The realities of the Trump administration

Our president has gone nuts!

Recently, Trump presented his newest conspiracy theory. "We had somebody get on a plane from a certain city this weekend, and in the plane it was almost completely loaded with thugs wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms with gear and this and that. They're on a plane."

His story was based on "a firsthand account of a plane going from Washington to wherever," and "it's under investigation right now."

Next, Trump recommended "herd immunity" as explained by his new medical advisor who is not an epidemiologist. Dr. Scott W. Atlas argued that the science of mask wearing is uncertain, that children cannot pass on the coronavirus and that the role of the government is not to stamp out the virus but to protect its most vulnerable citizens as the highly contagious virus runs its course through the population.

Trump then encouraged his adoring admirers to commit a felony. "So let them send it [mail-in ballot] in and let them go vote [in person], and if their system's as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote. If it isn't tabulated, they'll be able to vote,” our President said.

Around the same time, one of Trump's people, Robert Redfield, head of the CDC, told public health officials in all 50 states and five large cities that they should prepare to distribute a coronavirus vaccine to health care workers and other high-risk groups as soon as late October or early November.

Wow! Ain't that something. Just in time for the election.

All this has happened in the past three days!

Now Trunp is establishing policy on the basis of what he hears on Fox News, thus revealing insight into his intellectual capacity.

CNN reports, "Trump recently banned federal agencies from conducting racial sensitivity training related to "white privilege" and "critical race theory" that his administration says amounts to "divisive, anti-American propaganda," the latest overture to his political base two months before the presidential election.

"Citing unspecified "press reports," [I'll get to that in a moment] Russell Vought, director of the Office of Management and Budget, decried the "millions of taxpayer dollars" spent on such programs "across the Executive Branch" in a two-page memo."

CNN continued, "Vought directed federal agencies to identify contracts and agency spending related to training programs that suggest the US "is an inherently racist or evil country" or "that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil.'"

I agree, I have no idea what Trump is talking about either. Apparently he thinks white power is being taught in the executive branch. That's just crazy.

CNN and other news outlets all say that it's unclear to what extent such training exist or the source of the information Trump is alluding to. I guess they don't want to make our President look like a fool.

The source of the Critical Race Theory Trump and Vought failed to mention is Fox News.

USA Today reports, "Chris Rufo, a Discovery Institute Research fellow who criticized critical race theory on Fox News on this week, suggested that he influenced Trump's thinking, thanking the president on Twitter."

"I think that it's something that (Trump) has denounced, this kind of Black Lives Matter and neo-Marxist rhetoric in places like Portland and Seattle, but it's time to take action and destroy it within his own administration," Rufo said on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on Tuesday.

"The president retweeted on Saturday morning a clip of Rufo talking about critical race theory on Tucker Carlson's show," according to USA Today and several other sources including Fox News, of course.

This is insane.

No wonder Trump's followers are silent. No wonder they avoid Trump. How can anyone defend that kind of behavior? The question remaining is, why are they supporting Trump?

Profile photo, opens profile page on Twitter in a new tab

Christopher F. Rufo


On Tuesday, I called on the President to abolish critical race theory in the federal government. Tonight, he delivered. This executive action is the first successful counterattack against critical race theory in American history. Tonight, we celebrate; tomorrow, back to war.



Russ Vought

The days of taxpayer funded indoctrination trainings that sow division and racism are over. Under the direction of @POTUS we are directing agencies to halt critical race theory trainings immediately.
5:45 PM · Sep 4, 2020

Trump is a sick man. Even his followers are not questioning that.
You believe you're describing Trump supporters, but you're actually describing Biden voters. TDS morons are the shallowest most transparent people on the planet.

What a fucking douchebag.

I appreciate your effort to prove what I said about Trump's followers. Thank you.

There is a distinct difference between defending your hero and focusing entirely on the critic. The latter is a show of weakness.
Our president has gone nuts!

Recently, Trump presented his newest conspiracy theory. "We had somebody get on a plane from a certain city this weekend, and in the plane it was almost completely loaded with thugs wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms with gear and this and that. They're on a plane."

His story was based on "a firsthand account of a plane going from Washington to wherever," and "it's under investigation right now."

Next, Trump recommended "herd immunity" as explained by his new medical advisor who is not an epidemiologist. Dr. Scott W. Atlas argued that the science of mask wearing is uncertain, that children cannot pass on the coronavirus and that the role of the government is not to stamp out the virus but to protect its most vulnerable citizens as the highly contagious virus runs its course through the population.

Trump then encouraged his adoring admirers to commit a felony. "So let them send it [mail-in ballot] in and let them go vote [in person], and if their system's as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote. If it isn't tabulated, they'll be able to vote,” our President said.

Around the same time, one of Trump's people, Robert Redfield, head of the CDC, told public health officials in all 50 states and five large cities that they should prepare to distribute a coronavirus vaccine to health care workers and other high-risk groups as soon as late October or early November.

Wow! Ain't that something. Just in time for the election.

All this has happened in the past three days!

Now Trunp is establishing policy on the basis of what he hears on Fox News, thus revealing insight into his intellectual capacity.

CNN reports, "Trump recently banned federal agencies from conducting racial sensitivity training related to "white privilege" and "critical race theory" that his administration says amounts to "divisive, anti-American propaganda," the latest overture to his political base two months before the presidential election.

"Citing unspecified "press reports," [I'll get to that in a moment] Russell Vought, director of the Office of Management and Budget, decried the "millions of taxpayer dollars" spent on such programs "across the Executive Branch" in a two-page memo."

CNN continued, "Vought directed federal agencies to identify contracts and agency spending related to training programs that suggest the US "is an inherently racist or evil country" or "that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil.'"

I agree, I have no idea what Trump is talking about either. Apparently he thinks white power is being taught in the executive branch. That's just crazy.

CNN and other news outlets all say that it's unclear to what extent such training exist or the source of the information Trump is alluding to. I guess they don't want to make our President look like a fool.

The source of the Critical Race Theory Trump and Vought failed to mention is Fox News.

USA Today reports, "Chris Rufo, a Discovery Institute Research fellow who criticized critical race theory on Fox News on this week, suggested that he influenced Trump's thinking, thanking the president on Twitter."

"I think that it's something that (Trump) has denounced, this kind of Black Lives Matter and neo-Marxist rhetoric in places like Portland and Seattle, but it's time to take action and destroy it within his own administration," Rufo said on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on Tuesday.

"The president retweeted on Saturday morning a clip of Rufo talking about critical race theory on Tucker Carlson's show," according to USA Today and several other sources including Fox News, of course.

This is insane.

No wonder Trump's followers are silent. No wonder they avoid Trump. How can anyone defend that kind of behavior? The question remaining is, why are they supporting Trump?
Trump does not defend and his supporters are foolish to try because Trump will not play a defensive game. Trump learned from his mentor and lawyer, Roy Cohn, in the 1980s, "Deflect and distract, never give in, never admit fault, lie and attack, lie and attack."
Profile photo, opens profile page on Twitter in a new tab
Christopher F. Rufo

On Tuesday, I called on the President to abolish critical race theory in the federal government. Tonight, he delivered. This executive action is the first successful counterattack against critical race theory in American history. Tonight, we celebrate; tomorrow, back to war.



Russ Vought

The days of taxpayer funded indoctrination trainings that sow division and racism are over. Under the direction of @POTUS we are directing agencies to halt critical race theory trainings immediately.
5:45 PM · Sep 4, 2020

Trump is a sick man. Even his followers are not questioning that.
They don't care as long as he keeps telling them what they want to hear.
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No wonder Trump's followers are silent. No wonder they avoid Trump. How can anyone defend that kind of behavior? The question remaining is, why are they supporting Trump?

We will never know. Except for ludicrous fantasies -- Trump will win by a landslide, Trump is America's greatest President, because of the enormous amount of violence on his watch, Trump will win in November, and so on -- and meaningless, theoretical hyperbole, Trump's fans avoid talking about Trump.

This is fully illustrated on this thread and others, particularly threads that are unfriendly to Trump. On those threads, Trump's fans are mum.
Trump wanted a large bounce coming out of the Republican National Convention, and early evidence is that he did not receive one. The new ABC News/Ipsos poll is especially harsh for Trump. Although it did not poll the horse race, it did poll the candidates' favorability ratings.

Detailed findings:

Among all Americans, responses to the RNC are more negative than the DNC.

Slightly more than one in three Americans (37%) approve of what the Republicans said and did at their convention, compared to 59% who disapprove. After the DNC, 53% approved of the Democrats’ message.

Sixty-two percent feel the Republicans spent too much time criticizing the Democrats, compared to 51% of Americans who said Democrats spent too much time criticizing Republicans at their convention.

Currently, 31% of Americans feel favorable toward Donald Trump, unchanged from last week (32%) and similar to his standing before both conventions (35%).

The same is true for Joe Biden: 46% feel favorable, virtually the same as last week (45%). However, more Americans feel positive toward Biden than negative, an improvement from earlier in August.

Just over a third of Americans (35%) approve of how Trump is handling the response to the coronavirus, unchanged from the end of July (34%).

Views toward Trump, Biden unchanged after the conventions | Ipsos

Spin little hackster, SPIN!
A recent Quinnipiac University poll finding 90% of GOP voters approving of Trump's job as President.

Where the freak are they?

It seems pretty clear that Trump does not want to be reelected. He wants to go back to his business where he is in charge and people do what they are told. He has been acting like a complete idiot for the past several weeks.

For one thing Trump is an habitual liar, and everyone knows it, including his followers. Thus, partially explaining their silence when it comes to Trump.

Forbes reports, "Trump is claiming that while the top brass of the U.S. military is not “in love” with him, soldiers are, despite a recent poll that has him trailing former Vice President Joe Biden among active duty service members."

Then, in an effort to lose more votes from active duty service members and those who have undying respect for active duty service members, "during his press conference on Monday, Trump doubled down on his criticism of McCain, saying he has “always been on the opposite side” and “never been a fan” of McCain because “he wanted endless wars and I didn’t,'" according to Forbes. McCain was the Republican Presidential candidate in 2008.

Trump wasn't through trashing the U.S. military. Forbes continued, "Trump offered similar criticism of top military generals and Pentagon officials, with whom he has often had a strained relationship, accusing them of wanting to “do nothing but fight wars” so “all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.'"

An athlete in high school and college, Trump avoided the military because of bad feet.
What else can you expect from an overweight asshole who is also a habitual liar? David Koresh was more believable than Trump.
This pathetic and desperate jerk is using the White House as a prop for his campaign speeches. He laughs at and abuses basic American traditions that have been around for a hundred years or more.

His followers love him for it! We can't allow them to choose our President again.


A vaccine is "going to be done in a very short period of time -- could even have it during the month of October," Trump said at a press briefing Monday. "We'll have the vaccine soon, maybe before a special date. You know what date I'm talking about."

Everyone is laughing at him, and, as evidenced by this thread, his followers have abandoned him. Because he has lied so much, no one, not even his supporters, take him seriously. They defend the jerk by saying he was just joking. That worn-out excuse has been used for 3 1/2 years.

If we believe his fans, we can't take anything our President says at face value.

That is pretty sad.

Of course, Trump's followers won't see this post because they do not want to know the truth.
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This pathetic and desperate jerk is using the White House as a prop for his campaign speeches. He laughs at and abuses basic American traditions that have been around for a hundred years or more.

His followers love him for it! We can't allow them to choose our President again.

View attachment 386060

A vaccine is "going to be done in a very short period of time -- could even have it during the month of October," Trump said at a press briefing Monday. "We'll have the vaccine soon, maybe before a special date. You know what date I'm talking about."

Everyone is laughing at him, and, as evidenced by this thread, his followers have abandoned him. Because he has lied so much, no one, not even his supporters, take him seriously. They defend the jerk by saying he was just joking. That worn-out excuse has been used for 3 1/2 years.

If we believe his fans, we can't take anything our President says at face value.

That is pretty sad.

Of course, Trump's followers won't see this post because they do not want to know the truth.
They just want to hear him say what no modern day president would say, that white supremacist are good people, the election will be fraudulent, I'll send troops into our cities to stop violence, cast your vote by mail and go to the polls and vote, most crimes are committed by illegal immigrants, I will end birthright citizenship, 81% of the homicides are committed by Blacks, 99% of Covid cases are harmless, and I will make America Great Again, all lies but they have served him well.

As Trump revealed in his book, "Art of Deal", you have to determine exactly what people want and you have to at least appear to be giving it to them. Trump rode into office on his promise to build a border wall on the Mexican border paid for by Mexico. The fact that only about 5 miles of new border wall was completed and 200 miles of re-enforced fencing, funded by money he stole from the Defense budget, not Mexico is of no real concern to his supporters because he gave them what they wanted, heated rhetoric filled will anger and threats.
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Everyone is laughing at him, and, as evidenced by this thread, his followers have abandoned him. Because he has lied so much, no one, not even his supporters, take him seriously. They defend the jerk by saying he was just joking. That worn-out excuse has been used for 3 1/2 years.

NPR, reports, "Nine drug companies pledged Tuesday that they will not submit vaccine candidates for FDA review until their safety and efficacy is shown in large clinical trials. The move is intended to bolster public confidence amid the rush to make a COVID-19 vaccine widely available, and counter fears of political pressure to have a vaccine before the November presidential election."

Why are reputable drug makers duplicating what a dairy might pledge? "We will not deliver spoiled milk."

Or a child pledging that 2+2=4.

It became necessary because of the stupidity of our President who pledged to the American people, "We'll have the vaccine soon, maybe before a special date. You know what date I'm talking about."
Everyone is laughing at him, and, as evidenced by this thread, his followers have abandoned him. Because he has lied so much, no one, not even his supporters, take him seriously. They defend the jerk by saying he was just joking. That worn-out excuse has been used for 3 1/2 years.

Did Trump get caught with his hand in the cookie jar? Trump is trying to convince the public that he had not made a series of reported disparaging remarks about US military personnel and veterans, which were first reported by The Atlantic magazine.

From the viewpoint of "He doth protests too much," he is not doing very well. His constant denials are becoming an obsession.

Then, incredibly, the idiot attacked the military at a Monday press conference. He accused the Joint Chiefs of Staff of war profiteering.

"I'm not saying the military's in love with me -- the soldiers are, the top people in the Pentagon probably aren't because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy," Trump told reporters at a White House news conference.

Sometimes one just has to marvel at our President's abject stupidity.

The irony is, Trump has often bragged about how much he spent on those same generals and the military/industrial complex.


Trump has repeatedly boasted of being a boon for the military. He has trumpeted the Pentagon’s $700 billion budget.

“Look, I accomplished the military,” Trump said. Well, we all know what he meant.

There is no possible way this President could see the contradictions of the two statements.
Everyone is laughing at him, and, as evidenced by this thread, his followers have abandoned him. Because he has lied so much, no one, not even his supporters, take him seriously. They defend the jerk by saying he was just joking. That worn-out excuse has been used for 3 1/2 years.

NPR, reports, "Nine drug companies pledged Tuesday that they will not submit vaccine candidates for FDA review until their safety and efficacy is shown in large clinical trials. The move is intended to bolster public confidence amid the rush to make a COVID-19 vaccine widely available, and counter fears of political pressure to have a vaccine before the November presidential election."

Why are reputable drug makers duplicating what a dairy might pledge? "We will not deliver spoiled milk."

Or a child pledging that 2+2=4.

It became necessary because of the stupidity of our President who pledged to the American people, "We'll have the vaccine soon, maybe before a special date. You know what date I'm talking about."
Trump has dug himself into a hole by suggesting that a vaccine may be available by election day. If it happens, the majority of people will see it as political stunt and it will not help Trump. If it doesn't happen, The news media will keep hitting on his politicization of vaccine which is making people distrust the safety. In July, 31% of the people said they would consider taking the vaccine if it became available before the election. However, after Trump's comments about maybe the vaccine being available and fear that the administration might be rushing it for political reasons, only 21% say they will now take it.

His decision to politicize the vaccine may or may not help him at the polls but one thing is for sure, it has made people less trusting of the safety of the vaccine and that is unforgivable because the effectiveness of the vaccine in eliminating covid is very dependent on the number vaccinated. It we end up with an additional 10% or 15% of the people deciding to not take the vaccine next year, what is happening now will continue into 2022. Even more frightening would be a President Trump next year, being his usually contrarian self and refusing to endorse the vaccine as he did with masks and supporting his followers who don't trust vaccines.
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Second, there is NOTHING Trump can do about liberal riots in liberals cities run by liberal Democrat mayors and governors.

You are missing the point. The important factor is the reason for the "liberal riots" in liberal cities.

Also, nearly every major city in the U.S. is controlled by Democrats, even in Trump country, the South. So, if there is a problem in a large city -- and there generally is -- it will be a city controlled by Democrats,

The reality is, currently our country is being torn apart and it is happening on Trump's watch!

The reality is, Trump is blaming Biden for what may happen in the future.
so the demoncrat mayor of rochester received the chiefs and 2 in command officers resignations---surprise---they want no part of demoncrat rochester
these polls, has any one ever been asked? just curious
Since scientific polling requires only representative sample of the population, typically 500 to 1000 and occasional as much as 2,000. Large samples increase cost thus polling companies concentrate on getting the smallest representative sample size that will meet their target margin of error. The chance of being contacted for a scientific poll is not likely.
Some random notes. It can't be helped that Trump makes a fool of himself several times a day. His followers tacitly agree to that statement with their complete silence.

Trump is holding still another maskless political rally, this time in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Videos of the audience revealed they are packed in with social distancing noticeably absent. It is almost as if Trump wants to kill off his supporters.

Due to a lack of sufficient donors, Trump on Tuesday said he'll use personal funds to help his reelection campaign. Although he is President now and that is a remarkable distinction, he compared it to 2016 where, as a candidate, he was forced to use his own money.

Of course, he blames someone else rather than his political organization for the failure. "Because of the China Virus, my Campaign, which has raised a lot of money, was forced to spend in order to counter the Fake News reporting about the way we handled it."

Trump told his audience today that "We are doing a great job on the coronavirus," failing to explain why the nation he leads has a quarter of the world's virus cases, and a quarter of the world's deaths due to the virus. 194,000 Americans have died from the virus. The U.S. has the dubious distinction of being the leader in that category by a large margin.

It is obvious Trump lives in his own little world where truth and reality are not welcome. His followers believe him, and, to Trump, that is all that matters.

Trump hasn't met with any major allied leader since early December. He has caused America's isolation, and we no longer have friendly allies who have our back. Thank you, Mr. President.

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