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The realities of Labor Unions

So the realities of labor unions is they can produce crap, demand high wages and benefits and curse anyone who opposes their racket and protectionism so they can continue to produce expensive crap while the rest of the world competes. That's what I thought.

Why don't you tell all just which unions are producing crap and demanding higher wages.

Is it the union workers in the defense industry?
Oil and gas industries?
Auto industries?
Public sector unions?
Aerospace workers?
Aircraft industry workers?

Come on now, when you speak with the certainty that you just wrote the above with, I am sure you have a long list of these awful unions striking and demanding and building shit.

So lets hear it.

When did line workers become responsible for bad designs? Why don't you go ahead and shut things down and then tell them they need to just go back to the drawing board? Come back and tell me how it works out for you.

I've gone over management's heads on serious safety violations that they wouldn't take care of because of cost. Never came out well for me but I did it anyway. This will usually just give you a name as a troublemaker no matter how serious the safety violation.

It didn't turn out well with safety violations. What do you think would have happened if you told them their design was crappy and they needed to just redesign it? I suspect you would have been out the door before you finished your sentence.
This is what liberals dont understand I am real good at what I do, also a mold proccessor , 3 years of mold making apprentance , 2 years of mold design, 30 years in plastics along with my industrial injection molding maintenace knowledge , robotics, welding, carpentry , electronics hydrualics the only real big thing i suck at is spelling

I command respect, I earn respect the plant manager comes to me to take care of problems. Hell every body does. That is more rewarding then going somewhere else and make $50 bucks an hour pushing a button

And if they truly respected you, they'd be paying you that $50 bucks an hour.

Chances are, behind your back, they think you're a chump.

When did line workers become responsible for bad designs? Why don't you go ahead and shut things down and then tell them they need to just go back to the drawing board? Come back and tell me how it works out for you.

I've gone over management's heads on serious safety violations that they wouldn't take care of because of cost. Never came out well for me but I did it anyway. This will usually just give you a name as a troublemaker no matter how serious the safety violation.

It didn't turn out well with safety violations. What do you think would have happened if you told them their design was crappy and they needed to just redesign it? I suspect you would have been out the door before you finished your sentence.
This is what liberals dont understand I am real good at what I do, also a mold proccessor , 3 years of mold making apprentance , 2 years of mold design, 30 years in plastics along with my industrial injection molding maintenace knowledge , robotics, welding, carpentry , electronics hydrualics blah blah blah, the only real big thing i suck at is spelling

I command respect, I earn respect the plant manager comes to me to take care of problems. Hell every body does. That is more rewarding then going somewhere else and make $50 bucks an hour pushing a button

Edit that's what liberals, union workers , the youth today don't understand, the way I work I I am not a prima Donna I will get dirty as heck, I will clean the machines fix a toilet, help an Operator and progam a robot. It don't matter , that's how you get respect. Once you get respect of every one, you get different treatment, I can fuck off in front of the plant manager and he don't care because every thing is running smooth .

Well, good for you. What if your best friend there was being mistreated by his direct boss. I don't know......being shorted on hours, or being given all the shitty jobs, or just something......... With your obviously greater access to management, would you go to bat for him and try to help him out? In it's most basic form, you just formed a union.
Nope, I know how much they can pay me and still make a profit, I didnt say this the last job before this i became the plant manager for a year of family owned plastic exstruion plant, I saw the books . I quit there last april because the owner and got in a fight he didnt want me to hire women or old people.

So you do understand that most businesses rarely give fair treatment without some sort of pressure to do so.
And it's not a damn union it is a friendship, hell I fired my best man at my wedding twice at two different jobs and he was making $20 bucks an hours or so because he was being a lazy ass , of course I used my connection and got him from me and another job with a boss that was not demanding as I and he did real good till he passed away from cancer

I can understand how that can happen. I fired my son in law, and then paid his bills until he could get another job. Bottom line.....standing together to make things better for everybody is not a bad thing. I'm not saying to protect someone who isn't doing his job, but you know companies will not do anything for the workers that they aren't forced in one way or the other to do.
Well every bad thing i thought about you i take back, you are a good guy

Don't make any hasty decisions on that, we still probably have lots of things we disagree on. However, I will take back part of what I thought about you.
Btw I hope your son in law gets it and does the right thing for your daughter and grandkids ?
Btw I hope your son in law gets it and does the right thing for your daughter and grandkids ?

He finally got his shit together and got a job he was more suited for. He just isn't the heavy construction type. When my daughter gets out of medical school, I won't have any financial concerns for them at all. I'm looking forward to calling her Dr. Daughter. I tell her she's my little retirement plan, but I'm not sure if she knows I'm joking.
Interesting explanation of how the Koch Bros. got Florida State University + 163 others to advocate their libertarian ideas.

So, according to the logic of your video, since the government pays for the bulk of funding for universities, they must be getting what they paid for - that is, pro-government opinions from pinko professors.

My insurance has stayed the same rate. Why isn't that on the poll? And where's pineapple?

You must be a government worker

Thinking about it even I will shut the bitch down if I see they are making crap parts and lock it out and I am just a maintenance man . I will call it a safety hazard :)

When did line workers become responsible for bad designs? Why don't you go ahead and shut things down and then tell them they need to just go back to the drawing board? Come back and tell me how it works out for you.

I've gone over management's heads on serious safety violations that they wouldn't take care of because of cost. Never came out well for me but I did it anyway. This will usually just give you a name as a troublemaker no matter how serious the safety violation.
At my old jobs , yes, I got so mad at them, quit and sic OSHA, the EPA , the local fire marshall and Any one else i can think of, I did that twice (dont even get me started on how stupid OSHA is thats another story)
This job I would get fired if I don't shut it down for a safety issue

I worked at a hospital as a mechanical maintenance mechanic. Reported a bad high pressure steam expansion joint to cal osha, after I continuously reported problem. Cal Osha came in, saw the problem, we had a shutdown and fixed it. Of course, management knew who turned them in and started leaning on me. I just quit and got another job. Of course, back in the 70's and 80's jobs were easier to find.
So the realities of labor unions is they can produce crap, demand high wages and benefits and curse anyone who opposes their racket and protectionism so they can continue to produce expensive crap while the rest of the world competes. That's what I thought.

More psycho-babble?

The Union printing business I owned was number 1 in Vegas.
I guess OSHA was smarter back then, my two experiences with them once up in Chicago once down in south Carolina they are dumb fucks
I don't know what unions today are producing crap, they finally grown up since they 80s , but oh wait what about GM "if it ain't broke we didn't make it" and there massive recall? Everyone knew

You mean corporate America engineered crap.

Massive recalls now cover almost every automobile manufacturer.

5 Of The Largest Car Recalls In History - Slideshow Investopedia

Out of the top five, GM is number three due to a third party part manufacturer.

GM's CTS and ATS are two of the best cars manufactured. Too bad you weren't Union, you'd be able to afford one.
I don't know what unions today are producing crap, they finally grown up since they 80s , but oh wait what about GM "if it ain't broke we didn't make it" and there massive recall? Everyone knew

You mean corporate America engineered crap.

Massive recalls now cover almost every automobile manufacturer.

5 Of The Largest Car Recalls In History - Slideshow Investopedia

Out of the top five, GM is number three due to a third party part manufacturer.

GM's CTS and ATS are two of the best cars manufactured. Too bad you weren't Union, you'd be able to afford one.
One you are so full of shit

Two you are so full of shit

Three quit being a partisian hack, you never owned a buszz in your life

Want to be milionare to fucking dumb
And seriously GM " if we didn't make it it's not broke"

What a dumb ass

Don't fuck with me
Btw I own a dodge ram 1500 5.2 pickup great truck and a 96 porshe spyder another great car
Fuck GM
What is it that you union haters want?
Do you want the hated Federal government to abolish all unions?
Do you want all the unionized industries to leave the country?
Do you want the companies to be able to lock out the union members from doing their jobs?
Do you want to companies to be able in discriminate against union members?
You want people to be fired for even talking about a union?

What is it that you want to do to break the unions further?

I don't "hate" all Unions, or even the concept. Not at all in fact.

But the fact is most Unions are Anti-Corporation, and most Unions are anti-competition.

Do I want the Federal government to "abolish" Unions? No. But Unions should not have any special legal protections that force companies to deal with them. It's funny how everyone on the left claims to be in favor of Equality, and yet Union laws, inherently give unequal protections to those who are part of a Union, at the expense of those who are not. Such as making it illegal to practice as a pipe-fitter, unless you are part of a Union.

Now of course, by removing those special protections, the Unions will in fact die... but having people freely choose to not be apart of the Unions, verses the government mandating their abolishment, the former is preferable. Of course that's freedom of individual choice. Something the left can't stand. You talk about freedom, but oppose it at every turn.

Further, Yes, I fully support companies being able to lock union members out of the companies jobs. This is yet another problem I have with you people on the left. You openly refuse to allow non-union members from doing their jobs, but scream and yell if someone says you can't do your job.

If I train to be a pipe-fitter, and refuse to join the Union, you routinely prevent me from doing the job I have trained to do. Yet you think the reverse shouldn't be possible. Hey Baptist Preacher.... practice what you preach hypocrite.

The reality is.... it isn't "Your job". It is the companies job. If I hire someone to instal carpet, and then decide I don't want them.... It's my job... my money... my carpet. You should have no say in the matter at all. And it doesn't matter if it's carpet in an outhouse, or a CEO Office in a sky scraper.

And lastly.....

I don't want any Unionized industry leaving the country. It's the Unions driving out Union jobs. Again, Toyota and Honda did not declare bankruptcy and lay off thousands of people. Unionized GM and Chrysler did.

And I can list of a half dozen of such examples, where Unions have been the single biggest force driving away Union jobs.
These are the facts about labor unions.

Labor Unions are unconstitutional.
It violates the Business owner's right to be safe and secure in his papers and effects regarding his business.

Labor unions are NOT professional associations, professional associations and labor unions are different, in that a labor union seeks to create a monopoly of labor available to the employer, a professional association boosts the reputability of the worker through setting codes and standards, and they offer information about the worker's profession, and offer resources, etc etc..

Labor Unions are often ran by criminals who engage in extortion, loan sharking, aiding and abetting, obstruction of justice, and fraud.

In the long run, labor unions cause poverty, by putting businesses out of business through bankruptcy.

The economic benefits are relatively short term, and even during their time as being an economic benefit, they create economic inequality in favor of the union workers, as opposed to non union workers, and they cause price increases further tipping the scales in favor of Union workers.

This pay increase is due to the fact that artificial labor monopolies have the exact same consequences as any other monopoly, amongst those are price hikes, by the demand of the monopoly.

Union workers create an artificial monopoly, which is STILL a monopoly, and monopolies have never worked for the consumer.
The consumer of labor is the employer and the customers or clients.

While monopolies are not unconstitutional for the consumer, they are against any standard that seeks to create reputability in business, and they ARE unconstitutional for the employer, because it violates the employers right to be secure in his papers and effects regarding his business.

Because the labor monopoly holds the employer hostage to the labor monopoly, it is very hard, if not impossible to fire the workers, or to take disciplinary action against the said worker or workers.

This means that the union worker can behave nearly any way that he so chooses and get away with it.
This inevitably turns the union workers into unruly scum with no discipline whatsoever.

Late check ins, early clock outs, rude and insulting behavior, and piss poor performance, frequent absences from work, dress that is only "moderately appropriate" and certainly not serious for the job, and excuse after excuse for it.

And even off the job... because the union workers have no discipline, their bad habits might roll over into their life away from work, and affect their behavior at home, and in public.

Labor Unions also cause discrimination, by making it mandatory to join the union.

So I would make it illegal under the current laws against extortion, and the Sherman anti trust laws against monopolies, to have labor unions.

Socialized Labor... counter productive to freedom itself.
I don't know what unions today are producing crap, they finally grown up since they 80s , but oh wait what about GM "if it ain't broke we didn't make it" and there massive recall? Everyone knew

You mean corporate America engineered crap.

Massive recalls now cover almost every automobile manufacturer.

5 Of The Largest Car Recalls In History - Slideshow Investopedia

Out of the top five, GM is number three due to a third party part manufacturer.

GM's CTS and ATS are two of the best cars manufactured. Too bad you weren't Union, you'd be able to afford one.

The ATS is more wrong-wheel drive crap from GM. Honestly...forget either one. Give me a Charger.
So the realities of labor unions is they can produce crap, demand high wages and benefits and curse anyone who opposes their racket and protectionism so they can continue to produce expensive crap while the rest of the world competes. That's what I thought.

More psycho-babble?

The Union printing business I owned was number 1 in Vegas.
You are number one in the number two business.
Do I want the Federal government to "abolish" Unions? No. But Unions should not have any special legal protections that force companies to deal with them

Buy a clue dude. Do you have ANY idea about the how's and why's the government got involved in the passing of law to provide protections to workers? ANY IDEA AT ALL how that came to be?

It was brought on by the corporations dip shit. Had they treated workers fairly from the get go, workers wouldn't have felt the need so much to unionize.

Do you have ANY idea why people form groups to protect their own self interest? Cause they are getting the fucks put to them and want to stop it.

Read a little about how workers were treated BEFORE there was unions and labor laws.

Read up about how business owners and corporations have ALL sorts of groups and organizations to protect the CORPORATIONS interests.

Besides that, you union haters (which you are no matter what you type) have been winning. The number of union jobs is down dramatically.

Along with yearly earning for just about every type of middle class job.

You happen to think our slow recovery might have something to do with the loss of good income that people had when they worked for a unionized company.

Hard to have a recovery on 12 dollar an hour jobs. When the recovery relies on consumer spending.
And I can list of a half dozen of such examples, where Unions have been the single biggest force driving away Union jobs.

Do it.

Your analogy about the Japanese car companies was bullshit. Japanese companies treat their workers so fucking well that there in no upside for the workers to unionize. The company AUTOMATICALLY gives what the workers need to keep them happy and productive. Including union scale wages or just slightly under. Just the way the Japanese do business.

Next you will bring up Boeing. Right? Did you know that the tax abatement given to Boeing and the state job training programs that Boeing didn't have to pay for where more important to Boeing than the idea that they wouldn't have to deal with the unions. They still pay pretty much union wages.

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