The realities of the Trump administration

Trump's biggest problem, of course, was his constant lying, and he showed his desperation by constantly attacking Biden's son and lying about Biden's income from foreign governments. There isn't any. Trump was relying on disputed information he got from Giuliani, who got it from a Russian agent.

Some fact checking of the debate is in order. There were so many lies -- some told by Biden -- that it would require a book to fact check them all. I will select only the lowlights.

Trump accused Biden of receiving “$3.5 million from Russia.” There’s no evidence of that.

Biden said there’s “no evidence” that raising the minimum wage causes business bankruptcies. There is, a little.

Trump falsely said “I don’t take” money from Wall Street. He and groups supporting him got about $13.8 million from Wall Street.

Trump falsely claimed that his bank account in China was “closed in 2015.” Trump’s own attorney said it remains open.

Trump claimed that the $750 the New York Times reported he paid in federal income taxes in 2016 and 2017 was a “filing fee.” There is no such fee.

Trump repeated his claim that “we’re rounding the turn” on the pandemic. Cases actually are increasing in many parts of the country.

Though Biden claimed Trump’s travel restrictions on China were imposed “late, after 40 countries had already done that,” most of those countries did it around the same time Trump did.

Trump quoted Anthony Fauci as saying the coronavirus was “not going to be a problem.” Fauci didn’t say that.

Trump claimed that Biden wants to raise “everybody’s” taxes. Analysts say 80% would get a cut.

Biden misquoted Sen. Mitch McConnell as saying, “Let them go bankrupt,” about cities and states that have lost revenue as a result of the pandemic. McConnell said bankruptcy should be a legal option for states with unrelated money woes.

Trump again falsely claimed Biden would get rid of private health insurance. Biden opposed Medicare for All.

As one would expect, most of the lies came from Trump. He just says whatever is convenient at the time, and truth can go to hell.
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“Now because of the China virus, we’re supposed to stay home, send millions of ballots all over the country. Millions and millions. You know, you could have a case where this election won't be decided on the evening of Nov. 3. This election could be decided two months later,” Trump said.

CBS News reports, "The Trump campaign and state Republicans are demanding that a state Nevada court temporarily block election officials in a Nevada county from counting early votes."


The Trump campaign is making complete fools of themselves.
“Now because of the China virus, we’re supposed to stay home, send millions of ballots all over the country. Millions and millions. You know, you could have a case where this election won't be decided on the evening of Nov. 3. This election could be decided two months later,” Trump said.

CBS News reports, "The Trump campaign and state Republicans are demanding that a state Nevada court temporarily block election officials in a Nevada county from counting early votes."


The Trump campaign is making complete fools of themselves.
Looks like somebody missed some big time crimes. I guess iran doesnt report on hunters laptop! Did you hear about it ? I hear there is so much more info coming . Get ready ! It might even be on 60 min. This is big time shanks. Your still in russia . Get caught up , you sound so ridiculous. HAHAHAHAH......
Fox News reports, "Trump, who has long identified as a Presbyterian, now considers himself a "nondenominational Christian.'"

“Though I was confirmed at a Presbyterian church as a child, I now consider myself to be a nondenominational Christian,” Trump wrote, without giving an explanation for the transformation or saying when it occurred.

The explanation is easy. Trump does not go to church.

Why he has the support of evangelicals is a deep, dark mystery not even evangelicals can explain.
Fox News reports, "Trump, who has long identified as a Presbyterian, now considers himself a "nondenominational Christian.'"

“Though I was confirmed at a Presbyterian church as a child, I now consider myself to be a nondenominational Christian,” Trump wrote, without giving an explanation for the transformation or saying when it occurred.

The explanation is easy. Trump does not go to church.

Why he has the support of evangelicals is a deep, dark mystery not even evangelicals can explain.
Because our Democratic Municipal leaders require 1st graders to learn how to give blow jobs and make bathrooms accessible to all sexes and ages.
Thanks for showing us you don't vote based on legislation.
Or maybe you do and you're a sexual predator.
Trump is trying to invent his own reality about coronavirus.

CNN reports, "On Saturday at a North Carolina rally, he claimed the media would no longer report on the pandemic after Election Day. He implied that news organizations are trying to drum up fear about the pandemic to get former Vice President Joe Biden elected."

Trump speaks as though he is talking to idiots.

CNN continued, "But facts are facts: Cases are rising sharply and the American public is increasingly at odds with the president's views on the coronavirus. More then three-quarters -- 78% -- of Americans remain concerned about getting infected with Covid-19, according to an ABC News/Ipsos Poll released Sunday. And 61% of Americans say they disapprove of Trump's response to Covid-19, according to the same poll.

"That's why Trump's denial of the importance of coronavirus and attempts to change the subject aren't working, according to CNN's chief media correspondent Brian Stelter."

"This is less about media fear-mongering and more about public health experts leading the way," Stelter said.

The U.S. reported its second-highest day of new Covid-19 cases on Saturday, with nearly 84,000 Americans contracting coronavirus. As of Sunday, there were at least 8,850,000 total coronavirus cases in the United States. In total, more than 230,000 Americans have died.

And Trump is telling his adoring, ill-informed flock that this is all a media hoax.

Little wonder why Americans are in a rush to get rid of this guy. Early voting is setting records.
Trump is trying to invent his own reality about coronavirus.

CNN reports, "On Saturday at a North Carolina rally, he claimed the media would no longer report on the pandemic after Election Day. He implied that news organizations are trying to drum up fear about the pandemic to get former Vice President Joe Biden elected."

Trump speaks as though he is talking to idiots.

CNN continued, "But facts are facts: Cases are rising sharply and the American public is increasingly at odds with the president's views on the coronavirus. More then three-quarters -- 78% -- of Americans remain concerned about getting infected with Covid-19, according to an ABC News/Ipsos Poll released Sunday. And 61% of Americans say they disapprove of Trump's response to Covid-19, according to the same poll.

"That's why Trump's denial of the importance of coronavirus and attempts to change the subject aren't working, according to CNN's chief media correspondent Brian Stelter."

"This is less about media fear-mongering and more about public health experts leading the way," Stelter said.

The U.S. reported its second-highest day of new Covid-19 cases on Saturday, with nearly 84,000 Americans contracting coronavirus. As of Sunday, there were at least 8,850,000 total coronavirus cases in the United States. In total, more than 230,000 Americans have died.

And Trump is telling his adoring, ill-informed flock that this is all a media hoax.

Little wonder why Americans are in a rush to get rid of this guy. Early voting is setting records.
Ha HAHAHAHAHA . Listen to this ass clown ..... hunter biden .... and big guy joe biden are siding with china you chump. HAHAHAHA . What a joke , what a tool , will the FBI investigate this troll for meddling in our elections already ....
Trump is trying to invent his own reality about coronavirus.

CNN reports, "On Saturday at a North Carolina rally, he claimed the media would no longer report on the pandemic after Election Day. He implied that news organizations are trying to drum up fear about the pandemic to get former Vice President Joe Biden elected."

Trump speaks as though he is talking to idiots.

CNN continued, "But facts are facts: Cases are rising sharply and the American public is increasingly at odds with the president's views on the coronavirus. More then three-quarters -- 78% -- of Americans remain concerned about getting infected with Covid-19, according to an ABC News/Ipsos Poll released Sunday. And 61% of Americans say they disapprove of Trump's response to Covid-19, according to the same poll.

"That's why Trump's denial of the importance of coronavirus and attempts to change the subject aren't working, according to CNN's chief media correspondent Brian Stelter."

"This is less about media fear-mongering and more about public health experts leading the way," Stelter said.

The U.S. reported its second-highest day of new Covid-19 cases on Saturday, with nearly 84,000 Americans contracting coronavirus. As of Sunday, there were at least 8,850,000 total coronavirus cases in the United States. In total, more than 230,000 Americans have died.

And Trump is telling his adoring, ill-informed flock that this is all a media hoax.

Little wonder why Americans are in a rush to get rid of this guy. Early voting is setting records.
PLANdemic results are in . Scammers .
Trump is trying to invent his own reality about coronavirus.
No, you anti-Trumpers are gas lighting everyone you can, not Trump.

Thanks to our President we have among the lowest death rates per million confirmed cases of anywhere in the world, ranking at 36th.

Democrats want more people to die so that Trump loses....they hope.

Trump is trying to invent his own reality about coronavirus.

CNN reports, "On Saturday at a North Carolina rally, he claimed the media would no longer report on the pandemic after Election Day. He implied that news organizations are trying to drum up fear about the pandemic to get former Vice President Joe Biden elected."

Trump speaks as though he is talking to idiots.

CNN continued, "But facts are facts: Cases are rising sharply and the American public is increasingly at odds with the president's views on the coronavirus. More then three-quarters -- 78% -- of Americans remain concerned about getting infected with Covid-19, according to an ABC News/Ipsos Poll released Sunday. And 61% of Americans say they disapprove of Trump's response to Covid-19, according to the same poll.

"That's why Trump's denial of the importance of coronavirus and attempts to change the subject aren't working, according to CNN's chief media correspondent Brian Stelter."

"This is less about media fear-mongering and more about public health experts leading the way," Stelter said.

The U.S. reported its second-highest day of new Covid-19 cases on Saturday, with nearly 84,000 Americans contracting coronavirus. As of Sunday, there were at least 8,850,000 total coronavirus cases in the United States. In total, more than 230,000 Americans have died.

And Trump is telling his adoring, ill-informed flock that this is all a media hoax.

Little wonder why Americans are in a rush to get rid of this guy. Early voting is setting records.
You truly believe that with less than 40% of Republicans voting on only the 2nd day of early voting in many states that they aren't going to vote for Trump?
"On Saturday at a North Carolina rally, he claimed the media would no longer report on the pandemic after Election Day. Trump implied that news organizations are trying to drum up fear about the pandemic to get former Vice President Joe Biden elected."

It is characteristic of a paranoid, narcissistic personality that Trump would take the pandemic personally.

“That’s all I hear about now. Turn on television, ‘Covid, Covid, Covid Covid Covid.’ A plane goes down, 500 people dead, they don’t talk about it. ‘Covid Covid Covid Covid.’ By the way, on November 4, you won’t hear about it anymore,”

Is this man for real? Good Lord, he is our President, and he is completely clueless as to what is happening.
“That’s all I hear about now. Turn on television, ‘Covid, Covid, Covid Covid Covid.’ A plane goes down, 500 people dead, they don’t talk about it. ‘Covid Covid Covid Covid.’ By the way, on November 4, you won’t hear about it anymore.”

Because of their cavalier attitude toward the pandemic, the Trump White House has become a hot spot for the coronavirus. The President, the First Lady, and their son have all tested positive for covid, along with several members of the White House staff. Trump's close associate, Chris Christie, landed in the hospital because of the virus.

Two top advisers to Vice President Pence have tested positive for the virus in recent days, as Pence — who tested negative on Saturday and Sunday — crisscrosses the country for rallies in swing states.

Marc Short, Pence's chief of staff, tested positive for the coronavirus.

Marty Obst, a Pence political adviser, has also tested positive for the virus.

Three additional Pence aides tested positive in recent days for a total of five on the vice-president's staff.

We’re not going to control the pandemic. We are going to control the fact that we get vaccines, therapeutics and other mitigations,” the White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows.

We are being governed by morons. Worse, countless Trump supporters want to reelect the morons, but they won't tell us why. Actually, as this thread indicates, Trump's supporters pretty much avoid what Trump is doing and saying.

Also, as the Meadows statement shows, the White House is staffed by Trump sycophants, not qualified government officials.
We’re not going to control the pandemic. We are going to control the fact that we get vaccines, therapeutics and other mitigations,” the White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows.

This is a switch.

For 3 1/2 years we have heard the White House attempt to clean up Trump's infantile, moronic comments.

"He didn't really mean what he said."

"Trump was using sarcasm."

"Trump was joking."

"What he meant to say was ..."

Today, Trump was busy cleaning up his chief of staff's revealing comment.

Speaking to reporters on the airport tarmac after arriving in Allentown, Pa., Trump was asked to address the controversial remarks made by Meadows. Of course, Trump could not clean up the optics of the comment without lying.

“No, not at all. In fact, the opposite. Absolutely the opposite. We’ve done an incredible job,” Trump said, claiming that the U.S. is “absolutely rounding the corner” despite the country setting a new single-day record of 83,010 coronavirus cases on Friday, and the seven day average of 68,700 is the highest since the pandemic began.

Then Trump went on his merry way, continuing the practice of holding one to three super spreader events per day with his mask-less adoring admirers.
Trump used voter intimidation on Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf (D). “We’re watching you, Governor Wolf, very closely," Trump said.

Trump used intimidation on other Democratic governors. The Post reports, "Trump said he would be closely watching Wolf and other governors, including North Carolina’s Roy Cooper (D) to make sure votes are cast fairly."

Then our President said, "It’s the only way we can lose, in my opinion, is massive fraud.”

How in the hell did this guy become our President? He speaks as though he is talking to idiots.

Is he?
Trump is showing his ineptitude and stupidity once again.

He is hoping voters will forget all about the pandemic sweeping the globe.

"People are tired of COVID," Trump said last week while on the campaign trail. "Yup, there's going to be spikes, there's going to be no spikes, there's going to be vaccines. With or without vaccines, people are tired of COVID."

"I have the biggest rallies I have ever had and we have COVID. People are saying whatever, just leave us alone. They're tired of it," Trump added.

Trump fails to realize he is speaking only to his intelligence challenged, uninformed base. The majority of Americans are aware of the abject stupidity of Trump's statements. How do you forget a pandemic that is surging in the U.S.? The nation hit a record number of daily new cases last week and health officials report more than 8.9 million cases and over 231,000 Americans have died. United States Coronavirus: 8,980,349 Cases and 231,344 Deaths - Worldometer

Trump fails to realize that his base consists of 38% to 42% of the electorate, not nearly enough for his reelection. Also, he speaks only to his largely uneducated base, not even attempting to broaden his base. This is due to his narcissistic persona. He loves the cheering when he makes his outrageous lies about the pandemic, Biden, or the election itself. Cheering that would not be there in the case of a more informed crowd.

As indicated by this forum and this thread, Trump's comments are so ludicrous -- such as the statements above -- that Trump's own base largely ignores him, and they are totally incapable of defending him. His base prefers talking about Democrats, and their favorite subjects are Joe and Hunter Biden.

This source aided me in this report:
The man mostly responsible for Trump's reelection defeat is Donald John Trump.

“Big problems and discrepancies with Mail In Ballots all over the USA. Must have final total on November 3rd,” Trump said Monday on Twitter. Twitter attached a disclaimer that said “content shared in this Tweet is disputed and might be misleading.”

In 2016, Trump was declared the winner the day after Election Day.

"It’s the only way we can lose, in my opinion, is massive fraud,” Trump said.

The polls show Trump losing in nearly every battleground state.

We’re not going to control the pandemic," Trump's chief of staff, Mark Meadows.

Because of their cavalier attitude toward the pandemic, the Trump White House has become a hot bed for the coronavirus. The President, the First Lady, and their son have all tested positive for covid, along with several members of the White House staff. Five members of the vice-president's staff have tested positive. The vice-president continues on the campaign trail holding super spreader events.

Trump continues to host super spreader events, three of them today.

"I have the biggest rallies I have ever had and we have COVID."

"We’ve done an incredible job,” Trump said, claiming that the U.S. is “absolutely rounding the corner.”

The country set a new single-day record of 83,010 coronavirus cases on Friday, and the seven day average of 68,700 is the highest since the pandemic began. 232,000 Americans have died from the virus, and the U.S. leads the world in number of cases and the number of deaths. United States Coronavirus: 9,034,002 Cases and 232,009 Deaths - Worldometer

"People are tired of COVID. Yup, there's going to be spikes, there's going to be no spikes, there's going to be vaccines. With or without vaccines, people are tired of COVID."

The last statement is correct, but we must continue the fight to control the virus. We know the virus won't get tired.
Despite a new wave of COVID-19 cases across the country, President Donald Trump continues to hold frequent in-person rallies that bring together thousands of people with little regard for social distancing. His political events in Washington, D.C., already contributed to an outbreak among his aides and throughout the White House.

New analysis by the Center for American Progress finds that about half of the president’s 22 campaign rallies held between June and September were followed by a county-level increase in COVID-19 cases, suggesting the events may have led to community spread. The analysis also finds that counties that had a lower COVID-19 incidence—a measure of new cases per capita—prior to the rally were more likely to have a visible increase in cases after the rally.

Attendees at rallies—including those held in Pennsylvania, Florida, and North Carolina—tend not wear masks or socially distance, even after Trump himself contracted the virus. In addition, the majority of these events have been in violation of local or state restrictions on gatherings to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Due to concerns about COVID-19, the Trump team suspended rallies in March. It then held two indoor rallies in June and again halted in-person events as the United States approached its second peak of COVID-19 cases. Trump resumed rallies in mid-August, appearing at multiple large events per week.

Due to concerns about COVID-19, the Trump team suspended rallies in March. It then held two indoor rallies in June and again halted in-person events as the United States approached its second peak of COVID-19 cases. Trump resumed rallies in mid-August, appearing at multiple large events per week.

The Atlantic reports, "The United States is sleepwalking into what could become the largest coronavirus outbreak of the pandemic so far."

The country set a new single-day record of 83,010 coronavirus cases on Friday.

The Atlantic continued. "This third surge is far more geographically dispersed than what the country saw in the spring or summer: The virus can now be found in every kind of American community, from tiny farm towns to affluent suburbs to bustling border cities. This is the first of the American surges with no clear epicenter: From North Carolina to North Dakota, and Colorado to Connecticut, more Americans are contracting COVID-19.

"The United States now reports nearly 68,767 new cases every day. That is the highest average since the pandemic began. Since the middle of September, the number of new cases diagnosed each day has swelled by 73 percent. The number of Americans hospitalized has increased by at least 40 percent."

232,000 Americans have died from the virus, and the daily death toll remains steady.

“I say that all the time. The U.S. is rounding the turn with or without the vaccine,” our President.
"The United States now reports nearly 68,767 new cases every day. That is the highest average since the pandemic began. Since the middle of September, the number of new cases diagnosed each day has swelled by 73 percent. The number of Americans hospitalized has increased by at least 40 percent."

232,000 Americans have died from the virus, and the daily death toll remains steady.

CNN reports, "Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner boasted in mid-April about how the President had cut out the doctors and scientists advising him on the unfolding coronavirus pandemic, comments that came as more than 40,000 Americans already had died from the virus, which was ravaging New York City.

"In a taped interview on April 18, Kushner told legendary journalist Bob Woodward that Trump was "getting the country back from the doctors" in what he called a "negotiated settlement." Kushner also proclaimed that the US was moving swiftly through the "panic phase" and "pain phase" of the pandemic and that the country was at the "beginning of the comeback phase."

The comeback phase
Kushner describes what he sees as the three phases of the pandemic: panic, pain, and the comeback; claiming the comeback started in mid-April.

There were three phases. There’s the panic phase, the pain phase and then the comeback phase. I do believe that last night symbolized kind of the beginning of the comeback phase. That doesn’t mean there’s not still a lot of pain and there won’t be pain for a while, but that basically was, we’ve now put out rules to get back to work. Trump’s now back in charge. It’s not the doctors. They’ve kind of – we have, like, a negotiated settlement.

"The statement reflected a political strategy. Instead of following the health experts' advice, Trump and Kushner were focused on what would help the President on Election Day. By their calculations, Trump would be the "open-up president.'"

Little wonder why Trump's supporters are avoiding Trump.
Trump wanted a large bounce coming out of the Republican National Convention, and early evidence is that he did not receive one. The new ABC News/Ipsos poll is especially harsh for Trump. Although it did not poll the horse race, it did poll the candidates' favorability ratings.

Detailed findings:

Among all Americans, responses to the RNC are more negative than the DNC.

Slightly more than one in three Americans (37%) approve of what the Republicans said and did at their convention, compared to 59% who disapprove. After the DNC, 53% approved of the Democrats’ message.

Sixty-two percent feel the Republicans spent too much time criticizing the Democrats, compared to 51% of Americans who said Democrats spent too much time criticizing Republicans at their convention.

Currently, 31% of Americans feel favorable toward Donald Trump, unchanged from last week (32%) and similar to his standing before both conventions (35%).

The same is true for Joe Biden: 46% feel favorable, virtually the same as last week (45%). However, more Americans feel positive toward Biden than negative, an improvement from earlier in August.

Just over a third of Americans (35%) approve of how Trump is handling the response to the coronavirus, unchanged from the end of July (34%).

Views toward Trump, Biden unchanged after the conventions | Ipsos
Libbers are such brain dead lemmings

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