The Real Trump? Here's the Real Trump, this just in...

Trump is cutting the size of government, that means less spending. When you spend less you don't have to take in as much taxes. I bet you libtards failed in economics, didn't ya?

Trump has a degree in economics from Wharton.

That doesn't mean he went to class or that he learned anything. For all you know, he could have paid someone to do his assignments and essays. Trump was never a great student, so I doubt he passed without all of the assistance that money can buy.
and yet he's president and a billionaire.

How much he has is questionable. The real question would be how much would he have now if he hadn't had to file bankruptcy six times. For someone born with a silver spoon in his mouth and a million dollar loan from his dad over 40 years ago, he hasn't done all that well.
doesn't bother him, why does it bother you?

You're fooling yourself. It bothers him immensely or else he would show his tax returns and gloat. He is all about image and pretense.
Trump Wants Tax Plan to Cut Corporate Rate to 15%

"WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump has ordered White House aides to draft a tax plan that slashes the corporate tax rate to 15%, even if that means a loss of revenue, according to people familiar with the directive.

During a meeting in the Oval Office last week, Mr. Trump told staff he wants a massive tax cut to sell to the American public, these people said. He told aides it was less important to him that such a plan could add to the federal budget deficit..."

(and no you don't need the rest of the article (subscribers only) to get the point)

There it is. Trump effectively conceded that a huge corporate tax cut may very well balloon the deficit...

...and he doesn't care. I doubt that many of the big money corporate interests that apparently have Trump in their pocket care either.

Here's another look:

Trump Wants to Slash the Corporate Tax Rate to 15%: WSJ
I favor a legitimate flat tax and would set the corporate rate the same as the personal income tax rate. The more uniform things are the less need for tax lawyers to figure out ways to best game the system.
Trump Wants Tax Plan to Cut Corporate Rate to 15%

"WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump has ordered White House aides to draft a tax plan that slashes the corporate tax rate to 15%, even if that means a loss of revenue, according to people familiar with the directive.

During a meeting in the Oval Office last week, Mr. Trump told staff he wants a massive tax cut to sell to the American public, these people said. He told aides it was less important to him that such a plan could add to the federal budget deficit..."

(and no you don't need the rest of the article (subscribers only) to get the point)

There it is. Trump effectively conceded that a huge corporate tax cut may very well balloon the deficit...

...and he doesn't care. I doubt that many of the big money corporate interests that apparently have Trump in their pocket care either.

Here's another look:

Trump Wants to Slash the Corporate Tax Rate to 15%: WSJ
More of the round up the usual suspects from Trump. Desperate for something Yuuuge, and having totally fucked up on healthcare, he tries to pivot to tax overhaul,despite his own Treasury saying it won't be done till Fall. So he says gimme sumten, anythin .... wait we'll cut the corportate tax rate. Joe Scarborough said that last week. Screw the deficits.

Cutting the corp rate would make Yuuuge sense, if it's coupled with legislation that wouldn't let multinationals park profits overseas to avoid taxes totally.

However the real story is Trump is now in favor of a supply side tax cut with "dynamic scoring" that would give billions to the top 1%.
Trump Wants Tax Plan to Cut Corporate Rate to 15%

"WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump has ordered White House aides to draft a tax plan that slashes the corporate tax rate to 15%, even if that means a loss of revenue, according to people familiar with the directive.

During a meeting in the Oval Office last week, Mr. Trump told staff he wants a massive tax cut to sell to the American public, these people said. He told aides it was less important to him that such a plan could add to the federal budget deficit..."

(and no you don't need the rest of the article (subscribers only) to get the point)

There it is. Trump effectively conceded that a huge corporate tax cut may very well balloon the deficit...

...and he doesn't care. I doubt that many of the big money corporate interests that apparently have Trump in their pocket care either.

Here's another look:

Trump Wants to Slash the Corporate Tax Rate to 15%: WSJ
More of the round up the usual suspects from Trump. Desperate for something Yuuuge, and having totally fucked up on healthcare, he tries to pivot to tax overhaul,despite his own Treasury saying it won't be done till Fall. So he says gimme sumten, anythin .... wait we'll cut the corportate tax rate. Joe Scarborough said that last week. Screw the deficits.

Cutting the corp rate would make Yuuuge sense, if it's coupled with legislation that wouldn't let multinationals park profits overseas to avoid taxes totally.

However the real story is Trump is now in favor of a supply side tax cut with "dynamic scoring" that would give billions to the top 1%.

He's supposed to be rushing something out tomorrow to the press and public about tax reform. It's a desperate grab to divert people away from the looming "100 days" review on Saturday.
Slashing taxes for the most wealthy Americans has been a tactic of the GOP for decades. What is the goal? To perpetuate wealth inequality. It is one of their easiest ways to strip the middle class and funnel money to the top 1%. Deplorable, but not unexpected.

The ultimate problem for the orange clown is that as he further depletes the collection of taxes, he will have to ask for trillions in borrowed money (along the same lines as to why he had to declare bankruptcy so many times).....and as dumb as republicans in congress may already be, THAT may finally wake them up to the orange failure.
Trump is cutting the size of government, that means less spending. When you spend less you don't have to take in as much taxes. I bet you libtards failed in economics, didn't ya?
Slashing taxes for the most wealthy Americans has been a tactic of the GOP for decades. What is the goal? To perpetuate wealth inequality. It is one of their easiest ways to strip the middle class and funnel money to the top 1%. Deplorable, but not unexpected.

The ultimate problem for the orange clown is that as he further depletes the collection of taxes, he will have to ask for trillions in borrowed money (along the same lines as to why he had to declare bankruptcy so many times).....and as dumb as republicans in congress may already be, THAT may finally wake them up to the orange failure.
Trump is cutting the size of government, that means less spending. When you spend less you don't have to take in as much taxes. I bet you libtards failed in economics, didn't ya?

Opposite of Robin Hood. Nice guy you picked, take from the poor and give to the wealthy, but he lives off of us now, we even buy his TP, fly him on his weekend golf outings, feed him, he has always lived off of OPM - Other Peoples Money.
Trump Wants Tax Plan to Cut Corporate Rate to 15%

"WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump has ordered White House aides to draft a tax plan that slashes the corporate tax rate to 15%, even if that means a loss of revenue, according to people familiar with the directive.

During a meeting in the Oval Office last week, Mr. Trump told staff he wants a massive tax cut to sell to the American public, these people said. He told aides it was less important to him that such a plan could add to the federal budget deficit..."

(and no you don't need the rest of the article (subscribers only) to get the point)

There it is. Trump effectively conceded that a huge corporate tax cut may very well balloon the deficit...

...and he doesn't care. I doubt that many of the big money corporate interests that apparently have Trump in their pocket care either.

Here's another look:

Trump Wants to Slash the Corporate Tax Rate to 15%: WSJ
More of the round up the usual suspects from Trump. Desperate for something Yuuuge, and having totally fucked up on healthcare, he tries to pivot to tax overhaul,despite his own Treasury saying it won't be done till Fall. So he says gimme sumten, anythin .... wait we'll cut the corportate tax rate. Joe Scarborough said that last week. Screw the deficits.

Cutting the corp rate would make Yuuuge sense, if it's coupled with legislation that wouldn't let multinationals park profits overseas to avoid taxes totally.

However the real story is Trump is now in favor of a supply side tax cut with "dynamic scoring" that would give billions to the top 1%.

He's supposed to be rushing something out tomorrow to the press and public about tax reform. It's a desperate grab to divert people away from the looming "100 days" review on Saturday.

Yeah supposedly he has some alternate facts to counter CBO's take on tax cuts for the rich not paying for themselves. CONVERSELY cutting the corporate tax rate would not be horrible for the deficits IF we increased the size of the pie being taxed by not allowing multinationals to stash money abroad. It might actually increase things like salaries and production of consumer goods.

But as you said, he's desperate for some bigly win.
Trump Wants Tax Plan to Cut Corporate Rate to 15%

"WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump has ordered White House aides to draft a tax plan that slashes the corporate tax rate to 15%, even if that means a loss of revenue, according to people familiar with the directive.

During a meeting in the Oval Office last week, Mr. Trump told staff he wants a massive tax cut to sell to the American public, these people said. He told aides it was less important to him that such a plan could add to the federal budget deficit..."

(and no you don't need the rest of the article (subscribers only) to get the point)

There it is. Trump effectively conceded that a huge corporate tax cut may very well balloon the deficit...

...and he doesn't care. I doubt that many of the big money corporate interests that apparently have Trump in their pocket care either.

Here's another look:

Trump Wants to Slash the Corporate Tax Rate to 15%: WSJ
When they start defending tax cuts with claims of revenue increases that will result from huge economic growth, lookout. As we know, big tax cuts without spending cuts mean big deficits because when the additional revenue starts rolling in, so will more spending.
Trickle down is when the government gives tax dollars to Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, or other liberal elites

'm sure its an oversight on your part, being so fair minded as you seem to be, fuck head....but you forgot to include in that above example the Koch brothers and TRUMP enterprises....There....I corrected it for you. ....LOL

The Koch Brothers and we can forget Robert Mercer, Devos, Icahn, etc I could go on and on.
I favor a legitimate flat tax and would set the corporate rate the same as the personal income tax rate. The more uniform things are the less need for tax lawyers to figure out ways to best game the system.

Let me know when Trump fulfills THIS promise.....

Trump Promised to Kill Billionaires' Favorite Tax Loophole. Of Course ...

Looking at every tax proposal from Republicans over the years (including Trump's) the one thing from tax reform, to the Fair Tax and Flat Tax that they want to eliminate is the tax on wealth. That is the tax on capital gains, but mostly on inheritance and gifts. I my eyes there's something wrong with somebody working 40 years and paying income tax on that dough throughout the years and while somebody can get the same amount of dough tax free without lifting a finger. In his book Ben Carson made the case that welfare should be taxed so that recipients feel as part of the system. I was disappointed when he didn't make the same case for those living off of old money.
I suggest you need to read John F Kennedy's speeches on taxes. He talked about how lowering rates would raise more revenue.

Moron, we HAVE been lowering taxes since 2001.........and we had to borrow trillions to pay for wars.......How fucking stupid are you folks to believe that the best way to gain weight is to eat less?
what the fk are you talking about exactly? it was your guy obummmer who made the rich richer and gave away money he didn't have to start up energy companies like solyndra.

Solyndra: Politics infused Obama energy programs

"“It’s not about the people; it’s politics,” said Sterio, who remains jobless and at risk of losing her home. “We all feel betrayed.”

Since the failure of the company, Obama’s entire $80 billion clean-
technology program has begun to look like a political liability for an administration about to enter a bruising reelection campaign."
The Koch Brothers and we can forget Robert Mercer, Devos, Icahn, etc I could go on and on.

Trump has surrounded himself with the WEALTHIEST bunch of cabinet members EVER assembled......and all to take care of the "common American".....and poor right wing morons actually cheer Trump on, to screw them some more. Go figure the stupidity and delusion.
Last edited:
Trump Wants Tax Plan to Cut Corporate Rate to 15%

"WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump has ordered White House aides to draft a tax plan that slashes the corporate tax rate to 15%, even if that means a loss of revenue, according to people familiar with the directive.

During a meeting in the Oval Office last week, Mr. Trump told staff he wants a massive tax cut to sell to the American public, these people said. He told aides it was less important to him that such a plan could add to the federal budget deficit..."

(and no you don't need the rest of the article (subscribers only) to get the point)

There it is. Trump effectively conceded that a huge corporate tax cut may very well balloon the deficit...

...and he doesn't care. I doubt that many of the big money corporate interests that apparently have Trump in their pocket care either.

Here's another look:

Trump Wants to Slash the Corporate Tax Rate to 15%: WSJ
More of the round up the usual suspects from Trump. Desperate for something Yuuuge, and having totally fucked up on healthcare, he tries to pivot to tax overhaul,despite his own Treasury saying it won't be done till Fall. So he says gimme sumten, anythin .... wait we'll cut the corportate tax rate. Joe Scarborough said that last week. Screw the deficits.

Cutting the corp rate would make Yuuuge sense, if it's coupled with legislation that wouldn't let multinationals park profits overseas to avoid taxes totally.

However the real story is Trump is now in favor of a supply side tax cut with "dynamic scoring" that would give billions to the top 1%.

He's supposed to be rushing something out tomorrow to the press and public about tax reform. It's a desperate grab to divert people away from the looming "100 days" review on Saturday.

Yeah supposedly he has some alternate facts to counter CBO's take on tax cuts for the rich not paying for themselves. CONVERSELY cutting the corporate tax rate would not be horrible for the deficits IF we increased the size of the pie being taxed by not allowing multinationals to stash money abroad. It might actually increase things like salaries and production of consumer goods.

But as you said, he's desperate for some bigly win.

It won't do ANY of those things. Corporations have been awash with cash since W was President (offshoring labour to reduce costs without reducing prices was HUGELY profitable). They haven't invested that money at home, and they haven't increased wages, despite the glut of cash.

Reducing taxes will increase dividends, but the problem with the US economy isn't lack of supply. It's pent up demand because of wage stagnation. Reducing taxes won't do jack shit for wages or employment, with the possible exception of top executive wages, which go up at the drop of a hat.
I favor a legitimate flat tax and would set the corporate rate the same as the personal income tax rate. The more uniform things are the less need for tax lawyers to figure out ways to best game the system.

Let me know when Trump fulfills THIS promise.....

Trump Promised to Kill Billionaires' Favorite Tax Loophole. Of Course ...

Looking at every tax proposal from Republicans over the years (including Trump's) the one thing from tax reform, to the Fair Tax and Flat Tax that they want to eliminate is the tax on wealth. That is the tax on capital gains, but mostly on inheritance and gifts. I my eyes there's something wrong with somebody working 40 years and paying income tax on that dough throughout the years and while somebody can get the same amount of dough tax free without lifting a finger. In his book Ben Carson made the case that welfare should be taxed so that recipients feel as part of the system. I was disappointed when he didn't make the same case for those living off of old money.

Interesting you brought that up about Ben Carson. Also talk here about JFK tax cut, passed by Johnson. Read the last paragraph.

The notion of Kennedy as supply-side forerunner is a powerful myth, but it is a myth. Context is key. Conservatives love to quote a speech Kennedy gave at the Economic Club of New York in December 1962. Here's one quote—I've italicized the crucial part often left out: "Our present tax system, developed as it was, in good part, during World War II to restrain growth, exerts too heavy a drag on growth in peace time; that it siphons out of the private economy too large a share of personal and business purchasing power; that it reduces the financial incentives for personal effort, investment, and risk-taking." JFK was not expounding an implacable economic philosophy; he was speaking about a very specific circumstance. The top marginal tax rate was 91 percent, which JFK wanted reduced to a "more sensible" 65 percent. Compare that with today's 35 percent top rate, and ask: If supply-siders are so enamored of JFK's tax policies, would they advocate a return to a "more sensible" 65 percent top rate? Applying Kennedy's tax talk to the current structure, JFK biographer Robert Dallek says, is like comparing "apples and watermelons."


And the debate about JFK and tax cuts speaks to a broader misconception in our politics, that Republicans always want to cut taxes, while Democrats don't. Although it's true that tax cuts have become the alpha and omega of GOP economic policy, an astonishing number of conservatives actually advocate tax increases for lower-income Americans because those who don't make enough to pay federal income taxes lack "skin in the game" to really understand big government's villainy. Seriously

Lyndon B. Johnson: Radio and Television Remarks Upon Signing the Tax Bill.

Johnson had to pass the tax cuts as the conservatives would not let Kennedy and then he got assassinated, the John Birch Society hated him.

Perhaps we should return to the JFK inspired taxes.
Reducing taxes won't do jack shit for wages or employment, with the possible exception of top executive wages, which go up at the drop of a hat.

.....and THAT, my dear Dragonlady, is why I actually want Trump's tax plan to be passed........Right wing MORONS need to be royally screwed before they wake up and stop gloating over winning over Clinton.
A 15% corporate tax rate would be a boon for the economy. I hope they are successful in passing it.

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