The real reason Democrats wont allow children back to school:

Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
Wouldn't that be an embarrassment if they all went back to school and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

Wouldn't it be a tragedy if they all went back to school and hundreds of teachers, and children with asthma, and other "pre-existing conditions" got sick. I don't know of ANY parent who is so desperate for their children go back to school that they are prepared risk their children's lives or health to send them back.


Another ignorant Canuck who doesn't know that children's death rate is virtually zero and they don't effectively transmit the disease.

You also don't care that children are being harmed by being kept at home, they don't effectively learn on computers in replacement of live instruction and that poor kids may not have computer access at all.

Just another hate filled leftist

Yes and No. Ultimately, the jury is still out because while they think that's the case, they're not 100% sure. And it still doesn't change the fact you can't rule the virus spreading with older children. Not every child who attends school is a first grader.
The point still stands. Lower the virus infection rate, take the necessary precautions and issue the relevant guidelines...and we could get back to something resembling normal..including sending kids back to school.

Or what we could do is open schools for kids up to high school grades. High school kids can stay home while their parents work and learn online.

The study showed 10 years old and older spread the virus as fast and efficient as adults....

The study on 10 years younger children, is not complete yet... it could be thy too are just as infectious....

Whatever the exact ages are, it all goes together. The younger they are, the less likely they are to catch or transmit the disease. And older children still have a death rate virtually zero.

That doesn't support your argument of just call it all the same and shut it down.

But sure, the younger they are the safer it is. And hand in hand with that, the younger they are, the more they need social interaction and live education.

And again also, so screw poor families without internet? That's your position?

You're following the leftists script. Pounce and attack. Don't solve shit
Trump cultists, good luck with the whole "I DEMAND THAT WE GET TO KILL YOUR CHILDREN!" line. That's going to be real popular with parents.

What they should do is have class and video so the parents that choose not to send their kids to school can watch the teacher at home instead. But I think most parents want their kids back in school because if they don't go, somebody has to stay home and watch them. That's not feasible for most working parents.

True. And Democrats know that. They want to force parents to stay at home so they don't work and help the economy. It's part of their hate filled, anti-American November 3 strategy. It's stick

Many households are check to check families. Government can't support people forever as we are approaching 30 trillion dollars in debt if we don't stop these giveaways. It's a struggle enough for a couple, but how are single parents supposed to stay home if they got called back to work and therefore can't get on unemployment?

If we are to be totally honest, school mostly serves us as a government baby sitter.

Educationally, yes. But it is better for younger kids still to be in socially as well. Certainly to your point it'd be far better for parents to have put them in private schools so they can get a real education as well.

Whether kids need to go back to school in the fall (they do) and what schools they are going to go to are important discussions, but they are separate discussions.

What cracks me up is when leftists say schools are terrible, so they don't need to go back!

I find the leftist stance on this remarkable. I mean, what if we just have to get used to having our kids learn online? Then if it takes us a couple of years before we wipe out this virus, and we opt to keep online schooling, it would mean massive layoffs for teachers as we would no longer have use for many of them. If one teacher can teach 25 kids, why not 250 kids? Why not 500?

On the other side of that coin is the hypocrisy of the right; particularly my favorite cable news network show host, Laura Ingraham. She's constantly telling her audience how kids staying out of school leads to apprehension and depression. How it's mental torture to keep these kids away from their classmates and teachers.

Wait a minute! Before the virus when education came up, people on the right always promoted home schooling. You know, get those kids out of the clutches of those liberal teachers showing kids how to put a condom on a banana, and filling their heads with environmental damage nonsense.

I'd say home schooling again is a separate discussion in that sure, if parents plan for home schooling and are going to do it. Just like if parents are wise enough to send their kids to private school. But supporting home schooling to me doesn't mean you don't send kids back to school for homes where they aren't going to do it

Staying home from school and learning from home instead is pretty much home schooling. My tenants home school their children. Most of what they do is online. It's one thing to push the opening up of public schools, but when they promote the narrative of all the negatives about children not being in school, they can't ever bring up home schooling again in the future.
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
Wouldn't that be an embarrassment if they all went back to school and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

Wouldn't it be a tragedy if they all went back to school and hundreds of teachers, and children with asthma, and other "pre-existing conditions" got sick. I don't know of ANY parent who is so desperate for their children go back to school that they are prepared risk their children's lives or health to send them back.


Another ignorant Canuck who doesn't know that children's death rate is virtually zero and they don't effectively transmit the disease.

You also don't care that children are being harmed by being kept at home, they don't effectively learn on computers in replacement of live instruction and that poor kids may not have computer access at all.

Just another hate filled leftist

Yes and No. Ultimately, the jury is still out because while they think that's the case, they're not 100% sure. And it still doesn't change the fact you can't rule the virus spreading with older children. Not every child who attends school is a first grader.
The point still stands. Lower the virus infection rate, take the necessary precautions and issue the relevant guidelines...and we could get back to something resembling normal..including sending kids back to school.

Or what we could do is open schools for kids up to high school grades. High school kids can stay home while their parents work and learn online.

The study showed 10 years old and older spread the virus as fast and efficient as adults....

The study on 10 years younger children, is not complete yet... it could be thy too are just as infectious....

Pretty much the opposite from what I've heard and read. Any credible link to your claim here?
Yes, it came out a couple of days ago.... I believe the study was on about 60000 children....

Heard it on the news....

Let me go find a link for it....brb.
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
Wouldn't that be an embarrassment if they all went back to school and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

Wouldn't it be a tragedy if they all went back to school and hundreds of teachers, and children with asthma, and other "pre-existing conditions" got sick. I don't know of ANY parent who is so desperate for their children go back to school that they are prepared risk their children's lives or health to send them back.


Another ignorant Canuck who doesn't know that children's death rate is virtually zero and they don't effectively transmit the disease.

You also don't care that children are being harmed by being kept at home, they don't effectively learn on computers in replacement of live instruction and that poor kids may not have computer access at all.

Just another hate filled leftist

Yes and No. Ultimately, the jury is still out because while they think that's the case, they're not 100% sure. And it still doesn't change the fact you can't rule the virus spreading with older children. Not every child who attends school is a first grader.
The point still stands. Lower the virus infection rate, take the necessary precautions and issue the relevant guidelines...and we could get back to something resembling normal..including sending kids back to school.

Or what we could do is open schools for kids up to high school grades. High school kids can stay home while their parents work and learn online.

The study showed 10 years old and older spread the virus as fast and efficient as adults....

The study on 10 years younger children, is not complete yet... They are not showing as contagious, but believe it could be the younger ones were isolated more... it could be they too are just as infectious....

Pretty much the opposite from what I've heard and read. Any credible link to your claim here?

Trump cultists, good luck with the whole "I DEMAND THAT WE GET TO KILL YOUR CHILDREN!" line. That's going to be real popular with parents.

What they should do is have class and video so the parents that choose not to send their kids to school can watch the teacher at home instead. But I think most parents want their kids back in school because if they don't go, somebody has to stay home and watch them. That's not feasible for most working parents.

Not all parents have WIFI or the ability to school their children from home. My daughter had a terrible time home schooling her daughter, because her 2 year old son, constantly interrupted the classes, annoyed at being excluded. For her, this has been the most frustrating part of the shut down. It's not like she could have someone in to watch her son while her daughter has classes, nor can she leave her 5 year old to do the class on her own.
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
Wouldn't that be an embarrassment if they all went back to school and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

Wouldn't it be a tragedy if they all went back to school and hundreds of teachers, and children with asthma, and other "pre-existing conditions" got sick. I don't know of ANY parent who is so desperate for their children go back to school that they are prepared risk their children's lives or health to send them back.


Another ignorant Canuck who doesn't know that children's death rate is virtually zero and they don't effectively transmit the disease.

You also don't care that children are being harmed by being kept at home, they don't effectively learn on computers in replacement of live instruction and that poor kids may not have computer access at all.

Just another hate filled leftist

Yes and No. Ultimately, the jury is still out because while they think that's the case, they're not 100% sure. And it still doesn't change the fact you can't rule the virus spreading with older children. Not every child who attends school is a first grader.
The point still stands. Lower the virus infection rate, take the necessary precautions and issue the relevant guidelines...and we could get back to something resembling normal..including sending kids back to school.

Or what we could do is open schools for kids up to high school grades. High school kids can stay home while their parents work and learn online.

The study showed 10 years old and older spread the virus as fast and efficient as adults....

The study on 10 years younger children, is not complete yet... They are not showing as contagious, but believe it could be the younger ones were isolated more... it could be they too are just as infectious....

Pretty much the opposite from what I've heard and read. Any credible link to your claim here?

Again, all you're arguing is cut off. That younger children are less vulnerable and need to be in school more is still very important and you keep running away from that, just as you're ignoring that poor children are more likely to have no internet access at all
Trump cultists, good luck with the whole "I DEMAND THAT WE GET TO KILL YOUR CHILDREN!" line. That's going to be real popular with parents.

What they should do is have class and video so the parents that choose not to send their kids to school can watch the teacher at home instead. But I think most parents want their kids back in school because if they don't go, somebody has to stay home and watch them. That's not feasible for most working parents.

Not all parents have WIFI or the ability to school their children from home. My daughter had a terrible time home schooling her daughter, because her 2 year old son, constantly interrupted the classes, annoyed at being excluded. For her, this has been the most frustrating part of the shut down. It's not like she could have someone in to watch her son while her daughter has classes, nor can she leave her 5 year old to do the class on her own.

Sounds like a great example of someone who needs schools to open in the fall. Even more so the people you mentioned without WIFI at all
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
Wouldn't that be an embarrassment if they all went back to school and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

Wouldn't it be a tragedy if they all went back to school and hundreds of teachers, and children with asthma, and other "pre-existing conditions" got sick. I don't know of ANY parent who is so desperate for their children go back to school that they are prepared risk their children's lives or health to send them back.


Another ignorant Canuck who doesn't know that children's death rate is virtually zero and they don't effectively transmit the disease.

You also don't care that children are being harmed by being kept at home, they don't effectively learn on computers in replacement of live instruction and that poor kids may not have computer access at all.

Just another hate filled leftist

Yes and No. Ultimately, the jury is still out because while they think that's the case, they're not 100% sure. And it still doesn't change the fact you can't rule the virus spreading with older children. Not every child who attends school is a first grader.
The point still stands. Lower the virus infection rate, take the necessary precautions and issue the relevant guidelines...and we could get back to something resembling normal..including sending kids back to school.

Or what we could do is open schools for kids up to high school grades. High school kids can stay home while their parents work and learn online.

The study showed 10 years old and older spread the virus as fast and efficient as adults....

The study on 10 years younger children, is not complete yet... They are not showing as contagious, but believe it could be the younger ones were isolated more... it could be they too are just as infectious....

Pretty much the opposite from what I've heard and read. Any credible link to your claim here?

I'm not subscribed to the NYT and never will be, so I read your other article. It was mostly talking about kids over the age of 10. It's not that kids under 10 can't catch it, but it's likely they won't. I did read one theory that the receptors that the virus attaches to are not mature enough in children. Again, exceptions to every rule. But while looking around, I came across this article. I didn't read it because I can't, but if you're subscribed to the NYT, this was posted only 20 hours ago.

Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
Wouldn't that be an embarrassment if they all went back to school and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

Wouldn't it be a tragedy if they all went back to school and hundreds of teachers, and children with asthma, and other "pre-existing conditions" got sick. I don't know of ANY parent who is so desperate for their children go back to school that they are prepared risk their children's lives or health to send them back.

Parents of kids with preexisting conditions can keep their kid at home. There's no reason to punish everyone for the health issues of a few.

Group punishment is a common tactic with totalitarian regimes.
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
Wouldn't that be an embarrassment if they all went back to school and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

Wouldn't it be a tragedy if they all went back to school and hundreds of teachers, and children with asthma, and other "pre-existing conditions" got sick. I don't know of ANY parent who is so desperate for their children go back to school that they are prepared risk their children's lives or health to send them back.


Another ignorant Canuck who doesn't know that children's death rate is virtually zero and they don't effectively transmit the disease.

You also don't care that children are being harmed by being kept at home, they don't effectively learn on computers in replacement of live instruction and that poor kids may not have computer access at all.

Just another hate filled leftist

Yes and No. Ultimately, the jury is still out because while they think that's the case, they're not 100% sure. And it still doesn't change the fact you can't rule the virus spreading with older children. Not every child who attends school is a first grader.
The point still stands. Lower the virus infection rate, take the necessary precautions and issue the relevant guidelines...and we could get back to something resembling normal..including sending kids back to school.

Or what we could do is open schools for kids up to high school grades. High school kids can stay home while their parents work and learn online.

The study showed 10 years old and older spread the virus as fast and efficient as adults....

The study on 10 years younger children, is not complete yet... They are not showing as contagious, but believe it could be the younger ones were isolated more... it could be they too are just as infectious....

Pretty much the opposite from what I've heard and read. Any credible link to your claim here?

Again, all you're arguing is cut off. That younger children are less vulnerable and need to be in school more is still very important and you keep running away from that, just as you're ignoring that poor children are more likely to have no internet access at all
10 and younger....are allegedly less infectious

But I heard a scientist on the news last night that the study on 10 and younger is not complete.... They believe they too can spread it as well, but the reason they had not in the original study group is because they were protected and sheltered more....

So the 10 and younger group needs more studies.
Trump cultists, good luck with the whole "I DEMAND THAT WE GET TO KILL YOUR CHILDREN!" line. That's going to be real popular with parents.

What they should do is have class and video so the parents that choose not to send their kids to school can watch the teacher at home instead. But I think most parents want their kids back in school because if they don't go, somebody has to stay home and watch them. That's not feasible for most working parents.

Not all parents have WIFI or the ability to school their children from home. My daughter had a terrible time home schooling her daughter, because her 2 year old son, constantly interrupted the classes, annoyed at being excluded. For her, this has been the most frustrating part of the shut down. It's not like she could have someone in to watch her son while her daughter has classes, nor can she leave her 5 year old to do the class on her own.

I don't see how that is. My tenant home schools both her children. They are at the ages of 11 and 15. However when her one daughter is working (another tenant of mine) she takes them upstairs to her mothers apartment to watch. Her baby isn't one years old yet, and her other daughter just turned 4. She didn't have any difficulty taking care of the kids, and home schooling her two children.
The morning radio show here in Chicago, Dan and Amy talked to a teacher in Sweden........their schools are open, no social distancing, no masks....and they do not have an outbreak in the schools....the only reason that the democrat party teachers unions are pushing the lies to keep the schools closed is to disrupt the economy. They want to hurt Trump in November, and keeping families disrupted because they have to watch their kids at home makes this easier.
And, of course, should Biden manage to win, it all evaporates the next day and suddenly everything is open again and all those now shrieking doom and gloom will be ecstatically proclaiming there was no reason to stay shut down as long as we did.
Trump forced the shutdown. It's all his fault.
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
Wouldn't that be an embarrassment if they all went back to school and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

Wouldn't it be a tragedy if they all went back to school and hundreds of teachers, and children with asthma, and other "pre-existing conditions" got sick. I don't know of ANY parent who is so desperate for their children go back to school that they are prepared risk their children's lives or health to send them back.


Another ignorant Canuck who doesn't know that children's death rate is virtually zero and they don't effectively transmit the disease.

You also don't care that children are being harmed by being kept at home, they don't effectively learn on computers in replacement of live instruction and that poor kids may not have computer access at all.

Just another hate filled leftist

Yes and No. Ultimately, the jury is still out because while they think that's the case, they're not 100% sure. And it still doesn't change the fact you can't rule the virus spreading with older children. Not every child who attends school is a first grader.
The point still stands. Lower the virus infection rate, take the necessary precautions and issue the relevant guidelines...and we could get back to something resembling normal..including sending kids back to school.

Or what we could do is open schools for kids up to high school grades. High school kids can stay home while their parents work and learn online.

The study showed 10 years old and older spread the virus as fast and efficient as adults....

The study on 10 years younger children, is not complete yet... They are not showing as contagious, but believe it could be the younger ones were isolated more... it could be they too are just as infectious....

Pretty much the opposite from what I've heard and read. Any credible link to your claim here?

I'm not subscribed to the NYT and never will be, so I read your other article. It was mostly talking about kids over the age of 10. It's not that kids under 10 can't catch it, but it's likely they won't. I did read one theory that the receptors that the virus attaches to are not mature enough in children. Again, exceptions to every rule. But while looking around, I came across this article. I didn't read it because I can't, but if you're subscribed to the NYT, this was posted only 20 hours ago.

Thank you Ray! The article is interesting and I learned some things! They mentioned the receptors not being fully developed as a possibility that you had mentioned...

Here is a part of the article:

Another way researchers have gauged whether children were less likely to catch the coronavirus was to track infections within households where at least one person had tested positive. Two studies in China found that children were less likely than adults to catch the virus from an infected person living with them. A third study showed no difference.

Some researchers hypothesize that the virus cannot make its way into the cells of younger children as well as it can into those of adults because children make fewer receptors, called ACE2, which is where the virus docks.

As children grow into adolescence and adulthood, they make more ACE2 receptors. Their risk for infection and sickness from the coronavirus would, theoretically, likely increase. The evidence for this hypothesis is limited. To establish a link, experts would have to demonstrate it in lab mice and then in large studies of people over time.

It remains unclear whether young children spread the coronavirus to other children and to adults, according to a handful of studies. (A recent study from South Korea found that unlike the case for children under 10, older children transmit the virus as well as adults do.)

“It certainly doesn’t seem like young kids play a huge role in transmission, but it’s early days in this pandemic. It’s not conclusive yet that they don’t,” Dr. Chiang said.

One theory suggests that because children’s smaller lungs do not push out as many droplets as adults’ do, they also push out fewer droplets potentially containing the coronavirus, said Jeffrey Starke, M.D., a professor of pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston who sees patients at Texas Children’s Hospital.

Whether it’s small lungs, less-welcoming cells or other factors, the reason for why kids may be more resilient to catching and spreading the virus is elusive. Even under the best of circumstances, it can take decades for researchers to understand how an infectious disease behaves in adults, let alone its nuances in children.

“With many health issues, children can get the short end of the stick and don’t get studied until we figure out what’s going on in adults,” Dr. Schleiss said.
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.

You need to keep searching under the bed and in those closets for the boogeyman. No one wants to see kids not in school. But no administrator is going to hang their jobs and their livelyhood on sending kids back without infection rates going down and strict and clear guidelines from federal and state agencies. No teacher is going to want to go back into the classroom knowing that a kid could get them sick. And parents are not going to want to send their kids back knowing they could come home infected and make other members of their family sick, especially the more vulnerable. Contrary to right wingers popular belief, this virus does affect all age groups.
Al the European countries already have their kids in school. They're following the science, unlike the leftwing douchebags.
Al the European countries already have their kids in school. They're following the science, unlike the leftwing douchebags.
All the European countries have far less virus than we do.
Their positivity rates are all at 1% or less.
The US average is over 10% while some regions are as high as 20%.

Introducing the virus to so many US households is the last thing we should do.
Those claims lack an tengible evidence to support them. A number of European countries higher death rates than the USA.

I have no idea what the "positivity rate" is.
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
Wouldn't that be an embarrassment if they all went back to school and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

Wouldn't it be a tragedy if they all went back to school and hundreds of teachers, and children with asthma, and other "pre-existing conditions" got sick. I don't know of ANY parent who is so desperate for their children go back to school that they are prepared risk their children's lives or health to send them back.


Another ignorant Canuck who doesn't know that children's death rate is virtually zero and they don't effectively transmit the disease.

You also don't care that children are being harmed by being kept at home, they don't effectively learn on computers in replacement of live instruction and that poor kids may not have computer access at all.

Just another hate filled leftist

Yes and No. Ultimately, the jury is still out because while they think that's the case, they're not 100% sure. And it still doesn't change the fact you can't rule the virus spreading with older children. Not every child who attends school is a first grader.
The point still stands. Lower the virus infection rate, take the necessary precautions and issue the relevant guidelines...and we could get back to something resembling normal..including sending kids back to school.

The age of children is certainly a good point and I haven't heard much analysis of that. Probably some point around high school it starts to change. Not sure where.

It's a point that HOW limited kids are to death and transmission, but based on what they've observed it's not a question of if at this point. It's not possible with how much they've seen that children are the same.

At least you addressed the point. Thank you.

The summer camps that opened have had major outbreaks and had to close. One camp had over 80 cases. That puts the lie to the notion that kids don't get the virus.

There is so much we don't know about the virus and its effect on children, and most importantly, the long term effects of having contracted the virus. We don't yet know if the internal organ damage it does to the heart, lungs, kidneys and vascular systems is permanent, and it is critical that we have a better understand how the virus affects young people before going willy nilly claiming it's not going to hurt the kids.
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
Wouldn't that be an embarrassment if they all went back to school and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

Wouldn't it be a tragedy if they all went back to school and hundreds of teachers, and children with asthma, and other "pre-existing conditions" got sick. I don't know of ANY parent who is so desperate for their children go back to school that they are prepared risk their children's lives or health to send them back.


Another ignorant Canuck who doesn't know that children's death rate is virtually zero and they don't effectively transmit the disease.

You also don't care that children are being harmed by being kept at home, they don't effectively learn on computers in replacement of live instruction and that poor kids may not have computer access at all.

Just another hate filled leftist

Yes and No. Ultimately, the jury is still out because while they think that's the case, they're not 100% sure. And it still doesn't change the fact you can't rule the virus spreading with older children. Not every child who attends school is a first grader.
The point still stands. Lower the virus infection rate, take the necessary precautions and issue the relevant guidelines...and we could get back to something resembling normal..including sending kids back to school.

Or what we could do is open schools for kids up to high school grades. High school kids can stay home while their parents work and learn online.

The study showed 10 years old and older spread the virus as fast and efficient as adults....

The study on 10 years younger children, is not complete yet... They are not showing as contagious, but believe it could be the younger ones were isolated more... it could be they too are just as infectious....

Pretty much the opposite from what I've heard and read. Any credible link to your claim here?

Again, all you're arguing is cut off. That younger children are less vulnerable and need to be in school more is still very important and you keep running away from that, just as you're ignoring that poor children are more likely to have no internet access at all
10 and younger....are allegedly less infectious

But I heard a scientist on the news last night that the study on 10 and younger is not complete.... They believe they too can spread it as well, but the reason they had not in the original study group is because they were protected and sheltered more....

So the 10 and younger group needs more studies.

OK, but you're still only arguing one side and ignoring the damage being done to children, particularly poor children. You aren't offering ANY solutions, just criticizing.

And again, the death rate for children of all ages is still virtually zero
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
Wouldn't that be an embarrassment if they all went back to school and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

Wouldn't it be a tragedy if they all went back to school and hundreds of teachers, and children with asthma, and other "pre-existing conditions" got sick. I don't know of ANY parent who is so desperate for their children go back to school that they are prepared risk their children's lives or health to send them back.


Another ignorant Canuck who doesn't know that children's death rate is virtually zero and they don't effectively transmit the disease.

You also don't care that children are being harmed by being kept at home, they don't effectively learn on computers in replacement of live instruction and that poor kids may not have computer access at all.

Just another hate filled leftist

Yes and No. Ultimately, the jury is still out because while they think that's the case, they're not 100% sure. And it still doesn't change the fact you can't rule the virus spreading with older children. Not every child who attends school is a first grader.
The point still stands. Lower the virus infection rate, take the necessary precautions and issue the relevant guidelines...and we could get back to something resembling normal..including sending kids back to school.

The age of children is certainly a good point and I haven't heard much analysis of that. Probably some point around high school it starts to change. Not sure where.

It's a point that HOW limited kids are to death and transmission, but based on what they've observed it's not a question of if at this point. It's not possible with how much they've seen that children are the same.

At least you addressed the point. Thank you.

The summer camps that opened have had major outbreaks and had to close. One camp had over 80 cases. That puts the lie to the notion that kids don't get the virus.

There is so much we don't know about the virus and its effect on children, and most importantly, the long term effects of having contracted the virus. We don't yet know if the internal organ damage it does to the heart, lungs, kidneys and vascular systems is permanent, and it is critical that we have a better understand how the virus affects young people before going willy nilly claiming it's not going to hurt the kids.

And you're still completely ignoring the harm to children staying at home. You're not making any affort at all to actually care about the right approach. You're just ignoring the downsides of your attack and pouncing on any data that transactionally works your way.

So what are you actually proposing? Keep the kids at home, screw their social development and mental health? You and Care4all have offered nothing between you
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.

You need to keep searching under the bed and in those closets for the boogeyman. No one wants to see kids not in school. But no administrator is going to hang their jobs and their livelyhood on sending kids back without infection rates going down and strict and clear guidelines from federal and state agencies. No teacher is going to want to go back into the classroom knowing that a kid could get them sick. And parents are not going to want to send their kids back knowing they could come home infected and make other members of their family sick, especially the more vulnerable. Contrary to right wingers popular belief, this virus does affect all age groups.
Al the European countries already have their kids in school. They're following the science, unlike the leftwing douchebags.
Al the European countries already have their kids in school. They're following the science, unlike the leftwing douchebags.
All the European countries have far less virus than we do.
Their positivity rates are all at 1% or less.
The US average is over 10% while some regions are as high as 20%.

Introducing the virus to so many US households is the last thing we should do.
Those claims lack an tengible evidence to support them. A number of European countries higher death rates than the USA.

I have no idea what the "positivity rate" is.

Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.

You need to keep searching under the bed and in those closets for the boogeyman. No one wants to see kids not in school. But no administrator is going to hang their jobs and their livelyhood on sending kids back without infection rates going down and strict and clear guidelines from federal and state agencies. No teacher is going to want to go back into the classroom knowing that a kid could get them sick. And parents are not going to want to send their kids back knowing they could come home infected and make other members of their family sick, especially the more vulnerable. Contrary to right wingers popular belief, this virus does affect all age groups.
Al the European countries already have their kids in school. They're following the science, unlike the leftwing douchebags.
Al the European countries already have their kids in school. They're following the science, unlike the leftwing douchebags.
All the European countries have far less virus than we do.
Their positivity rates are all at 1% or less.
The US average is over 10% while some regions are as high as 20%.

Introducing the virus to so many US households is the last thing we should do.
Those claims lack an tengible evidence to support them. A number of European countries higher death rates than the USA.

I have no idea what the "positivity rate" is.

You're the one who used the term. Why should I Google it?
no one really knows what effect corvid has on kids. But if Trump was really interested in poor kids, he could call for every K-6 teacher without an aid to have one, and then schools really could open up in alternate day cohorts with social distancing, but Trump is only interested in his election propects

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