The Real Trump? Here's the Real Trump, this just in...

He doesn't care about the debt, he only cares for the elites and his corps and his buddies corps. He will bankrupt the US like his companies.
You libfucks didn't give a shit about the debt that Obummer increased from 9 trillion to 19 trillion, why are you so fucking worried now? Without double standards, liberals would have no standards at all. Especially during that time, the liberal RICH got much RICHER, and the most in POVERTY. Yep cant get more stupid than a liberal.
Odd...this thread is about the so-called president now and what he's doing now....not the Former President. Can't you stay on the topic at hand? Is it THAT hard?
Only a Liberal would believe that companies pay corporate taxes instead of passing that cost on to the consumer of the goods and services provided. It's a thinly veiled Federal sales tax.
Trump Wants Tax Plan to Cut Corporate Rate to 15%

"WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump has ordered White House aides to draft a tax plan that slashes the corporate tax rate to 15%, even if that means a loss of revenue, according to people familiar with the directive.

During a meeting in the Oval Office last week, Mr. Trump told staff he wants a massive tax cut to sell to the American public, these people said. He told aides it was less important to him that such a plan could add to the federal budget deficit..."

(and no you don't need the rest of the article (subscribers only) to get the point)

There it is. Trump effectively conceded that a huge corporate tax cut may very well balloon the deficit...

...and he doesn't care. I doubt that many of the big money corporate interests that apparently have Trump in their pocket care either.

Here's another look:

Trump Wants to Slash the Corporate Tax Rate to 15%: WSJ

It gets worse....

Trump wants to remove the tax exemption on 401Ks to pay for his corporate tax cut

Is Trump about to change your 401(k)'s biggest tax break?

One big problem involved in corporate tax reform is that it would be costly. Cutting tax rates from 35% to 15% would result in a drop in revenue, and many lawmakers want to ensure that any tax reform legislation is revenue-neutral. To achieve that, Congress would have to couple tax cuts with ways of raising revenue.

One of the largest tax benefits Americans get comes from the exclusion from income of money that they save in 401(k) plans. According to the latest report from the Joint Committee on Taxation, the exclusion of contributions to and earnings of defined contribution plans cost the federal government more than $90 billion in potential tax revenue in 2016. Estimates have that number rising to $146 billion by 2020, and the total over the five-year period from 2016 to 2020 is almost $584 billion.
Funded on the backs of working folks. It's the conservative way.
Here is the GOP Paradox ....this is why they cried "Austerity" when Obama was POTUS whenever Obama wanted to help the Middle "Austerity" is gone forgotten...we have a white skin President
View attachment 123216
Obummer never wanted to help the middle class, you callous punk, he destroyed the middle class with his
"you can save $2,500 on healthcare" which we all know caused everyones, except fucking loser liberals on welfare, insurance to skyrocket. Dumbass.
"Energy Prices must necessarily skyrocket" which they did, except when the private sector started FRACKING, which you liberals lost your mind, but gas went down.
"Veto the Keystone Pipeline" that would of put jobs towards union members but instead made Liberal Warren Buffet, billions of dollars more, while the most in poverty ever under Obama.
You can keep on lying Tyrone, you are quite good at it(an acolyte of Lying Obama) but I will correct you every time.

What do you have with 1,000,000 liberals at the bottom of the ocean? A good start.
Donald Trump using the "Trump University " scam got many to max out their credit card and turn the proceed over to him ...he has now upped the grift and was able to get folks to turn over the Nation's credit card to him...he is of course going to do what he has always done ...enrich himself [and cronies] with other people's money...the Rubes will do what Rubes always do Go cry in their beers...Trump has already given you ALL HE IS GOING TO GIVE YOU...that is the "thrill" of his Being rude to liberals LOL some trade eh ...For Trump :badgrin:
Poor poor Tyrone,
He doesn't care about the debt, he only cares for the elites and his corps and his buddies corps. He will bankrupt the US like his companies.
You libfucks didn't give a shit about the debt that Obummer increased from 9 trillion to 19 trillion, why are you so fucking worried now? Without double standards, liberals would have no standards at all. Especially during that time, the liberal RICH got much RICHER, and the most in POVERTY. Yep cant get more stupid than a liberal.
Odd...this thread is about the so-called president now and what he's doing now....not the Former President. Can't you stay on the topic at hand? Is it THAT hard?
Why do you want to ignore what your Messiah did? Shouldn't you be proud?
Only a Liberal would believe that companies pay corporate taxes instead of passing that cost on to the consumer of the goods and services provided. It's a thinly veiled Federal sales tax.

Still trying to pass along that old myth

Supply and demand drives what a corporation can charge for their product. If they could turn around and just charge the consumer more, they would already be doing it
Trump Wants Tax Plan to Cut Corporate Rate to 15%

"WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump has ordered White House aides to draft a tax plan that slashes the corporate tax rate to 15%, even if that means a loss of revenue, according to people familiar with the directive.

During a meeting in the Oval Office last week, Mr. Trump told staff he wants a massive tax cut to sell to the American public, these people said. He told aides it was less important to him that such a plan could add to the federal budget deficit..."

(and no you don't need the rest of the article (subscribers only) to get the point)

There it is. Trump effectively conceded that a huge corporate tax cut may very well balloon the deficit...

...and he doesn't care. I doubt that many of the big money corporate interests that apparently have Trump in their pocket care either.

Here's another look:

Trump Wants to Slash the Corporate Tax Rate to 15%: WSJ

It gets worse....

Trump wants to remove the tax exemption on 401Ks to pay for his corporate tax cut

Is Trump about to change your 401(k)'s biggest tax break?

One big problem involved in corporate tax reform is that it would be costly. Cutting tax rates from 35% to 15% would result in a drop in revenue, and many lawmakers want to ensure that any tax reform legislation is revenue-neutral. To achieve that, Congress would have to couple tax cuts with ways of raising revenue.

One of the largest tax benefits Americans get comes from the exclusion from income of money that they save in 401(k) plans. According to the latest report from the Joint Committee on Taxation, the exclusion of contributions to and earnings of defined contribution plans cost the federal government more than $90 billion in potential tax revenue in 2016. Estimates have that number rising to $146 billion by 2020, and the total over the five-year period from 2016 to 2020 is almost $584 billion.
Funded on the backs of working folks. It's the conservative way.

Trump shows where his priorities are and its not working Americans

He should be doing MORE to help Americans with their retirement planning not funding his corporate giveaways on the back of working Americans
I would say that Tryone should be ashamed of himself for such blatant lies he posts, but as typical of a sociopath, he just lies and lies and lies. He is very much like his Muslim Brothers.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
Now to show how much Tyrone is LYING UP HIS ASS.

Republicans and Women’s Rights: A Brief Reality Check
That war began in 1878, when a California Republican named A.A. Sargent introduced the 19th Amendment only to see it voted down by a Democrat-controlled Congress. It finally ended four decades later, when the Republicans won landslide victories in the House and the Senate, giving them the power to pass the amendment despite continued opposition from most elected Democrats — including President Woodrow Wilson, to whom the suffragettes frequently referred as “Kaiser Wilson.”
The History of Black Voting Rights [Great read!]
Because of such blatant attempts to nullify the guarantees of the 14th Amendment, the Republican Congress passed the 15th Amendment to give explicit voting rights to African-Americans. Significantly, not one of the 56 Democrats serving in Congress at that time voted for the 15th Amendment. [53]
America's Ponzi scheme: Why Social Security needs to retire
Resolving Social Security’s insolvency requires either an immediate and permanent 32 percent increase in payroll taxes or an immediate and permanent 22 percent cut in all Social Security benefits. Detroit, in contrast, needs to cut pension benefits by roughly 16 percent on a system-wide basis.
democrats and segregation | The Minority Republican
* Last, but certainly not least, there is no reference to the fact that Birmingham, Alabama Public Safety Commissioner Bull Connor, who infamously unleashed dogs and fire hoses on civil rights protestors, was in fact — yes indeed — both a member of the Democratic National Committee and the Ku Klux Klan.
and there is much more of you lefties lying to the US citizens. Just please, keep on lying to US, for just like the vagina ex candidate, US citizens don't like to be lied to and more people move to the right as we saw in the last election.
Trump Wants Tax Plan to Cut Corporate Rate to 15%

"WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump has ordered White House aides to draft a tax plan that slashes the corporate tax rate to 15%, even if that means a loss of revenue, according to people familiar with the directive.

During a meeting in the Oval Office last week, Mr. Trump told staff he wants a massive tax cut to sell to the American public, these people said. He told aides it was less important to him that such a plan could add to the federal budget deficit..."

(and no you don't need the rest of the article (subscribers only) to get the point)

There it is. Trump effectively conceded that a huge corporate tax cut may very well balloon the deficit...

...and he doesn't care. I doubt that many of the big money corporate interests that apparently have Trump in their pocket care either.

Here's another look:

Trump Wants to Slash the Corporate Tax Rate to 15%: WSJ

Sell that plan?????
TRICKLE DOWN prosperity has worked so fucking well in the past, correct?
Trump Wants Tax Plan to Cut Corporate Rate to 15%

"WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump has ordered White House aides to draft a tax plan that slashes the corporate tax rate to 15%, even if that means a loss of revenue, according to people familiar with the directive.

During a meeting in the Oval Office last week, Mr. Trump told staff he wants a massive tax cut to sell to the American public, these people said. He told aides it was less important to him that such a plan could add to the federal budget deficit..."

(and no you don't need the rest of the article (subscribers only) to get the point)

There it is. Trump effectively conceded that a huge corporate tax cut may very well balloon the deficit...

...and he doesn't care. I doubt that many of the big money corporate interests that apparently have Trump in their pocket care either.

Here's another look:

Trump Wants to Slash the Corporate Tax Rate to 15%: WSJ
Slashing taxes for the most wealthy Americans has been a tactic of the GOP for decades. What is the goal? To perpetuate wealth inequality. It is one of their easiest ways to strip the middle class and funnel money to the top 1%. Deplorable, but not unexpected.
Trump Wants Tax Plan to Cut Corporate Rate to 15%

"WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump has ordered White House aides to draft a tax plan that slashes the corporate tax rate to 15%, even if that means a loss of revenue, according to people familiar with the directive.

During a meeting in the Oval Office last week, Mr. Trump told staff he wants a massive tax cut to sell to the American public, these people said. He told aides it was less important to him that such a plan could add to the federal budget deficit..."

(and no you don't need the rest of the article (subscribers only) to get the point)

There it is. Trump effectively conceded that a huge corporate tax cut may very well balloon the deficit...

...and he doesn't care. I doubt that many of the big money corporate interests that apparently have Trump in their pocket care either.

Here's another look:

Trump Wants to Slash the Corporate Tax Rate to 15%: WSJ

Sell that plan?????
TRICKLE DOWN prosperity has worked so fucking well in the past, correct?
Still using that liberal term again Nitwit4900? Trickle down is when the government gives tax dollars to Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, or other liberal elites, then expect it to trickle down to the common folks, which end up in Poverty as was seen in the past 8 years of Obama. Now with Supply Side economics, where you see a need , fill a need, more people who are able to keep their own HARD EARNED MONEY(which liberals on welfare don't earn) they can spend it on items that they want or need, thus creating the supply side economics of TRUE capitalism not liberal cronie capitalism. Shame you fucktards are too stupid to know this, but then it would mean that your whole life has been 1 big lie.
This is reality for you real Trump fans
is quite a bit more popular than Trump's wall
More than half of Americans approve of Obamacare now, Gallup poll ...

CNNMoney-Apr 5, 2017
by Tami Luhby @Luhby April 5, 2017: 2:42 PM ET ... Obamacare is more popular now than it was on Election Day, despite President Trump ...
These liberals thought that the poll for the vagina candidate counted, now look at them., ROTFLMAO....

What does that have to do with the inability of Trump to get his wall?

Well, Trump may not get his wall....but at least he made Liberals cry

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