The real reason Democrats wont allow children back to school:

sucking of Gov't Sugar daddy tits their whole lives
Yeah, where's your Social Security retirement? You hardworking folks with the good sense to be born in the right age bracket got 401(k) or private pension somewhere? Parents in their 70s and 80s are nursing babies in their 40s and 50s, who are never allowed to reach an age of majority for as long as they live.
What are you babbling about?
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
Wouldn't that be an embarrassment if they all went back to school and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

Wouldn't it be a tragedy if they all went back to school and hundreds of teachers, and children with asthma, and other "pre-existing conditions" got sick. I don't know of ANY parent who is so desperate for their children go back to school that they are prepared risk their children's lives or health to send them back.


Another ignorant Canuck who doesn't know that children's death rate is virtually zero and they don't effectively transmit the disease.

You also don't care that children are being harmed by being kept at home, they don't effectively learn on computers in replacement of live instruction and that poor kids may not have computer access at all.

Just another hate filled leftist

Yes and No. Ultimately, the jury is still out because while they think that's the case, they're not 100% sure. And it still doesn't change the fact you can't rule the virus spreading with older children. Not every child who attends school is a first grader.
The point still stands. Lower the virus infection rate, take the necessary precautions and issue the relevant guidelines...and we could get back to something resembling normal..including sending kids back to school.

Or what we could do is open schools for kids up to high school grades. High school kids can stay home while their parents work and learn online.

The study showed 10 years old and older spread the virus as fast and efficient as adults....

The study on 10 years younger children, is not complete yet... it could be thy too are just as infectious....

Whatever the exact ages are, it all goes together. The younger they are, the less likely they are to catch or transmit the disease. And older children still have a death rate virtually zero.

That doesn't support your argument of just call it all the same and shut it down.

But sure, the younger they are the safer it is. And hand in hand with that, the younger they are, the more they need social interaction and live education.

And again also, so screw poor families without internet? That's your position?

You're following the leftists script. Pounce and attack. Don't solve shit

Kas, if there was any true LOGIC to any of the past 4 months rather than POLITICAL, we would see people of both parties arbitrarily on both sides of the issues instead a sharp line drawn with the Democrats.
If there was any logic, Trump would have us on a par with Europe and the virus. But he doesn't and you continue to make excused for his failure

but even so, Trump could follow policies to let states and districts follow there own interests and needs with protecting as many people as possible and opening selectively, but he's only about national directives when it serves his political interests.
/——-/ “ Trump could follow policies to let states and districts follow there own interests and needs...”
I know you are slow on thee uptake and woefully unprepared to debate, but that’s exactly what Trump did. But don’t believe me. Here is a source you trust: Can Trump 'override' states' pandemic decisions? Will he?

Well actually, he pretty much stood up and said that schools should reopen with kids back onsite and threatened to withhold funding from any school district that didn't comply.
So, there's that.
/——-/ “he pretty much stood up and said...” He can say anything he wants. That’s his opinion. Did he issue an EO ordering schools to be open ? He can threaten, but doesn’t have the authority to withhold funds. You got yourself a case of Orange Man Bad.

Bullshit. Your assertion was that Trump let states and districts follow their own interests. And that's exactly what he did according to you....NOT!! The man at the top stood up in front of the whole country and threatened de-funding school districts as a lever to try and get them to open with kids onsite this fall. Kinda like how he tried to leverage Ukraine..LOL.

But seriously, if this is your argument, go back to sleep. You're a true believer. And not very believable.
/——/ Andy Boy Cuomo and De Blasio call all the shots in NY including the schools so go stuff your “it’s all Trumps fault Orange Man Bad.”
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
Wouldn't that be an embarrassment if they all went back to school and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

Wouldn't it be a tragedy if they all went back to school and hundreds of teachers, and children with asthma, and other "pre-existing conditions" got sick. I don't know of ANY parent who is so desperate for their children go back to school that they are prepared risk their children's lives or health to send them back.


Another ignorant Canuck who doesn't know that children's death rate is virtually zero and they don't effectively transmit the disease.

You also don't care that children are being harmed by being kept at home, they don't effectively learn on computers in replacement of live instruction and that poor kids may not have computer access at all.

Just another hate filled leftist

Yes and No. Ultimately, the jury is still out because while they think that's the case, they're not 100% sure. And it still doesn't change the fact you can't rule the virus spreading with older children. Not every child who attends school is a first grader.
The point still stands. Lower the virus infection rate, take the necessary precautions and issue the relevant guidelines...and we could get back to something resembling normal..including sending kids back to school.

Or what we could do is open schools for kids up to high school grades. High school kids can stay home while their parents work and learn online.

The study showed 10 years old and older spread the virus as fast and efficient as adults....

The study on 10 years younger children, is not complete yet... it could be thy too are just as infectious....

Whatever the exact ages are, it all goes together. The younger they are, the less likely they are to catch or transmit the disease. And older children still have a death rate virtually zero.

That doesn't support your argument of just call it all the same and shut it down.

But sure, the younger they are the safer it is. And hand in hand with that, the younger they are, the more they need social interaction and live education.

And again also, so screw poor families without internet? That's your position?

You're following the leftists script. Pounce and attack. Don't solve shit

Kas, if there was any true LOGIC to any of the past 4 months rather than POLITICAL, we would see people of both parties arbitrarily on both sides of the issues instead a sharp line drawn with the Democrats.
If there was any logic, Trump would have us on a par with Europe and the virus. But he doesn't and you continue to make excused for his failure

but even so, Trump could follow policies to let states and districts follow there own interests and needs with protecting as many people as possible and opening selectively, but he's only about national directives when it serves his political interests.
/——-/ “ Trump could follow policies to let states and districts follow there own interests and needs...”
I know you are slow on thee uptake and woefully unprepared to debate, but that’s exactly what Trump did. But don’t believe me. Here is a source you trust: Can Trump 'override' states' pandemic decisions? Will he?

Well actually, he pretty much stood up and said that schools should reopen with kids back onsite and threatened to withhold funding from any school district that didn't comply.
So, there's that.
/——-/ “he pretty much stood up and said...” He can say anything he wants. That’s his opinion. Did he issue an EO ordering schools to be open ? He can threaten, but doesn’t have the authority to withhold funds. You got yourself a case of Orange Man Bad.

Bullshit. Your assertion was that Trump let states and districts follow their own interests. And that's exactly what he did according to you....NOT!! The man at the top stood up in front of the whole country and threatened de-funding school districts as a lever to try and get them to open with kids onsite this fall. Kinda like how he tried to leverage Ukraine..LOL.

But seriously, if this is your argument, go back to sleep. You're a true believer. And not very believable.
/——/ Andy Boy Cuomo and De Blasio call all the shots in NY including the schools so go stuff your “it’s all Trumps fault Orange Man Bad.”

Broken record...must...move...needle....same thing...over and over. :)
NY virus infection rates falling, deaths falling, hospitalizations falling.
Why isn't this happening in Florida..or Georgia..or Texas..or know, Trump country! :)
You need to keep searching under the bed and in those closets for the boogeyman. No one wants to see kids not in school. But no administrator is going to hang their jobs and their livelyhood on sending kids back without infection rates going down and strict and clear guidelines from federal and state agencies
The fascist school system designed to indoctrinate kids with a fascist political agenda, prostitute girls, and cut off boys, has failed in its mission of evil, and its masters are hard at work to destroy what's left of it.
No teacher is going to want to go back into the classroom knowing that a kid could get them sick. And parents are not going to want to send their kids back knowing they could come home infected and make other members of their family sick, especially the more vulnerable. Contrary to right wingers popular belief, this virus does affect all age groups.
The COVID-19 virus is some sort of popular belief system. The feared propagation of the virus is only the propaganda of political beliefs hostile to the Establishment.

The virus is some sort of popular belief system? Really? Then how did all those beliefs manage to kill over 143,000 people so far? Why are hospitals in places where the virus is spiking being overrun? Is that all because of a popular belief system?
Have those 143 k been verified...........the definition was made by the CDC to guarantee higher numbers.................If they die from a heat attack but it is ASSUMED they had Covid.......then they can make a judgement call to say it was Covid.

If they call it Covid.......they get extra money from medicare............if they are uninsured......more money from Daddy Gov't...

Now please tell me that the HONORABLE HOSPITALS wouldn't dare mischarge.............


Do you have actual FACTS about the virus or are you just here to spread Trump's lies and bullshit.

How is it that covid19 has occurred in every other first world country on earth, and the rest of the world got it under control and ended the deaths? Trump isn't smart enough to do it. Enough people in the USA still think that Trump isn't lying, or that the government wouldn't re-open unless it's safe, that the virus continues to rage.

And fools like YOU are claiming it's not real.

Stupid is as stupid does.
You just go by our posts when we show Rand Paul showing how 22 countries in Europe are going to school.......and not showing and spikes in cases...

You only look at what fits your Narrative..........You CLAIM RIGHTEOUSNESS............and how GREAT YOU ARE.............LOL

Shut the hell up and post your LIES IN CANADA.

Yeah, Rand doesn't have a leg to stand on here. He points out that 22 countries are sending their kids back to school with no spikes. Well, no shit Dick Tracy.
Those countries have already flattened their virus curves. They've issued guidance to their schools and put restrictions into place..which a lot of those countries are now relaxing...because they solve their virus spikes!!
Which leaves me asking people like Rand Paul...Are you dumb?..Or just stupid??
Prove it, asshole. If they have already had their "spikes," then the USA must be doing a better job. I thought the whole point of the shutdown was to slowdown the spikes.

Put the bottle down. If you think the US is doing a better job flattening its virus curve than other countries, then you're cut off. It's pretty straightforward. Those countries who sent their kids back to school have significantly reduced their virus infection rates, hospitalizations, and deaths. We haven't. And yes, the point of the shutdown was to flatten or slow down the virus spike...which most states did...until the ones that were loyal to your savior decided to open back up with no restrictions or guidance.
And those states are now back to where they were in March.

So what scintillating comments do you have to counter my statement?
So have we, turd. They had their spikes early because they did little to "flatten the curve." That's what we were orginally told was the purpose of the shutdown, but that excuse went by the wayside once the COVID authoritarians decided they could use the virus against Trump.
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
Wouldn't that be an embarrassment if they all went back to school and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

Wouldn't it be a tragedy if they all went back to school and hundreds of teachers, and children with asthma, and other "pre-existing conditions" got sick. I don't know of ANY parent who is so desperate for their children go back to school that they are prepared risk their children's lives or health to send them back.


Another ignorant Canuck who doesn't know that children's death rate is virtually zero and they don't effectively transmit the disease.

You also don't care that children are being harmed by being kept at home, they don't effectively learn on computers in replacement of live instruction and that poor kids may not have computer access at all.

Just another hate filled leftist

Yes and No. Ultimately, the jury is still out because while they think that's the case, they're not 100% sure. And it still doesn't change the fact you can't rule the virus spreading with older children. Not every child who attends school is a first grader.
The point still stands. Lower the virus infection rate, take the necessary precautions and issue the relevant guidelines...and we could get back to something resembling normal..including sending kids back to school.

Or what we could do is open schools for kids up to high school grades. High school kids can stay home while their parents work and learn online.

The study showed 10 years old and older spread the virus as fast and efficient as adults....

The study on 10 years younger children, is not complete yet... it could be thy too are just as infectious....

Whatever the exact ages are, it all goes together. The younger they are, the less likely they are to catch or transmit the disease. And older children still have a death rate virtually zero.

That doesn't support your argument of just call it all the same and shut it down.

But sure, the younger they are the safer it is. And hand in hand with that, the younger they are, the more they need social interaction and live education.

And again also, so screw poor families without internet? That's your position?

You're following the leftists script. Pounce and attack. Don't solve shit

Kas, if there was any true LOGIC to any of the past 4 months rather than POLITICAL, we would see people of both parties arbitrarily on both sides of the issues instead a sharp line drawn with the Democrats.
If there was any logic, Trump would have us on a par with Europe and the virus. But he doesn't and you continue to make excused for his failure

but even so, Trump could follow policies to let states and districts follow there own interests and needs with protecting as many people as possible and opening selectively, but he's only about national directives when it serves his political interests.
/——-/ “ Trump could follow policies to let states and districts follow there own interests and needs...”
I know you are slow on thee uptake and woefully unprepared to debate, but that’s exactly what Trump did. But don’t believe me. Here is a source you trust: Can Trump 'override' states' pandemic decisions? Will he?

Well actually, he pretty much stood up and said that schools should reopen with kids back onsite and threatened to withhold funding from any school district that didn't comply.
So, there's that.
/——-/ “he pretty much stood up and said...” He can say anything he wants. That’s his opinion. Did he issue an EO ordering schools to be open ? He can threaten, but doesn’t have the authority to withhold funds. You got yourself a case of Orange Man Bad.

Bullshit. Your assertion was that Trump let states and districts follow their own interests. And that's exactly what he did according to you....NOT!! The man at the top stood up in front of the whole country and threatened de-funding school districts as a lever to try and get them to open with kids onsite this fall. Kinda like how he tried to leverage Ukraine..LOL.

But seriously, if this is your argument, go back to sleep. You're a true believer. And not very believable.
/——/ Andy Boy Cuomo and De Blasio call all the shots in NY including the schools so go stuff your “it’s all Trumps fault Orange Man Bad.”

Broken record...must...move...needle....same thing...over and over. :)
NY virus infection rates falling, deaths falling, hospitalizations falling.
Why isn't this happening in Florida..or Georgia..or Texas..or know, Trump country! :)
It's not happening because all the COVID refugees left New York and New Jersey and headed for Florida and Texas.
You need to keep searching under the bed and in those closets for the boogeyman. No one wants to see kids not in school. But no administrator is going to hang their jobs and their livelyhood on sending kids back without infection rates going down and strict and clear guidelines from federal and state agencies
The fascist school system designed to indoctrinate kids with a fascist political agenda, prostitute girls, and cut off boys, has failed in its mission of evil, and its masters are hard at work to destroy what's left of it.
No teacher is going to want to go back into the classroom knowing that a kid could get them sick. And parents are not going to want to send their kids back knowing they could come home infected and make other members of their family sick, especially the more vulnerable. Contrary to right wingers popular belief, this virus does affect all age groups.
The COVID-19 virus is some sort of popular belief system. The feared propagation of the virus is only the propaganda of political beliefs hostile to the Establishment.

The virus is some sort of popular belief system? Really? Then how did all those beliefs manage to kill over 143,000 people so far? Why are hospitals in places where the virus is spiking being overrun? Is that all because of a popular belief system?
Have those 143 k been verified...........the definition was made by the CDC to guarantee higher numbers.................If they die from a heat attack but it is ASSUMED they had Covid.......then they can make a judgement call to say it was Covid.

If they call it Covid.......they get extra money from medicare............if they are uninsured......more money from Daddy Gov't...

Now please tell me that the HONORABLE HOSPITALS wouldn't dare mischarge.............


Do you have actual FACTS about the virus or are you just here to spread Trump's lies and bullshit.

How is it that covid19 has occurred in every other first world country on earth, and the rest of the world got it under control and ended the deaths? Trump isn't smart enough to do it. Enough people in the USA still think that Trump isn't lying, or that the government wouldn't re-open unless it's safe, that the virus continues to rage.

And fools like YOU are claiming it's not real.

Stupid is as stupid does.
You just go by our posts when we show Rand Paul showing how 22 countries in Europe are going to school.......and not showing and spikes in cases...

You only look at what fits your Narrative..........You CLAIM RIGHTEOUSNESS............and how GREAT YOU ARE.............LOL

Shut the hell up and post your LIES IN CANADA.

Yeah, Rand doesn't have a leg to stand on here. He points out that 22 countries are sending their kids back to school with no spikes. Well, no shit Dick Tracy.
Those countries have already flattened their virus curves. They've issued guidance to their schools and put restrictions into place..which a lot of those countries are now relaxing...because they solve their virus spikes!!
Which leaves me asking people like Rand Paul...Are you dumb?..Or just stupid??
Prove it, asshole. If they have already had their "spikes," then the USA must be doing a better job. I thought the whole point of the shutdown was to slowdown the spikes.

Put the bottle down. If you think the US is doing a better job flattening its virus curve than other countries, then you're cut off. It's pretty straightforward. Those countries who sent their kids back to school have significantly reduced their virus infection rates, hospitalizations, and deaths. We haven't. And yes, the point of the shutdown was to flatten or slow down the virus spike...which most states did...until the ones that were loyal to your savior decided to open back up with no restrictions or guidance.
And those states are now back to where they were in March.

So what scintillating comments do you have to counter my statement?
So have we, turd. They had their spikes early because they did little to "flatten the curve." That's what we were orginally told was the purpose of the shutdown, but that excuse went by the wayside once the COVID authoritarians decided they could use the virus against Trump., we haven't. Here's just one Trump supportin gov state. And I'm putting no real stock in their numbers because..well, they be Trump supportin! :)
And they hope to push for mail in voting because they think it will help them win...if kids are back to school folks can go and vote on election day.....
That mail-in voting is a can of worms. Having children go back to school would have a soothing effect on parent and child alike. The Democrats want a coup, they don't want no peace until they have a foot on the neck of America and strangle the nation to death.
You need to keep searching under the bed and in those closets for the boogeyman. No one wants to see kids not in school. But no administrator is going to hang their jobs and their livelyhood on sending kids back without infection rates going down and strict and clear guidelines from federal and state agencies
The fascist school system designed to indoctrinate kids with a fascist political agenda, prostitute girls, and cut off boys, has failed in its mission of evil, and its masters are hard at work to destroy what's left of it.
No teacher is going to want to go back into the classroom knowing that a kid could get them sick. And parents are not going to want to send their kids back knowing they could come home infected and make other members of their family sick, especially the more vulnerable. Contrary to right wingers popular belief, this virus does affect all age groups.
The COVID-19 virus is some sort of popular belief system. The feared propagation of the virus is only the propaganda of political beliefs hostile to the Establishment.

The virus is some sort of popular belief system? Really? Then how did all those beliefs manage to kill over 143,000 people so far? Why are hospitals in places where the virus is spiking being overrun? Is that all because of a popular belief system?
Have those 143 k been verified...........the definition was made by the CDC to guarantee higher numbers.................If they die from a heat attack but it is ASSUMED they had Covid.......then they can make a judgement call to say it was Covid.

If they call it Covid.......they get extra money from medicare............if they are uninsured......more money from Daddy Gov't...

Now please tell me that the HONORABLE HOSPITALS wouldn't dare mischarge.............


Do you have actual FACTS about the virus or are you just here to spread Trump's lies and bullshit.

How is it that covid19 has occurred in every other first world country on earth, and the rest of the world got it under control and ended the deaths? Trump isn't smart enough to do it. Enough people in the USA still think that Trump isn't lying, or that the government wouldn't re-open unless it's safe, that the virus continues to rage.

And fools like YOU are claiming it's not real.

Stupid is as stupid does.
You just go by our posts when we show Rand Paul showing how 22 countries in Europe are going to school.......and not showing and spikes in cases...

You only look at what fits your Narrative..........You CLAIM RIGHTEOUSNESS............and how GREAT YOU ARE.............LOL

Shut the hell up and post your LIES IN CANADA.

Yeah, Rand doesn't have a leg to stand on here. He points out that 22 countries are sending their kids back to school with no spikes. Well, no shit Dick Tracy.
Those countries have already flattened their virus curves. They've issued guidance to their schools and put restrictions into place..which a lot of those countries are now relaxing...because they solve their virus spikes!!
Which leaves me asking people like Rand Paul...Are you dumb?..Or just stupid??
Prove it, asshole. If they have already had their "spikes," then the USA must be doing a better job. I thought the whole point of the shutdown was to slowdown the spikes.

Put the bottle down. If you think the US is doing a better job flattening its virus curve than other countries, then you're cut off. It's pretty straightforward. Those countries who sent their kids back to school have significantly reduced their virus infection rates, hospitalizations, and deaths. We haven't. And yes, the point of the shutdown was to flatten or slow down the virus spike...which most states did...until the ones that were loyal to your savior decided to open back up with no restrictions or guidance.
And those states are now back to where they were in March.

So what scintillating comments do you have to counter my statement?
So have we, turd. They had their spikes early because they did little to "flatten the curve." That's what we were orginally told was the purpose of the shutdown, but that excuse went by the wayside once the COVID authoritarians decided they could use the virus against Trump., we haven't. Here's just one Trump supportin gov state. And I'm putting no real stock in their numbers because..well, they be Trump supportin! :)
View attachment 365906
Here's the graph for my state, dumbfuck:

You need to keep searching under the bed and in those closets for the boogeyman. No one wants to see kids not in school. But no administrator is going to hang their jobs and their livelyhood on sending kids back without infection rates going down and strict and clear guidelines from federal and state agencies
The fascist school system designed to indoctrinate kids with a fascist political agenda, prostitute girls, and cut off boys, has failed in its mission of evil, and its masters are hard at work to destroy what's left of it.
No teacher is going to want to go back into the classroom knowing that a kid could get them sick. And parents are not going to want to send their kids back knowing they could come home infected and make other members of their family sick, especially the more vulnerable. Contrary to right wingers popular belief, this virus does affect all age groups.
The COVID-19 virus is some sort of popular belief system. The feared propagation of the virus is only the propaganda of political beliefs hostile to the Establishment.

The virus is some sort of popular belief system? Really? Then how did all those beliefs manage to kill over 143,000 people so far? Why are hospitals in places where the virus is spiking being overrun? Is that all because of a popular belief system?
Have those 143 k been verified...........the definition was made by the CDC to guarantee higher numbers.................If they die from a heat attack but it is ASSUMED they had Covid.......then they can make a judgement call to say it was Covid.

If they call it Covid.......they get extra money from medicare............if they are uninsured......more money from Daddy Gov't...

Now please tell me that the HONORABLE HOSPITALS wouldn't dare mischarge.............


Do you have actual FACTS about the virus or are you just here to spread Trump's lies and bullshit.

How is it that covid19 has occurred in every other first world country on earth, and the rest of the world got it under control and ended the deaths? Trump isn't smart enough to do it. Enough people in the USA still think that Trump isn't lying, or that the government wouldn't re-open unless it's safe, that the virus continues to rage.

And fools like YOU are claiming it's not real.

Stupid is as stupid does.
You just go by our posts when we show Rand Paul showing how 22 countries in Europe are going to school.......and not showing and spikes in cases...

You only look at what fits your Narrative..........You CLAIM RIGHTEOUSNESS............and how GREAT YOU ARE.............LOL

Shut the hell up and post your LIES IN CANADA.

Yeah, Rand doesn't have a leg to stand on here. He points out that 22 countries are sending their kids back to school with no spikes. Well, no shit Dick Tracy.
Those countries have already flattened their virus curves. They've issued guidance to their schools and put restrictions into place..which a lot of those countries are now relaxing...because they solve their virus spikes!!
Which leaves me asking people like Rand Paul...Are you dumb?..Or just stupid??
Prove it, asshole. If they have already had their "spikes," then the USA must be doing a better job. I thought the whole point of the shutdown was to slowdown the spikes.

Put the bottle down. If you think the US is doing a better job flattening its virus curve than other countries, then you're cut off. It's pretty straightforward. Those countries who sent their kids back to school have significantly reduced their virus infection rates, hospitalizations, and deaths. We haven't. And yes, the point of the shutdown was to flatten or slow down the virus spike...which most states did...until the ones that were loyal to your savior decided to open back up with no restrictions or guidance.
And those states are now back to where they were in March.

So what scintillating comments do you have to counter my statement?
So have we, turd. They had their spikes early because they did little to "flatten the curve." That's what we were orginally told was the purpose of the shutdown, but that excuse went by the wayside once the COVID authoritarians decided they could use the virus against Trump., we haven't. Here's just one Trump supportin gov state. And I'm putting no real stock in their numbers because..well, they be Trump supportin! :)
View attachment 365906
Here's the graph for my state, dumbfuck:

View attachment 365910

Language!!! Whelp, your governor is a Democrat. And it looks like he's done a good job balancing combating the virus spikes with re-opening your state. Good job! He took action early.
But you douchebags railed against him in May didn't ya?? Got something to say about that?? Bring it on.
You need to keep searching under the bed and in those closets for the boogeyman. No one wants to see kids not in school. But no administrator is going to hang their jobs and their livelyhood on sending kids back without infection rates going down and strict and clear guidelines from federal and state agencies
The fascist school system designed to indoctrinate kids with a fascist political agenda, prostitute girls, and cut off boys, has failed in its mission of evil, and its masters are hard at work to destroy what's left of it.
No teacher is going to want to go back into the classroom knowing that a kid could get them sick. And parents are not going to want to send their kids back knowing they could come home infected and make other members of their family sick, especially the more vulnerable. Contrary to right wingers popular belief, this virus does affect all age groups.
The COVID-19 virus is some sort of popular belief system. The feared propagation of the virus is only the propaganda of political beliefs hostile to the Establishment.

The virus is some sort of popular belief system? Really? Then how did all those beliefs manage to kill over 143,000 people so far? Why are hospitals in places where the virus is spiking being overrun? Is that all because of a popular belief system?
Have those 143 k been verified...........the definition was made by the CDC to guarantee higher numbers.................If they die from a heat attack but it is ASSUMED they had Covid.......then they can make a judgement call to say it was Covid.

If they call it Covid.......they get extra money from medicare............if they are uninsured......more money from Daddy Gov't...

Now please tell me that the HONORABLE HOSPITALS wouldn't dare mischarge.............


Do you have actual FACTS about the virus or are you just here to spread Trump's lies and bullshit.

How is it that covid19 has occurred in every other first world country on earth, and the rest of the world got it under control and ended the deaths? Trump isn't smart enough to do it. Enough people in the USA still think that Trump isn't lying, or that the government wouldn't re-open unless it's safe, that the virus continues to rage.

And fools like YOU are claiming it's not real.

Stupid is as stupid does.
You just go by our posts when we show Rand Paul showing how 22 countries in Europe are going to school.......and not showing and spikes in cases...

You only look at what fits your Narrative..........You CLAIM RIGHTEOUSNESS............and how GREAT YOU ARE.............LOL

Shut the hell up and post your LIES IN CANADA.

Yeah, Rand doesn't have a leg to stand on here. He points out that 22 countries are sending their kids back to school with no spikes. Well, no shit Dick Tracy.
Those countries have already flattened their virus curves. They've issued guidance to their schools and put restrictions into place..which a lot of those countries are now relaxing...because they solve their virus spikes!!
Which leaves me asking people like Rand Paul...Are you dumb?..Or just stupid??
Prove it, asshole. If they have already had their "spikes," then the USA must be doing a better job. I thought the whole point of the shutdown was to slowdown the spikes.

Put the bottle down. If you think the US is doing a better job flattening its virus curve than other countries, then you're cut off. It's pretty straightforward. Those countries who sent their kids back to school have significantly reduced their virus infection rates, hospitalizations, and deaths. We haven't. And yes, the point of the shutdown was to flatten or slow down the virus spike...which most states did...until the ones that were loyal to your savior decided to open back up with no restrictions or guidance.
And those states are now back to where they were in March.

So what scintillating comments do you have to counter my statement?
So have we, turd. They had their spikes early because they did little to "flatten the curve." That's what we were orginally told was the purpose of the shutdown, but that excuse went by the wayside once the COVID authoritarians decided they could use the virus against Trump., we haven't. Here's just one Trump supportin gov state. And I'm putting no real stock in their numbers because..well, they be Trump supportin! :)
View attachment 365906
Here's the graph for my state, dumbfuck:

View attachment 365910

Language!!! Whelp, your governor is a Democrat. And it looks like he's done a good job balancing combating the virus spikes with re-opening your state. Good job! He took action early.
But you douchebags railed against him in May didn't ya?? Got something to say about that?? Bring it on.
He hasn't done jack squat. His shutdown order was ruled null and void by the state Supreme Court. All the stores are open.

I love the way the leftwing mind works . . . . or doesn't.
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
No, goofy. It’s because they don’t want their kids to get sick.
This dumbass is the reason why we need to get kids back in school. But the real insidiousness of why progs dont want kids back in school, is that they know their kids are stupid as fuck like their parents so want to dumb down the rest of the kids so the prog kids can have a chance....Again just look at this billygoat.
You people are just amazing. Trump has totally screwed up the reaction to the disease and people are not going to send their kids off in the middle of this mess that Trump caused with absolutely no leadership PPE testing and tracing etc. He actually politicized it so that Republicans won't wear masks. Absolute idiocy.
/——-/ Thats a crock of Hillary. You clowns get more desperate and shrill everyday. If Trump does something, you accuse him of being a dictator, if he does nothing you demand he act like a dictator. TDS.
We still don't have enough masks and PP oh, so we have so many cases we can't even do tracing you. Read something, watch something not produced by Rupert Murdoch and his minions of bought off pundits and garbage propaganda. No sacrifice is too great to save the rich from paying their fair share. He's not a dictator he's just totally incompetent and seems to believe all the garbage hateful ridiculous GOP propaganda of phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracy theories and just plain misinformation.
sucking of Gov't Sugar daddy tits their whole lives
Yeah, where's your Social Security retirement? You hardworking folks with the good sense to be born in the right age bracket got 401(k) or private pension somewhere? Parents in their 70s and 80s are nursing babies in their 40s and 50s, who are never allowed to reach an age of majority for as long as they live.
Seems I poured salt into a raw nerve ending.......meaning I probably got you pegged when I said sucking of Gov't daddy tits...........

Oh well..........does it burn...

You must get all of your exercise jumping to conclusions.

The poster made good points about the failures of the Republican economy. You've finally figured out how to drive college educated middle class Americans into permanent penury: Student debt. It's not the rich kids who are graduating with debt. It's the working and middle class kids who scrimped and saved while working for minimum wage, tried to get scholarships, but will be paying off their student debt until their children leave for college.

Permanent penury for college graduates is the ideal of the Republican Party. More money for the wealth classes.
Trump cultists, good luck with the whole "I DEMAND THAT WE GET TO KILL YOUR CHILDREN!" line. That's going to be real popular with parents.

What they should do is have class and video so the parents that choose not to send their kids to school can watch the teacher at home instead. But I think most parents want their kids back in school because if they don't go, somebody has to stay home and watch them. That's not feasible for most working parents.

True. And Democrats know that. They want to force parents to stay at home so they don't work and help the economy. It's part of their hate filled, anti-American November 3 strategy. It's stick

Many households are check to check families. Government can't support people forever as we are approaching 30 trillion dollars in debt if we don't stop these giveaways. It's a struggle enough for a couple, but how are single parents supposed to stay home if they got called back to work and therefore can't get on unemployment?

If we are to be totally honest, school mostly serves us as a government baby sitter.

Educationally, yes. But it is better for younger kids still to be in socially as well. Certainly to your point it'd be far better for parents to have put them in private schools so they can get a real education as well.

Whether kids need to go back to school in the fall (they do) and what schools they are going to go to are important discussions, but they are separate discussions.

What cracks me up is when leftists say schools are terrible, so they don't need to go back!

I can remember last year, when the official line was still that homeschooling children was "child abuse", and how DARE anyone keep their children away from leftist public schools, who REALLY know what's best for them and REALLY care about them.

This isn't last year fool, and things haven't changed in regards to the reasons why homeschooling to keep your children from mixing with minorities, getting liberal ideas or learning critical thinking skills is a form of child abuse. When your belief system is so flawed that they only way you can keep your children from abandoning your principles, is to exclude ideas, or people from their lives, that's not a religion, it's a cult.

More race whoring. Pass. You know leftists know yourselves that you're losing badly when you start pulling out the racism crap. It's the only card in your deck. You play it to end any conversation you're getting your head handed to you. Fuck you, bitch. Seriously

I was laughing my ass off at America's Hat haranguing us about racism, as if she doesn't live in one of the whitest damned countries on Earth. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that LizardTwat has never even SEEN a black person who wasn't on television.

I tried looking up the demographics of Canada. There is no study on it because the government doesn't like to count people in that way. But I did find another article where a Canadian did some research himself, and concluded that Canada has between 2% and 3% of blacks in their population.

I can't imagine a government so fragile and dishonest that they refuse to count people by race or ethnicity. My Lord, and I thought we had such snowflakes in our own government.

Why would we count people by race and ethnicity? What would be the point of that? Why does race matter to you SO very much, Ray? Canadians don't look at race the way Americans do. We have never had segregation, and slavery, while technically legal until 1810, wasn't really practiced.

Toronto is one of the most diverse cities in the world, as is Vancouver, but rural Canada is basically white.

Race here matters to create a portfolio of where our problems lie. Let's take gun control for instance. If there are very few if any gun crimes in middle-class white areas, WTF would we want gun control there? Guns don't present any kind of threat. By using race and ethnicity, we can make a more accurate evaluation of what the problems are, and it's not guns, as we have been telling you for years.

This is especially important when comparing our country to others, especially yours which you bring up quite often. I reads your link. I seen no category for people of color such as African or Hispanic. But you see, those are the groups of people that are responsible for most of the violent crime here.

When you make such comparisons, you omit that major factor. Why? Because you don't see this on your streets. We see it in ours. When blacks start to move in a predominantly white area, whites start to move out. The quicker you move, the more likely you will take a lesser loss of your property.

So by you comparing our society to yours or those in Europe, you are comparing apples to oranges, because you and European countries don't have our demographics to deal with. That's why it's important to categorize people by race and ethnicity.
You need to keep searching under the bed and in those closets for the boogeyman. No one wants to see kids not in school. But no administrator is going to hang their jobs and their livelyhood on sending kids back without infection rates going down and strict and clear guidelines from federal and state agencies
The fascist school system designed to indoctrinate kids with a fascist political agenda, prostitute girls, and cut off boys, has failed in its mission of evil, and its masters are hard at work to destroy what's left of it.
No teacher is going to want to go back into the classroom knowing that a kid could get them sick. And parents are not going to want to send their kids back knowing they could come home infected and make other members of their family sick, especially the more vulnerable. Contrary to right wingers popular belief, this virus does affect all age groups.
The COVID-19 virus is some sort of popular belief system. The feared propagation of the virus is only the propaganda of political beliefs hostile to the Establishment.

The virus is some sort of popular belief system? Really? Then how did all those beliefs manage to kill over 143,000 people so far? Why are hospitals in places where the virus is spiking being overrun? Is that all because of a popular belief system?
Have those 143 k been verified...........the definition was made by the CDC to guarantee higher numbers.................If they die from a heat attack but it is ASSUMED they had Covid.......then they can make a judgement call to say it was Covid.

If they call it Covid.......they get extra money from medicare............if they are uninsured......more money from Daddy Gov't...

Now please tell me that the HONORABLE HOSPITALS wouldn't dare mischarge.............


Do you have actual FACTS about the virus or are you just here to spread Trump's lies and bullshit.

How is it that covid19 has occurred in every other first world country on earth, and the rest of the world got it under control and ended the deaths? Trump isn't smart enough to do it. Enough people in the USA still think that Trump isn't lying, or that the government wouldn't re-open unless it's safe, that the virus continues to rage.

And fools like YOU are claiming it's not real.

Stupid is as stupid does.
You just go by our posts when we show Rand Paul showing how 22 countries in Europe are going to school.......and not showing and spikes in cases...

You only look at what fits your Narrative..........You CLAIM RIGHTEOUSNESS............and how GREAT YOU ARE.............LOL

Shut the hell up and post your LIES IN CANADA.

Yeah, Rand doesn't have a leg to stand on here. He points out that 22 countries are sending their kids back to school with no spikes. Well, no shit Dick Tracy.
Those countries have already flattened their virus curves. They've issued guidance to their schools and put restrictions into place..which a lot of those countries are now relaxing...because they solve their virus spikes!!
Which leaves me asking people like Rand Paul...Are you dumb?..Or just stupid??
Prove it, asshole. If they have already had their "spikes," then the USA must be doing a better job. I thought the whole point of the shutdown was to slowdown the spikes.

Put the bottle down. If you think the US is doing a better job flattening its virus curve than other countries, then you're cut off. It's pretty straightforward. Those countries who sent their kids back to school have significantly reduced their virus infection rates, hospitalizations, and deaths. We haven't. And yes, the point of the shutdown was to flatten or slow down the virus spike...which most states did...until the ones that were loyal to your savior decided to open back up with no restrictions or guidance.
And those states are now back to where they were in March.

So what scintillating comments do you have to counter my statement?
So have we, turd. They had their spikes early because they did little to "flatten the curve." That's what we were orginally told was the purpose of the shutdown, but that excuse went by the wayside once the COVID authoritarians decided they could use the virus against Trump., we haven't. Here's just one Trump supportin gov state. And I'm putting no real stock in their numbers because..well, they be Trump supportin! :)
View attachment 365906
Here's the graph for my state, dumbfuck:

View attachment 365910

Language!!! Whelp, your governor is a Democrat. And it looks like he's done a good job balancing combating the virus spikes with re-opening your state. Good job! He took action early.
But you douchebags railed against him in May didn't ya?? Got something to say about that?? Bring it on.
He hasn't done jack squat. His shutdown order was ruled null and void by the state Supreme Court. All the stores are open.

I love the way the leftwing mind works . . . . or doesn't.

You seem thrilled that the shut down was overturned, which seems odd. Why do you want the virus running loose in the country. Are you deliberately trying to create civil unrest?

It appears that Trump is trying to provoke violence by sending in federal stormtrooper to start trouble in the peaceful protests. In Portland, they fractured the skull of an elderly army veteran firing a "rubber bullet" at his head. Charges will be forthcoming.

Mayors and governors are trying to find a legal means to bar Trump from sending in this troops without their permission. Congress is looking at passing a law.

I hope Trump keeps this shit up. This is straight up trampling the Constitution under foot, and violating the First Amendment rights of peaceful protestors.

Oh yeah, dangling a pardon to Ghislain Maxwell to keep her mouth shut was also a smooth move. Wonder what SHE knows about the President. The guy who is still trying to "Lock her up" when it comes to Hillary Clinton, wished Ghislain Maxwell "well". The woman who recruited vulnerable children for sex toys for Jeffrey Epstein and other wealthy men, and who is facing multiple child sex trafficking charges, is hardly anyone that a decent human being would wish "well". And Trump never has anything nice to say about any powerful woman.

No wonder Trump tried to get his own guy into the Southern District of New York, before they pulled Maxell in.

How many companies need to go bankrupt?

How many jobs need to be lost forever?

How many formerly-productive workers need to be permanently unemployed?

How many people have to lose their homes, and be forced to live on the streets?

How many people need to die of starvation, or other poverty-related causes?

How much human suffering and death will it take, to assuage your absurd and irrational fear of an overhyped flu bug?
Trump cultists, good luck with the whole "I DEMAND THAT WE GET TO KILL YOUR CHILDREN!" line. That's going to be real popular with parents.

What they should do is have class and video so the parents that choose not to send their kids to school can watch the teacher at home instead. But I think most parents want their kids back in school because if they don't go, somebody has to stay home and watch them. That's not feasible for most working parents.

Most kids also don't do well being cooped up for extended periods of time. There's a reason why homeschooled kids join extra-curricular activities.

They can join them now just like homeschooled children. My tenant who has homeschooled her children since young on, recently had her daughter go to camp as she's done all the years past. Yes, it's different, it has much more precaution than before, but she's gone this entire week.

Home schooling is no different than students who did or will learn off the internet. People who use the excuse of children being tormented because they can't physically go to school would prove themselves as hypocrites if they ever supported homeschooling in the future after this is behind us. Laura Ingraham is one of those people if she ever talks up homeschooling in the future. The MSM would have a picnic with that.
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Are you [JackassOfNoTrades] calling Americans filthy pigs?

Americans have done everything the fraud Fauci recommended. Your claim that they haven't only shows that you're a douchebag.

I must take issue with your calling JackassOfNoTrades a “douchebag”. A literal douchebag gets to come into close proximity to a woman's uncovered intimate areas, a privilege which surely no woman of any worth will ever grant to JackassOfNoTrades. Most women I know very much prefer men who have jobs, and certainly not men who proudly boast of having no employable skills or abilities at all.
The best way to "shut the virus down" is for everyone to wear a mask in public.

That's a flat-out lie. The masks that we are being told to wear do absolutely nothing to protect anyone against any virus. To believe otherwise is as stupid as believing that a chain-link fence can protect you from mosquitoes. Let us please stop repeating this lie, and treating it as if it is anything other than a lie.

Well actually, he pretty much stood up and said that schools should reopen with kids back onsite and threatened to withhold funding from any school district that didn't comply.

Seems like common sense to me. Why should the federal government be giving funds to education systems that are refusing to do their jobs? What is that money for, if not to be spent educating students?

Not that I think the federal government should have its hand in education, anyway, per the Tenth Amendment.
2. Get testing, and contract tracing up to snuff. A testing system that takes two weeks to get results is no testing system at all. Reagents and testing supplies are still in short supply and there is no effective contract tracing set up in most states.

So how would that help any?

I go get a test, and it comes out positive which I learn by the next day. Between the time I left the clinic, I went grocery shopping. I went to my drug store to pickup prescriptions. I went to the park or beach. How can contact tracing do anything?

Covid testing is not the answer. Antibody tests are. Because antibody tests can tell us who naturally has the ability to fight Covid. It tells us who had it and likely not going to get it again, yet alone transmit it to anybody else. Antibody testing is the solution to this problem next to a safe and effective vaccine.

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