The Real Trump? Here's the Real Trump, this just in...

A 15% corporate tax rate would be a boon for the economy. I hope they are successful in passing it

Can you name FIVE corporations who are currently actually paying the TOP tax rate???

You poor right wing morons actually love to DEFEND those who screw you and have bullshitted you into actually liking it.
Trump Wants Tax Plan to Cut Corporate Rate to 15%

"WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump has ordered White House aides to draft a tax plan that slashes the corporate tax rate to 15%, even if that means a loss of revenue, according to people familiar with the directive.

During a meeting in the Oval Office last week, Mr. Trump told staff he wants a massive tax cut to sell to the American public, these people said. He told aides it was less important to him that such a plan could add to the federal budget deficit..."

(and no you don't need the rest of the article (subscribers only) to get the point)

There it is. Trump effectively conceded that a huge corporate tax cut may very well balloon the deficit...

...and he doesn't care. I doubt that many of the big money corporate interests that apparently have Trump in their pocket care either.

Here's another look:

Trump Wants to Slash the Corporate Tax Rate to 15%: WSJ
More of the round up the usual suspects from Trump. Desperate for something Yuuuge, and having totally fucked up on healthcare, he tries to pivot to tax overhaul,despite his own Treasury saying it won't be done till Fall. So he says gimme sumten, anythin .... wait we'll cut the corportate tax rate. Joe Scarborough said that last week. Screw the deficits.

Cutting the corp rate would make Yuuuge sense, if it's coupled with legislation that wouldn't let multinationals park profits overseas to avoid taxes totally.

However the real story is Trump is now in favor of a supply side tax cut with "dynamic scoring" that would give billions to the top 1%.

He's supposed to be rushing something out tomorrow to the press and public about tax reform. It's a desperate grab to divert people away from the looming "100 days" review on Saturday.

Yeah supposedly he has some alternate facts to counter CBO's take on tax cuts for the rich not paying for themselves. CONVERSELY cutting the corporate tax rate would not be horrible for the deficits IF we increased the size of the pie being taxed by not allowing multinationals to stash money abroad. It might actually increase things like salaries and production of consumer goods.

But as you said, he's desperate for some bigly win.

It won't do ANY of those things. Corporations have been awash with cash since W was President (offshoring labour to reduce costs without reducing prices was HUGELY profitable). They haven't invested that money at home, and they haven't increased wages, despite the glut of cash.

Reducing taxes will increase dividends, but the problem with the US economy isn't lack of supply. It's pent up demand because of wage stagnation. Reducing taxes won't do jack shit for wages or employment, with the possible exception of top executive wages, which go up at the drop of a hat.
Cutting taxes on the middle class could increase demand. I agree cutting taxes on the 1% not only makes no sense in terms of increases in demand or capital, and because the tax cuts DO NOT pay for themselves, it is simply transferrign more wealth to the 1% while increasing the debt for our kids.

However, if corporations were taxed on money they held overseas, there would not be an incentive to keep it overseas. The argument for the multinationals is that they pay the tax rate overseas, but of course that rate is much lower than the rate in the US. Therefore the only way to "recapture" the money is to tax overseas money and money here. That will require some compromise so as to not tax overseas money at 35%.

All taxes are unfair because they limit freedom, but some are necessary. Having corporations decide where to put money because of tax issues is inefficient, because the decision is properly made on what makes the most sense for the corporation in terms of producing more and making more profit.
corporations wont pull up stakes and move their over sea operations back to the US if tax rates drop to ZERO ..

wont happen as long as they can get cheap ass labor.

the end.
Slashing taxes for the most wealthy Americans has been a tactic of the GOP for decades. What is the goal? To perpetuate wealth inequality. It is one of their easiest ways to strip the middle class and funnel money to the top 1%. Deplorable, but not unexpected.

The ultimate problem for the orange clown is that as he further depletes the collection of taxes, he will have to ask for trillions in borrowed money (along the same lines as to why he had to declare bankruptcy so many times).....and as dumb as republicans in congress may already be, THAT may finally wake them up to the orange failure.
Trump is cutting the size of government, that means less spending. When you spend less you don't have to take in as much taxes. I bet you libtards failed in economics, didn't ya?

Trump has a degree in economics from Wharton.

That doesn't mean he went to class or that he learned anything. For all you know, he could have paid someone to do his assignments and essays. Trump was never a great student, so I doubt he passed without all of the assistance that money can buy.

Well in fairness he's not the first Republican not to give a shit about deficits as the cost of giving big tax cuts to the rich.

My goodness!! You are railing about the rich.

That's called "envy" or "jealously". (one of the 7 deadly sins that can lead to your demise).

People have an innate ability to recognize it when a fellow human such as yourself is a jealous piece of shit.

That's why us "rich" people cut you out of the action.
All taxes are unfair because they limit freedom, but some are necessary.

What pisses me off, actually, is that these same corporations who pay zero in U.S. taxes STILL use our airports, seaports, highways, rely on our law enforcement, etc.
expecting the middle class to pay for the privilege of getting screwed by these corporations.......I actually want for the Trumpster to get his tax plan through....THAT will be the only way for dumb Trump ass kissers to finally wisen up...(well, maybe, to "wisen up" may be too much of a stretch for them.)
Only an uneducated idiot subscribes to the belief that corporate federal tax rates have no effect in the rate of private sector job growth. Cheap labor in the manufacture of parts is not the issue its the assembly that counts. The first rule of production is reduction in the per unit cost of the parts resulting in lower cost of finished goods that meet the needs of the market place.
the sooner all of you lower tax hounds get your head out of your butt the better off you'll be.

Chinese factory workers make less than $2.00 an hour ...

ponder that.
Only an uneducated idiot subscribes to the belief that corporate federal tax rates have no effect in the rate of private sector job growth.

For morons like you who do NOT pay attention to history...even recent one....

From 2004…..

With no fanfare, President Bush signed the most sweeping rewrite of corporate tax law in nearly two decades, showering $136 billion in new tax breaks on businesses, and other groups.

Intended to end a bitter trade war with Europe, the election-year measure was described by supporters as critically necessary to aid beleaguered manufacturers who have suffered 2.7 million lost jobs over the past four years.

But opponents charged that the tax package had grown into a massive giveaway that will add to the complexity of the tax system and end up rewarding multinational companies that move jobs overseas

NOW......what the fuck happened after those huge tax cuts...????.and why were 700,000 workers joining the unemployment line per MONTH during GWB's tenure?
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corporations wont pull up stakes and move their over sea operations back to the US if tax rates drop to ZERO ..

wont happen as long as they can get cheap ass labor.

the end.

The whole point of the tax cut is to encourage corporation to bring their overseas profits back to the US, not to bring jobs back. Currently they're holding the money offshore, because they will be taxed at their current rates on the amount they bring home.

While I agree that moneys which have been taxes overseas, should not be double taxed when it comes home, I strongly disagree with the notion that multi-nationals are paying 35%.

The only corporations paying the top rate are small, closely held corporations. The effective rate for large multi-nations is in the neighbourhood ot 10 - 15%. So the proposed cuts will benefit large multi-nationals most of all.
corporations wont pull up stakes and move their over sea operations back to the US if tax rates drop to ZERO ..

wont happen as long as they can get cheap ass labor.

the end.

The whole point of the tax cut is to encourage corporation to bring their overseas profits back to the US, not to bring jobs back. Currently they're holding the money offshore, because they will be taxed at their current rates on the amount they bring home.

While I agree that moneys which have been taxes overseas, should not be double taxed when it comes home, I strongly disagree with the notion that multi-nationals are paying 35%.

The only corporations paying the top rate are small, closely held corporations. The effective rate for large multi-nations is in the neighbourhood ot 10 - 15%. So the proposed cuts will benefit large multi-nationals most of all.
corporations wont pull up stakes and move their over sea operations back to the US if tax rates drop to ZERO ..

wont happen as long as they can get cheap ass labor.

the end.

Where are they going to go. They are in Kurdistan and Iraq now. Not too many undeveloped places left, til we create them. China's labor is going up, and hopefully Mexicans will start asking for more money, the way I see it, its the workers against the Corps. With the Gop killing unions here expect wages to be stagnant, and you will work more and get paid less.
corporations wont pull up stakes and move their over sea operations back to the US if tax rates drop to ZERO ..

wont happen as long as they can get cheap ass labor.

the end.

The whole point of the tax cut is to encourage corporation to bring their overseas profits back to the US, not to bring jobs back. Currently they're holding the money offshore, because they will be taxed at their current rates on the amount they bring home.

While I agree that moneys which have been taxes overseas, should not be double taxed when it comes home, I strongly disagree with the notion that multi-nationals are paying 35%.

The only corporations paying the top rate are small, closely held corporations. The effective rate for large multi-nations is in the neighbourhood ot 10 - 15%. So the proposed cuts will benefit large multi-nationals most of all.

the $ isnt double taxed ... and those profits that make it back home do what, start a business, or go into an investment portfolio ?
“I’m not happy to have to pass this on. I’m very, very troubled to have to pass this on. And I want to say at the outset that I hope my interpretation is wrong, and I hope this is not the case. But it looks like, from here, right here, right now, it looks like President Trump is caving on his demand for a measly $1 billion in the budget for his wall on the border with Mexico.”

— Rush Limbaugh, on his radio show.
“I’m not happy to have to pass this on. I’m very, very troubled to have to pass this on. And I want to say at the outset that I hope my interpretation is wrong, and I hope this is not the case. But it looks like, from here, right here, right now, it looks like President Trump is caving on his demand for a measly $1 billion in the budget for his wall on the border with Mexico.”

— Rush Limbaugh, on his radio show.

Hopefully there's an ambulance standing by when the LardBucket takes an overdose of oxy after THAT news sinks in.....LOL (I love it )
corporations wont pull up stakes and move their over sea operations back to the US if tax rates drop to ZERO ..

wont happen as long as they can get cheap ass labor.

the end.

The whole point of the tax cut is to encourage corporation to bring their overseas profits back to the US, not to bring jobs back. Currently they're holding the money offshore, because they will be taxed at their current rates on the amount they bring home.

While I agree that moneys which have been taxes overseas, should not be double taxed when it comes home, I strongly disagree with the notion that multi-nationals are paying 35%.

The only corporations paying the top rate are small, closely held corporations. The effective rate for large multi-nations is in the neighbourhood ot 10 - 15%. So the proposed cuts will benefit large multi-nationals most of all.

the $ isnt double taxed ... and those profits that make it back home do what, start a business, or go into an investment portfolio ?

The right seems to think that these corporations will use the money to create jobs. Given that these same corporations are already awash in cash, and could easily expand and hire using those $$$ and haven't, I seriously doubt that ANY of the money currently off=shore will be used for anything other than dividends and executive bonuses.
“I’m not happy to have to pass this on. I’m very, very troubled to have to pass this on. And I want to say at the outset that I hope my interpretation is wrong, and I hope this is not the case. But it looks like, from here, right here, right now, it looks like President Trump is caving on his demand for a measly $1 billion in the budget for his wall on the border with Mexico.”

— Rush Limbaugh, on his radio show.

Is Rush upset?
Trump Wants Tax Plan to Cut Corporate Rate to 15%

"WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump has ordered White House aides to draft a tax plan that slashes the corporate tax rate to 15%, even if that means a loss of revenue, according to people familiar with the directive.

During a meeting in the Oval Office last week, Mr. Trump told staff he wants a massive tax cut to sell to the American public, these people said. He told aides it was less important to him that such a plan could add to the federal budget deficit..."

(and no you don't need the rest of the article (subscribers only) to get the point)

There it is. Trump effectively conceded that a huge corporate tax cut may very well balloon the deficit...

...and he doesn't care. I doubt that many of the big money corporate interests that apparently have Trump in their pocket care either.

Here's another look:

Trump Wants to Slash the Corporate Tax Rate to 15%: WSJ
The federal government has no claim on perceived taxes, Cut taxes help the American people immensely. Fact
corporations wont pull up stakes and move their over sea operations back to the US if tax rates drop to ZERO ..

wont happen as long as they can get cheap ass labor.

the end.

The whole point of the tax cut is to encourage corporation to bring their overseas profits back to the US, not to bring jobs back. Currently they're holding the money offshore, because they will be taxed at their current rates on the amount they bring home.

While I agree that moneys which have been taxes overseas, should not be double taxed when it comes home, I strongly disagree with the notion that multi-nationals are paying 35%.

The only corporations paying the top rate are small, closely held corporations. The effective rate for large multi-nations is in the neighbourhood ot 10 - 15%. So the proposed cuts will benefit large multi-nationals most of all.

the $ isnt double taxed ... and those profits that make it back home do what, start a business, or go into an investment portfolio ?

The right seems to think that these corporations will use the money to create jobs. Given that these same corporations are already awash in cash, and could easily expand and hire using those $$$ and haven't, I seriously doubt that ANY of the money currently off=shore will be used for anything other than dividends and executive bonuses.

The rich just want to outdo themselves, they see a yacht and they want a bigger one, 5 homes and they want 7 in every country. Greed. Then they want it to pass to their kids and the kids best marry rich. Rich marry rich.

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