The real reason why Obama is pushing a bad deal with Iran

You still have not provided a reason why I should not believe Obama is intentionally undermining America.
You haven't provided any reason why you should, either. Crackpot theories aren't evidence.
Obama has an enormous ego. One of the traits of egoism is the need to be wanted and liked.
Obama believes that if US foreign policy includes capitulations, the world will like him.
Through 7 years, such is not the case.
Conservatives never had a diplomatic victory so quit criticizing what you know nothing about. You people are so inept at preventing war and deescalating tensions that it is certain you prefer peace to always be hanging by a thread.
You still have not provided a reason why I should not believe Obama is intentionally undermining America.
You haven't provided any reason why you should, either. Crackpot theories aren't evidence.
I have his presidency. It seems you are unable to provide a reason, as I thought.
His presidency is evidence, but his re-election isn't? That's pretty selective cherry-picking! Were you part of the Bush team in '03?
You still have not provided a reason why I should not believe Obama is intentionally undermining America.
You haven't provided any reason why you should, either. Crackpot theories aren't evidence.
I have his presidency. It seems you are unable to provide a reason, as I thought.
His presidency is evidence, but his re-election isn't? That's pretty selective cherry-picking! Were you part of the Bush team in '03?

His presidency is evidence of his intent to weaken America.

His re-election is evidence of my earlier statement.

The Egyptians elected The Muslim Brotherhood in their first democratic election. They soon realized their mistake, and most of the MB players are now on death row.

As I recall, both Obama and his pocketed media strongly supported Morsi, and whine about his "undemocratic departure" to this day.

You grok yet?
There will be no snap inspections.

Actually, there will be. I don't know why you rubes keep parroting this lie of omission. I really don't.

The nuclear weapon manufacturing facilities will all be subject to "snap inspection". It is military installations which currently are not involved in such manufacturing which will require approval from the oversight organization in order to be inspected.

Inspections of military sites have always been a problematic part of treaties. You ignorant retards have been bamboozled into bleeving this is the first time ever.
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I really do not believe O'Bumbles is SELLING America out.

Giving it away for free.....yes.....but selling? Nawwwwwww.

That takes intelligence not in evidence.
What a bunch of unadulterated CRAP from the screamingBeagle...

First, Mossadegh was deposed by the CIA (prompted by BP and US oil interests) because the guy had the gall to demand a higher percentage of Iran oil revenue....

Second, the US also established for the Shah the infamous Savaak...the Iranian secret service that tortured and killed thousand of Iranian dissident against the high-living Shah who was not much more than an international playboy.

Third, there is NO way to permanently keep Iran from developing a nuke.....absolutely NO WAY !!!!!...the science and materials are readily available and after Israel has had nukes for decades, Iran....Israel's arch enemy......demands to have nukes also.

What Obama is hoping to do is to POSTPONE the inevitable, in the faint hope that in next decade-plus, the Iranians themselves overthrow the yoke of religious zealotry and join the rest of the rational world.
As more and more details of the deal with Iran come out, it only gets worse and worse. There will be no snap inspections. There are secret side deals with the United Nations that we don't know about. The Iranians will continue to enrich uranium. And develop ICBM's. And fund terrorist groups who will kill Americans.

But through it all, Obama keeps pushing this deal. Ever wonder why? Many people think he is naive. I don't.

Liberals view the government as a force for progressive good when it acts as a controlling, collectivizing force within the country, telling its citizens what to do and when to do it, and redistributing wealth to define "equality" as it sees fit. But internationally, leftists view government as an evil, imperialistic, colonialist force (even though we never had colonies outside of the U.S.). In 1953, we overthrew the prime minister of Iran, Muhammad Mossadegh. Liberals believe he was falsely accused of being aligned with the communist party of Iran and was going to align Iran with Russia. (The actual truth is that he was aligned with the communist party of Iran and was very likely going to align Iran with Russia. Surprised?)

Liberals were very upset when Mossadegh was overthrown. Ever since then, liberals have viewed Irans as the hapless victim of an imperialist America. That's why Jimmy Carter, the worst president America had ever seen until Barack Obama was elected, helped the radical Ayatollah Khomenei take over from the shah. The shah was evil in Carter's mind because he was an ally of the West. Khomenei had anti-Western rhetoric, but for good reason, because of our imperialistic meddling.

Fast-forward to today.

Read more: Blog The real reason why Obama is pushing a bad deal with Iran
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The writer assumes he is capable of actually speaking the truth, but merely rambles....
American Thunker has Obama is a muslim Kenyan socialist atheist disease.

If you REALLY, Honestly, want to criticize the deal here it is. The coalition for sanctions that Hill put together care nothing about Iran's quest for political power in the ME and they really do believe Iran has a right to a nuclear energy program. Consequently, sanctions were never going to alter Iran's actual behavior. Further, Obama is really betting on the next generation of Iranians wanting to be engaged with Europe and the rest of the ME ... and America. Even if that doesn't come about, Iran will probably just become one of the nations that are "nuclear bomb capable" with a few months timing, because the notion of the House of Saud aiming nukes that them would be damn scary. But, if Iran does engage, that will be totally irrelevant, because many nations have the ability to build nukes, but choose not to because they have no need.

And, without the deal, Iran will have nuke in five years or so anyway. So, really the deal isn't that much about nukes.

why do they believe that Iran 'has a right' to nukes.....? that goes back to them thinking America is 'imperialist'....

Obama 'betting on the next generation of Iranians' is simply wishful thinking and practically a lie...he did nothing to help out the Green Revolution...

allowing Iran to become 'nuclear bomb capable' is only going to create a huge arms race and destabilize the ME.....we will be in more danger than ever...
Why would China think developing nations have a right to pursue nuclear power, and other nations don't have a right to tell them they can only use reactors that don't create potential weapons material? Are you seriously asking that question? Do you recall that about 50 years ago Douglas McArthur proposed dropping 20 or more ABombs on China? Do you seriously think they don't consider it quite possible that we'd threaten to nuke a nation that didn't have nukes if we thought it in our national interest and we could get away with it? And France is probably not disagreeing very much with China

And Russia?

Hillary sold the idea that if Iran could be prevented from being nuclear bomb capable for 15 years, the ME may become much more stable. It's a gamble. But that 's really the deal.

And the option was pretty much invading Iran with Israel's help ... and they have no intention of actually helping.

What China probably would agree with us on is that Iran should not be able to destabilize a country like Jordan. But, they've offered no support, and criticism, of our attempt to regieme change in Syria.

why are you jabbering on about China.....? Iran is the country that is threatening us.....

you seem to think we have no options other that what Obama is presenting....
And yet you think Oblama was the only negotiator...
As more and more details of the deal with Iran come out, it only gets worse and worse. There will be no snap inspections. There are secret side deals with the United Nations that we don't know about. The Iranians will continue to enrich uranium. And develop ICBM's. And fund terrorist groups who will kill Americans.

But through it all, Obama keeps pushing this deal. Ever wonder why? Many people think he is naive. I don't.

Liberals view the government as a force for progressive good when it acts as a controlling, collectivizing force within the country, telling its citizens what to do and when to do it, and redistributing wealth to define "equality" as it sees fit. But internationally, leftists view government as an evil, imperialistic, colonialist force (even though we never had colonies outside of the U.S.). In 1953, we overthrew the prime minister of Iran, Muhammad Mossadegh. Liberals believe he was falsely accused of being aligned with the communist party of Iran and was going to align Iran with Russia. (The actual truth is that he was aligned with the communist party of Iran and was very likely going to align Iran with Russia. Surprised?)

Liberals were very upset when Mossadegh was overthrown. Ever since then, liberals have viewed Irans as the hapless victim of an imperialist America. That's why Jimmy Carter, the worst president America had ever seen until Barack Obama was elected, helped the radical Ayatollah Khomenei take over from the shah. The shah was evil in Carter's mind because he was an ally of the West. Khomenei had anti-Western rhetoric, but for good reason, because of our imperialistic meddling.

Fast-forward to today.

Read more: Blog The real reason why Obama is pushing a bad deal with Iran
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Yeah, Carter disliked the Shah so much that he gave the Shah refuge in the US so he didn't have to face legal repercussions for his crimes against the Iranian population......which lead directly to the hostage crisis. Your position is obviously well thought out. Which would explain your posting this as proof of "actual truth".
Mossadegh was an extremely unstable person and leader. He was clearly losing control of the country and the Communist Party, which backed him, was gaining power steadily. A close examination of the documents shows that whether it was correct or not, U.S. fear of a Communist takeover of Iran was based on serious evidence. This was the midst of the Cold War and the U.S.S.R. was Iran’s northern neighbor. The Soviets occupied northern Iran from 1941 to 1946 to secure the country’s oil during World War II, set up puppet regimes inside the country and only withdrew under intensive U.S. pressure.

Read more: Ron Paul is wrong Overthrowing Mossadegh wasn t a mistake The Daily Caller
What a bunch of unadulterated CRAP from the screamingBeagle...

First, Mossadegh was deposed by the CIA (prompted by BP and US oil interests) because the guy had the gall to demand a higher percentage of Iran oil revenue....

Second, the US also established for the Shah the infamous Savaak...the Iranian secret service that tortured and killed thousand of Iranian dissident against the high-living Shah who was not much more than an international playboy.

Third, there is NO way to permanently keep Iran from developing a nuke.....absolutely NO WAY !!!!!...the science and materials are readily available and after Israel has had nukes for decades, Iran....Israel's arch enemy......demands to have nukes also.

What Obama is hoping to do is to POSTPONE the inevitable, in the faint hope that in next decade-plus, the Iranians themselves overthrow the yoke of religious zealotry and join the rest of the rational world.

First, Mossadegh was out to nationalize British petroleum interests and he was aligned with the Communists during the Cold War....but liberals like commies so of course they sympathize....

Second, the CIA helped establish Savak as an intelligence service to help the Shah control his country and weed out the communist infiltration (which they did) but denied having any part of the tortures the Iranians used...

Third, if there is 'no way to permanently keep Iran from developing a nuke' then there is NO reason to strike this deal with them....postponing the inevitable on a wishful hope that they will change is plain stupid....those Iranian 'kill America' demonstrations don't provide for much future 'hope and change' if you ask me....

we could have doubled down on the sanctions until they screamed Uncle.....but instead they get to keep their infrastructure, they get to interfere with inspections, they get a boatload of cash to fund more terrorism, sell their oil for even more cash, and this will destabilize the ME as other countries will now seek nuclear armament...this deal gives us nothing but maybe a few years....

but in ten years (or earlier which is more likely) or so they will have a much better nuclear arsenal complete with ICBMs to bomb America that will be much more dangerous than what they could do Obama's 'postponement' plan is idiotic.....even suicidal.....
"The real reason why Obama is pushing a bad deal with Iran"

This fails as a straw man fallacy.

The OP has contrived a lie concerning the Iran accord, and attempts to propagate that lie in an effort to misrepresent the president's position on the agreement, then attacks that contrived and false position.
As more and more details of the deal with Iran come out, it only gets worse and worse. There will be no snap inspections. There are secret side deals with the United Nations that we don't know about. The Iranians will continue to enrich uranium. And develop ICBM's. And fund terrorist groups who will kill Americans.

But through it all, Obama keeps pushing this deal. Ever wonder why? Many people think he is naive. I don't.

Liberals view the government as a force for progressive good when it acts as a controlling, collectivizing force within the country, telling its citizens what to do and when to do it, and redistributing wealth to define "equality" as it sees fit. But internationally, leftists view government as an evil, imperialistic, colonialist force (even though we never had colonies outside of the U.S.). In 1953, we overthrew the prime minister of Iran, Muhammad Mossadegh. Liberals believe he was falsely accused of being aligned with the communist party of Iran and was going to align Iran with Russia. (The actual truth is that he was aligned with the communist party of Iran and was very likely going to align Iran with Russia. Surprised?)

Liberals were very upset when Mossadegh was overthrown. Ever since then, liberals have viewed Irans as the hapless victim of an imperialist America. That's why Jimmy Carter, the worst president America had ever seen until Barack Obama was elected, helped the radical Ayatollah Khomenei take over from the shah. The shah was evil in Carter's mind because he was an ally of the West. Khomenei had anti-Western rhetoric, but for good reason, because of our imperialistic meddling.

Fast-forward to today.

Read more: Blog The real reason why Obama is pushing a bad deal with Iran
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
Yeah, Carter disliked the Shah so much that he gave the Shah refuge in the US so he didn't have to face legal repercussions for his crimes against the Iranian population......which lead directly to the hostage crisis. Your position is obviously well thought out. Which would explain your posting this as proof of "actual truth".
Mossadegh was an extremely unstable person and leader. He was clearly losing control of the country and the Communist Party, which backed him, was gaining power steadily. A close examination of the documents shows that whether it was correct or not, U.S. fear of a Communist takeover of Iran was based on serious evidence. This was the midst of the Cold War and the U.S.S.R. was Iran’s northern neighbor. The Soviets occupied northern Iran from 1941 to 1946 to secure the country’s oil during World War II, set up puppet regimes inside the country and only withdrew under intensive U.S. pressure.

Read more: Ron Paul is wrong Overthrowing Mossadegh wasn t a mistake The Daily Caller

Carter reluctantly let the Shah come to the U.S. for medical treatment as he had lymphoma....this was after Khomeini took over Tehran...

that triggered a violent response by Iranian students who attacked the U.S. Embassy demanding the Shah and his financial assets back......thus the hostage crisis began...

Carter (like BO today) did not know how to deal with Islamic radicals who considered the U.S. as the 'Great Satan'......
As more and more details of the deal with Iran come out, it only gets worse and worse. There will be no snap inspections. There are secret side deals with the United Nations that we don't know about. The Iranians will continue to enrich uranium. And develop ICBM's. And fund terrorist groups who will kill Americans.

But through it all, Obama keeps pushing this deal. Ever wonder why? Many people think he is naive. I don't.

Liberals view the government as a force for progressive good when it acts as a controlling, collectivizing force within the country, telling its citizens what to do and when to do it, and redistributing wealth to define "equality" as it sees fit. But internationally, leftists view government as an evil, imperialistic, colonialist force (even though we never had colonies outside of the U.S.). In 1953, we overthrew the prime minister of Iran, Muhammad Mossadegh. Liberals believe he was falsely accused of being aligned with the communist party of Iran and was going to align Iran with Russia. (The actual truth is that he was aligned with the communist party of Iran and was very likely going to align Iran with Russia. Surprised?)

Liberals were very upset when Mossadegh was overthrown. Ever since then, liberals have viewed Irans as the hapless victim of an imperialist America. That's why Jimmy Carter, the worst president America had ever seen until Barack Obama was elected, helped the radical Ayatollah Khomenei take over from the shah. The shah was evil in Carter's mind because he was an ally of the West. Khomenei had anti-Western rhetoric, but for good reason, because of our imperialistic meddling.

Fast-forward to today.

Read more: Blog The real reason why Obama is pushing a bad deal with Iran
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Explain by what right and authority the United States of America has the power to overthrow a democratically elected legal government.
The GOP screwed themselves and can't get enough votes needed to reject the Iran deal. So unless Congress can get 2/3 majority to vote against the agreement.It's a done deal.....HA! That's what you get for changing the rules...from 2/3 votes needed to approve the agreements..
As more and more details of the deal with Iran come out, it only gets worse and worse. There will be no snap inspections. There are secret side deals with the United Nations that we don't know about. The Iranians will continue to enrich uranium. And develop ICBM's. And fund terrorist groups who will kill Americans.

But through it all, Obama keeps pushing this deal. Ever wonder why? Many people think he is naive. I don't.

Liberals view the government as a force for progressive good when it acts as a controlling, collectivizing force within the country, telling its citizens what to do and when to do it, and redistributing wealth to define "equality" as it sees fit. But internationally, leftists view government as an evil, imperialistic, colonialist force (even though we never had colonies outside of the U.S.). In 1953, we overthrew the prime minister of Iran, Muhammad Mossadegh. Liberals believe he was falsely accused of being aligned with the communist party of Iran and was going to align Iran with Russia. (The actual truth is that he was aligned with the communist party of Iran and was very likely going to align Iran with Russia. Surprised?)

Liberals were very upset when Mossadegh was overthrown. Ever since then, liberals have viewed Irans as the hapless victim of an imperialist America. That's why Jimmy Carter, the worst president America had ever seen until Barack Obama was elected, helped the radical Ayatollah Khomenei take over from the shah. The shah was evil in Carter's mind because he was an ally of the West. Khomenei had anti-Western rhetoric, but for good reason, because of our imperialistic meddling.

Fast-forward to today.

Read more: Blog The real reason why Obama is pushing a bad deal with Iran
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
Explain by what right and authority the United States of America has the power to overthrow a democratically elected legal government.

by what 'right and authority' did Mossadegh have to change the terms with the British oil company (today called BP) and nationalize other words steal it from the British....?

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