The realities of the Trump administration

There's nothing blind about our support of Trump. We've seen the alternative, and we want no part of that.

Great, instead of talking about it, defend Trump.

You have not seen the alternative. You have only seen what Trump has told you, and he passed the threshold of 20,000 lies a long time ago.

See link, or, perhaps, you don't want to know the truth.

There's nothing blind about our support of Trump. We've seen the alternative, and we want no part of that.

Great, instead of talking about it, defend Trump.

You have not seen the alternative. You have only seen what Trump has told you, and he passed the threshold of 20,000 lies a long time ago.

See link, or, perhaps, you don't want to know the truth.

Only brain damaged morons are swallowing the 20,000 lies claim. Hillary was the alternative, and we know what she is all about. Biden is a puppet of BLM and Antifa. Anyone who wants any part of that is clinically insane.
A seventeen year old kid armed with an AR-15 walks down a street in Kenosha declaring he is there to establish law and order. The Trump supporter killed two people and is being charged with murder. Today, at a press conference, Trump said the kid was attacked.

Two days ago a group of right wing supporters drove onto the streets of Portland in pickup trucks looking for trouble. They found it. A man was shot and killed. Today, Trump called them peaceful protesters.

After what i've seen from the Communist Democrats i will never vote for them!
Sandy Shanks, the fact you cannot type an intelligent paragraph catches my attention. So the question is, are you retarded, uneducated or both?
Only brain damaged morons are swallowing the 20,000 lies claim. Hillary was the alternative, and we know what she is all about. Biden is a puppet of BLM and Antifa. Anyone who wants any part of that is clinically insane.

Right wing extremists in this country are having a field day with Trump as our President. They never counter Trump's critics because Trump is doing exactly what they want him to do.

How do we know this? In several ways they say so.
Trump wanted a large bounce coming out of the Republican National Convention, and early evidence is that he did not receive one. The new ABC News/Ipsos poll is especially harsh for Trump. Although it did not poll the horse race, it did poll the candidates' favorability ratings.

Detailed findings:

Among all Americans, responses to the RNC are more negative than the DNC.

Slightly more than one in three Americans (37%) approve of what the Republicans said and did at their convention, compared to 59% who disapprove. After the DNC, 53% approved of the Democrats’ message.

Sixty-two percent feel the Republicans spent too much time criticizing the Democrats, compared to 51% of Americans who said Democrats spent too much time criticizing Republicans at their convention.

Currently, 31% of Americans feel favorable toward Donald Trump, unchanged from last week (32%) and similar to his standing before both conventions (35%).

The same is true for Joe Biden: 46% feel favorable, virtually the same as last week (45%). However, more Americans feel positive toward Biden than negative, an improvement from earlier in August.

Just over a third of Americans (35%) approve of how Trump is handling the response to the coronavirus, unchanged from the end of July (34%).

Views toward Trump, Biden unchanged after the conventions | Ipsos
I guess that's why democrats are now condemning the riots they once supported
because president Trump is so far down in the polls lol
A seventeen year old kid armed with an AR-15 walks down a street in Kenosha declaring he is there to establish law and order. The Trump supporter killed two people and is being charged with murder. Today, at a press conference, Trump said the kid was attacked.

Two days ago a group of right wing supporters drove onto the streets of Portland in pickup trucks looking for trouble. They found it. A man was shot and killed. Today, Trump called them peaceful protesters.

After what i've seen from the Communist Democrats i will never vote for them!
Sandy Shanks, the fact you cannot type an intelligent paragraph catches my attention. So the question is, are you retarded, uneducated or both?
Only brain damaged morons are swallowing the 20,000 lies claim. Hillary was the alternative, and we know what she is all about. Biden is a puppet of BLM and Antifa. Anyone who wants any part of that is clinically insane.

Right wing extremists in this country are having a field day with Trump as our President. They never counter Trump's critics because Trump is doing exactly what they want him to do.

How do we know this? In several ways they say so.
The Trump supporter killed two people....

No, he killed two commies...There's a difference.

Today, at a press conference, Trump said the kid was attacked.

All the very easily obtainable video evidence supports this claim.
A seventeen year old kid armed with an AR-15 walks down a street in Kenosha declaring he is there to establish law and order. The Trump supporter killed two people and is being charged with murder. Today, at a press conference, Trump said the kid was attacked.

Two days ago a group of right wing supporters drove onto the streets of Portland in pickup trucks looking for trouble. They found it. A man was shot and killed. Today, Trump called them peaceful protesters.

After what i've seen from the Communist Democrats i will never vote for them!
Sandy Shanks, the fact you cannot type an intelligent paragraph catches my attention. So the question is, are you retarded, uneducated or both?
Only brain damaged morons are swallowing the 20,000 lies claim. Hillary was the alternative, and we know what she is all about. Biden is a puppet of BLM and Antifa. Anyone who wants any part of that is clinically insane.

Right wing extremists in this country are having a field day with Trump as our President. They never counter Trump's critics because Trump is doing exactly what they want him to do.

How do we know this? In several ways they say so.
The kid was defending his life when he was being attacked by adult arsonist, wife beater, and one other adult criminal
Second, there is NOTHING Trump can do about liberal riots in liberals cities run by liberal Democrat mayors and governors.

You are missing the point. The important factor is the reason for the "liberal riots" in liberal cities.

Also, nearly every major city in the U.S. is controlled by Democrats, even in Trump country, the South. So, if there is a problem in a large city -- and there generally is -- it will be a city controlled by Democrats,

The reality is, currently our country is being torn apart and it is happening on Trump's watch!

The reality is, Trump is blaming Biden for
what may happen in the future.
The riots are because of leftists cities police policies
In my opinion, Trump is not going to Kenosha tomorrow because of the bad publicity. The election is only a few weeks away, and, if the divider-in-chief goes to Kenosha he is far and away the dumbest politician on the planet.

Trump yearns for attention. It is why he says and does so many foolish things. However, yearning for attention is one thing. Being suicidal is something else.

He will find some excuse not to go. The GOP leadership will insist on it.

If they don't, they want to rid themselves of Trump.

Or, the admiration from his loyal base is more important than his reelection, meaning Trump would go after all.
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A seventeen year old kid armed with an AR-15 walks down a street in Kenosha declaring he is there to establish law and order. The Trump supporter killed two people and is being charged with murder. Today, at a press conference, Trump said the kid was attacked.

Two days ago a group of right wing supporters drove onto the streets of Portland in pickup trucks looking for trouble. They found it. A man was shot and killed. Today, Trump called them peaceful protesters.

After what i've seen from the Communist Democrats i will never vote for them!
Sandy Shanks, the fact you cannot type an intelligent paragraph catches my attention. So the question is, are you retarded, uneducated or both?
Only brain damaged morons are swallowing the 20,000 lies claim. Hillary was the alternative, and we know what she is all about. Biden is a puppet of BLM and Antifa. Anyone who wants any part of that is clinically insane.

Right wing extremists in this country are having a field day with Trump as our President. They never counter Trump's critics because Trump is doing exactly what they want him to do.

How do we know this? In several ways they say so.
Your claims are all lies. Kyle never said he was there to establish law and order. He was attacked.

Driving downtown doesn't automatically mean you are looking for trouble. Once of the assailants said right before shooting the victim "we got us a Trump supporter here."

This is what you're defending.

You're a bloodthirsty thug.
In my opinion, Trump is not going to Kenosha tomorrow because of the bad publicity. The election is only a few weeks away, and, if the divider-in-chief goes to Kenosha he is far and away the dumbest politician on the planet.

Trump yearns for attention. It is why he says and does so many foolish things. However, yearning for attention is one thing. Being suicidal is something else.

He will find some excuse not to go. The GOP leadership will insist on it.

If they don't, they want to rid themselves of Trump.

Or, the admiration from his loyal base is more important than his reelection, meaning Trump would go after all.
Biden isn't going because the people of Kenosha have told him to stay away.
Doctor Donald Trump has some rather strange advice, some of it coming from his advisors.

Earlier he recommended that those who had come in contact with a person infected with Covid-19, but is asymptomatic, need not be tested. No one is taking the insane guideline seriously.

One of Doctor Trump’s top medical advisers is urging the White House to embrace a controversial “herd immunity” strategy to combat the pandemic, which would entail allowing the coronavirus to spread through most of the population to quickly build resistance to the virus, while taking steps to protect those in nursing homes and other vulnerable populations.

His name is Scott Atlas, a neuroradiologist, not an epidemiologist. He was a frequent guest on Fox News. He advocated that the United States adopt the model Sweden has used to respond to the virus outbreak, which relies on lifting restrictions so the healthy can build up immunity to the disease rather than limiting social and business interactions to prevent the virus from spreading.

In other words, Doctor Trump is recommending a survival of the fitness program, promising millions would die in the U.S., but the rest would be immune from the virus.

Sweden has among the highest infection and death rates in the world. It also hasn’t escaped the deep economic problems resulting from the pandemic. But Sweden’s approach has gained support among some conservatives who argue that social distancing restrictions are crushing the economy and infringing on people’s liberties.

Strange, Doctor Trump seems more concerned about the economy than American lives.

Which would explain still another scheme. Doctor Trump okayed FDA head Stephen Hahn's plan to short circuit the research for an effective vaccine. In an interview with the Financial Times, Stephen Hahn said his agency was prepared to authorize a vaccine before Phase Three clinical trials were complete, as long as officials believed the benefits outweighed the risks.

Put another way, Doctor Trump wants a vaccine before the election, say around November 1.

It might be wise to find ourselves another doctor. helped with this report.
Trump claimed in a tweet that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had "quietly" updated its numbers "to admit that only 6%" of people listed as coronavirus deaths "actually died from Covid," since "the other 94% had 2-3 other serious illnesses."

Twitter removed our President's tweet with a message saying, "This Tweet is no longer available because it violated the Twitter Rules."

As of Sunday at 4 p.m. ET, Twitter had not removed a second tweet, also retweeted by Trump on Sunday, that spread the same false claim. The second tweet, by Trump campaign adviser Jenna Ellis, linked to an article on the right-wing website Gateway Pundit that was based on the QAnon supporter's tweet.

Twitter hadn't removed the tweet undoubtedly because they deduced it was just from some knucklehead and harmless. Nobody believes Gateway Pundit the weird QAnon conspiracy.

Twitter removes QAnon supporter's false claim about coronavirus death statistics that Trump had retweeted helped with this report.
In my opinion, Trump is not going to Kenosha tomorrow because of the bad publicity. The election is only a few weeks away, and, if the divider-in-chief goes to Kenosha he is far and away the dumbest politician on the planet.

Trump yearns for attention. It is why he says and does so many foolish things. However, yearning for attention is one thing. Being suicidal is something else.

He will find some excuse not to go. The GOP leadership will insist on it.

If they don't, they want to rid themselves of Trump.

Or, the admiration from his loyal base is more important than his reelection, meaning Trump would go after all.

Wrong answer, dumbass!
Trump directed his political hack not to brief Congress on election security. Trump does not want the American voter to know how much Russia is helping him get elected.

Vox reports, "The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) told Congress that it would no longer deliver in-person election security briefings, a move that’s angered lawmakers as Election Day approaches.

"The change could make it more difficult for members of Congress to ask detailed questions about election security or press officials on their findings, a worrisome proposition for oversight in a year when foreign meddling has already been confirmed.

"Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, a Trump loyalist confirmed to the position in May, informed members of the House and Senate Friday of the change, noting they will continue to provide members with written updates."

“I believe this approach helps ensure, to the maximum extent possible, that the information ODNI provides Congress in support of your oversight responsibilities on elections security, foreign malign influence, and election interference is not misunderstood nor politicized,” Ratcliffe wrote in a letter dated August 28.

It also means Ratcliffe (and Trump) will decide what Congress sees and doesn't see.

That is not oversight as is mandated by our Constitution. It is not the first time Trump has violated our Constitution and it won't be the last.

When are Trump Republicans and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell going to rein in this miscreant President? Will it be after Trump has usurped all the power the Senate Constitutionally has?
Trump directed his political hack not to brief Congress on election security. Trump does not want the American voter to know how much Russia is helping him get elected.

Vox reports, "The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) told Congress that it would no longer deliver in-person election security briefings, a move that’s angered lawmakers as Election Day approaches.

"The change could make it more difficult for members of Congress to ask detailed questions about election security or press officials on their findings, a worrisome proposition for oversight in a year when foreign meddling has already been confirmed.

"Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, a Trump loyalist confirmed to the position in May, informed members of the House and Senate Friday of the change, noting they will continue to provide members with written updates."

“I believe this approach helps ensure, to the maximum extent possible, that the information ODNI provides Congress in support of your oversight responsibilities on elections security, foreign malign influence, and election interference is not misunderstood nor politicized,” Ratcliffe wrote in a letter dated August 28.

It also means Ratcliffe (and Trump) will decide what Congress sees and doesn't see.

That is not oversight as is mandated by our Constitution. It is not the first time Trump has violated our Constitution and it won't be the last.

When are Trump Republicans and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell going to rein in this miscreant President? Will it be after Trump has usurped all the power the Senate Constitutionally has?
Thank you for proving you are functionally illiterate. That is NOT what he said, dumbass!
Remember that help Trump promised the unemployed and closed businesses with his executive order. At the time I called it a photo op, and he was lying again because I knew he could not deliver.

Turns out, it was a photo op.

Nothing has been done, and Trump has probably forgotten all about it. Strangely enough, with our country tearing itself apart under his leadership, he is the law and order candidate candidate, not the progressive candidate handing out federal cash to the unfortunate.

Trump took unilateral action signing one executive order and three memoranda on Aug. 8 after negotiations stalled between negotiators on Capitol Hill on the next economic stimulus package.

Trump's COVID-19 relief executive actions range from working to slow evictions, extend unemployment benefits and pause payroll taxes, and ultimately provide more assistance to Americans hurting financially from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Talks are still stalled despite continued name-calling and finger-pointing that indicates both sides recognize the need for a relief package. The Senate adjourned until Labor Day and the House, after returning to pass legislation to provide funding for the USPS, so far have gaveled in on a few pro forma sessions.

Since negotiations are in a deadlock, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said that the administration is looking at other executive actions, such as for the airline industry.

On Aug. 11, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that the unemployment benefit could start in a "week or two." Checks haven't been sent out.

The Detroit News reports, "When violence broke out in Kenosha, Wisconsin, a week ago, Trump’s demand that National Guard troops be used came a day after the Democratic governor had already activated them."

“If I didn’t INSIST on having the National Guard activate and go into Kenosha, Wisconsin, there would be no Kenosha right now,” our President.

What an incredibly absurd comment from our President. The sixth grader next door knows the National Guard is commanded by state governors, not the President. It is hard to believe Trump doesn't know that. Perhaps, he has convinced himself that his loyal base does not know that, and they will believe the colossal lie.

The president repeatedly claimed that violence in Kenosha ended right away after he announced he was sending in the National Guard last Wednesday.

“This ended within an hour, as soon as we announced we were coming, and then they saw we were here. This ended immediately, and it should be that way all over,” he said

Yesterday, Trump defended an armed supporter of his, a 17-year old vigilante with an AR-15 walking down a street in Kenosha. Kyle Rittenhouse killed two men and is being charged with murder. Trump said Rittenhouse was being threatened.

I am at a loss to understand why some Americans support this guy. This will remain a mystery. They never say why, and they don't even bother to defend Trump. Mostly, they avoid him.
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I am at a loss to understand why some Americans support this guy. This will remain a mystery. They never say why, and they don't even bother to defend Trump. Mostly, they avoid him.

I don't want to mess this up. I will let the professionals and their staff at ABC News explain this. Trump has said a lot of weird things, but this is really weird. Keep in mind, this is our President talking.

President Donald Trump on Tuesday provided no evidence for a conspiracy theory he promoted the day before about a supposed plane full of black-clad protesters he claimed had aimed to disrupt the Republican convention last week.

Trump said in a Monday interview with Fox News that "people that are in the dark shadows" have "control" over his Democratic opponent for the presidency, former Vice President Joe Biden.

"What does that mean?" the right-wing host, Trump ally Laura Ingraham, asked. "That sounds like a conspiracy theory."

Trump went on: "We had somebody get on a plane from a certain city this weekend, and in the plane it was almost completely loaded with thugs wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms with gear and this and that. They're on a plane." The president did not provide any connection in his story to Biden.

He said he would say "sometime" where exactly the incident took place and that "it's under investigation right now."

"They came from a certain city, and this person was coming to the Republican National Convention, and there were like seven people on the plane like this person, and then a lot of people were on the plane to do big damage," he said.

But when asked about the story by reporters on Tuesday morning, the president said his story was based on "a firsthand account of a plane going from Washington to wherever" -- changing the direction the plane was flying, compared to what he claimed the day before.

The White House on Tuesday would not provide any specific information about the president's story.
[Well, no kidding.]

There is very little doubt about it. Our President is mentally ill. No one has any idea what he is talking about.

I would love to hear what Republican lawmakers have to say about Trump in the privacy of their homes or in private conversations with their colleagues.
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The Detroit News reports, "When violence broke out in Kenosha, Wisconsin, a week ago, Trump’s demand that National Guard troops be used came a day after the Democratic governor had already activated them."

“If I didn’t INSIST on having the National Guard activate and go into Kenosha, Wisconsin, there would be no Kenosha right now,” our President.

What an incredibly absurd comment from our President. The sixth grader next door knows the National Guard is commanded by state governors, not the President. It is hard to believe Trump doesn't know that. Perhaps, he has convinced himself that his loyal base does not know that, and they will believe the colossal lie.

The president repeatedly claimed that violence in Kenosha ended right away after he announced he was sending in the National Guard last Wednesday.

“This ended within an hour, as soon as we announced we were coming, and then they saw we were here. This ended immediately, and it should be that way all over,” he said

Yesterday, Trump defended an armed supporter of his, a 17-year old vigilante with an AR-15 walking down a street in Kenosha. Kyle Rittenhouse killed two men and is being charged with murder. Trump said Rittenhouse was being threatened.

I am at a loss to understand why some Americans support this guy. This will remain a mystery. They never say why, and they don't even bother to defend Trump. Mostly, they avoid him.

How about because Trump is apparently telling the truth and all indications were that it was self-defense?

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