The Real Trump? Here's the Real Trump, this just in...

Slashing taxes for the most wealthy Americans has been a tactic of the GOP for decades. What is the goal? To perpetuate wealth inequality. It is one of their easiest ways to strip the middle class and funnel money to the top 1%. Deplorable, but not unexpected.

The ultimate problem for the orange clown is that as he further depletes the collection of taxes, he will have to ask for trillions in borrowed money (along the same lines as to why he had to declare bankruptcy so many times).....and as dumb as republicans in congress may already be, THAT may finally wake them up to the orange failure.
Trump is cutting the size of government, that means less spending. When you spend less you don't have to take in as much taxes. I bet you libtards failed in economics, didn't ya?

Trump has a degree in economics from Wharton.

That doesn't mean he went to class or that he learned anything. For all you know, he could have paid someone to do his assignments and essays. Trump was never a great student, so I doubt he passed without all of the assistance that money can buy.

Well in fairness he's not the first Republican not to give a shit about deficits as the cost of giving big tax cuts to the rich.
Slashing taxes for the most wealthy Americans has been a tactic of the GOP for decades. What is the goal? To perpetuate wealth inequality. It is one of their easiest ways to strip the middle class and funnel money to the top 1%. Deplorable, but not unexpected.

The ultimate problem for the orange clown is that as he further depletes the collection of taxes, he will have to ask for trillions in borrowed money (along the same lines as to why he had to declare bankruptcy so many times).....and as dumb as republicans in congress may already be, THAT may finally wake them up to the orange failure.

They went along with Reagan's tax cutting and the damage it caused. It took a Democrat Congress to bring him to heel and get him to cut his ridiculous defence spending.

Even after seeing what 20 years of Reaganomics did to the economy, and the difference that Clinton made, Bush immediately cut taxes, look how that turned out.

If Republicans HAD learned from past mistakes, they wouldn't be talking about cutting taxes to create jobs YET AGAIN. These people either have no memory of what happened the first two times they did it; or they don't care as long as they personally, make out like bandits.

Barack Obama admitted that if he lowered taxes the government would take in more money but he refused to do so because it would be unfair.

I suggest you need to read John F Kennedy's speeches on taxes. He talked about how lowering rates would raise more revenue.
As long as they get rid of all the loopholes to ensure all businesses pay their fair share, okay. I also think a progressive scale, like the income tax the citizens pay, is in order as well.
Slashing taxes for the most wealthy Americans has been a tactic of the GOP for decades. What is the goal? To perpetuate wealth inequality. It is one of their easiest ways to strip the middle class and funnel money to the top 1%. Deplorable, but not unexpected.

The ultimate problem for the orange clown is that as he further depletes the collection of taxes, he will have to ask for trillions in borrowed money (along the same lines as to why he had to declare bankruptcy so many times).....and as dumb as republicans in congress may already be, THAT may finally wake them up to the orange failure.
Trump is cutting the size of government, that means less spending. When you spend less you don't have to take in as much taxes. I bet you libtards failed in economics, didn't ya?

Trump has a degree in economics from Wharton.

That doesn't mean he went to class or that he learned anything. For all you know, he could have paid someone to do his assignments and essays. Trump was never a great student, so I doubt he passed without all of the assistance that money can buy.
and yet he's president and a billionaire.
Slashing taxes for the most wealthy Americans has been a tactic of the GOP for decades. What is the goal? To perpetuate wealth inequality. It is one of their easiest ways to strip the middle class and funnel money to the top 1%. Deplorable, but not unexpected.

The ultimate problem for the orange clown is that as he further depletes the collection of taxes, he will have to ask for trillions in borrowed money (along the same lines as to why he had to declare bankruptcy so many times).....and as dumb as republicans in congress may already be, THAT may finally wake them up to the orange failure.

They went along with Reagan's tax cutting and the damage it caused. It took a Democrat Congress to bring him to heel and get him to cut his ridiculous defence spending.

Even after seeing what 20 years of Reaganomics did to the economy, and the difference that Clinton made, Bush immediately cut taxes, look how that turned out.

If Republicans HAD learned from past mistakes, they wouldn't be talking about cutting taxes to create jobs YET AGAIN. These people either have no memory of what happened the first two times they did it; or they don't care as long as they personally, make out like bandits.

Barack Obama admitted that if he lowered taxes the government would take in more money but he refused to do so because it would be unfair.

I suggest you need to read John F Kennedy's speeches on taxes. He talked about how lowering rates would raise more revenue.
that is merely factual. FACT, FACT, FACT. Again, the left hate facts.
Slashing taxes for the most wealthy Americans has been a tactic of the GOP for decades. What is the goal? To perpetuate wealth inequality. It is one of their easiest ways to strip the middle class and funnel money to the top 1%. Deplorable, but not unexpected.

The ultimate problem for the orange clown is that as he further depletes the collection of taxes, he will have to ask for trillions in borrowed money (along the same lines as to why he had to declare bankruptcy so many times).....and as dumb as republicans in congress may already be, THAT may finally wake them up to the orange failure.

They went along with Reagan's tax cutting and the damage it caused. It took a Democrat Congress to bring him to heel and get him to cut his ridiculous defence spending.

Even after seeing what 20 years of Reaganomics did to the economy, and the difference that Clinton made, Bush immediately cut taxes, look how that turned out.

If Republicans HAD learned from past mistakes, they wouldn't be talking about cutting taxes to create jobs YET AGAIN. These people either have no memory of what happened the first two times they did it; or they don't care as long as they personally, make out like bandits.

Barack Obama admitted that if he lowered taxes the government would take in more money but he refused to do so because it would be unfair.

I suggest you need to read John F Kennedy's speeches on taxes. He talked about how lowering rates would raise more revenue.

You'll have to provide a link because I don't believe for a second that Obama said anything of the kind. He didn't raise taxes because of Bush's recession, but he certainly fought tooth and claw not to make any more cuts. And that's because when Reagan and Bush cut taxes, revenues WENT DOWN.

Rand Paul’s claim that Reagan’s tax cuts produced ‘more revenue’ and ‘tens of millions of jobs’

Voodoo economics have NEVER increased revenue.

ETA: When John Kennedy reduced the income tax rate, the highest rate was 90%. When Reagan cut taxes, it was 78%. Reagan cut that rate to 50% and then 28%. Today, the wealthy not only benefit from lower taxes, but subsidies to the working poor, which has the effect of reducing wage costs paid by some of the biggest employers in the US, which are now at the same level as they were in the Guilded Age (as a percentage of GDP).

Kennedy's tax cuts allowed the middle class and the working class to accrue equity, and wealth. Reagan's tax cuts and ridiculous pronouncements such as "debt doesn't matter" are at the root of today's income inequity and the loss of wealth among the working and middle class.
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Slashing taxes for the most wealthy Americans has been a tactic of the GOP for decades. What is the goal? To perpetuate wealth inequality. It is one of their easiest ways to strip the middle class and funnel money to the top 1%. Deplorable, but not unexpected.

The ultimate problem for the orange clown is that as he further depletes the collection of taxes, he will have to ask for trillions in borrowed money (along the same lines as to why he had to declare bankruptcy so many times).....and as dumb as republicans in congress may already be, THAT may finally wake them up to the orange failure.
Trump is cutting the size of government, that means less spending. When you spend less you don't have to take in as much taxes. I bet you libtards failed in economics, didn't ya?

Trump has a degree in economics from Wharton.

That doesn't mean he went to class or that he learned anything. For all you know, he could have paid someone to do his assignments and essays. Trump was never a great student, so I doubt he passed without all of the assistance that money can buy.
and yet he's president and a billionaire.

How much he has is questionable. The real question would be how much would he have now if he hadn't had to file bankruptcy six times. For someone born with a silver spoon in his mouth and a million dollar loan from his dad over 40 years ago, he hasn't done all that well.
The top 25% of income earners pay 85% of the taxes that the government takes in, yet even when shown this chart by the IRS, liberals WONT pull their heads out of Uranus.
Bottom 50% pay in 3%. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

You're still a stupid fuck head....OBVIOUSLY you should send a couple of bucks to some billionaires to show how you're so damn hurt you are that they're paying so damn much and they have to use last year's Lear jet instead of buying a new one....Go on, moron, where's your compassion?

Somehow, morons like the above poster have so so THOROUGHLY bullshitted from billionaire lobbyists, that he is actually enjoying taking it up his sorry arse..
I think he rode into Wash on fumes, most of his buildings were half empty.
The top 25% of income earners pay 85% of the taxe

Which then means that they should be paying 90 or 95%......OBVIOUSLY they'd still be filthy the orange clown whose ass you like to kiss.
The ultimate problem for the orange clown is that as he further depletes the collection of taxes, he will have to ask for trillions in borrowed money (along the same lines as to why he had to declare bankruptcy so many times).....and as dumb as republicans in congress may already be, THAT may finally wake them up to the orange failure.
Trump is cutting the size of government, that means less spending. When you spend less you don't have to take in as much taxes. I bet you libtards failed in economics, didn't ya?

Trump has a degree in economics from Wharton.

That doesn't mean he went to class or that he learned anything. For all you know, he could have paid someone to do his assignments and essays. Trump was never a great student, so I doubt he passed without all of the assistance that money can buy.
and yet he's president and a billionaire.

How much he has is questionable. The real question would be how much would he have now if he hadn't had to file bankruptcy six times. For someone born with a silver spoon in his mouth and a million dollar loan from his dad over 40 years ago, he hasn't done all that well.
doesn't bother him, why does it bother you?
The top 25% of income earners pay 85% of the taxes that the government takes in, yet even when shown this chart by the IRS, liberals WONT pull their heads out of Uranus.
Bottom 50% pay in 3%. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

You're still a stupid fuck head....OBVIOUSLY you should send a couple of bucks to some billionaires to show how you're so damn hurt you are that they're paying so damn much and they have to use last year's Lear jet instead of buying a new one....Go on, moron, where's your compassion?

Somehow, morons like the above poster have so so THOROUGHLY bullshitted from billionaire lobbyists, that he is actually enjoying taking it up his sorry arse..

The top 25% are the ones who do not pay taxes, as they pay the fancy corp tax attorneys, those smart ones like Trump. Then they have off shore accounts and charitable foundations. The median and lower middle class support the wealthy and the poor.
The top 25% of income earners pay 85% of the taxes that the government takes in, yet even when shown this chart by the IRS, liberals WONT pull their heads out of Uranus.
Bottom 50% pay in 3%. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

You're still a stupid fuck head....OBVIOUSLY you should send a couple of bucks to some billionaires to show how you're so damn hurt you are that they're paying so damn much and they have to use last year's Lear jet instead of buying a new one....Go on, moron, where's your compassion?

Somehow, morons like the above poster have so so THOROUGHLY bullshitted from billionaire lobbyists, that he is actually enjoying taking it up his sorry arse..

The top 25% are the ones who do not pay taxes, as they pay the fancy corp tax attorneys, those smart ones like Trump. Then they have off shore accounts and charitable foundations. The median and lower middle class support the wealthy and the poor.
huh? honey, don't quit your day job.
Trump is cutting the size of government, that means less spending. When you spend less you don't have to take in as much taxes. I bet you libtards failed in economics, didn't ya?

yeah and your fucking beautiful wall will be paid with BORROWED money.....Those 59 million dollars that Trump wasted on Syrian pot holes will be replaced with BORROWED money......and that infrastructure spending will be funded by BORROWED money......
Trump is cutting the size of government, that means less spending. When you spend less you don't have to take in as much taxes. I bet you libtards failed in economics, didn't ya?

yeah and your fucking beautiful wall will be paid with BORROWED money.....Those 59 million dollars that Trump wasted on Syrian pot holes will be replaced with BORROWED money......and that infrastructure spending will be funded by BORROWED money......
you got a point? or are you just stuck in bah, bah, bah, bah mode?
I suggest you need to read John F Kennedy's speeches on taxes. He talked about how lowering rates would raise more revenue.

Moron, we HAVE been lowering taxes since 2001.........and we had to borrow trillions to pay for wars.......How fucking stupid are you folks to believe that the best way to gain weight is to eat less?
Trump is cutting the size of government, that means less spending. When you spend less you don't have to take in as much taxes. I bet you libtards failed in economics, didn't ya?

yeah and your fucking beautiful wall will be paid with BORROWED money.....Those 59 million dollars that Trump wasted on Syrian pot holes will be replaced with BORROWED money......and that infrastructure spending will be funded by BORROWED money......

I doubt they will do any infrastructure, I mean the military comes first, and that wall.
Slashing taxes for the most wealthy Americans has been a tactic of the GOP for decades. What is the goal? To perpetuate wealth inequality. It is one of their easiest ways to strip the middle class and funnel money to the top 1%. Deplorable, but not unexpected.

The ultimate problem for the orange clown is that as he further depletes the collection of taxes, he will have to ask for trillions in borrowed money (along the same lines as to why he had to declare bankruptcy so many times).....and as dumb as republicans in congress may already be, THAT may finally wake them up to the orange failure.
at least he has Daddy Vlad to hand it to him like his daddy did his whole life. :beer:

Hardly. The Russian economy went into the toilet when oil prices crashed due to over-supply. Putin's take-over of the Crimea and Lithuania was designed to distract his voters from the sorry state of the economy.

Putin is in no position to lend Trump anything. For a loan, he needs to suck up to China some more.
He's given him loans in the past through his henchmen.

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