The Real Trump? Here's the Real Trump, this just in...

Trickle down is when the government gives tax dollars to Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, or other liberal elites

'm sure its an oversight on your part, being so fair minded as you seem to be, fuck head....but you forgot to include in that above example the Koch brothers and TRUMP enterprises....There....I corrected it for you. ....LOL
Just cant get more liberal talking points as that. Cant you fucking think for yourself? I guess not, for that would require 2 things.
1. intelligence.
2. work.
Both it seems is lacking from any liberal brain.

Or, you could make ONE post in this thread that was on topic...
Made quite a few posts, but instead of debating the issue, you lefties went on the attack

Oh really?

This was your very first post:

'Here is the real whiney, pansy ass, butt hurt, liberal. Get over it...' what part of Trump's tax proposal is in that that you wish to debate?

lol, jesus!
They raised taxes on the millionaires in Maryland, and they left for Virginia. You guys are just plain stupid,

Yeah, because Virginia does not impose federal taxes, right fuck head???

(this moron INSISTS on being an asshole.....go for it.)
Notice Nitwit49.00 makes statements never backs up what he says. Well dumbass, here is something for you to chew on other than Obama's very small stick.

Millionaires flee Maryland taxes
The number of high-income taxpayers in Maryland has dropped by one-third, raising concerns that the wealthy are fleeing the state for its tax-friendlier neighbors.
Trickle down is when the government gives tax dollars to Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, or other liberal elites

'm sure its an oversight on your part, being so fair minded as you seem to be, fuck head....but you forgot to include in that above example the Koch brothers and TRUMP enterprises....There....I corrected it for you. ....LOL
Just cant get more liberal talking points as that. Cant you fucking think for yourself? I guess not, for that would require 2 things.
1. intelligence.
2. work.
Both it seems is lacking from any liberal brain.

Or, you could make ONE post in this thread that was on topic...
Made quite a few posts, but instead of debating the issue, you lefties went on the attack

Oh really?

This was your very first post:

'Here is the real whiney, pansy ass, butt hurt, liberal. Get over it...' what part of Trump's tax proposal is in that that you wish to debate?

lol, jesus!
just because it is true, is why I posted it. You just cant get over that Trump is going to make America great again. But hey, if you don't like it, Cuba is open, head there to your Socialist Utopian Paradise, just leave your passport at the border as We the People don't want you here any more.
Notice Nitwit49.00 makes statements never backs up what he says. Well dumbass, here is something for you to chew on other than Obama's very small stick.

Millionaires flee Maryland taxes

THAT's STATE taxes, nitwit....NOT federal taxes....(what a fucking moron...LOL)
And when you raise taxes on the wealthy anywhere the rich people leave. Notice the fucker didn't say anything about the 4 liberals I showed who avoided taxes but left it to the middle class to pick up the tab? Yep liberal thinking.

Notice Nitwit49.00 makes statements never backs up what he says. Well dumbass, here is something for you to chew on other than Obama's very small stick.

Millionaires flee Maryland taxes

THAT's STATE taxes, nitwit....NOT federal taxes....(what a fucking moron...LOL)
And when you raise taxes on the wealthy anywhere the rich people leave. Notice the fucker didn't say anything about the 4 liberals I showed who avoided taxes but left it to the middle class to pick up the tab? Yep liberal thinking.

View attachment 123244

That is an oldie but a goodie

If we hurt the feelings of our rich....they will leave us
We better be nice to them

It seems that the left is plumb out of ideas and leaderless and drifting. All they have left is inane references to "the real Trump". We saw the "real Clinton" when he hid under the desk with Monica after slaughtering 80 men, women and children at Waco until his idiot A.G. "took responsibility". We saw the real Bill Clinton when he attacked Europe when he was literally caught with his pants down and 9-11 terrorists who failed on their first attempt were attending flight school in Florida. We saw the real Barry Hussein Obama (but not his BC) when he bowed down to every two bit terrorist regime in the world and entered into a treaty with Iran that was so flawed that it defies explanation. Wouldn't you know Hussein doubled down and sent boxcars loaded with cash to the crooked regime after they kidnapped U.S. sailors. We saw the real Barry Hussein when he vowed to "wean the U.S. off fossil fuel" as the rest of the world was gobbling it up and he snickered as he forced coal mines out of business while "caring" democrats celebrated as coal producing states were forced on welfare. We saw the real Barry Hussein when he destabilized Libya when it was no threat to the U.S. to pave the way for the muslem brotherhood and we saw the real Barry Hussein when he reportedly ate pizza while he watched the brave defenders at Benghazi run out of ammunition before they were slaughtered.
Trump Wants Tax Plan to Cut Corporate Rate to 15%

"WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump has ordered White House aides to draft a tax plan that slashes the corporate tax rate to 15%, even if that means a loss of revenue, according to people familiar with the directive.

During a meeting in the Oval Office last week, Mr. Trump told staff he wants a massive tax cut to sell to the American public, these people said. He told aides it was less important to him that such a plan could add to the federal budget deficit..."

(and no you don't need the rest of the article (subscribers only) to get the point)

There it is. Trump effectively conceded that a huge corporate tax cut may very well balloon the deficit...

...and he doesn't care. I doubt that many of the big money corporate interests that apparently have Trump in their pocket care either.

Here's another look:

Trump Wants to Slash the Corporate Tax Rate to 15%: WSJ
Wait, this is the REAL Trump? How do you know?

You mean because we can't believe a word he says from one day to the next?
Do you have the requisite standing to decide that THIS is the REAL Trump? I mean, the REAL Trump could be the "drain the swamp" guy, or the "stop illegal immigration guy". You know, multifaceted and stuff. But no, you've decided that THIS is the REAL Trump. Just wondering how that came about.
Trump Wants Tax Plan to Cut Corporate Rate to 15%

"WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump has ordered White House aides to draft a tax plan that slashes the corporate tax rate to 15%, even if that means a loss of revenue, according to people familiar with the directive.

During a meeting in the Oval Office last week, Mr. Trump told staff he wants a massive tax cut to sell to the American public, these people said. He told aides it was less important to him that such a plan could add to the federal budget deficit..."

(and no you don't need the rest of the article (subscribers only) to get the point)

There it is. Trump effectively conceded that a huge corporate tax cut may very well balloon the deficit...

...and he doesn't care. I doubt that many of the big money corporate interests that apparently have Trump in their pocket care either.

Here's another look:

Trump Wants to Slash the Corporate Tax Rate to 15%: WSJ
Wait, this is the REAL Trump? How do you know?

You mean because we can't believe a word he says from one day to the next?
Do you have the requisite standing to decide that THIS is the REAL Trump? I mean, the REAL Trump could be the "drain the swamp" guy, or the "stop illegal immigration guy". You know, multifaceted and stuff. But no, you've decided that THIS is the REAL Trump. Just wondering how that came about.

Trump's twitter address is @realDonaldTrump
It seems that the left is plumb out of ideas and leaderless and drifting. All they have left is inane references to "the real Trump". We saw the "real Clinton" when he hid under the desk with Monica after slaughtering 80 men, women and children at Waco until his idiot A.G. "took responsibility". We saw the real Bill Clinton when he attacked Europe when he was literally caught with his pants down and 9-11 terrorists who failed on their first attempt were attending flight school in Florida. We saw the real Barry Hussein Obama (but not his BC) when he bowed down to every two bit terrorist regime in the world and entered into a treaty with Iran that was so flawed that it defies explanation. Wouldn't you know Hussein doubled down and sent boxcars loaded with cash to the crooked regime after they kidnapped U.S. sailors. We saw the real Barry Hussein when he vowed to "wean the U.S. off fossil fuel" as the rest of the world was gobbling it up and he snickered as he forced coal mines out of business while "caring" democrats celebrated as coal producing states were forced on welfare. We saw the real Barry Hussein when he destabilized Libya when it was no threat to the U.S. to pave the way for the muslem brotherhood and we saw the real Barry Hussein when he reportedly ate pizza while he watched the brave defenders at Benghazi run out of ammunition before they were slaughtered.

Whatever all that is supposed to mean, it's not the 'real' issue here today in this thread.
'm sure its an oversight on your part, being so fair minded as you seem to be, fuck head....but you forgot to include in that above example the Koch brothers and TRUMP enterprises....There....I corrected it for you. ....LOL
Just cant get more liberal talking points as that. Cant you fucking think for yourself? I guess not, for that would require 2 things.
1. intelligence.
2. work.
Both it seems is lacking from any liberal brain.

Or, you could make ONE post in this thread that was on topic...
Made quite a few posts, but instead of debating the issue, you lefties went on the attack

Oh really?

This was your very first post:

'Here is the real whiney, pansy ass, butt hurt, liberal. Get over it...' what part of Trump's tax proposal is in that that you wish to debate?

lol, jesus!
just because it is true, is why I posted it. You just cant get over that Trump is going to make America great again. But hey, if you don't like it, Cuba is open, head there to your Socialist Utopian Paradise, just leave your passport at the border as We the People don't want you here any more.

So you're proclaiming that discussing Trump's policy proposals in the USMB 'politics' forum should be forbidden.

Run that by the Mods, see how you make out.
Trump Wants Tax Plan to Cut Corporate Rate to 15%

"WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump has ordered White House aides to draft a tax plan that slashes the corporate tax rate to 15%, even if that means a loss of revenue, according to people familiar with the directive.

During a meeting in the Oval Office last week, Mr. Trump told staff he wants a massive tax cut to sell to the American public, these people said. He told aides it was less important to him that such a plan could add to the federal budget deficit..."

(and no you don't need the rest of the article (subscribers only) to get the point)

There it is. Trump effectively conceded that a huge corporate tax cut may very well balloon the deficit...

...and he doesn't care. I doubt that many of the big money corporate interests that apparently have Trump in their pocket care either.

Here's another look:

Trump Wants to Slash the Corporate Tax Rate to 15%: WSJ
Wait, this is the REAL Trump? How do you know?

You mean because we can't believe a word he says from one day to the next?
Do you have the requisite standing to decide that THIS is the REAL Trump? I mean, the REAL Trump could be the "drain the swamp" guy, or the "stop illegal immigration guy". You know, multifaceted and stuff. But no, you've decided that THIS is the REAL Trump. Just wondering how that came about.

Trump's twitter address is @realDonaldTrump
That's not where you found this stuff. Maybe it's not the REAL Trump either.
Just cant get more liberal talking points as that. Cant you fucking think for yourself? I guess not, for that would require 2 things.
1. intelligence.
2. work.
Both it seems is lacking from any liberal brain.

Or, you could make ONE post in this thread that was on topic...
Made quite a few posts, but instead of debating the issue, you lefties went on the attack

Oh really?

This was your very first post:

'Here is the real whiney, pansy ass, butt hurt, liberal. Get over it...' what part of Trump's tax proposal is in that that you wish to debate?

lol, jesus!
just because it is true, is why I posted it. You just cant get over that Trump is going to make America great again. But hey, if you don't like it, Cuba is open, head there to your Socialist Utopian Paradise, just leave your passport at the border as We the People don't want you here any more.

So you're proclaiming that discussing Trump's policy proposals in the USMB 'politics' forum should be forbidden.

Run that by the Mods, see how you make out.
Maybe I can get lucky and you have a stroke because of your infatuation with the President. We can only pray.
The question is whether we are talking about tax simplification or straight tax cuts. With tax simplification there should be no need to pay for it. Some corporations would pay more and others would pay less. If you currently run a business that has a lot of deductions you pay well under the corporate tax rates. If you don't then you pay the maximum rate.
Trump Wants Tax Plan to Cut Corporate Rate to 15%

"WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump has ordered White House aides to draft a tax plan that slashes the corporate tax rate to 15%, even if that means a loss of revenue, according to people familiar with the directive.

During a meeting in the Oval Office last week, Mr. Trump told staff he wants a massive tax cut to sell to the American public, these people said. He told aides it was less important to him that such a plan could add to the federal budget deficit..."

(and no you don't need the rest of the article (subscribers only) to get the point)

There it is. Trump effectively conceded that a huge corporate tax cut may very well balloon the deficit...

...and he doesn't care. I doubt that many of the big money corporate interests that apparently have Trump in their pocket care either.

Here's another look:

Trump Wants to Slash the Corporate Tax Rate to 15%: WSJ

It will balloon the debt, and Republicans in Congress don't care either. They view the national debt as simply using a taxpayer credit card to stuff money in their pockets and in the pockets of their friends. 20 trillion dollars? It is just a number to them and drumpf, they don't care at all. Like 5 year old children they want and all they know is that they want.
Only a Liberal would believe that companies pay corporate taxes instead of passing that cost on to the consumer of the goods and services provided. It's a thinly veiled Federal sales tax.

Still trying to pass along that old myth

Supply and demand drives what a corporation can charge for their product. If they could turn around and just charge the consumer more, they would already be doing it
Slowly every day that is just what they are doing, how much did your cell phone, cable, internet, water, gas, garbage, insurance, prop tax, car tags cost ten years ago.
He doesn't care about the debt, he only cares for the elites and his corps and his buddies corps. He will bankrupt the US like his companies.
You libfucks didn't give a shit about the debt that Obummer increased from 9 trillion to 19 trillion, why are you so fucking worried now? Without double standards, liberals would have no standards at all. Especially during that time, the liberal RICH got much RICHER, and the most in POVERTY. Yep cant get more stupid than a liberal.
Not from 9 trillion, from 11 trillion, 11.7 trillion to be precise...which is what the debt was on the first day of his first fiscal budget, and might I add he inherited a $1.4 Trillion dollar running budget deficit from the Bush Administration and has Brought that running deficit down to $400-$500 billion a year.

Obama did an EXCELLENT job in reducing the extraordinarily high budget deficit he inherited....brought it down by nearly a trillion dollars a just 8 years....and has left the Trump presidency in good shape, compared to what he had to start with....

he deserves credit, where credit is due, and credit IS DUE.
Trump will NOT be able to get this through, Ryan said 20% is the best reduction in corporate tax rates not 15% because h can only gt the tax plan passed through budget reconciliation, which has to be budget neutral is what I heard on the news.

Unless they can reform the tax code and simplify it by eliminating loop holes and tax deduction write offs, which should be part of this tax make it deficit neutral.
It needs to be cut. It's nearly 39%.
The U.S has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 35 industrialized nations of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

We bail them out, we subsidize them, we do it all. We pay their state and fed tax at the pump, the oil companies have it made.

Actually most only pay 12% now, so at least they are not going to be breaking the law anymore. We shall make honest people out of them, oh wait the elites are greedy, give them an inch they want a mile, now they will only pay 5%. Most are incorp elsewhere anyway.

And it's the working and poor classes who pay.

Stooopid RWNJs must be very very wealthy.

Sent from my iPad using
Only a Liberal would believe that companies pay corporate taxes instead of passing that cost on to the consumer of the goods and services provided. It's a thinly veiled Federal sales tax.

Still trying to pass along that old myth

Supply and demand drives what a corporation can charge for their product. If they could turn around and just charge the consumer more, they would already be doing it
Slowly every day that is just what they are doing, how much did your cell phone, cable, internet, water, gas, garbage, insurance, prop tax, car tags cost ten years ago.

Yet, flat screen TVs, computers and other electronics cost less

It is the market that determines whether a price increase will be tolerated. Remove the market and your examples increase prices unchecked

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