The Real Zelensky

Pandora Papers

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky rode to power on pledges to clean up the Eastern European country, but the Pandora Papers reveal he and his close circle were the beneficiaries of a network of offshore companies, including some that owned expensive London property, The Pandora Papers website states.​

“In the heat of the campaign, a political ally of President Poroshenko published a chart purporting that Zelensky and his television production partners were beneficiaries of a web of offshore firms that allegedly received $41 million in funds from Kolomoisky’s Privatbank.”

“Zelensky has repeatedly pledged to rein in oligarchs. The day after the attack on Shefir, the country’s parliament passed a bill that would create a register of oligarchs and bar them from financing political parties or taking part in privatisations.”

Why would they set up offshore bank accounts at the same time that Kolomoisky was simply setting up an allegedly benign TV production deal with Kvartal? Unless the entire point of the show was to astroturf Zelensky into the *real* presidency all along…?​


Pandora Papers Reveal Offshore Holdings of Ukrainian President and his Inner Circle

It’s pretty obvious that Zelensky is his puppet, and more disturbingly, his “role” in Servant of The People was intended from the very start, to be “life imitating art” in a wag the dog fashion.​


Pandora Papers Reveal Offshore Holdings of Ukrainian President and his Inner Circle

And the expensive properties owned by Zelensky and his associates are not limited to London. George Webb, investigative journalist, tweeted a video report with the description: “Breaking down Ukraine – let’s start with Zelensky’s $35M mansion in Sunny Isles, FL built by Kolomoisky and Pinchuk. $1.3B in the bank!!”​

The Evil Ones are hiding behind the Ukrainian people like Jihadiats hiding in a Palestinian school

well we watched it everyday!! We KNEW he was pickin' a fight.
This from a guy who STILL believes Russiagate. Yet calls others conspiracy theorists. Lol.

Statists whether on the left or right, are the dumbest people in the world. about a conspiracy theorist,the trollboy that toots russiagate calls YOE a conspiracy theorist,his comedy is priceless. :rofl:
I think you’re missing the forest for the trees.

Numerous experts have warned against expanding NATO eastward. Many have stated Ukraine mustn’t be allowed in, since it is in Russia’s sphere of influence. These experts warned war might result, if NATO accepted Ukraine. They were right, but you won’t find the corporate media telling Americans this.

Had Z sought dialogue and compromise with Russia, which condidering Putin’s multiple statements about his red line on Ukraine is an intelligent approach, since war with Russia would be terribly destructive for his country. Z chose war.

At no time have I supported Putin’s invasion. His warring actions are wrong, just as the US government’s multiple wars are wrong.

But unlike you, I can see the entire forest.
Another shill your just wasting your breath on.
Zelensky is a criminal. Where is the billion of us aid?
  • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his partners in comedy production owned a network of offshore companies related to their business based in the British Virgin Islands, Cyprus, and Belize.
  • Zelensky’s current chief aide, Serhiy Shefir, as well as the head of the country’s Security Service, were part of the offshore network.
  • Offshore companies were used by Shefir and another business partner to buy pricey London real estate.
  • Around the time of his 2019 election, Zelensky handed his shares in a key offshore company over to Shefir, but the two appear to have made an arrangement for Zelensky’s family to continue receiving money from the offshore

  • Pandora Papers Reveal Offshore Holdings of Ukrainian President and his Inner Circle - OCCRP

Down with Zelensky a Ukraine.
Zelensky is a criminal. Where is the billion of us aid?
  • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his partners in comedy production owned a network of offshore companies related to their business based in the British Virgin Islands, Cyprus, and Belize.
  • Zelensky’s current chief aide, Serhiy Shefir, as well as the head of the country’s Security Service, were part of the offshore network.
  • Offshore companies were used by Shefir and another business partner to buy pricey London real estate.
  • Around the time of his 2019 election, Zelensky handed his shares in a key offshore company over to Shefir, but the two appear to have made an arrangement for Zelensky’s family to continue receiving money from the offshore

  • Pandora Papers Reveal Offshore Holdings of Ukrainian President and his Inner Circle - OCCRP

Down with Zelensky a Ukraine.
He’s a corrupt dictator but Americans think he’s a hero, thanks to a media that pushes propaganda.
Who told him to provoke a war with Russia? My chips are on someone in the imperial capitol on the Potomac. Why would he scrap the Minsk Protocol at the last second?

Zelensky is not the wonderful peace loving patriot Americans are told by their fake news media. The following will help you get informed.

The Man Who Sold Ukraine

By Mike Whitney
The Unz Review
March 8, 2022
Most Americans fail to realize that Zelensky’s rejection of Minsk was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Russian officials had worked for 8 years on Minsk hammering out terms that would be agreeable to all parties. Then—at the eleventh hour—Zelensky put the kibosh on the deal with a wave of the hand. Why? Who told Zelensky to scrap the agreement? Washington?

Of course.

And why did Zelensky deploy 60,000 combat troops to the area just beyond the Line of Contact (in east Ukraine) where they could lob mortal shells into the towns and villages of the ethnic Russians who lived there? Clearly, the message this sent to the people was that an invasion was imminent and that they should either flee their homes immediately or take shelter in their cellars. What objective did Zelensky hope to achieve by forcing these people to huddle in their homes in fear for their lives? And what message did he intend to send to Moscow whose leaders looked on at these developments in absolute horror?

Did he know his actions would set off alarms in Russia forcing Putin to call up his military and prepare them for a possible invasion to protect his people from– what looked to be– a massive ethnic cleansing operation?

He did.

So, how are these actions consistent with Zelensky’s campaign promises to restore national unity and peacefully resolve Ukraine’s issues with Russia?

They’re not consistent at all, they are polar opposites. In fact, Zelenskyy appears to be operating off a different script altogether. Take, for example, his complete unwillingness to address Russia’s minimal security concerns. Did Zelensky know that Putin had repeatedly said that Ukraine’s membership in NATO was a “red line” for Russia? Did he know that Putin has been saying the same thing over-and-over again since 2014? Did he know that Putin warned that if Ukraine took steps to join NATO, Russia would be forced to take “military-technical” measures to ensure their own security? Does Zelensky know that NATO is Washington-controlled Alliance that has engaged in numerous acts of aggression against other sovereign states. Here’s a short list of NATO’s accomplishments:

  1. The destruction of Yugoslavia
  2. The destruction of Afghanistan
  3. The destruction of Libya
  4. The destruction of Iraq
  5. The destruction of Syria
Does Zelensky know that NATO is openly hostile to Russia and regards Russia a serious threat to its expansionist ambitions?
The Man Who Sold Ukraine - LewRockwell

considering Obama developed bio weappns for him i would say there is your answer.
He’s a corrupt dictator but Americans think he’s a hero, thanks to a media that pushes propaganda.

Indeed,time for the zelensky apologists to get educated.

Propaganda is so ubiquitous, I tend to shrug. Let me say this (not claiming it’s true, but just for the sake of discussion). Let’s say that Zelensky isn’t a saint. Ok. What does that tell us about the Putin-ordered war against Ukraine? ?? Nothing. Ukraine obviously didn’t pose any threat to Russia.

Nevertheless, Putin invaded the sovereign nation of Ukraine. He has conducted massive military operations. He has targeted civilians, including children, by bombing schools, hospitals, residential buildings, etc. he has largely destroyed several cities and most of several other cities.

So, to the OP: Cut the crap. Nobody with a brain in their head and any sense of honesty is buying your bullshit. It wasn’t Zelensky who attacked Ukraine and he also didn’t attack Russia. The entirety of the blame is on that rat fucker, Vladimir Putin. May he die very very soon.
Propaganda is so ubiquitous, I tend to shrug. Let me say this (not claiming it’s true, but just for the sake of discussion). Let’s say that Zelensky isn’t a saint. Ok. What does that tell us about the Putin-ordered war against Ukraine? ?? Nothing. Ukraine obviously didn’t pose any threat to Russia.

Nevertheless, Putin invaded the sovereign nation of Ukraine. He has conducted massive military operations. He has targeted civilians, including children, by bombing schools, hospitals, residential buildings, etc. he has largely destroyed several cities and most of several other cities.

So, to the OP: Cut the crap. Nobody with a brain in their head and any sense of honesty is buying your bullshit. It wasn’t Zelensky who attacked Ukraine and he also didn’t attack Russia. The entirety of the blame is on that rat fucker, Vladimir Putin. May he die very very soon.
Lol. You clearly haven’t bothered to inform yourself on ALL the issues. Donbas, 14k dead Russians killed by Ukrainians, NATO.

Putin is to blame, but so are many others.

Stop believing propaganda.
Lol. You clearly haven’t bothered to inform yourself on ALL the issues. Donbas, 14k dead Russians killed by Ukrainians, NATO.

Putin is to blame, but so are many others.

Stop believing propaganda.
Donbas is a region within the sovereign nation of Ukraine. So what?

14k to 20k dead Russian soldiers killed in the sovereign land scumbag Putin had them invade. Tough fucking luck. Blame the victim much? :cuckoo:

Ukraine had not been invited into NATO despite requesting it for like 20 years and there was no prospect of it happening. Again, therefore, so what?

You’re a dolt. Stop believing Putin’s crapaganda.
Donbas is a region within the sovereign nation of Ukraine. So what?

14k to 20k dead Russian soldiers killed in the sovereign land scumbag Putin had them invade. Tough fucking luck. Blame the victim much? :cuckoo:

Ukraine had not been invited into NATO despite requesting it for like 20 years and there was no prospect of it happening. Again, therefore, so what?

You’re a dolt. Stop believing Putin’s crapaganda.
Lol. You are fully propagandized. You’ve been told borders are sacred and last forever and you stupidly believe it.

Have you bothered to read anything Putin has said about NATO and Ukraine? Of course not.

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