The real reason Democrats wont allow children back to school:

Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
Wouldn't that be an embarrassment if they all went back to school and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

Wouldn't it be a tragedy if they all went back to school and hundreds of teachers, and children with asthma, and other "pre-existing conditions" got sick. I don't know of ANY parent who is so desperate for their children go back to school that they are prepared risk their children's lives or health to send them back.


Another ignorant Canuck who doesn't know that children's death rate is virtually zero and they don't effectively transmit the disease.

You also don't care that children are being harmed by being kept at home, they don't effectively learn on computers in replacement of live instruction and that poor kids may not have computer access at all.

Just another hate filled leftist

Yes and No. Ultimately, the jury is still out because while they think that's the case, they're not 100% sure. And it still doesn't change the fact you can't rule the virus spreading with older children. Not every child who attends school is a first grader.
The point still stands. Lower the virus infection rate, take the necessary precautions and issue the relevant guidelines...and we could get back to something resembling normal..including sending kids back to school.

Or what we could do is open schools for kids up to high school grades. High school kids can stay home while their parents work and learn online.

The study showed 10 years old and older spread the virus as fast and efficient as adults....

The study on 10 years younger children, is not complete yet... it could be thy too are just as infectious....

Whatever the exact ages are, it all goes together. The younger they are, the less likely they are to catch or transmit the disease. And older children still have a death rate virtually zero.

That doesn't support your argument of just call it all the same and shut it down.

But sure, the younger they are the safer it is. And hand in hand with that, the younger they are, the more they need social interaction and live education.

And again also, so screw poor families without internet? That's your position?

You're following the leftists script. Pounce and attack. Don't solve shit

It matters because most schools are not ready to open safely, especially above the 4th grade, if 10 and above are spreaders just like adults.... They need safety measures in place, so that the adults, teachers, principles, janitors, cafeteria/ cooks are safer....And not allow the virus to spread rapidly among the students, so that they also do not bring it home, to all the adults in their home lives.

Having teachers quarantined at home when they all catch it, defeats the purpose. And good luck finding enough substitute teachers to come and fill in, for a covid infected classroom.

We can do this, we just need to be wise about it....

The hotspot regions can't open until they get their community spread down first....

You only provided hot air about kids. So they stay home. The younger kids aren't old enough to effectively learn on computers and they need social interaction. And poor kids may not have internet access at all. Ask the dragon lady, she's not with you on that one.

So when is enough that we stop screwing our children because fear, fear, fear? When can we stop screwing them? November 4?
Many households are check to check families. Government can't support people forever as we are approaching 30 trillion dollars in debt if we don't stop these giveaways. It's a struggle enough for a couple, but how are single parents supposed to stay home if they got called back to work and therefore can't get on unemployment?

If we are to be totally honest, school mostly serves us as a government baby sitter.

Educationally, yes. But it is better for younger kids still to be in socially as well. Certainly to your point it'd be far better for parents to have put them in private schools so they can get a real education as well.

Whether kids need to go back to school in the fall (they do) and what schools they are going to go to are important discussions, but they are separate discussions.

What cracks me up is when leftists say schools are terrible, so they don't need to go back!
From just what I hear on this board its Republicans saying OUR schools are bad. What's really funny is most of the people on this board who claim to be in great shape on all levels got their base education in public schools.

As for me, I went to both private and government schools growing up. The high school I went to was OK for government schools, but I learned a lot because the top kids and I went to state math competitions, had a chess club and did other things beyond basic education that the school didn't do for us. Most of their parents were professors and we had a lot of opportunities that the government school didn't really provide for us.

Also, think about it. That you don't learn much from government schools doesn't mean you can't learn much. It only means you didn't learn it IN school. That school doesn't teach you much doesn't mean they somehow prohibited you learning other ways.

And also, for myself and others, I learned a lot more in college and graduate school then I ever learned in grade schools. I really only started learning when I graduated high school
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
Wouldn't that be an embarrassment if they all went back to school and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

Wouldn't it be a tragedy if they all went back to school and hundreds of teachers, and children with asthma, and other "pre-existing conditions" got sick. I don't know of ANY parent who is so desperate for their children go back to school that they are prepared risk their children's lives or health to send them back.


Another ignorant Canuck who doesn't know that children's death rate is virtually zero and they don't effectively transmit the disease.

You also don't care that children are being harmed by being kept at home, they don't effectively learn on computers in replacement of live instruction and that poor kids may not have computer access at all.

Just another hate filled leftist

Yes and No. Ultimately, the jury is still out because while they think that's the case, they're not 100% sure. And it still doesn't change the fact you can't rule the virus spreading with older children. Not every child who attends school is a first grader.
The point still stands. Lower the virus infection rate, take the necessary precautions and issue the relevant guidelines...and we could get back to something resembling normal..including sending kids back to school.

Or what we could do is open schools for kids up to high school grades. High school kids can stay home while their parents work and learn online.

The study showed 10 years old and older spread the virus as fast and efficient as adults....

The study on 10 years younger children, is not complete yet... it could be thy too are just as infectious....

Whatever the exact ages are, it all goes together. The younger they are, the less likely they are to catch or transmit the disease. And older children still have a death rate virtually zero.

That doesn't support your argument of just call it all the same and shut it down.

But sure, the younger they are the safer it is. And hand in hand with that, the younger they are, the more they need social interaction and live education.

And again also, so screw poor families without internet? That's your position?

You're following the leftists script. Pounce and attack. Don't solve shit

It matters because most schools are not ready to open safely, especially above the 4th grade, if 10 and above are spreaders just like adults.... They need safety measures in place, so that the adults, teachers, principles, janitors, cafeteria/ cooks are safer....And not allow the virus to spread rapidly among the students, so that they also do not bring it home, to all the adults in their home lives.

Having teachers quarantined at home when they all catch it, defeats the purpose. And good luck finding enough substitute teachers to come and fill in, for a covid infected classroom.

We can do this, we just need to be wise about it....

The hotspot regions can't open until they get their community spread down first....
That's all horseshit. Schools in Europe have been open for months. They never closed in Sweden. None of the ill effects you predict have occurred.

The empirical data doesn't support your claims. Don't you get that?
Last edited:
Opening the schools arbitrarily is the epitome of hubris. Kids should never be test subjects for political caviling.
Boys are supposed to start school at five years old, along with the girls. Single mothers have been finding every cause under the sun, legal or illegal, to hold boys back from school, and promote "services" offered by girls, for thousands of years.
If there was any logic, Trump would have us on a par with Europe and the virus.
Yet there are 6-7 other countries doing worse than us. Apple and oranges, they are doing better partly because they got hit sooner so are farther along the curve, they are doing better because they invoked draconian measures (I know firsthand from friends there) this nation would never stand for. And if we are doing so poorly, I gotta ask: aren't the governors running the shows here? They demanded individual control of each of their states, and much like the protests, they have fucked it all up. If there was any LOGIC here, at least SOME democrats would be looking at the BIG PICTURE, including not just cases but actual DEATHS, the ECONOMY, JOBS, BUSINESS, SAVINGS and mental and physical health.

But he doesn't and you continue to make excused for his failure
I've made NOT ONE excuse for Trump. Don't need to. Merely pointing out the facts you ignore.

Trump could follow policies to let states and districts follow there own interests and needs
IDIOT. Are you a moron or just a bad LIAR. Trump has no authority over states to stop them from doing what they are doing.
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
Wouldn't that be an embarrassment if they all went back to school and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

Wouldn't it be a tragedy if they all went back to school and hundreds of teachers, and children with asthma, and other "pre-existing conditions" got sick. I don't know of ANY parent who is so desperate for their children go back to school that they are prepared risk their children's lives or health to send them back.


Another ignorant Canuck who doesn't know that children's death rate is virtually zero and they don't effectively transmit the disease.

You also don't care that children are being harmed by being kept at home, they don't effectively learn on computers in replacement of live instruction and that poor kids may not have computer access at all.

Just another hate filled leftist

Yes and No. Ultimately, the jury is still out because while they think that's the case, they're not 100% sure. And it still doesn't change the fact you can't rule the virus spreading with older children. Not every child who attends school is a first grader.
The point still stands. Lower the virus infection rate, take the necessary precautions and issue the relevant guidelines...and we could get back to something resembling normal..including sending kids back to school.

Or what we could do is open schools for kids up to high school grades. High school kids can stay home while their parents work and learn online.

The study showed 10 years old and older spread the virus as fast and efficient as adults....

The study on 10 years younger children, is not complete yet... They are not showing as contagious, but believe it could be the younger ones were isolated more... it could be they too are just as infectious....

Pretty much the opposite from what I've heard and read. Any credible link to your claim here?

Again, all you're arguing is cut off. That younger children are less vulnerable and need to be in school more is still very important and you keep running away from that, just as you're ignoring that poor children are more likely to have no internet access at all
10 and younger....are allegedly less infectious

But I heard a scientist on the news last night that the study on 10 and younger is not complete.... They believe they too can spread it as well, but the reason they had not in the original study group is because they were protected and sheltered more....

So the 10 and younger group needs more studies.

OK, but you're still only arguing one side and ignoring the damage being done to children, particularly poor children. You aren't offering ANY solutions, just criticizing.

And again, the death rate for children of all ages is still virtually zero

Yep.....they don't care about the damage. They care about beating Trump in November.

Yep, and no matter how many times I point out to care4all that all she's doing is pouncing and criticizing and offering no solutions, no solutions come forward from her
The steps are in the CDC Guidelines for schools... social distancing.... it suggest two shifts for schools or two days a week in person, the others at home online... mask wearing, disinfection procedures, having students study and play in pods, same small group all day long, eating in class rooms, instead of the cafeteria, and a whole bunch of stuff, that will reduce spread... And a good testing and contact tracing and quarantine program.....

This is how schools opened in other countries, ONCE they got their covid community spread in check.
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
Wouldn't that be an embarrassment if they all went back to school and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

Wouldn't it be a tragedy if they all went back to school and hundreds of teachers, and children with asthma, and other "pre-existing conditions" got sick. I don't know of ANY parent who is so desperate for their children go back to school that they are prepared risk their children's lives or health to send them back.


Another ignorant Canuck who doesn't know that children's death rate is virtually zero and they don't effectively transmit the disease.

You also don't care that children are being harmed by being kept at home, they don't effectively learn on computers in replacement of live instruction and that poor kids may not have computer access at all.

Just another hate filled leftist

Yes and No. Ultimately, the jury is still out because while they think that's the case, they're not 100% sure. And it still doesn't change the fact you can't rule the virus spreading with older children. Not every child who attends school is a first grader.
The point still stands. Lower the virus infection rate, take the necessary precautions and issue the relevant guidelines...and we could get back to something resembling normal..including sending kids back to school.

Or what we could do is open schools for kids up to high school grades. High school kids can stay home while their parents work and learn online.

The study showed 10 years old and older spread the virus as fast and efficient as adults....

The study on 10 years younger children, is not complete yet... it could be thy too are just as infectious....

Whatever the exact ages are, it all goes together. The younger they are, the less likely they are to catch or transmit the disease. And older children still have a death rate virtually zero.

That doesn't support your argument of just call it all the same and shut it down.

But sure, the younger they are the safer it is. And hand in hand with that, the younger they are, the more they need social interaction and live education.

And again also, so screw poor families without internet? That's your position?

You're following the leftists script. Pounce and attack. Don't solve shit

It matters because most schools are not ready to open safely, especially above the 4th grade, if 10 and above are spreaders just like adults.... They need safety measures in place, so that the adults, teachers, principles, janitors, cafeteria/ cooks are safer....And not allow the virus to spread rapidly among the students, so that they also do not bring it home, to all the adults in their home lives.

Having teachers quarantined at home when they all catch it, defeats the purpose. And good luck finding enough substitute teachers to come and fill in, for a covid infected classroom.

We can do this, we just need to be wise about it....

The hotspot regions can't open until they get their community spread down first....
That's all horseshit. Schools in Europe have been open for months. The y never closed in Sweden. None of the ill effects you predict have occurred.

The empirical data doesn't support your claims. Don't you get that?

Oops ...
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
Wouldn't that be an embarrassment if they all went back to school and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

Wouldn't it be a tragedy if they all went back to school and hundreds of teachers, and children with asthma, and other "pre-existing conditions" got sick. I don't know of ANY parent who is so desperate for their children go back to school that they are prepared risk their children's lives or health to send them back.


Another ignorant Canuck who doesn't know that children's death rate is virtually zero and they don't effectively transmit the disease.

You also don't care that children are being harmed by being kept at home, they don't effectively learn on computers in replacement of live instruction and that poor kids may not have computer access at all.

Just another hate filled leftist

Yes and No. Ultimately, the jury is still out because while they think that's the case, they're not 100% sure. And it still doesn't change the fact you can't rule the virus spreading with older children. Not every child who attends school is a first grader.
The point still stands. Lower the virus infection rate, take the necessary precautions and issue the relevant guidelines...and we could get back to something resembling normal..including sending kids back to school.

Or what we could do is open schools for kids up to high school grades. High school kids can stay home while their parents work and learn online.

The study showed 10 years old and older spread the virus as fast and efficient as adults....

The study on 10 years younger children, is not complete yet... it could be thy too are just as infectious....

Whatever the exact ages are, it all goes together. The younger they are, the less likely they are to catch or transmit the disease. And older children still have a death rate virtually zero.

That doesn't support your argument of just call it all the same and shut it down.

But sure, the younger they are the safer it is. And hand in hand with that, the younger they are, the more they need social interaction and live education.

And again also, so screw poor families without internet? That's your position?

You're following the leftists script. Pounce and attack. Don't solve shit

It matters because most schools are not ready to open safely, especially above the 4th grade, if 10 and above are spreaders just like adults.... They need safety measures in place, so that the adults, teachers, principles, janitors, cafeteria/ cooks are safer....And not allow the virus to spread rapidly among the students, so that they also do not bring it home, to all the adults in their home lives.

Having teachers quarantined at home when they all catch it, defeats the purpose. And good luck finding enough substitute teachers to come and fill in, for a covid infected classroom.

We can do this, we just need to be wise about it....

The hotspot regions can't open until they get their community spread down first....

You only provided hot air about kids. So they stay home. The younger kids aren't old enough to effectively learn on computers and they need social interaction. And poor kids may not have internet access at all. Ask the dragon lady, she's not with you on that one.

So when is enough that we stop screwing our children because fear, fear, fear? When can we stop screwing them? November 4?
That is right. The youngest kids not only need school so parents are free to work during the day, but because a disproportionate amount of their "learning" is through social interaction, not "book smarts."
Yep.....they don't care about the damage. They care about beating Trump in November.

Yep, and no matter how many times I point out to care4all that all she's doing is pouncing and criticizing and offering no solutions, no solutions come forward from her
The steps are in the CDC Guidelines for schools... social distancing.... it suggest two shifts for schools or two days a week in person, the others at home online... mask wearing, disinfection procedures, having students study and play in pods, same small group all day long, eating in class rooms, instead of the cafeteria, and a whole bunch of stuff, that will reduce spread... And a good testing and contact tracing and quarantine program.....

This is how schools opened in other countries, ONCE they got their covid community spread in check.

Ah, and there's the rub. The constantly changing leftist standard of having covid in check.

We shut down in March with the goal of flattening the curve to not overwhelm the medical system. It was realized there would be local flareups.

Now we have the constantly changing standard of "cases." Overall, hospitalizations are still flat from March, they are not up from there. But the left is melting down about "cases." Also, the left isn't separating cases from increased testing from cases due to opening up but using both to fuel the hysteria.

No one knows how to end the coronavirus. So the countries that are overly shut down seem to just be dooming themselves to never working through it and spending a decade like this. If we are able to keep the death rate from growing higher than March, we could work through this and have cases really flatten. This is a highly contagious disease, everyone will get it. The best strategy deals with that.

What you have is a strategy which you can use to shuck and jive and shut things down keeping workers out of the economy and growth slow until the intended target date, November 4. Then we can discuss real strategies
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
No, goofy. It’s because they don’t want their kids to get sick.

I thought leftists were all about "Science! Listen to the experts!" Did the "science experts" announce that kids are hugely vulnerable to infection and transmission, sometime after they announced that they AREN'T vulnerable to infection and transmission? Please link that announcement, if you would.
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
Wouldn't that be an embarrassment if they all went back to school and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

Wouldn't it be a tragedy if they all went back to school and hundreds of teachers, and children with asthma, and other "pre-existing conditions" got sick. I don't know of ANY parent who is so desperate for their children go back to school that they are prepared risk their children's lives or health to send them back.


Another ignorant Canuck who doesn't know that children's death rate is virtually zero and they don't effectively transmit the disease.

You also don't care that children are being harmed by being kept at home, they don't effectively learn on computers in replacement of live instruction and that poor kids may not have computer access at all.

Just another hate filled leftist

Yes and No. Ultimately, the jury is still out because while they think that's the case, they're not 100% sure. And it still doesn't change the fact you can't rule the virus spreading with older children. Not every child who attends school is a first grader.
The point still stands. Lower the virus infection rate, take the necessary precautions and issue the relevant guidelines...and we could get back to something resembling normal..including sending kids back to school.

Or what we could do is open schools for kids up to high school grades. High school kids can stay home while their parents work and learn online.

The study showed 10 years old and older spread the virus as fast and efficient as adults....

The study on 10 years younger children, is not complete yet... They are not showing as contagious, but believe it could be the younger ones were isolated more... it could be they too are just as infectious....

Pretty much the opposite from what I've heard and read. Any credible link to your claim here?

Again, all you're arguing is cut off. That younger children are less vulnerable and need to be in school more is still very important and you keep running away from that, just as you're ignoring that poor children are more likely to have no internet access at all
10 and younger....are allegedly less infectious

But I heard a scientist on the news last night that the study on 10 and younger is not complete.... They believe they too can spread it as well, but the reason they had not in the original study group is because they were protected and sheltered more....

So the 10 and younger group needs more studies.

OK, but you're still only arguing one side and ignoring the damage being done to children, particularly poor children. You aren't offering ANY solutions, just criticizing.

And again, the death rate for children of all ages is still virtually zero

Yep.....they don't care about the damage. They care about beating Trump in November.

Yep, and no matter how many times I point out to care4all that all she's doing is pouncing and criticizing and offering no solutions, no solutions come forward from her
The steps are in the CDC Guidelines for schools... social distancing.... it suggest two shifts for schools or two days a week in person, the others at home online... mask wearing, disinfection procedures, having students study and play in pods, same small group all day long, eating in class rooms, instead of the cafeteria, and a whole bunch of stuff, that will reduce spread... And a good testing and contact tracing and quarantine program.....

This is how schools opened in other countries, ONCE they got their covid community spread in check.
Is that what they do in Sweden?
actual DEATHS, the ECONOMY, JOBS, BUSINESS, SAVINGS and mental and physical health
Actual deaths, is it? There's a lot of big-donor Democrat money involved in putting unwanted family members and other personae non gratae away in that damned mental hospital the Democrats are always running as part and parcel of their red-light district arsenal of paralegal tools against their political opponents.
IDIOT. Are you a moron or just a bad LIAR. Trump has no authority over states to stop them from doing what they are doing
We are going to have to go to war, young and old, male and female, to put down that insurrection and rebellion of state and local petty tyrants against the United States.
Wanker States should just continue being wankers and keep their kids home.........Others should mover forward............

But on the other hand if we do HOME SCHOOLING instead then we could possibly stop the current brain washing by Retarded Liberals anyways.

The Federal Gov't shouldn't be in the schooling business anyways..........we screwed this country when we allowed the Federal Gov't too much power............States were meant to RULE THEMSELVES and the Fed was only to have very limited powers..............That part of the Constitution was Bastardized long ago and if leading to the destruction of the Constitution and this country itself.

The REAL reason why parents don't want their children going back to school is that IT ISN'T FUCKING SAFE TO SEND CHILDREN TO SCHOOL IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC. CONTROL THE VIRUS. THEN TALK ABOUT RE-OPENING.


"The REAL reason is doing anything but huddling in your house, terrified and jumping when Democrats say jump, is BAD!!! Until the world is totally sterile, you're EVIL to suggest living your life! My masters told me so!!!"

Next time, wait until we wave the Snausage before you start barking.
The morning radio show here in Chicago, Dan and Amy talked to a teacher in Sweden........their schools are open, no social distancing, no masks....and they do not have an outbreak in the schools....the only reason that the democrat party teachers unions are pushing the lies to keep the schools closed is to disrupt the economy. They want to hurt Trump in November, and keeping families disrupted because they have to watch their kids at home makes this easier.
And, of course, should Biden manage to win, it all evaporates the next day and suddenly everything is open again and all those now shrieking doom and gloom will be ecstatically proclaiming there was no reason to stay shut down as long as we did.




Actually, Biden-in-a-housedress, some parts of the world didn't shut down at all.

Politicizing a virus isn't the dumbest thing you can do. Politicizing a virus in a country you aren't part of just so you can feel relevant is the dumbest thing you can do. Take a bow, LizardBitch.

"The USA let the virus run free! I wasn't there and didn't see it, but my masters told me to believe it!!"

Back to your kennel, Fido. The next time we need to hear ignorant advice based on an asinine fantasy about a country you're not part of, we'll call you.
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.

You need to keep searching under the bed and in those closets for the boogeyman. No one wants to see kids not in school. But no administrator is going to hang their jobs and their livelyhood on sending kids back without infection rates going down and strict and clear guidelines from federal and state agencies. No teacher is going to want to go back into the classroom knowing that a kid could get them sick. And parents are not going to want to send their kids back knowing they could come home infected and make other members of their family sick, especially the more vulnerable. Contrary to right wingers popular belief, this virus does affect all age groups.
Al the European countries already have their kids in school. They're following the science, unlike the leftwing douchebags.
Al the European countries already have their kids in school. They're following the science, unlike the leftwing douchebags.
All the European countries have far less virus than we do.
Their positivity rates are all at 1% or less.
The US average is over 10% while some regions are as high as 20%.

Introducing the virus to so many US households is the last thing we should do.

Comparing countries with different methods for counting and collecting coronavirus data as if they are the same is still retarded
Comparing countries with different methods for counting and collecting coronavirus data as if they are the same is still retarded
There's only one way to calculate the positivity rate, dope.
It's simply the rate of positives in a given test sample group. The more positives, the more virus in the community.

Have you always been that naive and gullible?

Let me guess: you didn't read any of the stories about counties in Florida simply ignoring and not reporting negative results, because your masters didn't tell you to know about them, right?
Because it would reveal they hyped COVID to crash the economy and hurt Trump.
Wouldn't that be an embarrassment if they all went back to school and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

As if the left would just allow people to know that nothing bad happened. You know perfectly well they'd make shit up to scream about.
They can't allow kids to go back to school because then their lies would become obvious.
Trump cultists, good luck with the whole "I DEMAND THAT WE GET TO KILL YOUR CHILDREN!" line. That's going to be real popular with parents.

What they should do is have class and video so the parents that choose not to send their kids to school can watch the teacher at home instead. But I think most parents want their kids back in school because if they don't go, somebody has to stay home and watch them. That's not feasible for most working parents.

True. And Democrats know that. They want to force parents to stay at home so they don't work and help the economy. It's part of their hate filled, anti-American November 3 strategy. It's stick

Many households are check to check families. Government can't support people forever as we are approaching 30 trillion dollars in debt if we don't stop these giveaways. It's a struggle enough for a couple, but how are single parents supposed to stay home if they got called back to work and therefore can't get on unemployment?

If we are to be totally honest, school mostly serves us as a government baby sitter.

Educationally, yes. But it is better for younger kids still to be in socially as well. Certainly to your point it'd be far better for parents to have put them in private schools so they can get a real education as well.

Whether kids need to go back to school in the fall (they do) and what schools they are going to go to are important discussions, but they are separate discussions.

What cracks me up is when leftists say schools are terrible, so they don't need to go back!

I find the leftist stance on this remarkable. I mean, what if we just have to get used to having our kids learn online? Then if it takes us a couple of years before we wipe out this virus, and we opt to keep online schooling, it would mean massive layoffs for teachers as we would no longer have use for many of them. If one teacher can teach 25 kids, why not 250 kids? Why not 500?

On the other side of that coin is the hypocrisy of the right; particularly my favorite cable news network show host, Laura Ingraham. She's constantly telling her audience how kids staying out of school leads to apprehension and depression. How it's mental torture to keep these kids away from their classmates and teachers.

Wait a minute! Before the virus when education came up, people on the right always promoted home schooling. You know, get those kids out of the clutches of those liberal teachers showing kids how to put a condom on a banana, and filling their heads with environmental damage nonsense.

Ray, you ever taught an on-line class? If not, please shut up about how easy it is to teach hundreds of kids.

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