The REAL Reason Masks Are Being Made Mandatory


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2010
I know that there are a lot of threads on masks right now, but this one is not for the purpose of bickering about the usefulness of masks, yada yada yada. There are plenty of other threads for that.

I'm sharing a short clip, an excerpt from a longer video of an ICU nurse talking about masks, and one of her points, which I found interesting, was what masks are REALLY about. What they are going to be used for. This makes perfect sense to me, because I know what is coming next (I think we all know) so what she is saying here rings true to me. But of course time will tell.

Here's the clip. (be sure to watch the whole thing, to understand what she's saying.)

How bout you just tell us; instead of having us potentially waste time on watching a video that you found influential..?

The video is just over one minute long. Come on now, I didn't think that would be too long for anyone, lol.

But OK, if you insist. She's basically saying that masks are being used as leverage to get people to take the coming vaccine. They're going to say "If you don't get the vaccine you have to keep wearing a mask." And since most people prefer to NOT wear a mask if they don't have to, it will cause more people to take the vaccine, just so they don't have to keep wearing the damn mask. That's basically it.
How bout you just tell us; instead of having us potentially waste time on watching a video that you found influential..?

The video is just over one minute long. Come on now, I didn't think that would be too long for anyone, lol.

But OK, if you insist. She's basically saying that masks are being used as leverage to get people to take the coming vaccine. They're going to say "If you don't get the vaccine you have to keep wearing a mask." And since most people prefer to NOT wear a mask if they don't have to, it will cause more people to take the vaccine, just so they don't have to keep wearing the damn mask. That's basically it.
Yes I've heard many similar variations on this theme.
How bout you just tell us; instead of having us potentially waste time on watching a video that you found influential..?

The video is just over one minute long. Come on now, I didn't think that would be too long for anyone, lol.

But OK, if you insist. She's basically saying that masks are being used as leverage to get people to take the coming vaccine. They're going to say "If you don't get the vaccine you have to keep wearing a mask." And since most people prefer to NOT wear a mask if they don't have to, it will cause more people to take the vaccine, just so they don't have to keep wearing the damn mask. That's basically it.
Yes I've heard many similar variations on this theme.
To include allowing states to sustain the mask mandate long enough to set the "precedent", that measures aimed at reducing the spread of pandemics are warranted, and "Legal". Thus paving the way for mandatory "vaccination".
How bout you just tell us; instead of having us potentially waste time on watching a video that you found influential..?

The video is just over one minute long. Come on now, I didn't think that would be too long for anyone, lol.

But OK, if you insist. She's basically saying that masks are being used as leverage to get people to take the coming vaccine. They're going to say "If you don't get the vaccine you have to keep wearing a mask." And since most people prefer to NOT wear a mask if they don't have to, it will cause more people to take the vaccine, just so they don't have to keep wearing the damn mask. That's basically it.
Yes I've heard many similar variations on this theme.
To include allowing states to sustain the mask mandate long enough to set the "precedent", that measures aimed at reducing the spread of pandemics are warranted, and "Legal". Thus paving the way for mandatory "vaccination".
Yes, and it's not going to stop at mandatory vaccinations. This is what most people don't seem to get. There are numerous agendas waiting to be rolled out, and if we easily bend over and let them to do whatever they want from the get-go, we are just giving them the green light to keep going with this whole thing. As NC put it on another thread, the mask thing is just the foot in the door.
How bout you just tell us; instead of having us potentially waste time on watching a video that you found influential..?

The video is just over one minute long. Come on now, I didn't think that would be too long for anyone, lol.

But OK, if you insist. She's basically saying that masks are being used as leverage to get people to take the coming vaccine. They're going to say "If you don't get the vaccine you have to keep wearing a mask." And since most people prefer to NOT wear a mask if they don't have to, it will cause more people to take the vaccine, just so they don't have to keep wearing the damn mask. That's basically it.
Yes I've heard many similar variations on this theme.
To include allowing states to sustain the mask mandate long enough to set the "precedent", that measures aimed at reducing the spread of pandemics are warranted, and "Legal". Thus paving the way for mandatory "vaccination".
Yes, and it's not going to stop at mandatory vaccinations. This is what most people don't seem to get. There are numerous agendas waiting to be rolled out, and if we easily bend over and let them to do whatever they want from the get-go, we are just giving them the green light to keep going with this whole thing. As NC put it on another thread, the mask thing is just the foot in the door.
Indeed it is.
I bet FDR is behind it. Definitely a plot by FDR. Most evil American in history, saw this coming 75 years ago.
What is bothering me is the forced use of masks is climbing. More and more municipalities are forcing the use of them.
HOWEVER - the death rate of Covid-19 is plummeting. And NO ONE is covering that in the media.
CNN, the most irresponsible national news agency in America, just last week had th emain headline of their website - "America's covid pandemic is dire" An outright lie. When the number of infected is climbing, but the death rate is plummeting - this is a GOOD thing.
Live Free or Die...........

The Media and the Virtue Signaling has gone to Pluto and beyond...........I'm over the masks...........and I'm very much OVER OBEY............

Those who don't understand the SOCIAL WARRIORS are lost already anyways.

The next phase will be everyone is losing everything they own phase and the gov't is here to save you..........enjoy the show..........It IS SCRIPTED.
As long as any of us takes a dollar from government in any way, this will keep going the direction it is. Sucking on the tit has rules, laws and penalties. Mama pig is a ruthless mother that will eliminate the sucklings who do not comply.
Should be in Conspiracy Theories.

Fauci has commented on the possibility of people having to carry COVID-19 immunity I could very easily see people being required to wear a mask at work/school if they choose not to get the vaccine.

Yes, and apparently some other people on this thread (like Picaro ) have not been paying attention, because Bill Gates has been saying similar things repeatedly, in different interviews.

Thank you Hellokitty, for having common sense, which evidently is not very common these days.
What is bothering me is the forced use of masks is climbing. More and more municipalities are forcing the use of them.
HOWEVER - the death rate of Covid-19 is plummeting. And NO ONE is covering that in the media.
CNN, the most irresponsible national news agency in America, just last week had th emain headline of their website - "America's covid pandemic is dire" An outright lie. When the number of infected is climbing, but the death rate is plummeting - this is a GOOD thing.

Good point, and to me it's very telling that they're not reporting that. There have been many outright lies. Mandating masks now is ridiculous, and iyam that's because it's not really about health, but power grabs and eventually total control.
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Ah, so now anybody who laughs at your paranoia is being told what to say by Bill Gates .... Maybe if you ' free thinkers' weren't so lazy and produced more of those tinfoil hats, mine would have gotten here by now.

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