The real zombie apocalypse


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Until yesterday I thought the zombie apocalypse was just a buncha crazy people and movie-makers feeding into the hysteria. But I'm a believer now. Last night I went to my Mom's with my brother and his wife for dinner. While the four of us ate then sat around the table talking each of them pulled out their cellphones and became catatonic and quiet. Being hte black sheep of the family who refuses to buy portable electronics like cellphones and such I noticed this more than they. Moving outside to enjoy the nice weather we began to talk, but gradually out came the cellphones and silence descended again. I joked they reminded me of zombies but they didn't react or even put their phones away. My brother said he was checking the weather and I looked up into the sky and reported "cloudy with a chance of rain." But he didn't laugh.

The zombie apocalypse is real my friends, and it's not coming, it's already here. :)
The Zombie Apocalypse happened in November of 2008 and again in November 2012.

Things were going along so well towards the end of 2008 too. We should have put another republican in there to keep the good times rolling. Just joking. After republicans have their fun and screw everything up, the adults have to come in and make things right again.
Until yesterday I thought the zombie apocalypse was just a buncha crazy people and movie-makers feeding into the hysteria. But I'm a believer now. Last night I went to my Mom's with my brother and his wife for dinner. While the four of us ate then sat around the table talking each of them pulled out their cellphones and became catatonic and quiet. Being hte black sheep of the family who refuses to buy portable electronics like cellphones and such I noticed this more than they. Moving outside to enjoy the nice weather we began to talk, but gradually out came the cellphones and silence descended again. I joked they reminded me of zombies but they didn't react or even put their phones away. My brother said he was checking the weather and I looked up into the sky and reported "cloudy with a chance of rain." But he didn't laugh.

The zombie apocalypse is real my friends, and it's not coming, it's already here. :)

I see toddlers in baby seats on the little devices. I disappeared my ten year old grandson's little stupid box then started him on chess and later taught him a couple basic attacks. Yesterday I saw him teaching a neighbor kid chess. There's hope yet.
I had a cellphone in 2007 or thereabouts . Wife also had one but at the time she had a deal that we could cancel at any time . So after about 6 months or so I canceled , still cost me a fee but what the heck , paying monthly made no sense to me . I never used the phone and I can tell if its raining by just looking outside .

Comforting to see I'm not the only one who made the connection. :)

I hate what cell phones have done to people. Not all people but oh so many of them. It has turned many into unaware, mindless morons, with a huge heaping of rudeness to boot. They cannot drive, buy a box of cookies, mail a letter, or even walk down the street without constantly be checking/on their phones. wth? What is this obsession with constantly having to be on the web or talking/texting/in contact with someone? I've heard people in grocery stores calling home because they can't make a decision on which scent of deodorant to buy. Seriously?? Zombie is the perfect word to describe these people.
I have a cell phone. I like the freedom to be where I want to be, even if I am expecting a call. I also like being able to contact people regardless of whether I am home or not. In fact, I have not had a landline since 2005.

Texting is handy, as long as the other person uses english.

The rest of the stuff is largely a waste of money, in my opinion.

You are absolutely right, Delta. The zombies are here. Not as gross looking as we expected, nor as dangerous. But they are among us.
As I tried explaining to my family yesterday, "Used to be when families got together they talked about stuff."

In my case, among my objections to such devices are: If I go out, just to be outside, part of the reason is to be unreachable; Used to be going shopping meant time away from ringing phones and such annoyances. And how many video clip shows do we need to see with people looking down at their phones walk into fountains, into traffic, or off of things before we realize it's not a hot idea?

People here at the apartment do it too. Walking around for exercise but looking at their palms. I worry we're goingto turn into the society in the movie "WALL-E" with everyone looking at their computer screens instead of out into the world. If people don't notice smog, do they fight to control and reduce it? If people only interact with each other remotely what happens to family? If families only spend time together looking at their own cellphone what happens to unity and communication?

The main reason this is becomming a problem is simple enough: it's too convenient. Just like fast and junk food leading to an obesity epidemic that's now global in scope, if communications and access to data remains this convenient it's going to result in negative side effects that'll outweigh the positive aspects. Breakdown in socialization and interpersonal communication, isolation in crowded enviroments, increased sedentary lifestyles compounding the existing besity epidemic, etc.

You've been warned.
As I tried explaining to my family yesterday, "Used to be when families got together they talked about stuff."

In my case, among my objections to such devices are: If I go out, just to be outside, part of the reason is to be unreachable; Used to be going shopping meant time away from ringing phones and such annoyances. And how many video clip shows do we need to see with people looking down at their phones walk into fountains, into traffic, or off of things before we realize it's not a hot idea?

People here at the apartment do it too. Walking around for exercise but looking at their palms. I worry we're goingto turn into the society in the movie "WALL-E" with everyone looking at their computer screens instead of out into the world. If people don't notice smog, do they fight to control and reduce it? If people only interact with each other remotely what happens to family? If families only spend time together looking at their own cellphone what happens to unity and communication?

The main reason this is becomming a problem is simple enough: it's too convenient. Just like fast and junk food leading to an obesity epidemic that's now global in scope, if communications and access to data remains this convenient it's going to result in negative side effects that'll outweigh the positive aspects. Breakdown in socialization and interpersonal communication, isolation in crowded enviroments, increased sedentary lifestyles compounding the existing besity epidemic, etc.

You've been warned.

I saw a great idea on FB, and have made it a rule when I take my kids out to dinner.

The first one to check their phone during dinner has to pick up the check.

My son did it once and my gf has done it 3 times. lol
Like that new reality show on TLC guess it is, Chrisley Knows Best. They're on a boat enjoying a day at the lake, son's cell rings and the Dad Chriseley tosses it in the lake. :) That's my idea.

Getting my Mom to quit using her's in the car involved a solution inspired by it. "If you touch that thing again I'm gonna chuck it out the window." :)
The Zombie Apocalypse happened in November of 2008 and again in November 2012.

Things were going along so well towards the end of 2008 too. We should have put another republican in there to keep the good times rolling. Just joking. After republicans have their fun and screw everything up, the adults have to come in and make things right again.

If you had any desire to aquire any actual knowledge at all you would have learned that the GOP didn't cause the recession. You would know that GWB warned congress several times about the coming collapse of the housing market but the democrat run congress refused to heed him. Again, if you actually looked into things instead of swallowed whole what the left wing nut spoonfed you, you would also know that the democrats didn't make anything right. Here it is 6 years later and the economy is "iffy" at best and that only because it is artificially being propped up.

But then you are a zombie, you can't actually learn.

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