needs to FOCUS! FOCUS! FOCUS!
Trump cultists, good luck with the whole "I DEMAND THAT WE GET TO KILL YOUR CHILDREN!" line. That's going to be real popular with parents.

What they should do is have class and video so the parents that choose not to send their kids to school can watch the teacher at home instead. But I think most parents want their kids back in school because if they don't go, somebody has to stay home and watch them. That's not feasible for most working parents.

True. And Democrats know that. They want to force parents to stay at home so they don't work and help the economy. It's part of their hate filled, anti-American November 3 strategy. It's stick

Many households are check to check families. Government can't support people forever as we are approaching 30 trillion dollars in debt if we don't stop these giveaways. It's a struggle enough for a couple, but how are single parents supposed to stay home if they got called back to work and therefore can't get on unemployment?

If we are to be totally honest, school mostly serves us as a government baby sitter.

Educationally, yes. But it is better for younger kids still to be in socially as well. Certainly to your point it'd be far better for parents to have put them in private schools so they can get a real education as well.

Whether kids need to go back to school in the fall (they do) and what schools they are going to go to are important discussions, but they are separate discussions.

What cracks me up is when leftists say schools are terrible, so they don't need to go back!

I can remember last year, when the official line was still that homeschooling children was "child abuse", and how DARE anyone keep their children away from leftist public schools, who REALLY know what's best for them and REALLY care about them.

This isn't last year fool, and things haven't changed in regards to the reasons why homeschooling to keep your children from mixing with minorities, getting liberal ideas or learning critical thinking skills is a form of child abuse. When your belief system is so flawed that they only way you can keep your children from abandoning your principles, is to exclude ideas, or people from their lives, that's not a religion, it's a cult.

Let me see if I have this correct: Homeschooling is a way for parents to instill their ideas and values in their children, instead of letting leftist union school teachers indoctrinate their children with their radical ideas is child abuse?

And you can't understand why we want to keep people with your mentality out of power in our federal government???

And what you didn't even mention was she wants to force your children to government schools because she's afraid of bigotry, and her post is completely and utterly bigoted
I was laughing my ass off at America's Hat haranguing us about racism, as if she doesn't live in one of the whitest damned countries on Earth. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that LizardTwat has never even SEEN a black person who wasn't on television.

I tried looking up the demographics of Canada. There is no study on it because the government doesn't like to count people in that way. But I did find another article where a Canadian did some research himself, and concluded that Canada has between 2% and 3% of blacks in their population.

I can't imagine a government so fragile and dishonest that they refuse to count people by race or ethnicity. My Lord, and I thought we had such snowflakes in our own government.

Why would we count people by race and ethnicity? What would be the point of that? Why does race matter to you SO very much, Ray? Canadians don't look at race the way Americans do. We have never had segregation, and slavery, while technically legal until 1810, wasn't really practiced.

Toronto is one of the most diverse cities in the world, as is Vancouver, but rural Canada is basically white.

Why ask a question you don't want to know the answer to, huh? Your country is such a wonderful place for blacks according to you. They are welcome and you don't care about that they are black. Yet there are virtually none there. Hmm. Something wrong with that story ....
Sure, hide behind that little tidbit of bullshit and ignore the rest of the country, dope.
Cases are increasing all around the country.
Three other states are about to have more cases than NY.

Sure, hide behind "That's just one thing. I'm SURE it's not true anywhere else, because I want to believe it's not."

Bottom line, douche weasel: You said, "There's only one way to calculate the positivity rate, dope. It's simply the rate of positives in a given test sample group." And I just demonstrated that there's at least ONE OTHER way to calculate it, which is by lying their fucking asses off.

So whenever you strap on a pair and want to deal with reality instead of wishing really hard, you let me know, won't you?

Why is it that fools like you believe every lie that Donald Trump tells, but you assume that EVERYONE ELSE is lying to you? What really shows the depths of your stupidity is that you reject all evidence that Trump is lying, and cling to the lies as if your life depended on them. Sadly, it might, just not in the way you believe.

What's funny is you stay this stupid crap, then you listen to news all day long that tells you only what you want to believe. And you believe it with all your heart despite that they make most of it up. Then you lecture us on different points of view.

That while FoxNews actually has different points of view on all day long. And they kill it in the ratings because our side does want to hear multiple points of view.

You're just such a bigot in so many ways. You have no idea what the hell you're saying. Then again, why would you? You didn't think it yourself, you're just parroting what you heard on fake news
Kas, if there was any true LOGIC to any of the past 4 months rather than POLITICAL, we would see people of both parties arbitrarily on both sides of the issues instead a sharp line drawn with the Democrats.
If there was any logic, Trump would have us on a par with Europe and the virus. But he doesn't and you continue to make excused for his failure

but even so, Trump could follow policies to let states and districts follow there own interests and needs with protecting as many people as possible and opening selectively, but he's only about national directives when it serves his political interests.
/——-/ “ Trump could follow policies to let states and districts follow there own interests and needs...”
I know you are slow on thee uptake and woefully unprepared to debate, but that’s exactly what Trump did. But don’t believe me. Here is a source you trust: Can Trump 'override' states' pandemic decisions? Will he?

I like how idiots like Bendog are simultaneously attacking Trump for not giving the States enough leeway and blaming him for the coronavirus as if he's a dictator and every decision is his.

Hypocrisy has no bounds in leftists like Bendog
You need to keep searching under the bed and in those closets for the boogeyman. No one wants to see kids not in school. But no administrator is going to hang their jobs and their livelyhood on sending kids back without infection rates going down and strict and clear guidelines from federal and state agencies
The fascist school system designed to indoctrinate kids with a fascist political agenda, prostitute girls, and cut off boys, has failed in its mission of evil, and its masters are hard at work to destroy what's left of it.
No teacher is going to want to go back into the classroom knowing that a kid could get them sick. And parents are not going to want to send their kids back knowing they could come home infected and make other members of their family sick, especially the more vulnerable. Contrary to right wingers popular belief, this virus does affect all age groups.
The COVID-19 virus is some sort of popular belief system. The feared propagation of the virus is only the propaganda of political beliefs hostile to the Establishment.

The virus is some sort of popular belief system? Really? Then how did all those beliefs manage to kill over 143,000 people so far? Why are hospitals in places where the virus is spiking being overrun? Is that all because of a popular belief system?
Have those 143 k been verified...........the definition was made by the CDC to guarantee higher numbers.................If they die from a heat attack but it is ASSUMED they had Covid.......then they can make a judgement call to say it was Covid.

If they call it Covid.......they get extra money from medicare............if they are uninsured......more money from Daddy Gov't...

Now please tell me that the HONORABLE HOSPITALS wouldn't dare mischarge.............


Do you have actual FACTS about the virus or are you just here to spread Trump's lies and bullshit.

How is it that covid19 has occurred in every other first world country on earth, and the rest of the world got it under control and ended the deaths? Trump isn't smart enough to do it. Enough people in the USA still think that Trump isn't lying, or that the government wouldn't re-open unless it's safe, that the virus continues to rage.

And fools like YOU are claiming it's not real.

Stupid is as stupid does.
You just go by our posts when we show Rand Paul showing how 22 countries in Europe are going to school.......and not showing and spikes in cases...

You only look at what fits your Narrative..........You CLAIM RIGHTEOUSNESS............and how GREAT YOU ARE.............LOL

Shut the hell up and post your LIES IN CANADA.
You just go by our posts when we show Rand Paul showing how 22 countries in Europe are going to school.......and not showing and spikes in cases...
Europe doesn't have a large spike in cases because there is little virus circulating while we're loaded with it and raging.
Europe's positivity rates are at 1% or less.
US average is just over 10%.
Arizona just this morning reported positivity rates as high as 55% in some areas.

Reduce the virus and school can resume.

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